NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE we OUR ENTIRE STOCK le OFF Beginning Saturday, May 14th, we are going to put our Entire stock on sale at One-Fifth of! of 6111; Regular prices- This applies to everything in our stock but not to special orders. We will not open any new goods during this sale for the reason that' we wish to reduce our investment in our stock. llhe season has been backward and while we have reduced our prices right along lot conform to the reductions in the wholesale markets we feel that we had rather take a further loss than to carry any surplus spring goods' over into another season. Goods will be priced to you at the regular price and one-fiftli deducted lrom your bill. "W I L C 0 X DEPARTMENT STORE Till. O. II. (JRKSSLKJt S - GKADUATi: DENTIST Orrico over tlio McDonald Stato Dank. LOCAL AND PERSONAL ChurloH Wagnor of Gothenburg nt-' tondud tho 0. M S. Convention thin wook. Chas. 1 AUon of Cozaid vlBltod frionds In tho city this wook. Guy 8. Popojoy in in Maywood this wedk transacting buslnoBB. Miss Anna Ruhls and Mrs Harry Cramer aro transacting huslncsB in Maywood tlila week. A boot special passed through tho cltyycstordny onroute up tho branch. Mrs. J. S. Sawyer wont to Lincoln Jim Nelson went to Omaha yester day to transact buslnos for two weckH. Mrs. Mann of Sidney is tho guest of hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mc Mlchaol. Mrs Henry Gllfoyl returned from Lincoln yostorday whero sho spent a few days. Wynn TtlchardB loft Wodnosday for Wray, Colo, to visit his paronts for a few days. Mrs. H. M. Jacobs roturncd to Don vor tho first of tho wook after visiting hor paronts in tho city. Ansly Molnteo who has been conflnort to tho hospital for sovoral wooks will bo removed to Kearney tomorrow. Jess Smith, Paul Nolan and Francis Sandall left yesterday for Thrco Mile j lako on a fishing trip. ' May 14th will bo bargain day at Ar- villa WhRtnkor'B ilow storo, BOG Lo j citBt street, first, door north of P. 0. .MAjMlas Union' Alooro entertained tho THE LINCOLN ('CCNTY IIEUEI'OKI) DKEEDEDS' ASSOCIATION ELECTS OFFICEItS. ' ' F- - .T " i,Nlouflgojo Cnmu"P'Jro, Girls last oven MrB. B. T. Jon'os who han boon tho ing at hor homo. Riiost at tho Mrs. J. Ii. DIclc home and . , . . 4 , . , attended tho O. E. S. Convention loft , ,Amjy 1'ctH0" to bar fo hor homo In Omaha yostorday. , homo In Cliappoll after attending tho 0. 13. S. Convcnton, Tho opportunity 1b .yours now if you FItlENDS HELP CELEltllATE l'IFT EK1HTII UEDDINf! ANXIVEHSAItY. At a mooting of tho Lincoln County lloroford Droedors' Association,' hold horo Thursday May 12, tho following offlcors were oloctod for tho coming yoar: Scott McCrono, president; Art hur Gauldroault, secretary and s'ale3 manager; John Griffith troasuror. The board of dlroctors Is composed of Fred Mc Clymont, Jamos' Shoup, Herman KQrr, S. J. Koch uud John Griffith. Tho mcmborH readily ondorscd the proposition to lot anyono buy shares In tho now salos pavilion which itIs proposed to erect on tho Fair grouncjs ThiB proposition was brought up be cause somo had said that tho pavilion stock should not bo sold to anyone ;in North Platto. Tho Horeforjl Droedors thought that if tho pavilion la to ham benefit to North Platto. andorUi Platto mon wnnt-to help put It over." thoy should bo glWn oVchnrfcp to.pifr chaso shares tho same ne nnytje else In tho country.' want jMr. Loonlmrdt to plant, as ho will not romuln horo much longer. 'V Mr. and Mr. Thomas Ilnlllgan unci Mr. mm Mrs. Stove Albro roturnpd Wit n i-n iffnnlnn. finmn rninurU lilili tuno yolvr;' ..... ... ...;,. 41,. . , ; unrgains in miumory may hui. la Whlttnkori first, door north of tllio P. 0. Mr. G. A. JustlBon rdturnod to her fronUtnvonnu, Nobr. whoro they 'nt' mo In Council muffs yesterday after tondod tho funoml of Mrs. Don Albro.' a formor rosldout of this city.- 1 Alljfof our classy wool ulclrts In 1 pretty plaids la harmonizing shade and ;(ark blue sorgo at 20 por cont roductlon. H. T. Tramp & Sons' Re.W to Woar. visiting Mrs. J. L. Dick and attondlns tho- Oj 13. S Convention. All silk drosses Including Jatoqt shipments in tho now spring stylos and matorials at 20 por cont roduc tlon. 13. T. Tramp & Sons' Ready to Woar. ' J :o:: The Worlds Famous rambach Grand can now be heard at the Roberts Music Co. 110 E. FRONT ST. PHONE 200. CUitltENT HISTORY AS 5 'TAKEN FU03I THE EAST ISSUE OF THE TRIBUNE Stnto convention of tho Order of tho Eastern Star is In soBslon here. Threo county prlsonora, lead by a Moxlcn, break Jail. Announcing , tho flmrrlago of Miss Lena 'Daaklns uHl Leo A. Drown and Miss Edna VnKmanon and James Calhoun. Thoodoro Durrl succoodB N. C. Pet erson ns roadmastcr of third dlBtrlet. Dlcyclo road raco of ton miles H won by Clarence Frazlor. North Platto wins in District track Moot at Kearney. Obituary was publlshod of Mrs II S. Hasklns. ' Mrs. Carl Stroke of Sutherland 8hi- j pod In tho city Wednosdny. Airs. Tlllle Peterson of Cluippoll attoudil tho 0. 13. S. Convention this week. Mrs. Dan Long returned to her horn'' In Ogalhila yoBtorday uftor attenilini? the O. 13. S. oonvontlon. Mre. lflrneet Arnett roturnod to Mrni Una WijlnoBtlHy aftor spondlnp the winter In the city. Mr. and Mre. Herbert Klldeer of (Paxton are vlsltlint frienda in the ity this week. lSUen Briekmon wll leave today fr aUnUm, Nob. wharo sho will entor the SUite DoolHinatory contost In the Humorous Chute. Hor mother will .i -oompeny hor. Fuller' Soronnlors of Chicago will furnish music for a dnnco In the K. ('. hnll Monday ovonlug. This Is a auuint uulntot of finished musclnns Intru duclnic novoltlos. Saturday, Mny 14th. beginning nt 0 o'clock our Hiinunl $2.00 sale of ha'3 is on. Included in this sale aro lints that retail to $7.00. Ono day only -sulos final and for cash. Arvllla Whlttakor, COG locust street llrHt door north of the Post Office Tho South Side Dusy Doe Club from tho Horshoy vicinity enmo In and ldoneantly surprlscrd (Mr,, and Mrs. J. S. Mason of Graceland, Tuesday, MaylO Tho occasion was tholr RSth wedding anniversary A bountiful jfJlnnor was furnished Jy tho guests who also prosented Mrs Mason with a pretty sllvpr, ladle with tho letters S. S. D. D. engraved upon It Mn. and Mison havo lived neiir Horshoy for many years prior io moving 10 worm u'muo a uuio over to years ago and she wns n member of the club. Th$y havo a hoot of friends to hope to hftlp colebrato more an niversaries in tho yearn to come. ::o:: - Ws'OUICE 4i . Wo started IVJay 2 with free dbllvcry; leaving our markot at 8:30 and 10:H in the morning and nt 3 in the after noon. Phono 2G. cash meat market. I. L. Stobbins, Pron. The Picture You Have been Watching tor , WILL BE AT THE SUN THEATRE onday, Tuesday "BLACK BEAUTY" t i is one of tho big pictures of the year. It was produced at an enormous costf. and has ono of the most expensive casts j over assembled production. 1 JEAN PAIGE JJ heads tho list of all-star players un-J der tho direction of David Smith, famejl as tho director of big pictures. There aro many Spectacular Scones In this Master Picture. ' i There are many spectacu lar scenes in this master Comedyl '" Also "No or Never' Harold Lloyd THE GREAT Mock Reilicleg SALE Si Srfl ix: s LADIES' OUTFITTING. STORE S NORTH PLATTE. NEBRASKA Is now in lull swing. and will continue for a few niore davs j:o;:- SPKCIALS VOIX SATURDAY AND MONDAY Our rogular brands of Hour Includ ing David llarum, por 4S lbs. . .fa.lS Picnic Hams por pound .1G Wolnora por pound - r-- 15 Prunes, 3 pounds for .25 Droakfast Cocoa, 2 pounds . . '.'5 in order lo carry out our determination to dispose oi every Spring Suit, Coat, Wrap. Dress, Skirt or Waist, regardless of cost, profit or loss, Those that are still to buy their spring and summer apparel are sure to save lrom $10.00 lo $35.00 on each garment bought at this GREAT MONEY' SAVING SALE A Wonderful Collection of Summer Dresses in Imported Organdies, French' Ginghams, Dotted Swisses and Voiles, now on Display all Priced Very Reasonably. Hi Ul Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi h! Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi h! Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi For Heal Classy Sum mer Frocks see north window display. Ladies' Outfitting Store For Real Values see South Win dow display Sugar at market prlco. MoMIOHAlSL GROCHRY, ffiffiffiHlffiHlHl Phono 441.