The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 24, 1921, Image 2

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Carries Entire Ticket to Victory
inOmahnMunicipnl Election
Bridge Measure Defeated
Old Council Members Re-elected and
Mayor to Be Selected From Their
Number Vote Gas Plant Bonds
Omnlia. U. S. Marshal James U.
Dahltnatt, Omaha's formor "cowboy
jnnyor," was oloctcd mayor hero,
carrying with htm to victory hlB on
tiro nlato of sovon commissioners.
Running on a "liberal" platform, tho
Dahlman ticket swopt into ofllco with
n 10,000 majority ovor tho "good
Rovornmont" tlckot headed by Judgo
A. L. Sutton and I'ollco Commissioner
J. Dean Klngor.
Tho moral Issuo and pollco admlnls
tration had been bitterly fought out
In tho hottoat contoBted campaign of
tho city's history, tho losing ticket,
bonded by former District Judgo A. L.
Sutton, having raised tho moral Issue.
Othors oloctcd woro Joseph Koutsky,
John Hopkins, J. D. Hummol and
Honry W. Dunn.
A bond issuo of $1,400,000 for n
freo .brldgo ovor tho Missouri rlvor
connecting Omaha and Council DluffB
was defeated by a slight margin. The
bond issuo of $1,000,000 to extend the
gas plant won by a voto of about
two to ono. ,
.Election Results at Lincoln
Lincoln. Comploto unolllcial re
turns from tho oloctlon show that
throe of tho present city commission
ers, Georgo Dayton, William Schrocder
and John Wright, woro high men, In
tho order named, and Charles W.
Bryan and Frank C. Zohrung woro
oloctcd city commissioners. -
Tho ohartor of tho city of Lincoln
gives to tho now council tho right to
oolect a mayor and to apportion othor
departments In accordance) with tho
wishes of a majority of tho mdmbers.
Throo hold-over mombors woro asso
ciated with Mr. Bryan when ho was
mayor. Two of them woro associated
with Mr. Zohrung during, his term of
' offlco.
As tho roturns began to como In,
Ooorgo Dayton took first placo and
his standing waB novor at any timo
In dangor. Mr. Schroodor was safoly
socond. Thoro was a pretty raco bo
twoen Mr. Wright and Mr. Bryan, for
third placo, which was docidod by tho
last four, precincts to report,
Tho bond Issue of $1)00,000 for a
municipal gas plant carried by n
margin of only Bovonty-four votos.
Nebraska Planes In Mexico
Moxico City. Aeroplanes mado at
Lincoln, Nebraska, started bordor con
trol sorvico tho first of May, uhdor
orders of tho Mexican govornmont.
ToBta mado woro satisfactory to tho
govornmont, and tho bordor .sorvico
will bo extended until twonty-flvo of
tho pianos aro In use. A Nebraska
man, R. Q. Woynnt, Is In charge of
tho Moxlcan govornmont sorvico.
Ask New 8tate Law In Illinois
Springfield, 111. Creation of a now
stato, Northorn Illinois, was advo
cated by Senator Dontlr of Chicago,
who Introduced a resolution In tho
stalo Bonato calling on congress to dl
vorco Cook county and sovon neigh
boring counties from tho othor 94
counties in tho stato,
Fire Destroys Historic Camp
Great Falls, Mont. WooQon build
ings in Nolhart, ono of tho Btato's
historic camps, burned with n loss
estimated at $225,000. Judgo Ooorgo
Roohl, 83, ono of tho town's oldest
rosldonts, was burned to doath.
Charged That Operators,
Miners and Dealers are
Restricting Production
United 8tates Objects to Idea
Cancelling Or Shifting the
Debt of Allies
Indianapolis, Ind, A criminal part
nershlp botweon soft coal operators,
miners and retailors has existed for
many years, according to tho chargo
of tho government in its anti-trust
prosocutlon In tho federal court Iioro.
Tho indictment Is directed at 226 pur-
sons and corporations and Is In five
counts, each charging violation of tho
Sherman anti-trust law.
Among tho individual defendants
aro John L. Lewis, president of tho
united mlno workers of America; D.
B. Wontz, prosldont of the national
coal association, many othors of both
organizations and somo of tho moBt
promlnont oporators In tho country.
Tho minors' olllclals under Indict
mont number thirty-nine, tho opor
ators, retailors and their employes
olghty-olght, tho corporato defendants
nlnoty-nlno. Tho defendants resldo In
six states Missouri, Illinois, Indiana,
Kentucky, Ohio nnd Pennsylvania.
Taken as a wholo tho Indictments
chargo, first, restraint of trade; sec
ond, restraint of commcrco; third,
restraint of trado and commerce;
fourth, conspiracy to monopollso and
fifth monopolization.
Germany's Suggestion Unaccepted
Washington. Tho Unltod tates
govornmont considers tho allied debt
of $10,000,000,000 a just obligation of
the nlllos and dooms unacceptable tho
suggestion mado by Gormany .that
she take it ovor as part of tho pay
ment of reparations to Franco, Great
Britain, Italy and Bolglum. ThM at
tltudo on tho part of tho American
govornmont may bo formally ex
pressed It tho Unltod Statoa over
transmits tho recent Gorman repara
tion proposal to tho allien, as a basis
for discussion, but Inasmuch as such
n stop Is for tho momont unlikely,
tho chances aro that America will
avoid formal comment on tho German
proposition as It affects our foreign
Advocate Trade Supremacy
Cloveland, O. Tho predominating
noto sounded nt tho opening sessions
of tho eighth annual convention of
tho national forolgn trado council was
tho adoption of an actlvo policy of
co-operation betwoon tho bankers,
manufacturers and merchants to main
tain, world supremacy for tho Unltod
States In foreign trado.
Organization of financial resources
to supply long tlmo credits to foreign
countries, doing away with burdon-
lng taxation of Amorlcan Investments
abroad nnd adoption of an olastlc
tariff policy, woro cited as Important
steps In accomplishing this object.
Tho forolgn trado financing corpo
ration, formod under tho Edgo law to
provldo oxtenslon of foreign cfedtts,
wob npprovod by spoakors ob a holp
to America's foreign trado.
Irish Citizen Executed by Soldiers
uuuun. I'atricic uasoy was oxo-
cutod by a firing Bquad at Mitchell-
town, County Cork, less than 24 hours
after ho had participated In an at
tack on crown forces.
During an ambuscade at Mitchell-
town Casey was seen to flro at an
oirtcor who was only 40 yards away,
according to tho testimony adducod
at tho military court. After firing
Casey throw down his rlflo and put
up his hands. When ho was searcho-1
rovoivqr ana ammunition woro
found. Tho military court found him
guilty nnd condemned him to death.
Urge Duty on Mexican Oil
Washington. Oil producers of
southwestern statos urged mombors
of the houso ways and meanB commit-
teo to imposo a duty or $i,50 n,
barrel on Imports of crude oil :ia
protection against Mexican oxports.
It was claimed by tho dologation
that a number of oil fields aro shut
down In this country and that thoro
is a very hoavy reduction In tho mini
ber of persons employed In tho oil
producing Industry, It waB assorted
that tho cost of producing a barrel of
crudo oil In tho Unltod lUatos Is $1.75
as agalnBt only 2G conts In Moxico,
Report German Cabinet Out
London. A tolophono message from
Paris gives a Berlin dispatch saying
that In vlow of tho situation that
nroso In consoquenco of tho roply of
Socrotary Hughos to Gormany's conn
tor proposals on reparations, tho Ger
man govornmont docidod to rosign.
Chancollor Fohronback informod
President Ebort of tho cabinet's do
clslon, whoroupon tho prosldont re
quested tho ministry to contlnuo to
deal with current affairs, which It
consented to do. Tho Gorman cabinet
was formod July 25, 1920,
Favorablo Report on Grain Bill
Washington. Tho Tlnohor bill to
rogulato grain oxchaugos was unanl
mously ordered favorably roportod by
tho houso agriculture committee
Tho bill would empower tho sue
rotary of agriculture to regulato tho
amount of spoculattvo trading by any
Individual or firm at ono tlmo, would
requlro tho kooplng of rocordH ccvor
lng nil transactions for Inspection by
tho socrotary or ofllcla'n of Uie Do
partmont of JubMco, and would per
mlt co-operative associations ot pro
ducers to be members ot exchanges,
(Copy (or Thli Doparttnnnt Supplied by
the American Legion Newa Service.)
Attempt to Arouse Indignation Over
"Horror on the Rhine" Proves
Dismal Failure.
"Tho Qormnnophlle attempt to
arouse American Indignation wax tho
horror, on the, Rhine' nnd thereby to
lend to a split, spiritual rather than
diplomatic, between America nnd her
recent allies hns failed of Its purpose
In precisely tho sumo way that Ger
man propaganda In this country fulled
In every ono of the yenrs between
1014 nnd 1918," says nn editorial In
(ho Amerlcnn Legion Weekly,
Tho truth Is merely that tho Ger
mans do ndt know how to go about
It. 'Kultur' obviously docs not Include
nny knowledge of tho flno art of get
ting somcethlng over, n fact nmply at
tested by the reflex action which Iioh
accompanied tho present attempt. The
Von Mnch style of persuasiveness Is
no more subtle than the efforts of a
St. Bernard puppy to stand up on a
hardwood Hoor. It is flattering the
Von Much typo of 'boring from within'
to call Its Insidious. Insidious It Is,
howover, In Its Intent If not In Its application.
"Dr, Von Mnch has proved .himself
n poor servant of his country, wheth
er ho regards his country as America
or Germany. lie Is n poor American
for having tried to win America over
to tho point of view of tho unrepen
tant nation to defeat whoso govern
ment 100,000 Americans gave their
lives, for nttemplng to resurrect a
hyphen that was theoretically burled
Just three years ago. no Is n poor
Gcrtnnn because his clumsiness has
served only to tirousc America to tho
fact that sho Is still at wor with Germany."
Two-Headed Animal Aids In Raising
Organization's Funds From
$100 to $1,500.
The Golden Cnlf of tho Twentieth
century has been discovered by tho
Amerlcnn Legion post at -Fredericks
burg, Va., which owes nn increase In
Its working capital from $100 to $1,G00
to n two-headed Juvenile cow, In full
title to which tho post Invested Its
scant $100 Inst fall.
Having induced a Westmoreland
county farmer to part with tho freak
animal for this sum, a special levy of
various smnll amounts was made
upon the treasury to buy nourishment
for tho cnlf. Then came the Virginia
state fair In Richmond nnd the calf
was In full bloom,, oatlng both his
bends off nnd waxing fat withal.
Tho Fredericksburg post put him
on exhibit, charging a suitable fee.
When the fair wns over nnd the dust
had sottled, tho post treasury con
tained $l.C0O the accrued earnings of
8tlllman Resigns As Dank President
Now York. On tho ovo of resum
ing tho court battle for divorce James
A. Stlllman resigned tho presidency
of tho National City bank. Rumors
that ho would relinquish this posi
tion, which his father hold before
him, had circulated frequently slnco
tho banker nnd hlB wife openly ac
cused qach othor ot lnfldolity.
Lodge Officials Are Fined
Dos Moines, la. Omcers of tho
Eaglos lodge of Marshalltown, Iowa,
woro fined $100 oach In Federal Judgo
Martin Wado's court bore for manu
facturing homo brow for tholr Initia
tion colouration. Flnca wera held to
a minimum upon tho promise of tho
officials that thoy would discontinue
any browing operations in tho future.
Ex-Sorvlco Men Promptly Halt Ex
ploltatlons of Pro-German
In response to the warning Issued
by their national commnnder, F. W.
Galbralth, Jr., American Legion mem
bers In mnny parts 6f tho country
have been active In fighting against
efforts of pro-Germnns nnd other
hyphenated persons to" drive n wedgo
between America nnd her allies In th
World wnr.
Twenty-five thousand patriotic citi
zens of New York nttended the "All
American Meeting for God nnd Coun
try," which was held In MndlHon
Hqunre Garden under the auspices of
tho Legion, ns a protest against n pre
vious pro-German meeting, said to Li
for Iho purpose of creating sentlme;,t
agnlr.8t tho alleged "Horrors on tho
Vfhcn word wns received In Phila
delphia Unit Dr. Edmund von Mnch,
notirlous Gcrmffn propagandist, wan
planning to hold n mooting In thnt
city, Legion members nnd other pa
triotic citizens opposed the proposi
tion nnd succeeded In blocking the
Similar nctlon wns taken by the
Legion nnd various societies In Iildlnn-ni-flUs.
Among the organizations co
oiioratlng with the Legion was the nn
tljnul executive committee of tho
American Gymnnstlc "union, composed
o a large membership of citizens of
German extraction, which Insisted
upon unhyphenated citizenship nnd
tcorcd Von Much and George Sylves
ter Vlercck. On the snmo dny the In-
llnnnpolls board of public works an
nounced It would not permit the uso
uf its lnrgo convention hall for tho
proposed Von Mnch meeting.
Learning" that Louisville was on. tho
proposed Itinerary of Doctor Von
Mnch, tho Kentucky department of
tho Legion Instructed posts to uso
every lawful means practicable to
stop tho threatened Invasion of Boche
propagandists." Tho Kentucky Legion's
bulletin also warned against the ac
tivities of Vlcreck.
Legion posts hnve also onposed the
hyphenates In Chlcngo, Cleveland,
Omaha, Clnclnnntl and Milwaukee.
Public Debt Is Increased
WuBhlngton. An lncroaso of $15,-
400,378.40 In tho public dobt during
April has boon announced by tho
tronsury dopartmont. On March 31
tho total waB $23,980,104,307.83, as
comparod with $23,905,564,776.47 on
April 30. Issuunco ot troasury cer
tificates nnd tho paymont ot moro
than $120,000,000 ot lntoroat on pub
lic dobt during tho mouth which was
an off month for Income tax rouolpts,
olllclals explained, was rosponsjblo
tor tho lncroaso.
Two-Headed Calf That Put Virginia
Post on Road to Wealth.
the cnlf and all this for doing notlv
lng but standing still and being hi'
It was recently thnt tho represent!!
tlve of u largo circus mado his offer
of $1M) for the animal nnd It wns ac
cepted. There Is a rumor Uiat tho
excitement ot travel and late hours
have affected tho calf's health and
that he Is a poor Insurance risk.
However, as tho old Romans had It,
caveat emptor.
Tho post plans to reinvest tho $1,(500
ns soon as somo other such good se
curity ns tho calf Is found.
Order Married Soldiers Home
Coblonz. All Amorlcan non-commls-
stoned olllcors and men, up to and
Including sorgoants, who havo mar
rlod Europoans actually In tho Rhino-
land, havo boon ordered homo. Tho
ordor affects about 500, who will sail
with tholr wlveB from Antwerp,
May 12.
This, togothor with vnrloiiB raovo-
mentB ot Amorlcan troopB, coinciding
with tho Knox resolution la Inter
preted (by. tho Gormaua as a proludo
to tho withdrawal ot tho Amorlcan
Legion Men Among the Miners.
Tho activity of the Amorlcan Legion
In tho mining districts of southenst
Kansus Is another pertinent proof
thnt the' mlumlerstnndlng between
labor bodies and tho ox-servlco men's
organization .has been, dissipated. At
Scammon, Kan., tho climax of tho
eight-hour day celebration of the
minors In District 1-1, was reached In
a ball at tho Legion hall, under tho
niiRplcles of Francis Ellison Post
Another Instnnco Is tho almost unpre
cedented growth of Clarenco Smith
Post No. 272 nt Weir. From a member
ship of 21 ex-sorvlco men In 1020, n
total of 112 has been enrolled in 102
Minneapolis Legion Man Can Sing
Tenor, Bass and Baritone Parts
Wonder voices have been heralded
tho world over, nt least slnco the In
ception of tho
press agent. But
It was left for Joe
Kaufman, a for
mer army ser
ge n n t and an
American Legion
member In Min
neapolis, Minn., to
sing tho first male
trio simultaneous
ly, carrying the
parts alone with
the same har
mony and control
of three singers.
Knufman is a government music student.
Tho secret of Kaufman's unusual
nccompllshment has ballled voice ex
perts as well as himself. Several
years ago ho discovered his ability to
produco overtones which gave the
sound of more than ono part. Ho en
tered tho MacPhnll school at Minne
apolis ns n government student and,
ns his voice strengthened nnd became
clearer, he developed tho curious trio.
The only case remotely similar to
that of Kaufman, according to his In
structor In the government school, Is
thnt of n woman singer In whose voice
could bo distinguished ono separate
overtone, over which sho had practi
cally no control. Tho former soldier
In somo way has separated and con
trolled tenor, bass nnd baritone parts
i at At l r 11 t i x rm
' ffiii ml iii1ww'1PilMMMMjM
should be made'
artistic, sanitary
and livable.
Thpsft wjiIIr srirmlrl he Alabastined in the latest,
up-to-the-minute nature color tints. Each room should
reflect your own individuality and the treatment
throughout be a complete perfect harmony in colors.
The walls of the old home, whether mansion or cottage, can be
made just as attractive,, just as sanitary, through the intelligent use of
Instead of kalsomine or wallpaper
How much better, when you have a new home, to itart right than to have
to correct erron afterward from former treatment with other materiali, when
you come to the uie of Alabattine, ai does nearly every one sooner or (iter.
Once your walls are Alabastined you can uie any material over it should you
desire, but having used Alabastine you will have no desire for any other treatment.
Alabastine is so easy to mix and apply so lasting in its results so abso
lutely sanitary and so generally recognized as the proper decorative material in
a class by itself that it is becoming difficult to manufacture fast enough to supply
the demand.
Alabastine is a dry powder, put up in five-pound packages, white and beau
tiful tints, ready to mix and use by the addition of cold water, and with full direc
tions on each oackare. Every taekazt of etnuint
Alabastint has cross and circle printed in red.
Better write us for hand-made color de
signs and special suggestions Give us yourdecor
' ative problems and let us help you work them out.
Alabastine Company
1033 Grandville Ave. Grand Rapids, Mich.
Thoy Have a Place In the World and
a Duty That Is Well Worth
Tho younger crlUcs, says Heywood
Broun, are the lineal descendants of
Uiat little child In Anderson's fairy
talo who, when the emperor was be
ing made a spectacle of nnd all Uie
world wns being fooled by the sharp
tailor, refused to be quiet and cried
out, "He hasn't got anything on." These
young enthusiasts who hnve no posi
tions to Jose and no dignities to, live
up to go about pointing to all our
literary emperors and calling attention
to tho scantiness of their nttlre of
greatness, and refuse to be silenced
by their scandalized or terrified elders.
Good senso bids us welcome their hon
est gaze at even the sacrosanct per
sons. It can't hurt anything renlly
fine,, nnd It's about Umo we 'came out
of somo of our Illusions. William Al
len White sized It up about right from
tho conservative point of view when
ho said In praising "Main Street" : "Of
course, I'm on the other side of tho
street myself, but thnt's Just the rea
son why I like this, book. It gives us
fellows something to nnswer."
Buckeye Boy Bends, Bows and Bor
rows Bad and Beautiful Bonus
Boosting Babble.
"Apt alliteration's artful aid" was
not neglected when nn Akron (O.)
member of tho American Legion spun
the following bonus yarn:
"Burt began to bitterly berate the
'bull' about tho bonus bill, bewailing
tho benighted blgotjry of tho belllger
out )lrls, badly blocking the bonus
by bombastic blusterlngs nnd brablo,
and branding the busted bucks who
boro thi' brunt of the battle as bad
gers and booty-burglars of billions In
bonds, believed by big. bald business
brow-beaters to belong burled In
"Before our bewildered Burt bonrd
ed n boat to become a battle-scarred
vet beyond tho borders of our bright,
beautiful, big country, he beenmo a
benedict; and, back from the battles,
busted and barren of luilllon, our be
nighted boy hero became beautifully
bored because big bibulous bunco men
breathlessly built a bunch of back
hand lies to bribe him by n bunk
promise of n bonus.
"But Burt. Isn't badly brow-beaten
by tho bedraggled babble of a bonus
Blythe, buoynnt nnd bubbling, biding
his tlmo. Burt, the benedict nnd bnt
tlo buddy, and Beulnh, his bride, be
llovo tho bully and bumptious Idea
that a beneficent bunch of birds will be
brought to believe that big battles
beat tho Boche and busted bucks need
bread; nnd beforo bcuueoup belated
years pass a bonus bill to bring tho
bacon back to our buddy, Burt.
One Hopeful Feature.
Christopher Morley reprints In tho
Now York Evening Post the following
"full-pngo sable-ruled advt." In a
"garment weekly": "You .will share
our deep sorrow nt the denth of Mr.
. 'He was the founder nnd organ
izer of the corapnny, which will con
tinue to bear his name. Due to tho
discontinuance of business for u week,
there hns accumulated an enormous
stock of suits and conts which we
will dlsposo of at nn unusunlly low
price. This Is an opportunity which
you cannot afford to miss."
If Persistency Could Have Got It for
Him, We Must Admit He
Deserved It.
The older boys were playing mar
bles. Three-year-old Bobby wished
some agates like his brother had and
asked father for two cents to buy ono
with. The money tvas. given to him
and ho Immediately wished to go to
the store to make the purchase. So
persistent did he become that father
"If you don't keep still about that
agate I will take those pennies away
from you.'
"What will you d6 with Uio pennies
If ,you do tnke them away?" ho asked.
"Why, I'll put them back In my,
"Will ' you take them uptown when
you go to tho office?"
.."Yes; I will."
After a few moments' reflection,
Bobby came back wIUi:
"And will you buy me an agate with,
In taemorlam.
A crowded elevator In n western of
flco building wns nearlng Uie bot
tom of Its descent when It suddenly
dropped a few feet, recovered, and
continued its trip at a normal rate.
"It's nil' right' said the elevator boy
reassuringly. "If It had fallen It would
onlyhave meant a couple of stories."
"That's all," replied a portly gentle
man, casting a solemn eye upward.
"Just two one In the Star and ono In
tho Times." American Legion Weekly.
Bound to Be Saved.
nnzel Aren't you nfrnld of going In
beyond your depth?
Helen No; all the men here think
Fm an heiress. Portland Express.
Death from snakebites are numer-1 About half of the residents of Lower
ouH In Afghanistan. California nro Indians.
let the Children in.too !
It's no longer necessary to
maintain a dividing line
at the breakfast table tea
or coffee for grown-ups
no Hot cup for the youngsters
to each member of the fam
ily, and all will be pleased
and benefited by this pure,
wholesome cereal drink.
"Uteres a Reason for Pos turn
Sold by all grocers
Made by Postum Cereal (bmpanyjlnc:
Battle Creek, Michigan.
thus far.