The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 26, 1921, Image 7

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And Is Made Well Again
by Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Springfield, Mass. "Tho doctor told
my husband that I had to have an oper-
inuon, outer wise l
would bo a sickly
woman and could not
have any moro chil
dren on account of
my weakened con
dition. I refused to
have tho operation.
My husband asked
I mo to try Lydia E.
I. "'"""Ill O I VCUI'
blo Compound to see
if it would not help
I mo. l or thn first
four months I could do but littlo work,
had to lio down most of tho time, was
nervous and could eat hardly anything,
but my husband was always reminding
mo to take the Vegetable Compound,
which I did. Of my eight children this
last one was the easiest birth of all and
I am thankful for your Vegetable Com
pound. I recommend it to my friends
when I hear them complaining about
their ills." Mrs. M. Natale, 72 Fre
mont St., Springfield, Mass.
Sickly, afling women make unhappy
homes, and after reading Mrs. Nntalo's
letter one can imagine now this home
was transformed by her restoration to
health. Every woman who sutlers from
such ailments should give Lydia E. Pink
ham'a Vegetable Compound a fair trial.
It 13 surely worth while.
on Strike
20 If co. i-s
Eatonic Settled StS
"Eatonlc Is wonderful," says C. W.
Burton. "I had been a sufferer from
stomach trouble for 20 years and now
I nm well." '
Eatonlc gets right after the cause of
stomach troubles by tuking up and
carrying out the ncldlty and gases and
of course, when the cause Is removed,
the sufferer gets well. If you have
sourness, belching, indigestion, food
repeating or any other stomach
trouble, take Eatonlc tablets after
each meal and find relief. Big box
costs only a trifle with your druggist's
Girls! Girls!!
Save Your Hair
With Cuticura
Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c
Too Good to Be True.
Wife John, a man called this after
noon and said he would supply us
with enough electricity to light our
house, do all the cooking and run the
washing machine for only 51 a month.
What do you think of that?
Hub You should have told him that
when we want current fiction we'll
get It at the bookstore. Boston Tran
script. Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA. that fnmous old remedy
for Infants and children, and see that It
Bears the
In Use for Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
Doubtful Transaction.
"I understand the Crimson Gulch
posse took some bootleggers into cus
tody." "Yes, sir," replied Cactus Joe. "And
it cost us citizens quite a sum of
money, paid in advance, to persuade
them rum runners to map their route
in this direction and get their stuff
Every department of housekeeping
needs Red Bross Ball Blue. Equally
good for kitchen towels, table linen,
sheets and pillowcases, etc.
Natural Sequence.
"I'm simply crazy about your bread."
"That's probably because of Its well
known nutty flavor."
Is a throbbing backache keeping you
miserable? Are you tortured with Btab
bine pains? Is the trouble making your
work a burden and rest impossible?
Springtime, for many folks, is back
ache time a sign that the kidneys need
help. Colds, chills, and the changing
weather of early Bpring, strain the
kidneys and Blow them up. Poisons
accumulate and then comes backaches,
headaches, dizziness and bladder irreg
ularities. Use Doan's Kidney Pills.
They hare helped thousands. Ask
your neighbor!
A Nebraska Case
M r s. Knthorln
Sullivan. Geneva,
Ncbr., says: "I had
pains In the small
of my back and kid
neys that hurt me
when I bent over.
This mado my back
weak and tired. My
kidneys were weak
and didn't work as
they should, I had
illzzv snails and
would havo to" sit down and wait until
they passed ntt. Doan's Kidney Pills
soon relieve? the trouble."
Get Doin' at Any Store, 60c a Bos
LULI'rl Lv WeH OtatmMt-.. Your ilrilt or br
rnnilM-Lvl nII.J. r..b. Dr.C. M, Barry
" W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 17-1921.
ftHiti aaa
'E jPftfartJ j Tb Nitiodil Geogrljiti pi
The province of Smyrna, on tho
const of Asia MlnOr, was placed un
der Greek administration following
the World war, and has been tho sceno
recently of fighting between Greek and
Turkish nationalist forces.
The bnsls for Greek claims to the
Smyrna district in Asia Minor Is put
pithily In a stntetnent which former
Premier Venlzelos of Greece is re
ported to have made to the supremo
council of the nllles. "We seek no
mandate, we seek to enter our home."
Smyrna, and tho remainder of the
west coast of Asia Minor, which have
been accepted as .Turkish with littlo
question for many generations, had a
well-developed Greek civilization and
culture when the unccstors of the
Turks, half-civilized nomads, were
still wandering with their flocks over
the bleak steppes of central Asia.
Tho portion of tho province of
Smyrna which has been occupied by
Greek forces comprises roughly old
Ionia, a country which was as purely
Greek as Attica itself, and parts of
Aoolls, another Greek country adjoin
ing Ionia on the north.1 Greeks, pos
sibly from Crete or other Islands of
tho Aegean, aro supposed to have set
tled In Ioula shortly after the Trojan
war. The cities which they built ixi
this favored land of sunny mountnln
slopes, fertile valleys, and good hnr
bors were thriving and weulthy marts
of trade and centers of culture eight
hundred years or more before the
time of Christ, when they are first
heard of in recorded history.
Smyrna Is one bf the cities
which claims to be the birth
place of Homer, and tradition even
points out a cave near the city In
which he is said to have composed
many of his poems. Sappho was
born in Asiatic Greece and maintained
a school In one of Its cities. Sculp
ture, painting, and practically every
phase of the Greek art which has de
lighted later generations and served
as their models had Its b'eglnulng In
Asiatic Ionia, and flourished there bo
fore coming to full llower In Athens
and the other cities of European
Greece. Ephcsus, where that world
wonder, tho temple of Diana stood,
was not far from tho present city of
Smyrna, and 'a dozen 'more of the
great cities of tho early Greeks were
near by.
The modern province of Smyrna is
tho most favored of all the provlncos
of Asia Minor. It contains three of
the most considerable rivers of the
country, Including the Meander, whose
serpentine course has given tho Eng
lish language an expressive verb. Fer
tile soil and temperate climate have
added to the region's attractions, while
the possession of a port and city
the city of Smyrna unequaled by any
other in Asia Minor has contributed
another immeasurably Important us
set. Though Imperfectly tilled during
its control -by Turkey, the province
of Smyrna has nevertheless been noted
for Its fine fruits. For a long time It
hns furnished the best figs and raisins
which reach the markets of Europe.
In coming to earth near Moose Fac
tory, at the southernmost point of
llludson Bay, pilots of tho United
States naval balloon which In the
closing days of 1920 was blown from
New York city to the frozen North
in relatively a few hours, stumbled
on a country rich in the history nnd
traditions of the picturesque old Hud
son's Bay company.
Henry Hudson "neudrlck" Hudson
to his Dutch employers wns respon
sible, strangely enough, for putting on
the map both the starting and ending
point of this recent chance balloon
trip. In 1C09 he anchored his famous
"Half Moon" close to the present lo
cation of New York's Goddess of Lib
erty, nnd the following year, still
searching for the elusive Northwest
Passage, he sailed Into Hudson Bay
and followed Its eastern shore south
to near the present Moose Factory.
It wns there in James Bay, tho
shallow southern arm of Hudson Bay,
that Henry Hudson suffered the keen
ness of disappointment that can come
only to the world's great dreamers.
His dream was to find a passage to
the "South Sea," and therefore a Short
cut to India. When ho sailed Into
Hudson Bay and found that It was
a great body of water ho was sure his
dream was about to be realized. But
when ho reached the shallow James
Bay, and nosing across found that
there was a great west coast to the
great expanse of water, his dream
came to an end.
It was on the shores of James Bay
that Hudson and his surly crew win
tered following his discovery, nnd
only a short distance to the north
that tho great explorer met his tragic
end next spring, when, bound by mu
tineers, he wns set adrift In n small
boat with a handful of sick men, to
"The Company of Gentlemen Adven
turers Trading to Hudson's Bay,"
which carved dominion for Great Brit
ain across North America, established
Its first post near Moose Factory
soon after King Charles II signed Us
charter In 1070 and blithely made Its
members "true and absolute lords"
of three-quarters of a continent, vost
ed them with trading monopolies,
rights to pnss laws and Impose- pun
ishments, and even gave them power
to mako war on non-Christlnn peoples.
During tho three -and a half centuries
since that time Moose Factory hns
remained one of tho lmportnnt posts
of the Hudson's Bay company, gather
ing a rich harvest of furs. It wns tho
scene of many raids and counter raids
In tho early days between the French
and tho compnny's employees.
Chlng-teh-chen, possibly a stranger
pity to the average American, needs
only -this Introduction: "It Is the
home of chlnaware."
It Is the subject of the following
communication to the National peo
graphic society from Frank B. Lenz:
"The greatest Industrial city of
China Is not one' of the treaty ports,
where the direct Inlluence of western
progress Is constantly felt, but a bus
tling Interior city of Klangsl province'
Chlng-teh-chen. This Is the famous
porceluln and pottery center of the
nation Indeed, It is the original home
of tho porcelain Industry of the world.
"There are few cities In America
or Europe that are so completely giv
en over to a single industry us this
"Chlnaware 1 What does the word
connote? It Is simply a ware made
of clay and named for the country
that first produced It. Whether It be
a green tile from a temple roof, a dish,
a vase, or ti painted orunuient from
a wealthy Celestial's home, It all has
a traceable connection with Chlng-teh-chen.
With the Chinese, Chlng-teh-chen
and porcelain aro synonymous.
"Chlng-teh-chen ('Town of Scenic
Virtue') Is one of .the four largest
towns (as distinguished from cities)
of China. Technically, it Is n town,
because It has no wall. In reality It
Is a busy industrial city of 5100,000
people, two-thirds of whom are en
gaged In the manufacture and sale of
porcelain. Romantically, It Is a city
to stir men's souls. Longfellow, in
his 'Keramos,' speaks of it.
"Tho geographical location of
Chlng-teluehcn is not accidental. It
became tho pottery center of the coun
try centuries ago because of tho enor
mous quantities of excellent cluy In
the district around Po Yang Lake.
More than a dozen kinds of excellent
clay are found In the neighborhood
of the1 lake.
"After the clays aro thoroughly
cleansed, sifted,-and refined they nro
kneaded together In varying propor
tions, usually by a bare-footed boy,
until they are ready for . tlie potter.
The wet lump of clay Is then placed
on tho knob of tho potter's wheel.
"The potter's wheel, which wns In
vented by the Chinese, Is a huge cir
cular machine, about four feet In di
ameter, mado of heavy timbers to lend
It momentum. It rests on n perpen
dlculnr axis In a slight depression,
or pit, Into which water and debris
rapidly drain.
"The potter Is perched above the
wheel, with one foot on either side,
In order to allow sulllclent spneo for
the movement of his hands. After
revolving tho wheel swiftly with a
short pole, he deftly and with me
chanical precision fashions n .plate,
bowl, or vase. After years of prac
tice he can estimate to within a hulr's
breadth the proper size.
"The piece is then removed and
placed on a long tray In front of
the potter whero It awaits the next
artisan. Handles nnd other decor
ations, made In molds, are added, and
then the whole Is scraped smooth and
allowed to dry until It Is ready for
the next process tho under-glazo dec
oration. "Several basic colors, like blue und
red, can be painted on under the glnze.
Tho glaze Is next npplled In various
ways by dipping, by blowing on with
a tube, or by sprinkling. After tho
mnrk has been added the piece Is
ready for the furnace."
A group of United States balloon
Ists recently left for Itnly to bring
back a huge dirigible balloon, pur
chased by the government to form a
part of our lighting equipment. Ad
dition of this great Hying ship to our
"air navy" will probably call into
use helium gas, one of the muterluls
which chemists, urged on by the needs
of the World war, produced In large
quantities where only Infinitesimal
amounts were available before.
Hollum, this .new incombustible bal
loon gas, so called because It was
discovered on tho sun SO yeurs before
It wus identified on eurth, which prom
ises to revolutionize the science of bal
looning, Is the subject of tho follow
ing communication to thu National
Geographic society by Dr. G. Sher
burne Rogers:
"When tho United States Joined the
allies, the military value of helium
wus at once brought to the nttentlon
of the army and navy authorities, and
a vigorous campaign was begun for
tho production of helium In quanti
ties. "Tho two main problems were ob
vious: first to develop methods of
extracting helium from natural gas;
arid, second, to determine the geologic
occurrence of tho gas, and so to locate
adequate supplies.
"Late In 1917 two smull experiment
al plants using dlfferont methods wero
erected In Fort Worth, Texas, to treat
the gas of the Petrolla field ; nnd sotno
months later n third plant, using a
still different method, was erected In
the field Itself.
"As tho apparatus used In all tho
processes of extracting helium gns for
balloon purposes requires rather del
icate adjustment nnd manipulation,
some time wns naturally consumed In
determining the most efficient work
ing conditions; but Just prior to tho
armistice tho first shipment of 1DO.O0O
cubic feet of helium, compressed and
stored In steel tnnks, had been started
to Europe. This was enough to fill
four of tho ordinary klto balloons,
though large dirigibles require ono to
two million or more cubic feet of gas.
"Although quantity production of
helium was achieved Just too late to
be of value In the actual hostilities,
It was In Itself n great accomplish
ment, for the world's total output of
helium up to 1015 wns probably less
than 100 cubic feet, tho market vnluo
of which was about $1,700 a cubic
foot. Our helium can be produced by
the first two methods developed nt
less than 10 cents a cubic foot, and
If the third process fulfills expecta
tions, this figure will be still further
"The details of tho process of ex
tracting helium arc highly technical,
but the general scheme Is euslly un
derstood. All of the main constitu
ents of natural gas. Including the ni
trogen, become liquefied when cooled
to about minus 328 degrees, Fahrenheit ;
but the helium remains a gas at this
exceedingly low temperature and Is
thus easily separated.
Tho development of Palestine under
Its iidmlnlstratlon us a Jewish borne
land renews Interest In the part
played by Juws In the late war and
how the war affected them. In a
coniinunlcnllon to tho National Geo
graphic society, former President Wll
liuin Howard Tntt says:
"One-half the -.lews of the world
have hud to bear Its miseries, its cruel
ties, Its sufferings. They lived In the
theater of wur between Russia and
Genuauy and Austria. In this region,
almost without ceasing, the campaign
continued. The Russians lnjd waste
the country In order to embarrass
their pursuing enemies, and between
the two armies the population, of
which the Jews were a largo part, suf
fered uutold horrors.
"As sooh as the wur came on, as
soon as moblltzntlois were Initiated,
Germany nnd Austria, on the one
hand, and Russln, on tho other, vied
with each other In a cultivation of
the good-will of the Poles and the Jews.
"Russln promised that an autono
mous Poland would bo created from
all three of the Incomplete tribal dis
tricts of tho partitioned kingdom.
Some of tho lenders of tho Austrian
government unnounced an Intention of
giving autonomy to Gullcia.
"When tho wnr came to nn end,
tremendous' governmental changes oc
curred In the countries where tho Jews
aro so greatly congested.
"Tho dreadful destruction of life,
the necessity for rehabilitation of
these countries where the war raged
with such violence nnd destruction,
must necessnrlly give greater economic
vnlue to every man who survives.
Tho loyalty which the Jews havo
shown to their respective governments
In these countries under a most try
ing ordeal ought to Impress their gov
ernments with the claim that they
mako to equal treatment.
"If education and opportunity and
freedom and equality are extended to
them In, tho next generation, the traits
to which objection hns sometimes
been nmde will become less and less
conspicuous, nnd Russia's great do
main, which needs people of energy,
people of keenness, people of enter
prise, people experienced In trade, peo
ple of finnncinl genius, will find n
benefit In the presence of tho Jews.
"From the Enst End of New York
and through centers of population In
this country where Jews nro gathered,
by the million and hundreds of thou
sands, come the youth of tho race
who soon manifest n spirit of Amer
icanism and get on.
"They cnltlvnte littlo or no solidar
ity in politics, nnd they manifest a
disposition to disintegrate as a com
munity. They retain n loyalty to the
race, but not a strict adherence to the
ceremonial, and they Intermarry with
"The Jews of the world, In countries
where they have had equal opportuni
ties, have won their way not only to
grent finnncinl power, but to places
of commanding Influence In Journal
ism, In the professions, nnd in busi
ness. They have retained always an
acute Interest In the welfare of their co
religionists throughout the world. Their
religious training has Inculcated In
them the duty of charity to all Jew
nnd Gentile.
"Tho result of tho war and the
breaking up of Russia and the giving
rein to the principle of self-deter-mlnntlon
of racial units have created
a number of Independent European
states Jn central and eustem Europe.
Of these, the Bnltlc provinces and Po
land, as well as the Czecho-Slovak
state and tho Jugo-SInv state, havo
many Jewish citizens. In nddltlon to
this, tho Greater Roumanla, Is an
other stnto which has many Jewish
citizens. ,
"Tlje Germnn trenty specifically pro
vides that tho five great powers shall
mako future treaties with Poland and
with tho Czecho-SIovnk state secur
ing tho religious liberties of the peo
ple who constitute a minority In those
oa profitable as nraln erowlne. Successes as wonderful
those from crowing whfot.
raisins Horses, Cattle, Oheop end Hoc. Bright, sunny climate, nutrit
ious Rrassrs, Rood water, enormous fodder crops theso spell success to the
farmer and stock raiser. And remember, you can buy on sy term
Farm Land at
( land equal to that which throuRh many
vi fiiiuat m iiiv aiurD uroziiiv mini
grain farms at proportionately low prices.
every rural convenience; good schools,
If you want to Ret back to the famj.or
scale than is possible under your prescm
eat what Western Canada ha to
Far maturated llterWM with mpi ami particular regarding reduced f ,M
railway Intel, location of laud, ate, apply to Department of Immlgra- lb iM
tion, Ottawa, Canada, or BUY?
I W. V. BENNETT, Room 4, Bee Building, OMAHA, NEB,
"NttartUn Government
hat to
What Did She Mean?
Kdltli Jack says ho simply wor
ships the ground I walk on.
Miss Ryvnl Well, donr, ho Isn't
crowded for space. Boston Tran
script. ASPIRIN
Name "Bayer" on Genuine
Beware I Unless you see tho name
"Bayer" on package or on tablets you
nro not getting genulno Aspirin pro
scribed by physicians for twenty-ono
years nnd proved snfe by millions.
Take Aspirin only as told In tho Bayer
package for Colds, Ileadacho, Neural
gia, Ithoumntlsin, Earache, Toothache,
Lumbago, and for Pain. Uandy tin
boxes of twelve Bayer Tablets or As
pirin cost fow cents. Druggists also
sell larger pnekages. Aspirin Is tho
trade mark" of Ba'or Manufacture of
Mononcetlcacldestcr of Sallcyllcacld.
All Winners Now.
This Is tho seaHon of the year when
every major league city bus a great
baseball team.
Organizing Just for tho suko of do
ing It won't get us very far.
Are You Pale? Thin? Weak?
Rend this carefully: If your
blood wero rich and whr,,!3ome, you
would not bo pnlo; if your blood
wero rich and nourishing, you
would not bo thin; if your blood
wero rich nnd vigorous, filled with
red corpuscles, you would not bo
Poor, disordered blood is respon
sible for a host of Ills nnd weak
nesses. If you would attain ruddy
health, n robuBt body, and musculnr
strength, you must first provide
yourself with that which builds all
those a rich, wholesome, nourish
ing blood supplyl Any doctor will
tell you that.
Why Buffer longer with ecllow-
Standard for over 50 years
oats, barley, and flax have been made In
$15 to 30 An Acre
years has yield d from 20 to 48 butlicU
mnvrninr in trnrwi
These lands havo tfofyia
churches, roods, tele- tefflmSMtt
to farm on olarRer $?Jwt$Nj
conditions, InveatU JriStiJlitttk
offer you.
tttam .
Take for
Take n good dose of Carter's Little Liver
Pills then take 2 or 3 for a few nights after.
You will relish your meals without fear of trouble t
follow. Millions of all ages take them for Biliousness,
Diwlncss, Sick Headache, Upset Stomach and for Sallow.
Pimply. Dlotchy Skirt. Thty tnd tht mlitty of Camtlpathn
Cemilnf bear ytfZ&l Small Pilll Small Doit; Small Prl.e
From Bad to Worse.
Dan Why so serious, old man?
Bert I have good reasons. My
niother-ln-law's coining for n visit. Sho
has "the gift of tongues."
Dun That's nothing; mlno Is a
mind reader.
A Feeling of Security
You naturally feel secure when you
know, that tho mediohio you aro about to
tnko is absolutely puro and contains no
harmful or habit producing drugs.
Such a medicine is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, kidney, liver and bladder remedy.
Tho same standard of purity, strength
and excollcnco 1b maintained in every
bottle of Swamp-Root.
It is scientifically compounded from
vegetable herbs.
It. is not a stimulant and is taken in
teaspoonful doses.
It is not recommended for everything.
It is nature's grout helper in relieving
and overcoming kidney, liver and blad
der troubles.
A Bworn statement of purity is with
every bottle? of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp.
If you need a medicine, you should
havo tho best. On salo at all drug stores
in bottles of two sizes, modiunvand lare.
However, if you wish first to try this
orcat preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Dinnhamton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing bo sure and
mention this paper. Adv.
It's as Fickle as a Woman,
II ow can wo expect the forecast of
ficials to tell what tho weather wilt
do who'll tho weather Itself does not
know? Boston Herald.
Real success depends upon doing
the right thing In tho right place at
the right time.
Enrich Your Blood!
ness, thinness or weakness, when
thousands havo remedied their con
ditions by taking S.S.S., tho famous
old blood remedy compounded of
fresh herbs just 03 tho Indians
mado it?
S.S.S., by driving impurities
from tho blood nnd helping to put
red corpuscles in, lays the founda
tion for sturdy, vigorous health.
If you want this, don't wait long
er, but get a bottlo of S.S.S. from
your druggist right now whilo you
nro thinking1 of it. Begin taking,
and then writo in detail about your
condition to Chief Medical Advisor,
807 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta,
Georgia. Ho will give you individ
ual medical advice free
Swift Specific Co.,
Dept. 867, Atlanta, Co.
rieiio tend ma roar free booklet en S.8.S.
St, or It. P. i