4 NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE . , T m.8Qy TQUi' Kdllor and rutjllancr. Entered nt tho NortH Platte, Nebraska ; Posfortlco ns Second Class Matter. SUJJSCMLllON I'JHCKi Onp Year, In ndruncc $2.00 TUESDAY, JfAY :trU, 102i. KDITOIilAL. Sam bcrryberry called our attention to a no' definition of an optimist that la , the definition was now to ns. Wo enjoyed It with Sam and have en f Joyed It with Hovornl othor8 slnco. ilcro It Is An optlmlBt Is a man or woman who digs tho dandelions out of tho front, lawn with a knlte. Work has boon" In progress on tho now swimming pool In Uio north part of tho city during tho past two wooks .'and ft' begins to look ns though It would bo a reality beforo long. Thoy bottom hurry It up howover If they got It ready for tho swimming season for Vo' know of soveral of tho follows , who bavo had ono or moro dips In tho river" already this Spring. Lincoln County wants tho Western .Fish Hatchory and so does Garden " County.' It Is up to tho Secretary of tho Stato Hoard of Agriculture to do cldo which shall get It. It would bo unfortunate for these two friendly counties to have a .dispute which would end In bitterness and yot only , ono of us can have It. Wo havo many warm frlondg In Garden County. None of'tjjom will accuse tho Trlbuno of un fairness If It booHts for Lincoln County ah" tho logical location for tho hatchery. Wo all st!ood together to get tho hatchory for wostornNobraska' fiii'd now wo can havo a Httlo good na-1 turod rivalry1 as to whoro In wostorn Nebrauka it i.- (j bo located. Person ally, wo don't care whore In western Nebraska It Is finally located Just so It Is In Lincoln County. ' Tho greatest proposition over put fo'rthJiy; any agency, or ,concpm In terested In ,markelng is now being organized -by tho. committee of Seven teen. Thjs. .committee, waa formulated through tho comblndd efforts of a number of formora organizations. Its sptlrposo la to Btublllzo Uio grain mar ket by soiling the wheat and othor cereals direct to. tho consumers. A gigantic corporation Is bolng formed and Roiiio of tho best minds of tho country, aro engaged In tho organiza tion. Tho. plans have been' rovlqwod by many master minds, from Bernard Banish and Herbert Hoover down and In general tho opinion Is that It Is a great, plan and will work. In general .the Boards of Trado and groat grain Interests are against It bocauso thoy thlnlc.lt will put them out of business. Tho Farm Bureau and othor Lincoln County farmers' organizations co-op- orated in tho formation of tho Commit- too of Sevenleon but as soon as the WArk, of organization was completed these, soclotlos withdrew nwl now they are, at work on tho organization of a similar corporation called tho Conv iriittce of Flftoen, which will handle tho live stock bunlnoss. Either plan whoti put In oporatlon will moan a comploto revolution In tho prosont mothods pf selling' the farm products of thtjj part of tho country. . CITY AND COUNTY nIsW. Mr. Hunter, of Scotts IHuff.fraiis acted busnes8 In tho 'city yesterday". A largo" dolegattlon from tho Amorlcan Legion and several other North Platte people attended .the funeral of Holgo Blasder Sunday. Bur ial was mado In tho National Cemetery at Ft. McPherson. Feed and Garden Seeds of all des criptions. North Platto Feed Co., Phono 200. Tho body of Maude Lambard, who dlod here last week was sent to Wy more, Nebraska, last night. She was a laundress and formerly lived In Can ada, from whlcli place lier mother camo to atend her funeral. To whom aro you going to soM your Hay and Grain? Tho Harrington Mer cantile Co. will offer the highest prices. A proposition for a city dump grounds south of tho fill for the Lin coln Highway brldgo Is now being worked out by tho Ohambor of 'Com merce Directors Socrotary Bare Is taking It up with the Union Pacific uuthorltlos and asking permission to uso tho sand (lata for this purpose. Whon tho Lincoln Highway bridge wan constructed the channel of tho Jivor was diverted to tho cast and that loaves a big oxpanBo of waste eand on tho west sldo of tho rlyor. Tho proposition Is to uso this wnsto as a dumping place for nil city gnr bage. Some of this land Is over flowed In the spring and all of It Is covered with a growth of sandbar willows .and weeds. Tho road loading from tho Highway back Into thl8 scrub growth would furnish a means of reaching this ground. If this could bo worked out and dumping at any othor places absobjfoly (prohibited It would solve tho question of disposal of our city garbago for a long tlmo to come. It would also prevent building up of moro unsightly dumping grounds llko that near tho north rlvor brldgo and along the low placos on oast Fourth street. ::ot: HATS SMILE AT WINTER Want Ads goat. COD west The young daughters of, smart mothers will wca' lovely beaver and, felt hats this winter, trimmed wltr hqndsomu ribbon. Two huts In tho long- napped variety appear above. Below thiMii aro two pretty fabric hats, bott Biado of velvet. Ono of them In fin ished with yarn needlework and tb ther with a ribbon sash. When Sleep Comes Back When hIooI' deserts you, then strength departs. It Is a groat day wliqj'i sleep cornea gack. Loss of sleep Is duo to pressure on aplnalf iforvea affoctlug tho brain. Scbmfngly tho victim of this ailment , enmiot btop tho train of thought, Lack of, ability to rost brlugg on extreme For Sale Milking Ninth streot. For Kent FurnlBhod room, 803 E. Fifth. Phono 522J. For Jtcnt Sleeping rooms modern. 22t E. Second St. Phone 278J. Lost An overcoat near Falrview Dairy. Phone Doollttlo, 788F31. Wanted Competent girl Tor general housowork. Phono C41W. To Trade Eighty acres Colorado land for good automobile. Call H27W. Wanted Washing, will call for and deliver. Phone 213J. For Sale Now Anchor Hope Cream Separator. Cheap- Inqulro at 1000 N. Pino St. Wanted To rent flvo or six room modern house In west (part of city. Address C. K. caro Tribune. To Trade Section of land, In Lin coln Co. for city proporty. Soo Gone Crook, North Platte. Wanted Girl for general , house worklight washing good - placo for right party. 008 W. Second street. For Sale Hatching eggs, puro bred R. I. Reds, Barred Itocka and White Leghorns. L. I. Tucker, Phono G9SJ Wanted Any kind of work. John Anderson, Madison Rooms, 511 Dew ey street. For Sale or Trade Two lots and a four room houso for Ford oar. See Tomplo. For Snlb A few ploces Qf old furn- Uuro In good condition. . Call 1109 East 4 th street or phono 537. For Stflo At farmora' -DrIcc A cholco lot of Red Poll bulls -ready for service. Payne Dairy Farm.' south end of Dowoy streot, I'orth Platte. Wanted Sovoral mature young la- dloa to collect Information ovor tho city. No selling. Loavo name at this office. ' For .Sale-fOhlld's white enamel bed complete. Good slzo. Phono C27 or tnqulco (520 west Second. . PALESTINE-. For Sale School house, -west end of DlatrlctNo. 5-, at public auction May 10 to bo -sold at school houso. Mrs. Huckfoldt. " Fred Simants, Frank Purdy -' C. Mi TROTTER homo for Bale, two story, olght room bungalow with bath, ontlroly modern. doublQgarago, located at East Fifth. Street. C,nn mako terms. See W. E. Shuman, Atty. anted A responsible party to handle a small manufacturing prop osition In North Platto. Will require $200.00 to $400.00 Investment. Ypu pond the money yourself. Mako ap plication at onco to Box 859, Scotts Bluff, Nebraska. I-or Rent Pasturo with running water. Close In; mile east of Bak or School Houso. By head per month. Inquire nt placo or 921 West 2nd St., N. P. Also tho rogstered French Draft Porchorou Black Pat will make tho season at tho same place. .Mako a dato. Miss Agnes Power of Brady visited frlonds In the city Saturday. Miss Ellen Flynn of Horshoy visited friends In tho city over tho week end. Harold McKinley, a representative of Bradstreet In Omaha, who has been transacting business nnd visiting his Blstor Mrs. Geo. Glbbs, will leave' for. Scotts Bluff tomorrow. A MOVING STORY By HELEN A. HOLOEN norvousnoas, ofton tho victim foara that ho is going to pieces nnd inay evon foar for his Banlty. Whon tho chiropractor by his Bklll ul adjustments rostoros tho Joints r tho aplnu to alignment and ro movea tho proasuro on spinal narvos which is causing this troublo, tho ,hU tient wtporlances a relaxation that Is all Urn moro profound bocauso of tho n.ed of tho oxhaustod body. Strength U rapidly regalnd once tho ablfliy to glwp la regained. act Today llHjKtlo , rUMV the cause of yotjr dijoafi.; Consultation la with-, out oliarga. Drs. States & States, flio S. Ct Clilroprtictoi., , Bjijldlng pm Loanij1jlIdIii f ' '.tfcWnska, - CHIROPRACTIC "ORRECTS 015EA5E3 ATHE FOLLOWING HEAD EVES HOSC THROAT jr ARMS HrftDT I MMrt Liven STOMACH PANCREAV SPLEEN KIDNEYS BOWELS APPENDIX (BLADDER LOWER rfvmt LINOS LOWER PINCHED KTOlrS,lMP0551B!.E TO FURNISH.. PROPER IMPULSE life and mm to thejr omm I AND TI55US s1 tnu-itrrgcnj i iMcm ii c 4 The choice is largely up to you. If your blood lacks red corpuscles, you're go ing" to be fagged and drag ged out, you're going to lack "pep," to look sallow and unhealthy, to grow od before your time., Bl MILES' actually increases the num ber or red corpuscle;- in the" blood. It makes the !i$eks pHimp and rosy, stilmulitC3 th digestive organs, crc- att .). healthv annetitc. and 4 to increaseu vigQr ,'itality. First bottle i5tced ta help you pr, refttndfd. ' UR DRUGGIST! From force .of habit Stotesberry dropped In Ms ticket and started down tho subway stairs. Half way- ho no ticed tho crowd on tho platform be low. lie would co until he was too weary to think, Then, perhaps, he could sleep. It was maddening to have something on one's mind that would not bo for gotten something unpleasant to be gono over and over. When he finally left the subway ho found himself in an entirely strange part of tho city. As far as he could seo the street was deserted. This suited his mood. He pulled down his hnt moro securely on his hea1 nnd started on his tramp. "Willi due apology to 'The Broad White Way,' where am I?" he queried. "I surely came uptown In that sub way." When he came to a theater he scarcely hesitated. lts doors were invitingly open. "Some jolly play," thought Stotes berry to himself, "will perhaps put mo on my feet ngnln." The play had already begun. The head of the house had Just entered the stage. Harassed and worried with the cares of business, he came in look ing for sympathy from the assembled family. v. Stotesberry did not wait for more. Solzlng his hat and coat, he escaped. "If It begins like that, what will. It bo whon the climax is renched?" ho groaned. Wrath tilled his soul as he aguhi hurriod along the street. He wanted so 'much to forget. Why did fate con spire to keep him reminded of his troublo? A little further on a brilliant sign announced "Motion Pictures." "That promise well." Still, after, his former unhappy experience, , Stotesberry hcsltnted.-ri,Auy,wny . it would be something -tuknow just what a moving-picture show Is like. I'll' chance It. If it comes .to the worst,, I cau escape." . , . Stotesberry paid the -required dlm, entered but did not take ott hl coat. If -his stay were to be as short, as . It had been at the theater, It would hardly be worth while. , , "Orchestra of onel" lie was sitting on a line with a young girl at the piano. "Does she keep up that pace all through the performance? Gouldi n't I Vet her hands look It The veins are all standing out about a yard 'What would possess . a, ,glrl. to do a thing like that?" He had forgotten the pictures in his Interest in the girl. "Nice looking, too. But doesn't she look all In? Never In my life saw uny one so fagged her face, her hands, her whole attitude. "Wonder what her tragedy Is? It's a bad one, or nUe wouldn't be playing Her thirty knots an hour, for, I won der, how many hours n day, anyway?" Even when she passed her left hand wear'.ly ncross her forehead her right carried on the air without Interrup tion. Once she swayed as though she would full. "Why doesn't someone stop her?" Stotesberry felt righteous indignation. There's something worrying thnt girl almost Insane. And she has to keep on playing those Jig tunes probably half the night." With Its customary abruptness, the curtain announced a few minutes In termission. The tired hands came to a stop. Tho exhasted girl leaned her head wear ily on thpni as they rested on the piano. The girl fell over in a dead faint. Stotesberry wns the first to reach her. In a few minutes It was all over. Stotesberry had insisted on taking the girl directly home. The manager stormlly refused. Witli n grateful glance at Stotes berry, the girl declared herself all right. She wouldn't for anything break up tho show 1 She promised not to faint again. Ho had started out to forget. In tho licht of another's troubles his own had been forgotten.. Now, as lie re membered them, n wave of shame came over him. He bnd been busy trying to forget a paltry Lwenty-ilvo thousand ho had imido In AVnll Street that day. Ills disappointment had been ovorwholui- liig ho had counted on fifty thou sand. The girl Insisted on walking. It was not far to her home, nnd sho needed the air. "I can't tell you how sorry I am,' StoUvlxTry did not know Just how to put It. "But I think If you know all tha'clrcumstaneas It would probably not bo nearly so bad ns you Imagine, "Oh. It could not be much worse," roplled tlif gtrl wearily. "It's nil ovor, and there's no use thinking about It." "He's Just mnd clean rtirough. And thora are plenty of others waiting for tho Job. "Mo muJ Tom wfi( out skating at six o'clock thU morning. Tom had to go to wuTOJtt sovon, but the ico was en mmi f stnved out all mo miner." "Tom l?" auggwicd Stntesborry, "YoK.'VrunlltHl the girl, "as soon na he goU a ih!p Wro going to got, mar- rle. "Ileln out in- th air all morning nfnde mo so sleey I ' could liardly kcei my vjrs wwn in timt not ninca, It cot worio anrt vrtvrsr) till I, couldn't flthi It ai..i i ';'; ". I Just dropped Harry Slovens returned last evening from a business trip to Wray, Gfilo. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Joffers of Omaha camo Sunday to visit frlonds In tho city nnd attend tho May Ball. Mrs. Anna Luke of Scattlo who has boon visiting In Lincoln camo yestor- day to visit at tho homo of her jnothor Mrs. Mary Emery. fc NOTICE OP'PETITION Estato No. 1814 of Hanson M. drlmos, deceased, In tho County Court ot Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho SUito of Nebraska. To all por Bona Interested In said Estato tako notlco that a petition has been filed for tho appointment of Mary E'. Grimes as Executrix of Bald ostato, which has been set for hoarlng herein on May 24, 1921, at ten o'clock n. in. Dated May 2, 1921. WM. H. C. WOODIIUttST, (SEAL) County Judge. Pnlnli Afi.'imn returned Sunday 1 Mullen wjiora. ho visited , friends. .4- f- , Mrs. It. B. Qclort of Ogalalla was a cty visitor Saturday. .NOT1E13 TO CREDITORS eTN0..1813f Joha H. Singleton. aoa. Jn rtho Countyl Court of Estqf dec r.Inprtln rvitintv. Nebraska. Tho 'Stalo ot Nebraska, Ss: Credit ors of said ostato will tako notice that tho tlmo Hmltod for presentation atul filing of clalnn against said Estato is September 3rd. 1921, and for settle ment of said estate Is April 23th, 1922; that I will sit at tho county court lioom In said county, on Juno 3rd, 1921, at ten o'clock a. m. nnd on Sep tember 3rd, 1921, at ten o'clock a. m., t6 receive, oxamlno, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, (SEAL) , County Judge. GUARANTEED Low Cost life Insurance Every Benefit Guaranteed. PROVIDES a maximum amount of insurance at t tho lowest possible cost THE COST and every result is known to the in sured from the day he insures- No uncertainties no estimate &--no possible disappointment 'i, 5 EVERYTHING is guaranteed in the contract in black and white V IN EVENT of permanent total disability before age 60, TRAVELERS' CONTRfS (except term) waive all future premiums and pay an atiriulincomekd.tb the.jnsurod- of 12 per cent aaF the FUfcL -FACE AMOUNT of the CONTRACT AT DEATH MOST liberal cash loan paid up and auto matic extended insurance values, trust fund, change "of beneficiary and installment privileges. . 4 C. F. TEMPLE, "The Travelers' Man" GUARANTEED LOW COST LIFE INSURANCE. Surprise Mother May 8thMoths' Day . nv n - - p. rrbis Brunswick Plan makes it possible , Join this conspiracy of hap piness the Mothers' Day Club. $urprisc Ilcrwith some thing lasting, somct'.. 'j that brings constant joy. Wc can't tell all the details here- we'd be giving away part of your secret. Juut we have a remark able plan to explain to you, one that makes it oasy for you to give your Mother a won derful Brunswick Pho nograph and an ap propriate" collection of records. . Our special offer with all the special' Mothers' Day features is the Bruns wick 112, a model especially beautiful. Your Mother -will long remember the great sur prise. Your choice will be ap predated. The Club is a Brunswick idea. No offer like it has been made before. You'll be delighted at the simple way you can participate, and honor your Mother in a splendid manner. The plan is simple. Come in and let us ex plain it personally. Its simplicity will appeal. Walker Music Co. off for ii f u tuiiiuU's."