NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TIUBUNB u- 'in Bi Bi Bi Bi :Bi CLINTON, THE JEWELER CLINTON & SON, The Eye Glass Men Sign of The Big Ring Satisfaction- Sure Try Us. Graduate Opticians Bi Bi '1 i Scmi'Hflccklu uiribunc Kstnhlishod In 1886. WILSON TOUT. Kdllor ami I'nbllHlier. Bntorod nt the North Platte, Nebraska Postofflco nH Second Class Mattor. SUIISCMPTION I'JMC'K: Oihv Your, Jn advance $2.00 I'HI PAY, MAY JIllli, 1021 GDITOKIAI. Hlght pngos of home print tills Issuo nd ovory ono worth rending. Tho Installment of Hull-dog Drum mond wns omittoH from thin lssuo through n clmngo of plana. It will fol low In lator Issues. flowliif? with work that was pressing Homo, of tho mon going through arc ana some or which nau to no done tlial "u umiriid. moy resort to nlchr. Thorn Imlnir nnlv mm nt no Violence without cause or nrnvnonflmi wo wont to tho hand concert and then 'r,lc' lirn i very few In number hut to tho office. Wc mlHsod tho picture t,lov mllHt e rockoncd with. It Is cs show, the lecture, the church mooting tlmated tliat they ere loss than flvi and thecompany, all of which wo voryi ')or C(snt- The othor nliiety-flvo per much rogrol. Wo confoss that Tues day was a llttlo boyond the usunl of forlngs but cvory night It Is a cholco of somo kind and wo uro ashamed to say that occasionally wo chooso to stay at homo with our family. Don't tulle to tho odltor about North PlnUo being n Idoad town, Tho odltor has to npologlzo ovory morning for not attending from ono to throe meetings of somo klijl which woro hold tho night leforo. On Tues day evening wo had company at our homo at dlnnor, we woro Invited to go to a plcturo show, wo hnd promised tn nttond tho lecturo at tho. Kolth, wo woro oxpoctod at tho spoclal mootlngs nt our own church and wo hnd to take part In a band concert. In ad dition this olllco nnt Bhop wan ovor- Tho othor day a Union Pacific Drakemoii colled at our office and finvo vent to his foollngs In somo pretty forceful If Inelegant lan guage. Wo woro not prosont and It was not repeated to us word for word but wo got tho Idoa. Ho was mad bo cnuso wo woro supporting Drothor Payno of tho Peoplo's Mission In his effort to fcijl tho hungry men. who como through North PIntto. Ho Is said to havo complained that tho brakomon woro having troublo with those men and that thoy should bo shown no favors by nnyono who wan In sympathy with tho brakomon. Wo 10 already been thinking of that sldo of tho question and our sympathies wero ontlroly with tho brakomon. Through Good Times and Bad. t?JE have just closed the thirty-fifth year of careful and conservative banking. In all these years we have conscientiously handled the banking business of our customers. As it has been in the past you will always- find The First National safe and dependable anwjtji the best service for your banking needs. ' v a-, -(( The : First National Bank, Resources Over One Million Dollars Member of the Federal Reserve System cent out or work, would work If thoy hnd a chance. It Is truo as iJrot'i or Payno says that thoy havo boon Im provident and havo spent their good wngen but thoy are to be reckon! with and must bo helped. It is Bald that u majority of tho men now goiiur through on tho freight trains nro un ion men carrying pal-up membership cards. When Engineer Cox boenmo convinced of this ho went out and collected monoy to carry on tho work of tho Mission. Othor union mon oi tho city havo holped their travolini? brother craftsmen by donations of monoy and suppllos. AVo ccrtainlv feel for tho train officials who nro required to fnco single-handed the crowds of mon who sometimes assail a slnglo train and clambor aboard Tholr ordors aro to clear tho cars of men, but thoy get only curses mil sometimes rough treatment for their efforts. Thoy stand bctwoon tho com pnny determined to collect fares and tho men determined to rido free. Wo cannot advise them as to what thoy should do and ,wb do not blame them for getting soro at tho "bum's," but after these mon ' havo reached North PIntto wo . believe overv brakomnn and his wife aril family will bo safer If wo glvo tho "bums" a meal and send them on. It Is partly a matter of nm. toction thnt wo food hungry men for hunger drives somo to desperation. Then It Is humnno. Wo must not clnsa all of theso men with tho worst. Wc hope tho brnkemnn who madn tli complaint will novor . como to the point whore ho will havo, to rido tho bumpors, but if he should,1 wo hope there will bo a Drothor Priyno or a Drothor Flynn nt each meal tlirio to give him a dinnor nnd n word of en courngoment as ho goes on his why. Want Ads , The Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. Announces a price reduction on , . all tires and tubes effective at once. . ' r ' : 30x3 Plain $10.95. ' , . 30x31 Non Skid $13.95. Other sizes in proportion . guaranlee--6000 miles. & R. SERVICE STATION, TELEPHONE 820 &ai&80O20a&0i&Gaoai For Itcnt 1 rooms nt 21$ W. 8rd;H' For Sale Tomato plants. Grecc . UrOB, Phone 784F5. Wanted--Washing, will call for and deliver. Phono 213J. For Kent Sleoplng rooms inodo'rn. 21 E. Second St. Phono, 278 J. Wanted Competent girl for cenornl housowork. Phono G41W. To Trade Eighty acres Colorado land for good automobiio. Call 1127W. For JtontTwo sleeping rooms. Alan a barn for two horses. 922 E. Second Chas. LInd. For Sale House nnd lot, first class shape. Inquire 80G North Locust. Poto Hayes. Wanted Competent girl for gen eral housework. Apply 421 West Fourth Streot. --Wanted Hugs cleaned, called for and dellvorod. Work' guaranteed. Phono 11G4J. Wauled Girl ror gcnoral houso work light "washing good placo for right party. COS W. Socond street. For Salo Hatching oggs, puro bred U. I. Rods, Uarrod Hocks and White Loghorns. L. I. Tuokor, Phono G98J. For Sale Now Anchor Hopo Cream Separator. Choap Inquiro at 100G N. Pine St. To Trade Section of lnnd, in Lin coln Co. for city proporty. Se deno Crook, North Platte. For Salo -At farmr' price A choico lot of Hod Poll bulls roady for sorvlco. Payno Dnlry Farm, south ond of Dawoy street, Jortli Tlatte. For Sale or Trade Pivo lot, Would take horsos or cows in trodu for payment Inquiro 109 IS. sixth St, or phono 271. Wnntod-To buy high chair with enamolod tray, also modlum Mixed re frigerator, must bo In good condition Phono 10GGW. --FoundA now nuto tiro on tho rod between Somorsot and Dickens. Own er enn lmvo snmo by oRlling on S. Dunn. Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Hi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi ai Bi Bfi Si Bi Bi Bi R Bi Hi Bi m Bfi 1TYLE, LONG WEAR AND LOW PRICE In Collegian Clothes for Spring. The New Collegian Models of Americafs - "4 creation of are the one foremost designers. The Materials used aVe all-wbpl, all seams are stitched with pure silk, and you are guaranteed long ,wear. Prices lower than for several seasons DasL .If ?r.' in Bi Sfi tfi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi y? Si Bi Bi Our Clothes Must Make Good or Wg Will lor Salo-Oiw fruh mlljfcow, on Good Unough sulky PlQwIlh biW l RUflohmant J. T. LUtor, Phono! T9QH-H.- " n ids 1 1 awaras-nevno ffi The Man's Store of North Platte. Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi B Wanted To liear from owner of fnrm for salo. State price. Mrs. W Booth, Hox D, Hlpark, DesMoines, In. For Sale Ab'erdeon-Augus bull, eight months old Choap If taken soon'. S. P.. Pattison Maxwell, Nobr. Found Came to my farm April 1.0 a whl to face bull. Weighs about 800 .Owner can have same by proving i proporty, 'paying advertisement audi food. Oust Ilrantlng, Jackmore j Flat I Wanted Capable women to Work In, or near North PIntto to promote wel fare work. Salary guaranteed. , Addl'ORK. M-2 Turn Trllninn ! Named. iVn electric wnshor In good condition. Phono 1249W. ::o:: NOTICE J We gUrtod May 2' with froo delivery, loavlng our markot at 8:30 and 10-!J In the morning and nt 3 In the nftor-' non. Phono CO. j ::o:: u. Mrs. L,. E. Hatlngs returned yester day from Chicago where sho spent a week. Mrs. Glenn S . LaSallo of Chappell attended tin O. t" S. Convention In tho city. , Anderson & Srader Shows NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA Auspices Volunteer Firemen Commencing, Monday May 16 " ' ' ' ' t'J JJ J'J J'J J-j X'XX'l t' J JJ J J JJ J VISIT THE MIbs Julia GlvAson roturnod from Oklahoma the first, of tho weok and has resumed dutios nt the O'Connor store. s Mrs. Hammer of Sidney attonded tho O. II S. Convention In tho city tills wook. She was a former resident here. lunutlful over blousos in orepo de chinos and georgettes, dolloate colors. IJargalns you chu not afford to over Jgoit, at $G.B0. K. T.' Tramp & Sons' Rontly to Wor. Ohns. Boguu ami son Tod will lonvo today for IlHBtluftt to nttond thu Shrin" Clobration. Circus Side Show Hawaiian Village Silodrome Junglcland H RIDE THE H H :.: Roman' (Theatre ft Palace of Mystery s? Giant Sea Plane Ferris Wheel Carousal Over-the-Waves I!