The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 10, 1921, Image 8

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Smm-fficrklu Subline.
WILSON TOUT. Kdltwr and Publisher.
Entorod at the North Platto, Nebraska
Postoftlco hh Second ClasH Mutter.
Ono Ycnr, In nihnucc $2-M
TUESDAY, MAY lOtli, 1021.
The Order of the Eastern 81 nr l
a, noble band or men and woman who
are working together along fraternal
lines, gaining momentum by their
numbort! and standing for thoso
things which are beat In tho lives of
the members. No one would over go
far wrong If ho and who followed tho
teachings of the Eastern Star. Tho
Trlbuno welcomes the members of
tho Grand Order and tho dologatcs
to tho stato convention to tho city
of North Tlatto and In common with
her cltlzons bids thoso visitors com
mand, and wo arc ready to oboy.
Tho appolntmont of Sidney H.
Splllnor as Chlof of Police of North
Platto lias mot with general favor.
As First Llotitonant of Company E.
ho mado good anil, slnco his return
from tho war ho took up his old
trado and sottlod down to tho ways
of poaco with tho determination to
mako good thore. Mayor Evans Js
to bo congratulated on .tho uolcctjon
of a man who gives promlso of mak
ing an offlclont officer and ono who
can bo rolled upon by all classes to
uphold tho law and protect North
Platto against law breakers.
Frank Kroohlor, aftor serving ono
month as Chief of Police has boon
rollovcd of that posltlcm and appoint
ed Superintendent of Construction
for tho City of North Platto. Ills
duties wo aro told will bo to super
intend tho construction work on the
city's water works system and any
paving, sowor or water construction
or repairing which may bo undortak
on in tho future. With John Jones
keeping the streetB clean and in
sliapo, Horshoy Wolch In chargo of
tho wator office, Dick Hannlo as en
gineer and Chnn. McNamara as con
sulting engineer and Frank Kroohlor
as Superintendent of Construction It
looks us though tho present adminis
tration Is proparod lo do business If
tho people- will give it tho powor.
ts bright orange and glossy 1 aclc Mcrcmt0 c -It
is easily notod In. tho green follutco ....
of tho trees. lis beautiful form Is ,
smiting wnon once scon aim mon us
'arblo Is a constant urgo to cheer
fulncss. We say warble but It might
better be caHpd a mellow whistle for
It can bo imitated tiulto nicely by
any boy who has a liquid whistle and
can control It. When one comes ik
study tho orlolo Us nest Is found to
bo ono of tho most Interesting of any
found horo. It Ib a hanging buskot
of horao hair, thread, string, grnss
blndos and fibres. Its bountiful shapo
and wonderful structure are a mar
vel. The first Baltlmoro orlolon ar
rived Saturday and. to thoso having
largo trees about the homo (heir.
Bong la moro than wolcomo after tho
eight months of nothing but chir
ruping of sparrows.
::o:: 1 .
Assist tho Peoplo's Mission broad
line Potatoes, onions'; mont, coffoo,
sugar, broad, milk or cash solicited.
Notify J. 31. Payno or (lollver to Poo
pie's Mission, Sovonth ,nnd Locus;
Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Hyorloy of llor
shoy wore out of town visitors Sat
urday. Oet your Dodge Brothers car or
dered soon, if you want It for spring
und summer uso, as there is a Bhort
ago of thoao good curs In many places
now. nnd .tho early ordor will gotltt
prior ilolivory. J. V. llomigh, Doalor.
Something Doing Every Minute!
Tho. talo of the lovo of Sweot William for Poppy Annabel
Hilarious happenings on land ami Boa-thrills under .water
and i ntho air. Grtfatcst undorsea photography ever seen.
What Annabel does to tho lono fisherman!
Annbel's. dlvo f rom tho ship's topmast and hor fight for
life and honor under tho waves.
What happens when Willie tries tho cavo-man stuff.
210 smiles, 7G big laughs, 20 thrills. 10 scares and 4 sen
sations. Como Count 'em yoursolf. Also Toonervllle
Comedy. '
At The Sun Theatre
Tuesday and Wednesday
. Matinee Each Day
aim! mms,
Here Is n lettsr recoired by .1. II.
Payne in charge of tho People's Elu
sion Free Lunch. It was unsolicited
and oamo ne a rosult of his having
given the wrltor of tho letter a good
mwl of warm food and a hearty hand
clasp. Here Is tho letter:
To Mission Supporter's;
Out of heartfelt gratitude t wUh
to thank Mr. Payne and Mr. Flynn and
thoso who support tho Pooplo'H Mis
sion for what thoy did for mo and to
speak a word of tho grand work doho
by thorn. Llko thousands of othor mon
I am out of work at tho prosont and
havo l)eon traveling around, In sonrch
of stinio for tho past flvo weoks. At
last I havo been offered back my old
place at Fort Dodge, Iowa and will bo
nt work there next week.
i R0t Into North Platto with 2Gc
and after paying for my broakfast It
was n caso of going hungry, bog or
steal. I was brought up right and
loarnod novor to steal. I never havo
bogged before and havo novor tramp
od so I wont to the Mission nnd was
welcomed ,thore. My caso is not alone
for I find that of tho thousand,, of men
traveling uround, 95 por cent aro In
the samo class and aro honest work
ing mon looking- for work. Porhnps
tho othor flvo por cent aro tramps who
will not work but they novor mix and
seldom If ovor tako In Missions ns
thoy aro looklrfg for pork chops, steak
or chicken and get It whllo us working
mon aro glad to got anything without
bogging. Wo aro not on tho road for
ploasuro by any moans nnd many of
us havo families. I mysolf havo a wlfo
and two chlldron whjch I had to leave
for a time to seek work or allow tho
County to keop us. I am now going
to work and will romombor tho Mis
sion nnd tho good pcoplo of North
Platto and will gladly repay what I
llmvo rocolved. Tho Peoplo's Mission
is doing a grand work In looking after
tho llloatlng class who aro not trnmps
utit unemployed mon, many of them
going hungry days at a tlmo rathci
than beg or Btcal.
It saves tho troublo of being bog
god upon tho street or tho h6mo or the
stores. For whllo tho Mission take
caro of tho working class only the
roal tramps will beg othors and 'those
should bo turned down at every point.
Yours Truly,
G. E. Scott,
1029 S.,3 St
Ft.,Dodgo, Iowa.
All -tho moat beautiful and bowltcir-
a'ltracttvo silk dresses on sale
I will mako Funn Loans nt reason
able ratos. Geno Crook, North Platto.
: :o: :
The Purchasing Committee of the
Hourd of Education of North Plattp
will receive bids on tho following
kinds of Coal by tho ton. Samo to bo
fresh and freo from slate and dust,
delivered to any of tho school build
ings ut any tlmo during tho next
twolvo months. Wolr City Nut, Broad
Head Nutf Chorokeo Lump, Broad
Hoad Lump or othor coals of same
All bids must bo In hands of the
Secretary by Monday, Juno G. 1921.
Right Is reserved to rojocl any or
ill I bids.
Dated this 9th day of May, 1921.
For Fruit and
Trees, Peony nnd Dahlia Roots, :
Cinnamon and Mndorlu Vinos,
'Hardy Pinks. Pansy Plants, tt
Trees and Plants that Grow,
Cut Flowers, and other Plants
for any occasion, call
Visitors Wolcomo. Phono 1023
1; Woat 12th Cor. Curtis.
Want Ads
PoundA package. Call 001W.
For Rent 4 rqon$ at 216 W. 3rtt, '
For Renl Furnlshod room, 803 E
Fifth. Phono G22J.
For Kenl Garago, 928 East Fifth
, ...i
Slcoplng rooms-modern.
For JEcttt
221 E. Second St. Phono 278J.
Lost An ovorcont noar FnlrvJew
Dairy. Phone Doollttle, 788F31. '
Wanted Competent girl for general
housework. Phono G11W.
For Sale Tomato plants. Grogg
Bros. Phone 784F5,
To Trade Eighty acres Colorado
laud for good automobile Call 1127W.
Wnnled Washing, will call for and
deliver. Phono 213J.
For Sale Nino room modorn houso.
Good outbuildings. Inquire' 723 W
For Jlont Two sleeping rooms. Also
a barn for two horses. 922 E. Second
Chas. Llnd.
For Sale Now Anchor Hopo Cream
Separator. Cheap Inquire nt 1006
N. Pine St.
, For Hent Smnll furnished npnrt
monts, closo In. Inquire 108 Wjest
Wanted Competent girl for gen
oral housework. Apply 421 West
Fourth Streot.
For Sale 0 room modern houso
nnd garago. C02 W. 10th, or phono
177W. . , "
For Sale Houso nnd lot, first class
shapo. Inquire 80Q North Dewey. Pete
Mist. uotweon llonuy-Ogler gar
age and Stato Vurm, .'black wrap,
Return to, this office
Wanted To rent flvo or six .room
modorn houso In 'west part of city.
Address C. K. caro Trlbuno.
To Trade Section of land, In Lin
coln Co. for city property. Soo Geno
Crook, North Platto.
-.Wanted Rugs cleaned callod for
und delivered. Work guaranteed.
Phono UC4J.
Wanted Girl for general house
work light washing good placo for
right party. G08 W. Second streot.
For Sale Hatching, eggs, piiro bred
R. I. Rods, Barred RoclfB and, White
Leghorns. L. I. Tucker, Phono C98J
J? or oalo At. farmers price A
cholco lot of Red Poll bulls ready for
sorvice. Payne Dairy Farm, south
end of Dowoy street, . arth Platte.
Wanted Sovornl maturo 'young la-
dloa to collect Information over tho
city. No selling. Loavo name at this
office. m
For Sale or Trade Flvo lots,
Would take horses or' cows In trado
for payment. Inquire 109 E. Slxih
St., or phono 271.
For Sale School house, wost end of
District No. 5, at public auction May
10 to bo sold ut school hous6 at 3
o'clock. Mrs. Huclcfeldt, Fred Simalits,
Frank Purdy.
Wanted Modern houso In wost or
southwost part of the city, to buy or
rout. Give location, price, terms or
rout. Addross D- s- Trlbuno. t
Wanted To buy high chair with
enameled tray, also medium sized re
frigerator,' inus't bo in good condition.
Phono 100GW.
C. M. TROTTER homo for sale, two
story, eight room bungalow with
bath, entlroly iodorn. uoublo garage,
locatod at 1011 East Fifth Streot. Can
mako terms. Seo W. E. Shuninn, Atty.
l'oiind Came to my farm April 10
a white fuco bull. Wolghs ilbout -800.
uwnor can nave same by proving
property, iwiying advertisement and
feed. Gust Brantlng, Johnsomoio
tor Jteni I'asturo with running
wator. Closo In; mllo oast of Bak
er School Houso. By head por month.
Inqulro at placo or 921 West 2nd St..
N. P.- Also tho roKlrftorcd Froneh
Drnft Porchoron Black Pat will make
tho soason at tho same place. Mako a
Wo uturtod May 2 with freo delivery
leaving our market at 8:30 and 10 10
In the morning und ut 3 In tho nftor-
jnon. Phono CO.
Vi First Farm Mortgages 6yt
7 Flrat City Mortf g 7
lYt Ttu Year Hold Notei 7V
InUrMt I'ljtbU iul-tnnually, collected and
rmltlKl bjr ut ffM at ilitrg llkrwlt tbi
ptlnclnd wbtn It cinirj due. Dttillrd Mot
anion iu U Miit uron tmuwl. "WtlU for
Woods Brothers Companies
SmuHIIm Dijiutntit
Mrs. F. Opolo of "Sutherland watr-fc
city vfsltor Saturday. V
, Mr. Gundorsoit of Sutherland ,wrifl
a city visitor Saturday.
, Hug oloanlng.
' C01W.
Phonos 1089W nnd
0 oo. Felt of Brule transacted bus
lnosR in the city Saturday.
Victor Ilocords for April havo ar
rived at tho Roberts Music Co.
Jultji's Hogti wont to Casper, "VVyo.,
.,.' 4 .
r i nut w Litiiiniiui. ijuniuuan.
Asparagus plants ready now. North
Platto Floral Co.
John Stntes of Kearney transacted
Viwlness In the city Saturday.
Mrs.. 0. 0. Osborno of Bruits was In
the city on business yesterday.
Rugs and carpels cleaned,
and CG1W.
Misses Enos and Eugenia Lofdahl
of Sutherland shopped In tho city Sat
urday. J. S. Davis will leave Thufsduy for
Hastings to attend tho Shrine Cere
monial. Dr. L. J. KHAUSK, Dentist, X-Rny
DIugnosN. Rooms 2 and It. Phone
Ward L.artuo will leave Thursday
for Hastings to attond tho Shrino
Porch Boxes Wo call. for them, fill
nnd return thorii when ready. North
Plntto floral Co. Phono 1023.
Mr. and Mrs. Pease and mother
Mrs. St., John of Paxton vlsltod with
friends in tho city Frldny.
Mrs. ait 'Hayes and daughter
Jnunltu returned from California Fri
day evening where they spent three
Dr. J. S. Slmms returned from Lin
coln last ovenlng where ho attended
a banquet of the Phi Gramma Delta
Miss Ellon Flynn who has been
tenchlng near Horshoy left for hor
homo In Belgrado, Nebraskathe first
of tho week.
Mrs. .Ralph Clabaugh ' and baby
came Wednesday from Greeley to vis
It at tho J. F. Clabaugh homo whllo
enrouto to Omaha. Ralph Clabaugh
Is expected In a few days.
The Seiilor Class onjoyed "Ski
Day" Wednesday. They loft for thi
south canyons early In tho moVnlng
and1 spent tho day In picnic stylo.
Edward Boguo returned yesterday
from Lincoln whore ho attended a
banquet of the Phi Gamma Delta Fra
ternity of which ha Is a memfier.
Mrs O. S. Klddoy of Lexlngtons a
guest at tho C. F. Spencer home and Is
attending the O. E. S. convention.
' Mrs. Fred Temple of Lexington Is
tho guest of her sister Mrs. L. 0.
McGrnw and attending the 9. E. S,
Mrs. L. P. Green returned to hot
homo In Greeloy, Colo., Saturday af
tor visiting at the homo of Mrs. Hnr
ly Baldwin.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Sawyer of
Stockvllle who have been visiting
Mr. und Mrs. Donn Logan returned
to their home Sunday.
Mr. und Mrs. J. A. Stryker returned
to their homo in Kearney Sunday af
ter visiting nt tho homo of tho lnt
tor's parents Mr. arid Mrs. Hans John
son. Mrs. Chas. Boguo will loavo tomor
row for Bayard to attend U10 District
Convention of tho Twontloth Contury
Club;of which sjio Is chairman of the
Homo Economic Dopartmont.
Mrs. Jiimos Byrno, Mrs. Mnynic
Cook of Cozad, Mrs. E. M. VanClouvo
of Konrnoy, and Mrs. II. Cox of Grand
Island aro guosta at tho Chns. Wolr
homo nnd ,nro nttcndlng tho O. E. S
. Mr. Leonbnrdt the well known piano
tuner Is in tho city. Thoso who wish
tholr piano tuned will find Mr. Loou
hnrdt at either the Roxall or Smltt.
Johnson Drug Stores. Splendid sor-
vco is guaranteed.
Tickets wcro placed on salo for
tho Sonlor Class Play "Tho Fortuno
Hunter" yostorday and can bo ob
tained nt Clinton's Jowelry Store
Buck's Bootorlo und Tho Roxall Drug
Storo also of tho members of tho
Sonlor Class. Thy aro iprlcod at $1.50,
$1,00 and $.75.
Eljowhoro wo aro publishing a lo
gal not'eo that tho Board of Educi
tlon wishes bids on tho purchase ot
coal for the coming year. During tho
past U10 Board' has distributed tho
coal burilnoss nmoug Uio different
dealers, but with tho growth of tho
school and tho tncreaso in tho cost
of ?oal It has seomod nocossary to
attempt to get a llttlo bottor price
from ono doalor by giving him all the
buslno88. The rosult will bo watched
Tha boys of Troop Ono. Boy Scouts
hold their regular mooting Inst Tues
day ovonlng' nnd had a program In
honor of Mothors Day. Tho mothers
J were Invited guosts. Following Is the
program: Onth and- Lrfw by troop;
Mother's Dny talk by Harold Wloso;
History, of Mother's Day, Wilbur
UwanBon; Remarks on Mother's Day,
Elmer Stephens; Relation of Mother
and Son, Theodore Payno; A 14 mllo
hlko for first class test, Louis A. Bret
crnltz; Instructive tnlk, E. J. Vander
hoof. ::o:: 1
Edward Bell spent Sunday In Mny
wood. J. E. Nelson trnnsncted business In
Hdldroge yesterday.
Mrs. Chris Thomas of Dickens spent
yostorday in tho city.
Mrs. F. Burton of Welllleet Was a
city visitor Saturday.
John Frcdrlcks'of Ognllala was a
city visitor yostorday. ,
Dr. Fred Miller of Fremont visited
friends ovor tho week end.'
Mr. und 3Irs. A. T. Johnson spent
Sundny In Gothenburg.
John Jones attended the basobnll
game In Mnywood Sunday.
C. V. Turplo returned from a IniD
Iness trip to Omaha Sunday. ,
Dr. J. S. Twlncm was a profession
al vlstor to Stapleton Sunday.
Miss Florence Gough will closo hor
school south of town tomorow.
jfr. .and Mrs. C. Wlckster of Her
shoy wore city visitors Saturday '
Mrs. Addle Likens of Paxton Is vis
ltlng friends In the city this week.
John Poulos returned yesterday
from a business trip to Omaha.
Chas. Durbin of Welllleet transact
ed business In tho city Saturday.
J. F. McDermott of Wolllleot trans
acted buslnesan the city Saturday.
TJ10 American Legion has organized
a drum corps and it is practicing now.
All tho most beautiful and bowltch
lngly attractive silk dresses on salo
at wonderful low prices at Tho Leader
Mcrcantllo Co.
Mrs. Homor Peterson returned from
Grand Island yesterday where she
visited friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Weinberger
attended the baseball game In May
wood Sunday.
All tho most boautlful and bowitch
ingly attractive silk drosses on salo
at wonderful low prices at Tho Leader
Mcrcantllo Co.
Mrs. W. W. Anness and Miss Am
elia Wollor of Dunbar, Nebr., are In
tho city this week attending tho
Eastern Star Convention.
Most becoming skirts of tho most
wanted materials and styles are here,
tilno exquisite blouse8 to wear with
them.- We have never had such va
riety for you to solect from. Drop- in
and our Mrs. Cantlin and Mrs. LeMatr.
tors will take pleasure In showing yau
at tho Lcadeo Mercantile Co.
The Furnace
From the Book by "Pau" with an all star cast, including
vAgnes Ayres and Milton Sills. If you are consider
ing Matrimony WAIT!
Before you take the plunge, see "THE FURNACE."
It is a story of a couple who thought marriage would be a
comfortable hearth fire, and it turned out to be a roar
ing furnace. N .
It is a picture which every man, and woman should see.
It portray some of the most vital problems in life.
Every person in this city will bo the better for seeing
Tuesday, May 24, 1921.
GO Duroc Jersey nnd Poland China Sows "find Gilts, Bred to Our Ex
cellent Hord Boars. Somo Cholco Sows and Gilts among these.
A good lot of 25 Polled Short Horn Bulls and 20 Cows and Holfors.
Thoso holfors aro'brod to our "Shaver Creek Lord, Jr." Champion
Iowa Stato lair 1915, and Stillwater Marshall, tho slro of tho $3C00
calf, Snowball. A good UBoful lot.
Tula stock Is In oxccUont breeding condition and thoy should prove
profltablo to tho purchaser. Do not fall to attond this snlo. C ome
'early ns It Is a largo salo and wo should start sharp at 12:30. Freo
lunch at early noon, so bo sure to get horo on tlmo to bo with us.
Como to tho snlo and hear tho great speech on tho prosont and future of
tho horso. Send for cataloguo to W. T. Judy.
Col. James R. Dale, of Battle Crook, Neb., and Col Clark, of Missouri,
Kutjtryh Btnlth, was tho yolmioKt
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Heiyy W.
Smith, wsb bom at Schyler, Nabr..'
May lfl, 188;?. She grew lo w'oman
htfod and uttondod the public rfohooU
nt that place. In 1903 ho marrlod
Henry W. Hasklns and In (19Q4 she
und her husband moved to Lincoln
County and sottled near Horshoy. Sho
Joined tho First Methodist church at,
Horshoy and was a faithful momber
to the tlmo of hor death.
About two months ago she bocamo
111 and later was removed to a North
Platto Hospital. Treatment hore fail
ed to relieve hor troublo and sho was
taken to Omaha and placed In tho
Radium Hospital where sho died on
Tuesday, May 3rd at tho ago of 37
years, 11 Miionths nnd 14 days. She
wns burled at Columbus, Nebr., on
Thursday, May 5th. The catiso of her
death was cancer.
To mourn horo are hor husband,
four children: Carol 17; Garnett 14,
Hilda 12, Thoron 10, nnd five bfroth
ors and Ave sisters. It is of interest
to nolo that Mrs. Hasklns was tho
youngost of nine chlldron and tho
first to bo taken away.
Tho Trlbuno joins with her many
friends In extending sympathy to tho
relatives and friends who knew and
loved her so much.
Dr. McKlrahan and Mayor Evaun
attonded tho basoball game In May
wood Sunday.
Mrs. F. W. Rinckor sustained a bad
ly sprained nnklo Saturday when she
fell at her homo.
Flower trimmed and tailored hats
at big reduction. Block's Millinery.
$3.95, $5.00, $7.50
Ernest Rinckor, Jack Stack and
"Jim" (Clinton attended the basoball
gamo in Mnywood Sunday.
Walter Thompson returned to
Chappoll yesterday after spending
tho weok end with his parents.
Mrs. Erpest Roo of Ogaliala en
tered tho Osteppathlc hospital today
and will undergo nn operation.
Deacon Jones says, "You can never
mako u big man, out of a lot of little
The Klwanians and tholr ladies
wlllbe 'hosts to tho Grand officers
of tho Eastern Stnr, at tho Union
Pacific Dining Room at 12:10 today.
Most becoming skirts of tho most
wanted materials and styles aro hore.
also exquisite blousea to wear with
them. Wo havo novor had such va
riety for you to select from. Drop iu
and our Mrs. Cantlin and Mrs. LoMas
tors will take pleaBuro in showing you
at tho Leadeo Mercantile Co.'
Wo started May 2 with free delivery
leaving our market at 8:30 and 10-31
In tho morning and at 3 In tho after .
noon. Phono 2G.
I. L. Stebblns, Prop.
' J.J
with Interest.
-m'vvv .........