NORTH PLATTTF3 SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE SemMHeckly Ztibmxt. ffMnMlftltwl In 1M. Wf MOX TOffr. Editor and I'nblhher. Holered At the Jforth I'lutlfl, Hs"braka T'fjfUNUM m gwoiM ClaM Matter. Ohb Tfr In mlrnnrV $2)0 Kf)IT0KMIM A wtwunlwaUiwIlm m Ur jwrt f Ar rbr etir, trt 4jirijHMnt or in -rirtl to tort tM eilr trM)i7 tMt 100 ont of pmrkrt. Th lie MM f for Ike Andfrwn'Srsdcr Hhow Maonnf to JJftf a (tar, tyfecM tke fUr ot jfctefo win( (o fMM ihm Iteenw ther j-r told that tnofr 4rrmftt wrth Hm Ar uprtment wm tout ih tlttmw would fc pld by t firm de partment' Htnc tb depwtmety ! u p.rt f'"0 (mrMtw from the how company U Ik x qawttoR whether It WIiob ih bM for rvn were -.if i, in r,.v uemM or whefh dpfnM 1m wlrtfer Cb lnt bid wm it wIl tM! gW gt t)l ornVl UM mn rrd, A few day ago 1 ciap,y to py it or whUr Uie an nt for one of tha rrln n-;c,ty ofrt?ll will dowuo thu fee to tractor waa in town and rernarKM that the work could now we done for $1.71 a WjHfir yard. From UiIh It would nppoftr that om mighty ood l ho flro department or do ome other rWay. Tho. Kdltor of the Tribune acknow- judgment w mmI when the former j lugee eomplltnoniery ticket to the 8 bid wor ttirnod down. There tire oveml nolftf' Ixirliorxl dlnbtf of varfoua klrtdK In tho country tributary to North Platte about which fdry fow j)(K)plo ever hoar. The Trlb tltio Invito oaeh of Hiomo club to ap point a correspondent who will re port tho Items of Interest In- such i Way that wo may ftfve a corroct ac count to our readers. Kutlmntliii; that til loftHt two pontons read oach copy of the 'frlbuno wo havo about flvo thoiiartd roodora. Wo do not charo for publishing mioh now and will be vory Klad to rocolvo Horns ot thla rm turo at any lime. ' - Wo iiolwiowhllKo rocolpt of nn'ln vllutlon to nttund tlio xruduatloti teral or Utith Alfred a Uanioll front tho HlRh School at I'ulacloa, 'J'ojhib, Until la tho dfiuifhter of Mra. Alfroda Darnoll who lived hor.o until nbottt throo yoaru ago. Wo romoinbor Ituth n a vory bright girl who ttt tractod our attention becatiMo of hor nlnaorlty and dutortiilimtlon to' do well. WfHm Bho loft wo told hor that wo would bo Intoroatod, In hearing of hur auccoaa. Tho iinnouncainnt that canio yontorday ahowa that h)io Is tnaklm; Hood and wo cnrtalnly oongrntttlato hor. We predict a bril liant futiiro for t(ilH youiiR lady If "who only hail tho chanco. nlor Claaa I'lay atid a rery pJoaeant ovoiiIiik enjoying tho " FortMne Hunt or ". We hare a little moro aantiinont In connection with tbla annual eront that with moat amateur play became ot our loriK aaHociatlon with . 8onlor OlaaHOff. For yoara tho Senior Cluaa waa the only achool lntoroat which waa pormlt tod to proaent nnythlnK a ambitious aa a play anM It nlwaya drow a crowd d houao. Lutoly when aovoral other groupa aro In competition, the- Senior Claaa play baa difficulty In attracting a crowd. Tlfo atandard at this yoar'a production wna fully up to tho high atandard t many years ago and It do Korvod a largor attendancp. Tho ,lneoln Hchpol l'aront-Teach-ors Aaaoclatlon hold a mooting Wed n end ay afternoon at tho achool build ing. Thoro waa a nod attendance and th0 Inforoat waa up to tho atandard. Tallul worn Klvon by Mra. WHaon Tout on "Our. Hilda," Mlaa Anna Kramp on "Boy'a AmiiHoniont," and Mlaa ChalTIn on, "Health In No tation -to Conduct," Mra. IS. T. Tramp am Mra, Herbert Tramp ontertalnr)l at a konaliiKlon WodeHdny afternoon In their homo, About forty guoata woro proHont. Mnv Arthur Tramp fmvo two aoloa with Mra. j. J. KratiHO at the piano. Dalntv rcfroBliinonta woro norvcd. $iG0OGG00O0a0G0GOO0iWl0G0ia The first National Bank NORTH PLATTE, NKHItSKA ""Financial Statement Ulay I, 1(121 1 'It fa TIIIS BANK OWES 4 ItH DupoHlturo $000,(101.00 lcdoral lto(jrvo Bunk.. Nothing Corrcupondont BankH, Nothing , Tolnl Indohtodnou.. $0(50,001.00 'irOllL THIS I'URPOSID WID IIAVIS : Vi1 , "i ..V " s 1. 2. a. Cuah ; $ l!)5,70( Aotiinl money ail funila. .with . biKal dopoaltorluH roturnablo ' on demand. Bonds line! SoonritloH $ 8i,7:$0.30 Coinp'oBed ot U. 9. HoihIh, North J'lattu Olty utiii School llondu and warrant. QwrdraflH y 23 1 .41 LOtuiH tl'ayablo lu daya, r. $ lua than ulimty R. LoutiB $ 200,772.00 Vayablo aftor ninety daya '0. Banking Hoube ? 03,71.37 A, ... . mi Total to Mool,lndl)tdni8 $1(I52,778.'12 7. This Loavoi a SURPLUS- 1S0,171.8 Which 1 a Ouaranteu Vawi for oiir 10eiK)ltorj. TIm CMHir COfMniMtoaaca kre eelMetl Uw frai draft of tlleplaae fir aB4 ArebiUet Geo. A. IlWghof work at one on tke ft$nt and api 2 fteaUomi and promisee (Mat ke !H'3l bare ttaem ootnpleUtl within M dayp If nothing noun wrong. It (a unrfr-' VhxI that the fommlaeonera will , y-j onc adrertfee for Md ml If tkey trt lj low enough work will etart tk!n mim-Lj mer. Mr. Nerllngbof and othoca think LC that IralMIng materials wilt tig at txt- torn prleee tiefore Umg fii that t H oon aa general bnllding activity 1 Fp atarta It will go up agalo. This aeotfon of the oowntry haa licfo In need of rain for some Umo and or account of the Vlrotith tho araas and i tree fwre been alow to come outjyfi Yoeterday It rained finite hard for a Jf ahort time and heavy rains are parried from aouth and woat of ivf LL HAIL! HAIL CHAM. A. SHATO.V. Charles Andrew geaton was born Jan. 13, 1075 at Mold, Iowa, and died at North I'lstle, Nobr., Ma 1C. 1921 agod Al yean, -I mohtha and 3 day a. During tils youth he waa mod em of Iowa and ,Kansa until lu- wan oleven years of age when ho came with hla paronta to Lincoln County and settled at Wallace Nebr. H-rc ho grew to manhood and in Nov. 190B h cwaa married at North Platte to Mlaa Nettle Simmons. He took bride to a farm home about aen-n mlloa north-oaat of Wallaco wlwrf thoy lived for flvo years. At 'different tlmos alncc thon ho has lived at W'dl floot, Maxwell-and North I'latte and for a time the family woro'- in New York atato Hooking health for Mr. Boaton. At tho opening of tho Spanish-American War he volunteered and nerved In Company K, Second Itoglmont of Nobraska Voluntcera until tho clow) of tho war whon ho received an honorablo dlacharse. About four' yoara ago Mr. Seaton first became 111 with dlabotca and ono year ago ho- had tb gtvo up work on account of tho- malady. While weak and suffering ho bora up' pati ontly until Juat a few" days before hla death. ' Aa a young man Mr. Soaton was converted and Joined tho CoiiKreKa tlonnl Church. About bovoii years ago ho transferred hit) membership to tho Klrat Uapt'lHt Church of this city whore ho has boon a faithful member until tho end. He was a good Christ Inn man,' v,Hli no bad habtUi and many good ones. His many acqualnt onccs apeak of him as a trusty friend a good lniHlMUKt and a kind ratnor. Ho left to mourn him, his wlfo and his aon Duval, his paronta, Mr, and IMm, J. II. Softton ot WolUlefat, a brother, J, II. Soaton, Jr., of Ctlr- Hb, a brother, Martin Seaton of Woll fleet, a sister, Mra. John Conner of Wollfleot a alater, Mrs. Geo. Aoyers f Wellfleet, eloven nephews and ono nolco. , m as mil Did You Ever See Such a Season, the Weather - i i Feels Like Hail All the Time, MR. FARMER: Was there ever a season, that you could so ill afford to loose' cfur crop by hail as' this, season? You know there never was., , I am prepared to insure your crop up to $40.00 per acre, In case ol loss I will be with the adjuster in the field and see that you get. a fair settlement.- In most cases losses will be paid in cash as soori as settlements are made in field. I will place your insurance in only responsible companies. Don't Put It Off, NOW IS THE TIME TO INSURE m fi fi !fi fi ffi tfi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi F Ha emple, Insurance Specialist. ROOM 10, BRODBECK BUILDING ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ANNOUNCEMENT W.e deliver ftrocerloo amounting to Jl.fiO or ovor freo; under that amount tho charge for delivery la 10c extra, Wo soil for cash, you buy for, loss; ECONOMY GROCERY. l4 ,1J :o::- DIU YOU ICNOW That wo havo two nice littlo homes just finished on West Sixth St? Immediate possession; ?500 down balnnco like rent. Also some nice resident lots on payments. Let us fellow you those bargains and tho cstsy torms. THE II. & S. AGENCY. ::o: EARL WILLIAMS IN It Can Be Done HERE'S HOW The story deals with the adventures ot an author who trlon to live tho nar rative eontalnod In ono ot his books) There are many surprises In storo for tho patrons of tho Sun Theatre Saturday ALSO TWO REEL COMEDY NEW, FEED STORE , Wo have started a now feed store at 120 AV. Eighth. Como and seo us. Phono G29W. Hermlnghausen & Eroman. Want Ads WantedCompetent girl for general housowork. Phono G41W. Wanted A good hosokeepor. Ap ply at Martl's Meat Morko't. Wa"lcd Cnrpcntor work by con tract or hour. Estimates furnished. .Phono 2S7J. Vor Sale Ford Touring Car boiiBht now in July 1920- Has been run about 4500. lnllos. Prices $4G5 Call at 212 S. Dewey. . lOw ftv!gs l)oioH and TImo 0or-., MQvHtos Wo Pay 5 uur ' t , coni Iuturost OWlOMtS AND DIHUei OJlS F. Saebergar Prtwklmi), ",tl,C. Lnngftml Vloo-Proaidont Ih-Jj, Jylooimy Cnhltn A. D. Khunph ...... Aaalstant Gtuhlor W. H. Kunger AwiUtunt Cnhitr John J. Halllgnn Director TCallh NovIUtt LVIoo-Proi(lont and Director, -CATI1R1.&V FOR We are going to sell you Corn Fed Beef Rib Roast and Rib Beef Boil for 9' csnts a pound. This meat has been inspected by an authorized inspector. thin, lean Uncoil, at per pound -15c 10 pound pail of lnrd. par pound 11c, l6 lb. pall :$1.10 Coffee, 2 pounds . ' 25c Peanut Butter, 2 pounds for- 35c Orangoa per doxen , -.--- -10c Wo tiro atlll soiling sugar in 100 lb! bags at life old price. You otin havo your mnat order delivered with your gro cery order. ft " Wanted Pasture for flvo head of mules. Gregg Bros., Phone 784F3." To Trade Eighty acre's Colorado land for good automobile. Call 1127W. For Sale Genuine leather, daven port, rocker and vacuum cleaner Phono 487W. For Sale Houso and lot, first class ahapo. Inquire 806 -North Locust. Poto Hayes. Wanted Competent girl for gen oral housowork. Apply 421 West Fourth Street. For Sa'o Piano, music cabinet floor lamp, sectional book cases, li brary table, beds, springs, mattresses ipillows, dressers, chairs, set Haviland china, International oncyclopcllia World's Greatest Literature, draper ies and a sot which Includes a, leather 'davenport and treo' chajrs. Mrs. Mena V. Trotter. CAR When Your Battery Refuses and Your Car Won't Go The Prest-O-Lite Battery Station Just 3 Doors East of First National Bank Wnnted Girl for general house work light washing good place for right party. COS W. Second street. For Snle Hatching eggs, purobred II. I. Reds, Barred Rocks and White Leghorns. L, I. Tucker, Phono G9SJ. For Sale Now Anchor Hope Cream Separator. Cheap Inquire at 105G N. Pine St. ' l To Trade Section of land, in Lin coln Co. for city, property. Seo Gene Crook, North Platte. Wanted Position as bookkeeper or stenographer. Experienced. Ad dress C15 W. Seventh. For Sale Tomato Plants Grown on the farm. Grogg Bros., Phone 78413. For Rent Five room apartment and bath, modern excepting heat. For particulars see Bratt, Goodman & Buckley. Midway Co. cNichael's Grocery KSVAJtMSmil) isso J PHONE 441