The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 10, 1921, Image 6

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Brings a Ray of Hope to
Childless Women
I -imfi,
Lowell, Mass. "Iliad anemia from
tho time I was sixteen years old and
iwtn very irregular.
ill l did any nouse
I cleaning or washing
II would faint and
havo to bo put to
I bed, my husband
thinking every min-
utu was my last.
After reading your
tcxt-bookior women
I took Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound and
'used tho Sanative
Wash, andjhave never felt better than
I havo tho last two years. I can work,
cat, sleep, and feel as strong as can be.
Doctors told mo I could never havo
children I was too weak but after
taking Vegetable Compound itstrcngth
ened mo so I gave birth to nn eight
pound boy. I was well all the time, did
all my work up to the last day, and had
n natural birth. Everybody who know
mo was surprised, and when they ask mo
what made mo strong I tell them with
great plcasuro, ' I took Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound and never
felt better in my life. ' Use this testi
monial at any Um6." Mrs. Elizaheth
SMAUT, 142 W. Sixth St., Lowell, Mass.
This oxperienco of Mrs. Smart is surely
a strong recommendation for Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It ia
only ono of a great many Bimilar cases.
a Simple Statement That
War Between Central
Powers is at End.
French Government Preparing
to Go Into Ruhr Without
Support of Allies.
Nebraska, Iowa and Missouri Are at
Head of Pork Producing
Centers of Industry.
Railway Union Employes Charge Man
agement With Wasteful
I-rnnce to
utiles, the
AViishlngton, D. (!. The Semite lias
pawed the Knox resolution repenting
the state of war between .the United
States and tin central powers. The
vote wns -1!) to SM.
The resolution was adopted without
nnieiidiiient after the senate voted
down, to !!, u proposal by .Senator
Towimend, Michigan, to eliminate tho
repeal of the war declaration, leaving
the resolution a simple statement that
the state of war was ended.
The resolution, In addition to re
pealing the war (Usclaratloii, protected
the rights of the United States In Ger-
man and Austria properties held by the
alien property custodian until a flu til
disposition lias been settled either by
congress or by treaty.
The resolution now goes to tho
-In the event of failure by
receive the support of bur
French government will
proceed alone to the occupation of the
Kuhr region, arguing that Oermnny
can as easily present new proposals
after ns before occupation,
This statement was made by meni
hers of the French delegation us they
crossed the channel on their way to
London to attend (lie meeting of the
supreme council.
In the delegation are Premier Iirlund,
Marshal Koch and M. Horthelot, tho
last named of the French foreign of-
lice. The Italian delegates are ex
pected to reach London later.
M. Ilrland was resolute and confi
dent us he talked of ttie French gov
ernment's position, which lie said he
already llad made clear In recent
1 lIIE .
(Copy fur This I'epartmnnt supplied
tho American Lrglon News Service.)
New Life for
Sick if! 311
"I havo taken only two h)xc8 of
Eatonlc and feel like a new man. It
has dono me more good than anything
else," writes C. O. Frnpplr.
Eatonlc is the modern remedy for
acid stomach, bloating, food repenting
and Indigestion. It quickly takes up
nnd carries out the ucldlty and gas
and enables tho stomach to digest tho
food nuturnlly. That moans not only
relief from pnln nnd discomfort but
you get the full strength from the food
you eat. Big box only costs n trlflo
with your druggist's guarantee.
Made Young
Bright eyes, a clear skin nnd a body
full of youth and health may be
yours if you will keep your system
in order by regularly taking
Ultimatum On Reparations.
London. Orent Hrllnln and France
have reached an ugreemcht on how to
deal with Germany to compel payment
of reparations and exnet guarantees.
They will announce that the repara
tions commission will notify Germany
ns to the amount she Is required to pay
andMiow It Is to bo paid. The allies
will then 'announce that within ten
days, td period being subject to pos
sible modification by the supreme coun
cil, they will proceed to carry out the
penalties if the terms are not met.
Charge Wasteful Inefficiency.
Chicago, III. Hallway union em
ployes charged railroad managements
with wnstoful Inefficiency and took
their stand for ait "American standnrd
of living" before the railroad labor
board at its meeting hen!. Contending
that the cost of living basis of fixing
wages was a war-time emergency
measure, the employes cast It aside in
their fight to retain present wage
scales. They declared that not only
did they protest against a reduction,
but wished to point out that, according
to their, conception of American stand
ards, railway wages were too low.
Middle West Leads the World.
Omaha. l'ork nnd bacon consumed
In the world have their source in
Iowa, Nebraska and Missouri, accord
ing to K. 'A. Husseil, formerly with tho
Twentieth Century Farmer publication
In Oninhn and now In the federal agri
cultural department In Washington,
who has been here for a few days on
olllclul business.
Leading hog raisers of South Amer
ica admit that the middle west leads
the world In the hog-raising Industry,
according to Mr. Itussell, who recently
returned from a six months' tour
through the Interior sections of Iirnzll,
Uruguay, Argentine and CJille.
British Strike Still In Deadlock.
London. Negotiations under why In
an endeavor to end tlie coal strike
reached another deadlock when the
miners' federation rejected the govern
ment's latest Joffer to Increase tempo
rary subsidy from 7,500,000 to 10,
000,000. The rejection was made by
an overwhelming majority of tho min
ers' delegates because the offer "falls
to concede the fundamental principle
for which wo stand." The miner dele
gates have returned home.
1 I
The world'o standard remedy for kidney,
liver, bladder and uric add troubles, the
enemloa of lifo and looks. In use since
1690. All druggists, throe sizes.
Look for th name Cold MecUl on every boa
and accept no Imitation
Military Issues Stringent Warning.
Dublin, A warning has been Issued
by the military authorities In Tipper
nry thnt clvllluns "with hands In their
pockets" nro'llnble to arrest or to run
tho risk of being fired upon. The rea
son for the warning Is said to be that
murderers not Infrequently steal upon
their victims with bands in their pock
ets so as to hide their weapons.
Good Crop Conditions In State.
Lincoln, Neb. Excellent conditions
of winter wheat and rye, Improvement
In oats, prospects of some fruit, slight
ly decreased acreages In some of the
stnplo crops', more tame grass pasture
and summer follow, and highly favor
able soil conditions, nre leading fea
tures of tho lntestT weekly crop report
of the Nebraska bureau of crop esti
All tho cork used In the world In
a year weighs little more than 1,200
No man with a splendid
volco ever whispers,
Heavy Hall In Texas.
Dallas, J exas.-r uonslderaulo crop
damage was reported ns the result of
a Heavy rum, null anil windstorm,
which visited Dallas and a number of
other north Texas counties. In Na
varro county, newspaper reports said,
hull was banked to n depth of six
Inches In spots.
Organize New People's League.
New York. The American People's
league was organized hero to bring
Into co-operation tho forces which have
been opposed to the existing prohibi
tion and proposed new laws. In a dec
laration of principles the organization
committee opposed motion plcturo cen
sor ship, all laws prohibiting Sunday
sports and theatrical productions, nnd
the campaign to eliminate tobacco.
Col. Milton Foreman's Connection
Dates Back to the. Original
Paris Caucus.
Col. Milton .7. Foreman, national
executive committeeman of the Illi
nois department
of the American
Legion, is a Chi
cago lawyer, who
for many years
bus been actlvo
In public and mil
itary affairs. Ills'
connection with
the Legion dates
buck tot tho orlg
Innl Paris caucus
at which time tho
idea of forming a
Legion was con
ceived. At that
meeting he wns named chairman of
tho temporary executive committee.
itcturnlng to the United States, he
was elected commander of the Illinois
department. In 11 months the mem
bership In Illinois increased from 10,
000 to more than 05,000, and the num
ber of posts from '2'M to 0S2.
While serving with the First Illi
nois cavalry, In 1S'J4, Mr. Foreman ac
quired an active Interest In mllltnry
affairs, lie served with that organi
zation during the Spanish-American
war and rose to the rank of captain.
After the war Mr. Foreman began
the practice of law in Chicago, and be
came major In the First cavalry. In
1914 be was promoted to lieutenant
colonel, nnd two years later commis
sioned colonel of the regiment. Ho
was In command of that organization
during the border troubles.
With the outbreak of the World war,
Colonel Foreman requested the trans
fer of his regiment to field artillery,
which was effected In June, 1017. Col
onel Foremun took the regiment to
Franco In 1917 and commanded it
throughQUt the war. Uo received
three citations for gallantry and was
awarded tho Distinguished Service
Medal for achievements in the St.
Mlhlel und Meuse-Argonne offensives.
While not In tho military service,
Mr. Foreman practiced law In Chica
go nnd took an actlvo interest in pub
lic affairs throughout the state. In
1899 he was elected to the Chicago
city council and served six consecutive
terms. He was chairman of the Chi
cngo charter convention whoso work
hns become a model for planners of
new city charters.
Until tho neroplano can bo domestl-
cated the automobile will continue to
be a popular household pot.
Tho American hen Is now facing n
now yellow peril ; BOO.OOQ Chinese eggs
havo arrived In this country. ,
Statistics show thnt while tho cost
of living hot) dropped, there Is plenty
of room below for Jinprovemont.
Patriotism Is rovlvlng In Mexico. A
clwrglng bull stopped In his tracks as
a picador stood at attention while the
national anthem wns played then
dropped dead.
Will Bar American Workmen..
Itlgu. Admission to soviet Hussln
of workmen from America will be per
mitted only when the soviet govern
ment can establish an Immigration bu
reau In the United States, says tho
Potrograd Kruznn Gazette. The exec
utive committee of the nll-ltusslnn
council of trades unions, It asserts, .de
cided In this manner to halt the Influx
of" unorganized workers from America.
Find Revolutionary Literature.
Aurora, III. Circulars calling upon
worklngmen to "overthrow the govern
ment of the United States by force"
have been found in mall boxes and on
porches here. "The government of the
United Stntcs wns established by
force; It Is maintained by force; It
will bo destroyed by force," rend the
circulars signed, "Central Executive
Committee of the Communist Party of
Tobacco costs morn than educntlon
In the United States says Commission
er Clnxton. But why pick on tobac
co? Lots of other things do, too.
Thnt wave of crime which Is Inun
dating the world Is probably nothing
bill tho recession of tho tidal wave of
British Strike to Last Month Yet.
London, Sir Robert Home, chnn-
cullor of tho exchequer, announced In
tho house of commons that all nego
tiations for settlement of the coal
strike luwl been broken off nnd that he
did not know If tho local lodges would
be able to re-vcrse tho decision of the
miners' delegates. Ono of tho miners'
leaders said that tho strike would last
unother month at least.
To Investigate Conditions.
Washington, D. C. A resolution nsk-
Ing Investigation by a special senate
committee of conditions among dis
abled soldiers and the work of the war
risk Insurance bureau, the federal
board of vocational education and oth
er relief agencies, have been Intro
duced by Senator Walsh of Massachus
Drastic Punishment for Auto Theft
St. Paul, Minn. Ten years' lm
prlsonment nnd a flno of $1,000 Is,
specified ns a pennlty for stealing an
automobile In a bill passed by the leg
French bachelors are to bo tnxed to
aid tho bnhlos of tho benedicts. Still.
bachelors do not havo to walk tho
IB' i til ii i ii II mil' Tin I mi I
That l what
mcana to YOU
equip your corn
plow with "Uttl
Daisy " Rotarr
Cultlxitor Bhlelila. Tou uaa them ten day
a ycoi ror ten yean, 'iney rou aione uy
the utile of the shovel, allovrlnir the fine
dirt to liana throUKh, hooping the cloda oft,
the aman corn, zuo.uuu in mo. noiu uy
your Implement Dealer, or ent direct on
recnlpt of 13,76 per pair.
Munaon tilt, Co.. Depf. W, Wlnterset, Iowa
Exceptional onnortunltv nt tho present time
for young women over nineteen years of ago
vrbo have had at leait two yours In high sohool
to take Nurses' Tralulng lu general hospital.
Our (rraduntus aro lu crtat duniand. Address
Supt. of Nurses, Lincoln Sanitarium
Lincoln. Nebraska
posmvttv BtMOVID br Dr. Bwn'a
mil, r,.. kok. tor. C. II, lUrr
Chicago Wetter Than Ever.
Chicago, 111. Dills for Injunction
havo been filed ( against fifty-four Bu
rnous In federal district court by Ed
ward J. Drundage, nttomey general,
who took similar notion last week
against eighty-five other saloons.
"There has been no time since tho
Volstead act wept Into effect that Chl4
cage has been dry, but nt present It
Is wetter than at any tlmo since," said
C. W, Mlddleknuf. assistant attorney
Make Dig Appropriations,
Lincoln, Neb. Appropriations inado
by the 105! I session of tho legislature
will total ?l!1fKM)1000, according to a
compilation prepared by Finance Sec
retary Phil Dross. Of this sum all
but about $0,000,000 will bo raised by
Greek Classes Called to Colors.
Athens. Four nddltloniil classes of
men have been culled to reinforce tho
flrqek nrmy fighting against the Turks
in Asia Minor. Tney comprise tho
classes of 1912, 1013, 10,01, and 100 1.
Mint leaf peppermint or lus
cious Juicy fruit, either
flavor is a treat for your
sweet tooth.
And alt are equally fiood for
you. Teeth, appetite and
digestion ail benefit.
Your nerves will say "thank
you. your vim will respond.
WRIGLEY'S is liked for what
It does as well as for its BIG
value at the small cost of 5c.
value at the small cost of 5c.
I The Flavor Lasts I
When It Hurt.
"Did you hurt yourself much when
the branch broke7?" "No; not until I
reached the ground." .
A Lady of Distinction
Is recognized by thedellcate fascinat
ing Influence of the perfume she uses.
A bath with Cuticura Soap and hot
water to thoroughly cleanse the pores,
followed by a dusting with Cuticura
Talcum powder usually means a clear,
sweet, healthy skin. Adv.
The Record. - I
Howell Last night was the hottest
night In the yeah 1
Powell Not for me; the hottest
night for mo was when my wife dis
covered that my pay had been ralsed
and I hadn't told her of it. New York
Sun. -
wasiungtou, i), v. ureation or n
national food marketing board under
the ehalriunnHhlp of the secretary of
agriculture and wltl tho existing bu
reau of markets as Its executive arm,
Is suggest etl by Secretary Hoover as a
means of rollef to farmers and con
Washington, D. C Governor Hard
ing of tho Federal Dosorvo board has
announced (hat ho would begin this
wook a personal survey of the farm
credit situation In tho mlddlo west and
Announces Military Candidates.
Washington, D, C Tho War de
partment announces the following
candidates from Nebraska to be ad
mltted to the AVest Point military
academy, July 1, as a result of the en-
tranco examinations In March. John
Salisbury Fisher, lleatiico; Harry T
Huynes, -WOS North Twonty-fourth
street, Omaha; Ira Kenneth Kvans,
1171 Twenty-fifth avenue, Columbus;
Harold Shaffer Gould, Alma ; Meredith
D. Masters, Crawford; Earl Walter
Plan Suggested by Kansas Committee.
man to Tell Lawmakers What
Legion Men Need.
"Join the army and walk around the
world I" Do you remember that slogan?
D o u ghboys
whoso weary feet
ate up the kilo
meters on the oth
er sld and tho
miles on this side
so paraphrased'
tho advertising of
tho recruiting
service during the
war. Dut walk
ing won the war.
"Let's keep It
up," urges W. F.
Kurtz, Kansas na
tional executive
committeeman of the American Le
gion. "Let's' walk; to Washington and
tell them what the Legion wants for
Us disabled and for Us whole membership,"
According to Mr. Kurtz' plnn, dele
gates from each state department of
tho Legion would hike overland to the
nation's cnpltol, arranging their sched
ules so as to meet on the White House
steps on the same day. However, ho
would permit representatives from the
other side of tho Rockies to rldo tho
cushions across to this sldo.
Legion posts along tho way would
feed and shelter the hikers. "I'll load
tho way. and outwalk anyone In the
Legion," the Knnsns pedestrian de-
C. O. D.
An old dnrky visited a doctor and
received Instructions as to what he
should do. Shaking his head, ho was
about to leave the office, when the
doctor called out:v
"Hey, thore, uncle, you forgot to
pny me."
"Pay you ro' wmur
"For my ndvlco."
"Nossuh, boss, 1'so compluntnted It
from all angles and decided not to
take It," American Legion Weekly.
"How's the new Flubdub baby?"
"Well, I didn't tell the proud parents
this, but they could mnke a fortune
hiring him to a cartoonist as a model."
Remarkable Strata.
While drilling a test well for oil
on the Turkey Track ranch near
Spearman, Tex., W. Scott Ileywood
and associates discovered a deposit
of salt which is 111 feet thick. This
salt strata was encountered nt a
depth of 700 feet, and what is said
to bo the most remurkable thing about
It Js that no water was encountered.
Neither has there been any water
found' anywhere else In the well,
which Is now at a depth of more
thnn 2,700 feet. Tho fact that there
Is no water above tho salt bed makes
tlie mining of tho product nn easy
matter, it is said.
Second Hand,
"I wnnt two shcots of fly paper,'
sold the lndy entering the corner gen
eml store.
The nono-too-brllllant clerk extracted
two sheets from tho window.
"Ten cents,", he -said.
"How embnrrasslng I I've only n
nickel with me."
"Aw, I s'pose you can hnve tho two
for five cents," ho grumbled. "They'ro
hcwC full of flics alreody." American
Catarrh Is a local disease greatly Influ
enced by constitutional conditions.
Tonic and Blood Purifier. By cleansing
the blood and building up tho System,
normal conditions and allows Nature to
do Its work.
All Druggists. Circulars free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
The Solution.
Little Girl If I was a teacher, Pd
make everybody behave.
Auntl(2 How would you accomplish
Little Girl Very easy. When girls
were bad I'd tell them they didn't look
pretty ; nnd when little boys were bad
I'd make them sit with the girls, and
when big boys were bnd I wouldn't let
them sit with the girls. Edinburgh
Knowledge Is power. Tho more a
man knows, the more ho can enjoy
No sense of economy reconciles a
man to a squeaking half sole.
It's So Easy to
Make the Change
There's no bother and no
sacrifice in turning away
from the ills which some
times come from, tea and cof
fee, when you decide on
Postum Cereal
IRen you have a rich , full-bodied
table beverage which fully satisfies
the taste and there's no ingred
ient to harm nerves or digestion.
Thousands have changed to Postum
as the better meal-time drink
and they don't turn back.
Suppose you try the chang'e for
ten days and note the result.
"There's a Reason 'for Postum
Madefy Postum Cereal Ca.Inc., Battle Creek,Mich.
W. N. U., OMAHA, MO, 19--1921.
llarnes, Crawford.
Legion Weekly.