NORTH PJLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TllIBUNE KBlabllshed In 18S5. WILSON TOUT. Editor nnd FnblMicr. to a greater dot oxtcndld"n)fl)fe libtn. & s:. ogrqe did this loy- n loved find to . Bri.tcrcd nt the North Platto, Nobraska M v Pofitofflco as Second Claim Mattor, 1 f. m ..... - - - - - suuScitirTr6N nt ice : ?2.00 One,. Year In ndjnnce "tiiljfiUV, Al'JCIfj 99th, 1021. EDITORIAL. A TitmuTi:. 4 In thd-putmlng Away of Judgo H. M. Grimes Monday jioon, North I'latto and 'Western Nebraska lost a widely and . favorably known and , universally ro--. 'specfed resident; a man whose friend ship wns valued because It over run true; whoso Integrity stood unques tioned through tho mnny years of a useful life; whoso largeness of heart . wns reflected by tho multitude Of kindly nets and sympathctlcudvlco. More than half of tho sixty-eight years allotted 'to Judge drlmos were , spent In closo contact with pcoplo of --"all dogrees in "Western Nebraska; ho t'was unmindful of tho garb Won might wear, for to Jilm character in man was valued higher than riches; no ,.. man was too poor to be considered bis friend; and If.charnctor was wanting It was. ho who In his qutot, sympathetic way spoko words of kindly advlco that influenced men to becomo moro man ,ly, moro self-respecting, more use ful; . . .Judge Grimes was not only a huc eqsful practicing lawyor and for a iuartor of a. century a fair and Inj .ifATtial Judgo, but ho was a preacher of practical Christianity and ho prac- tlcod tho precepts ho proached do Unto others as you would have others! jlo unto you and nono will over know to what farther bounds tho Influonco 'of 'hid words and deeds 'reached. While Judgo Qrlmos was posltlvo In his convictions, ho was always coh- sldorato and tolorant to tho vlows of others. As a Jurist Judgo Grimes command ed tho respect and enjoyed tho con fldonco if ovory practicing nttornoy In tho district; and not only theso but tlioso who cajrto from other districts to proscctito cases boToro hlm;and this rospect and esteem was oniphu- szed by, tho prosenco of bo many . mcmbors of tho bar who camo Wod nsday to pay tholr last earthly ro spects. ' Intensely loyal to nation and with a patriotism that never dimmed, Judgo . Grlmch -every Word and deed bospoko tho constancy of his love of country, and alty hid libtnft. il H . " In tho IafgXJr sonTo Tid lobkod upon lioma ns tho bulwark of tho nntlou, this View being Intensified by the hun drfnlB of wrecked homos It- was his prdvlnco to lnvotlgato ns Judge nnd wlionover such hub Utought best he oxertcd his Influonco to tho fullest ox tent to avort a separation of the In- mates of a homo and tho placing of chlldron In environments that wore not good. Flags at half mast and the closing of business hotisos, during the funeral hour bospoko tho regrotablc loss of ono who for , thjriyescxcn.. years ljnd been an exemplary citizen of North I'latto a man respected, esteemed, beloved by all. Judge Grimes has, left us, but "Ho who lives In tho hearts of those ho leaves never dies." I. L. II. -!:o:- Sl'OHTS Fifth lug opondd up a Httlo laBt week when It was warm but tho cool weather of tho present wcok has put a dampor on tho Bport but not on tho flshormen. Last week tho 'river Was very low and running qulto clear. A number of good catches of plko wore roportcd but following up some of thorn wo found that both tho number and tho slzo of tho fish caught woro exaggerated. Some basB havol been caught In tin! lakes north of horo and a fow cats haVo snapped fat tho luro of tho fish worm managoifiuy the youngsters. '. John Den and party aro planning on a fishing trip to tho north lakes tho first of next week. In preparation for this anil many moro trips later In tho senson, Mr. Don bo's bought a gasoline motor engine which Is to bo fasfencd to tho rear "of 'a boat. It has a propollor ana ruddor and when in working order makes a gasoline launch out of any row boat or civ hoe. Tho motor wolghs In tho neigh borhood of ICO pounds and cost about that many dollars. It pumps tho wa ter Used In cooling Its cngino nnd Is qulto nolsoloss as tho exhaust Is un dor Water. John should got the fish now and not come homo nil tired out with rowjng.. . I ' The registered shoot which will be hold, horo li May Is expected, to at tract coriiilddrnble nltoiltlon. ' Huso ball Ih starting out' this year with pretty good prosp'ectb for some good sport. Tho American Legion Is back of u Jeani and a good bunch ot follows aro turning out to tho' Initial J practice. Fred Petersen Ih tho' genial manager and ho 8 on tho Job nit of tho time. Neighboring towns aro also organizing nnd some good teams are developing. Men's New Track events aro taking tho atten tlon of the High School boys, Last Friday the team went-to Gothenburg whore a Joint meet wns staged. Goth enburg won- by a score of 57 to C6. Here Is tho list of ovonts with the winners In each: 100 Yd. Dash: Locke NP, Holmes O, Hlnman Nr. Tlmo 10.3. ", Mile Run: Lyons and Carsfqidou of Gothenburg tied for first, Rector NP, third. Tlmo 5 mln 17 sec. Shot Put: Locko NP, Holmes G, Yost N. P. -Distance 39 feet 2 Inches. 120 Yd. High Hurdles: Holmes G, Karr G, Hlnman NP. Times 1.8.4 High Jump: SlovorH G Shanor NP, Nprsworthy G. Height 5 foot C Inches. 440 Yd. Dash: Troxlor NP, Haynes G Weathors G. TImem 55 sec.' Discus: Karr 3, Slovers .0, Locko NP. Distance 02 feet 5 inches 220 Yard Low Hurdles: Holmes G, Shanor NP,' Karr G. Timo 28.4. Broad Jump: Shnnor NP, Carska- don 0, Roctor NP. 18 feet 1014 Inches. 220 Yard Dash: Locko NP, Hlnman NP, Holmes G. Tlmo 23 sec. SSO Yard Run; Lyons G, Hlnman NP, Cnrskadon G. Tlmo 2 mln. 20 sec, Polo' Vault; Shanor NP. Locko NP.j Slovers G. Height 9 feet 7 Inchos. Tho 880 Yard Relay was won by Hlnman, Shanor, Trexler and Locko ot North' Platto running against Karr, Haynps, "Weathers nnd Ilolmea of Gothenburg. ::o:: . Feed nqd Garden Seeds of all des criptions. North Platte Feed Co., Phono 200.. There . has. been consldopiblo dls cussIo'Vqj' a successor to Judge Qrlmci yesterday and today. It Is necessary Jn,n; fl.rdjjr that tho public buslnbss go on thai tho Governor np- Inolht somcono lu'tho near future. The Lincoln Couhty bar Is united on E. H. Evans, Mayor ot North-Platto. Rod: man of Kimball Is'rccefvlng somo en- Tho Buffalo 13111 Gui qiub Is Jiavlng weokly targol . projqtfwfQn tho range north of the city. Tlicro-nfo about forty membors and moro thaii halftif dorscment but it Is questioned wheth them got out to tho weekly shoot. A or ho could nccopt an appointment as lot of young, follows and poor shoot- thoro Is a law which would seem to ors haVo Jolnod lately but tho older forbid tho 'Governor, from. .appointing bonds llkq Hoalor, Don, Neville and liny noinber of tho Stato Legislature otnors uro stlu to he cquntou with, to orrfco. ; ,r'f M : jdiiiiiiyiiiiiiiiiinK, hr' ' v ' ' An Exclusive y ,JL h, f x. ' Feature r . - ' ' r' a,. Why Edi-Wdslied Clotlies are soWMti i in i il 1 1. Things washed iu clean water are bound to be purer and look fresher than those washed in water full of dirt. In the EDEN aadirt is freed from tho clothosr it settles at once into the Sediment Zone, where it is trapped in quiet water and cannot get back into tho washing cylinder to mingle with tho clean clothes. With this continuous elimination of sediment the Eden ahvays washes your things In clean v.-ter. There is a feeling of satisfaction when putting on an,: DEN washed gar ment or using EDEN washed linen that comes from knowing that they are actually clean, North Platte Light & Power Go. p ring Suits.... Grey Worsted Crcy worsted, v - will stand hard wear, gives service, made up In good style, well tailored. 'We have them up to size lor,only 1,1 . , 50 46 '27 Others in blue serge, brown, green and stripes 119.90, $i75, $27 50, V $34.75, $39.75 Young men can find here. tthe newest styles, either single or double breasted models , in the most "popular colors ami' 'fabrics, pin .stripes .-blue, brown and green. " Come in and see the value in clothes we can give you for the rv.' $27.50; $34.75, $42.50 I " ffi Hi IV! E N S High Grade Union Suits Athletic Union Suits . Leather , Faced . Jlovas Work-Shirts ; High' Grade Union Made derails . Black Blu Calf Dress Shoes ................ $2.9$ Tan lk Sole Outing Bals . : . 2.98 .W I .1 89c 79c 25c 69c 93c M E N S Hi St9 15 UP gni Buying Most We Buy For Less ?: vSuch Bargain as theAbove. ' We can Save You Money Selling Most We Sell C7Sj"tfJ"W'ss DEPARTMENTlSTdRES ForLess . A. - r , Hi Hi Hi HiHiHiffiHiHiy Mrs. Enrl Swanson. left this moru ing for Laramie tc vjitYrfends for a- fow days. Rev. Ives' returned to Sidney yea- torday after attending, the jfum-ral ot the lato Judgo H. M. Urimes. P. Mllca of Stdnoy .returned to his hmriR vestordav after attending tno funeral of tho late Judge H. M. Qrlmes. Mrs. T. Gorham nnd daughtr Mayme returned to Grand Island tho ilrst of tho week nfior visiting at the V. A, lUichflnck homo. ' a 1 1 Want Ads i Wanted Compotont girl for general housowork. Phono C41W. WantedWork In storo by exporl oncod man. Cnll at 114 V. Ninth. Vor Sate Ono steol and enameled range almost now. 321 S.Dowoy. Wimlcil One hundred head of cat tle to paBturo at $3 for Uie season. J A. Swartr.. For Sale Now Anchor Hope Croam Knnarntor. Cheat) Inquire at 100G N. Pino St. . For Salo Kitchen xaWnct almost now also hnnd vacuum cleanor, Phouo 122?. For Sale Parsnips, Beots and Greon Onions. L. LtTitcker, Phono C98J. . For Itent 7 room Tioiise, two lots ready for garden, Garago. 515 Ayest 11th St. Call Dr. Ames 273. . To Trade Section of land, In Lin coln Co. for city . property. Sea Gene Crook, North Platto. Wanted Girl for genoral houso work Nght washing good placo for right po.rtV' 608 W. Second street. For Sqlfcsrllatchtng eggs, puro brod It. I. R6a, Darrcd Rocks and "Wlilto Leghorns. L. I. Tuckor, Phono 698J. "Wanted, Any kind of york. John Andorson, Madison Rooms, Gil Dow oy streot. For SalOr-Nlne room raodorn house Good outbuildings. Inquire, 723 west Sixth stroot. v' For SnlofrAjfpw pieces of old furn iture .In good condition. Call 1109 Bast 4th sifeeP.ol' phone 537. For 4 Sale A farrners' price A cholcp lot of Red Poll bulls roady for service. Payne Dairy Farm, south end of Dowey street, .'arth Platte. Wanted To hear from farm owner of godd laud for sale for fall or spring dollvery. Mulch & Blecha, Munden, Kansas. For Sale Houbcb at 312 E. Third and 316 E. Third street are for sale at ?4,200. Ono Is a flvo room and the other a six room modern dwelling. noth have 'water, sowjer and lights. For- particulars write Mrs. K. L. Turner, 612 Washington Street, Boise, mono. To Trade Eighty acres Colorado land for good automobile. Call 1127W. For jjnle Single Comb R. I. Red Eggs for Hatching. Mighty good utll ity and laying strain. $1.00 per sea ting. MrsV- Georgo Tekulve, Phone 852J. 1204, E. 4th St. For Sale School house, west end of District,. 5, at public auction May 10 to oe sold at school houso. Mrs. Huckfoldt, Fred Simants, Frank Purdy. Wanted A responsible party to handle a small manufacturing prop osition in North Platte. Will require ?200.00 to $400.00 investment. You spend the money yourself. Make ap plication at onco to Box 859, Scotts Bluff, Nebraska. At The SUN, Sunday and Monday. MATINEE 2:15 and 4:00 P. M. "To Baby Brabant the devil we know?" Often Rosamond'had heard that t;oast in the gambling dive; -pitied the beautiful woman, who accepted it as an honor; yet did not know who Baby- Brabant really was. Then realization came! LOUIS B. MAYER presents Ariita Stewart in the play by Sydney Grundy, directed by John M. Stahl ''SOWING THE WIND" A whirl 'midst Broadway's glittering lights a vision the Bhadows behind them. i Also 2 Reel Buster Keaton-Comedy. of i-