The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 03, 1921, Image 4

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CLINTON & SON,- The Eye Glass Men
Sign of The Big Ring Satisfaction Sure Try Us. Graduate Opticians
Pit. 0. II. CJtESSLEIt
OfTlco over the McDonald
State Dank.
Mrn. L. 11 Hastings left the first" of
the week for Chicago. :
i - ' Harold Zost left this morning for
C. V. Turplo left Saturday for Sioux I3lg SprIng8 nflcr visiting relatives In
City to tranBuct business. tnc .
A. S. Prltchnrd and Wm, Mlllor left'
li Stindnv for Tlnnkfnrd. Til.
Ernest Rlnckor returned from
; business trip to Omaha Saturday. -
Claude Gross went to Sidney Fri-
An enthusiastic meeting was hold
aC the Mcl'herson School House on
Thursday .when Miss Flordnco At
wood, of Lincoln, spoko to tho pupils
and patrons on tho boys' and girls'
day to visit friends.
Mrs, H. Jadbbs of Denvor came Sun
day to visit at tho J. T. Stuart home.
Mr. and Mrs. Donnolly of O'Fallons
visited Mrs. Rose Garrison yesterday.
Mrs. .1. A. Trout will entertain tho,
J. P. P. lier homo this after
noon. Mr. Weeks returned" to Grand iBland
Sunday after visiting his eons Edward
and Roger.
Anna HJorkiund, of Gothenburg',
spent tho week end visiting relatives
in tho city.
Food and Garden Seeds of all des
criptions. North . Platte Peed Co.,
Phono 200.
Mrs. ABa,Snyder wont to Beavor
City Saturday to spend a few days
visiting friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Connor of Kear
ney nttended tho May Rail which was
held' last evening. "
Dr. I. J. KItAUSE, Dentist, Mc
Donald Hank Itulldlntf. Rooms 2 and 8.
Phone 07.
Mr. and Mrs. littler Mlllonbcrgcr club work. As a result of tho meeting
moved to 1202 Locust street Saturday. ! an enthusiastic sowing club was
formed with Mrs. Robs as leader, Tho
club will meet twice a mouth ntHho
school building. Ice cream and cake
was furnished for the noon lunch.
County Agent Kellogg assisted Miss
Mrs. A. O. Shopard left yesterday
for Sidney to visit friends for a fow
Rev. R. O. Mackintosh camo Sunday
from Texas and will spend a week In
the city.
Miss Lorotta Erlckson of Pine Bluffs
spent the week end visiting fsiends In
tho city.
Mrs. C. W. Wagner of Gothenburg
wns a week end guest at tho Dr. Red
flcld homo.
Miss Lucille Callcndar went to
Drulo Saturday to vIbU friends for n
few days.
MIsb Mario Rudnt wont to Suther
land yesterday to spend a few days
visiting friends.
j In our nows columns last Friday
I wo spoko of tho Perd Streitz Vulcan
I izlng Co. as being distributors for
Gcnoral TlrcB Elsewhere In the same
j paper was an ndvrtlBoment In which
this company announced its appoint
ment as distributors of Federal Tires.
The nows item was of our own writ
ing nnd was a simplo slip of tho'pon.
Tho General Tires nro handled by the
Adair-Lee Rubber Co. while the Fed
eral tires nro sold by tho Perd Streitz
Vulcanizing Co.
Tho three-act comqdy "Oh! Daddy,"
given by tho pupils of tho Junior
High School on Friday and Satur
day nights was a big success. Tho pu
pils showed surprising ability and Tho
largo crowds on both nlchts. showed
Burt Emery returned to. his homo In thoIr niwccmti0n W tdvlnc thorn
Casper Saturday aftdr Visiting, khis . heurty appiauso aml freely expressing
Mombors of tho Yoomnn lodgo will
attend n Ycomnn social in Hcrshoy
tomorrow evening'.' ,
mother, Mrs Mary Emory.
Miss Florence Stack resumed duties Mrs. Wm. Dolson gpont tho week
nt tho Clinton nnd Son Jowlcry store
after n week's absence,
ond In Grand Island VJaU'lnfj for
daughter Miss Florence Guendel.
their approval of their efforts. It Is
not known Just what tho proceeds will
bo but wo are assured that the debat
ing team and tho cadots will each re
ceive a substantial financial boosL ,
Mrs, P. L. Fritz returned to hor Mr. and Mrs. D"., C 'Congdon. arrived
homo in Fontonolle. Iowa, nftor vis-! homo from California yostorday Whoro
itlnir her dauchtor Mrs. John Baker, tliov lmvn mmtn nn nvtnniimi viait '" to uio u . u. a. state chapter
Miss Marguorlto Campbell returned next week will bo a pleosmcrldo n
" Included In tho entertainment feat
urcs which will bo accorded tho dole
Mrs. John B-ay Toturncd from ijlatto-
vlllOrXpolo? yostettltvy' whertf shirMH
bconiiMlng her daughter Mrs. Cody
Milton Wlilto- returned to his homo
In Squirrel, Idahp, yesterday after vis
iting ut tho homo of his sister Mrs. A.
II. Afters.
Mrs. S. L. Murphy, who has boon
tho gueat of "Mrs. T. Lowollon, loft
tho latter .part of the woolc for hor
homo In Atchison, Knusas.
Genorni Manngor Wm. Joffors, of
tho. Union , Pacific railroad, passod
throng,!) (ha qlly Friday morning on-
routu from Umnha up tho branch.
Leon Stone returned to Grand Is
land thly lnorhlng whore ho attends,
business college, after spending two
days with his paronts Mr. and Mrs. J.
II. Stone,
Spring is only just around tho cor
ner and a "pair of Goodrich tlroB on
your blko wlll.Bavo you tlmo, oxponso
and annoyance all summer. "A Smile
a mile" on Goodrich tiros.
MIbs Emmollno Calhoun entertain
ed tho members of tho Junior class of
tho High School at hor home In the
country Friday evening, Qanios wore
playod nftor which dollcloun rofrcsh
mehts were gorvod.
First class painting and paper hang
ing- Elegant stock of wall paper Just
rccolvod- Store at 113 W. -Sixth St.
Phono B70W. H. II. Lnmlgraf nnd
Edd Friend- "
W. S. Choney, of tho firm of Chonoy
& Sullivan, hns sold lib Interest in
tho plumbing and repairing bustnoss
to R. P. ZentH of Omaha. This firm
took over tho building nnd stock of
tho Into Joo Pillion and hns boon hav
lng a successful business but Mr.
Chonoy thinks ho wants to get back
Into the hotol business.- His plans
uro hot yet doflnltoly determined.
It would cortiilnly pay you to buy i
Dodgo Brothers car from mo, because
of tho good service wo provlcfo for
those good cars, oven Uio It cast you
extra money, but whon you can buy
ii Dodgo fori loss money thau any car
"of Its. quality, then tho ndvnntago of
price and nftor sorvico are both in
your favor In such a purchase. JV,
Romlgh, Dealer.
White Leghorn, Slnglc-comb Rhode
leiand Rods. Unrrod Rocks and White
Wvandottoft. Hatching eggs J1.G0 for
15. ?8 fur 100. Baby chicks $20, W2.GQ
and $27.50 for 100 chicks.
Poultry Department,
Experimental Substation,
Id- Bfaily yq1 oYdoy ,K(i$
nuun, uim ai. uiu lit. v. wuuiiu iiuiiiu'.
Rev. R. O. Mackintosh, formerly
rector of tho Episcopal church here,
was tho iirlnc'lpal spealcor nt tho Ro.
tory Club dlnnor Monday. Ho was
ono of tho clmrtor membors of tho
club nnd.wnB warmly woicomed by
his fonnor nsHoclatos. Ho told of the
wonderful development of Toxns nnd
gnvo a vivid description of tho climate
nud Industries of Jtho R'Jo,Grando
country whero ho Is now locatod.Uus
lnoss conditions ovor tho wholo coun
try woro compared to a Bhlp nt anchor.
The Bhlp has tremendous powor nnd Is
loaded but until conditions boconio
moro favorablo it will not Btart. So
business Is at a standstill In most
places, just waiting for moro favor
ablo conditions. Ho was very cortaln
that tho delay would not bo long.
Attention Is' called to the fact that
tho "Clean Up nnd Paint Up" cam
palgns have been' vory useful features
In reducing thu causes and number of
tiros. Cleaning up Is a groat thing! 1
for a city or town or for a home. It Is
astonishing how tho odds and onns
accumulate Into mnssos of rubbish nnd
whon a lot of places In a town show
such accumulations the sum total bo-
comos something tremendous. Also, It
becomes something pregnant with pos
sibilities of ovll, In a sorlous flro uny-
whero a Tot of rubbish lying around in
tho vicinity moans n lot of hot work
for tho firemen and vory llkoly moans
tho destruction of u number of homos
that othorwlBo might havo oscaped. It
pays ovory owner of a home no mat
ter how soro ho may bo on his land
lord to cloan up about his place every
spring and fall. Thoro Is always ac
tivity for tho ftrcmou In thoso seasons,
and thoro Is bound to bo moro than Is
necessary It thoro 1b a mnss of rubbish
around for tho kiddles to sot on flro
or to catch In the event of a big blaze
starting In tho neighborhood. Chlol
Daley of tho Brockton tiro dopartmout
Is showing tho worth of this phase of
the campaign, as Instituted by tho
Chambor of Commorco. Brockton
(MaBs.) Entorprlso.
found iho'clty and to" points-of iuliiw
est near by. For this not loss than ono
hundred aiitoB will bo required and it
will .depend upon car owners of 'the
city to volunteer autos for this pur
pose. This d'rlvo will bo glvon Tuesday
afternoon of noxtweok. Owner8 are
roquosted to havo their cars at tho
Masonlo Tomplo at 4 o'clock sharp.
Tho drive will consume about ono
hour. Those who will furnish cars for
this purposo will please call Mr. Bare,
phono C7. .Committee.
6'i First I'arin Mortgage 6
7 Tirtt Olty Mortgages 7
7a Ton Yoar add Wotos 7 inyihtr .ml mini... ; collrctcd ul
rtrattUtl by u frc of rlnr:e -llkrwlM tb
ptlncir.l wlirn lt'ui.,1.. Delallcil Infer
IMtlon l .cut "inn ri'i.ilMt. Writ (or INMIMI.M- I.IIJJ.T1N.
Woods Brothers Companies
SecufltUi Drjiilmsnt
LINCOLK, KSUn. riiouo B-6744
Murk K. OVtffifm wll bora III OlM
April tl. having agjourtled on Bartll
,2 ytmfn. 7 montltj nd 4 thiyn.
When Mr. Graham was a lad of
fourteou ha cme to Iowafc whero he
grew to nianhood's ostato. Ho was
marrlod at tho ago of 27 to MIbs Geor
gia Anna Donaldson of Brooklyn, Iowa
on Docomber 29th, 187G. To this union
seven children were born. Ono died In
Infancy and nnothor died at the ago of
32 yoars.
In 1878 tho GrahaniB camo. to Lin
coln County, Nobr. and havo remained
hero since. Therefor his death marks
tho pnsslng of another of the ploncors
of south Lincoln county. Hero the fain-"
Ily wns reared and married. The eld
est son, CharlCB, 18 now living In Kcn
sas City, Kansas. Harry lives nt Blg
nell.MrB. Maudo Kenney at Sheridan,
Wyoming, Mrs. Lillian Guilllnumo at
North Platto and Mrs.' Daisy Burton
nt Sterling, Colorado.
Thirty-two years ago Mr. Graham
was converted nnd united with tho
Free Methodist Church of Wellfleet
and has remained steadfast in that re
lation till the close of life's day.
Last July Brother Graham suffered
a stroke of paralysis but was soon
ablo to be about tho home and a few
times went down town. On the 23rd
day of December the second stroke
came nnd he was left in a critical con
dition. The third and last stroke
came on April 15tU and he peacefully
passed away on tho morning of the
twenty-first. Funeral services wero
held from the Baptist church at Woll
fleot Saturday afternoon, April 23d,
Rov. Pnrrar preaching from Ps. 110:
15, nnd interment wns made in tho
Wellllcet cemetery. During his long
lllnoss all that a devoted wife and
children could do was done for him.
Tho sous and daughters camo faith
fully and did their share. Nelghors
and friends took turns In caring
for him and for several weeks he was
In a hospital. But all that was done
only availed for a dhort tlmo for he
heard the summons "Child come
home. ".Contributed
i kk. . -. WtMrB. Frank iwrborN retiiriiod from
, and died t ffbrthl'laU. N.$ . ,
Untied tlli? lmtlrfrml oonvsntlon of tho
u. A .iv. .
MI Nina Van Doran loft yester
day for Clovolitml, Ohio, whore sho
hns accepted a position as organist
in a thoatre.
Mrs. Wm. Frlond came Saturday
from Grand Island to Visit nt tho
lomo of Mrs. Geo. Voselpka and at-
tond thd Mny Ball.
Harry and Earl Emery camo from
Casper tho latter part of tho week
whore they wore called by tho illness
of their mother Mrs. Mary Emory.
Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Parroll of Wal-
laco are visiting Mrs. Theodore
Breeze for a few days. They are
starting on an automobile trip (to
California which will take several
North Platto Floral Co. Flowers.
W. Twelfth Street Phono 1023. We
deliver nnd ship anywhere.
Clinton & Son, Graduate Opticians
Try us for service.
Mrs. E. H
Inland thjis morning
hor sister Mrs. A. V.
Horn returned to Grand
aftr visiting
If each person buys ten stamp? at
a cost of 30 cents, this community
will fjo over its stamp quota.
Stamps can be secured from tha
local China Famine Fund Committee
or directly from China Famine Fund,
Bible House, New York City.
For Fruit nnd Ornnmontnl j;t
Tr,cos, Peony, and Dahlln Roots,
Cinnamon nnd
Mndorla Vinos,
Plants that Grow,
Hardy Pinks,
Troos and
Cut Flowers, and othor Plants $
for any occasion, call
Visitors Welcome. Phono 1023
Wost 12th Opr. Curtis,
Today amd Tomorrow
Matinee at 2:15 and 4:10 p. m.
Norma Talmadge
"The Branded Woman"
Directed by Albert Parker
The Soul of Purity dragged in the mire of a mother's
cynicism--out of the jeweled slough ot degredntion fought
thia-kenutiful girl; into the arms of the man she 'loved to
find the scarlet shame, the hideous hlot of the past was to
he washed away with tears and faith.
Also John Jones in a 2-ree! Booth Tark
ington Comedy.
Tho storo room at tho cornbr ot
Fifth and .rDewoy -streets, formerly
Ulod by the SUdmnit Bakery Is being
fitted up for a first class roataurnl.A
company of Chlnoso gontlomon v?ko
i,nro operating high class reaUumnte
In San Francisco and Omaha will
opoh up in this location nbout tko
middle of tho month.
11. B. Richardson and H. M. Tyssel
Ing, representing tho firm of Richard
son & Reed, (Lincoln, nre in tho city
taking orders for a map of Lincoln
County which they expect to deliver
about July 1st. Tho "map Is to bo
3x5 feet nnd to bo compiled from the
records of tho Stato Highway Com
mission, Tho Department of Conser
vation under Dr Condra and other rel
iable -sources.
Of household goods,' at corner of
Front nnd Locust streets, Saturday,
May 7tht.
player'piano AT
We havo a strictly high grade playor
piano In storago In North Platte. No
reasonable offer Tcfosed fpr quick dis
posal. Easy terms If responsible. Write
at onco if Interested to tho Denver.
Jjtfuslc Company. Denver, Colorado.
Young Men's
Blue Serge
Perfectly tailored garments of all wool blue serge
Where Low Price
Good Quality.
An$8valae $l-.90
Cor. Front & Dewey Sts. j
Seed Potatoes
Who wants Seed Potatoes?
I have a car of Minnesota Red River early Ohio's
rolling. This car is Jo be shipped to another point.
But Will be on track at North PlaUe for two days.
Parties wishing Seed Potatoes must engage ahead.
Prices $1.45 per bushel. 'Can see sample at my
store. How many do you want?
McMichael Grocery.
PHONE 441.
I Ira I i
! I lis!! j
US' li ill
'LJLIl 3f3
- or K-fn '
Moving or Just Cleaning
In either case you will need Curtains. Our
stock of Curtains is so.complete at this line
you can not help but find just what you
have been wanting. A splendid line of Nets
and Marquisetts ready-made at prices that
will surprise you. See our Windows.
W. R. Maloney Co.