The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 26, 1921, Image 6

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FoarThal Reports from Isolated
Points May Increaso
The List.
Railway Condition Seems to bo
Foundation for Rovival
of Business.
Amnesty Not Contemplated 'Till After
Qtate of Peace Has Been
Reconstruction Body Will Advocate.
Control of Railroads and
Packlno Industries.
Memphis, Tcnn. Incomplete reports
from tlio six states swept Friday niitl
Saturday by storms show 07 deaths,
with 43 seriously Injured and nearly
1)0 suffering lesser Injuries. Property
damage, It wits estimated, wilt run Into
the millions, and when reports come
from Isolated sections It Is feared thnt
the death toll will he higher. The
death list Includes: Texas 0, Arkansas
0(1, Mississippi 8, Alabama 11, In Ar.
knnsas the Injured totaled 71.
Torrential rains have delayed rellot
work, hut In Arkansas the Red Cross
lins begun work In counties where
hundreds of families are homeless.
Tents have been supplied by the na
tional gunrd and food supplies are be
ing sent In.
Kxtent of property loss cunitot bo
determined for (lays.
Washington, D. 0. President Hard
ing and the cabinet discussed measures
to get business of the country going
again und came to the conclusion that
the key to business revival Is the rail-
road situation.
Kvery phase of business deprcssloti
was considered and agreement was
unanimous that the railroad problem
was at the bottom of business Ills.
How the government can help was the
text of the cabinet discussion, but no
announcement concerning remedies
was made.
To gut business trafllc moving nt
normal again, t was agreed, would re
suit In a general resumption of busl
iioss. To do this will be the govern
ment's nl in, but how to help has not
Jieen dellnltely outlined.
figures compiled In the oftlec of tho
chief clerk Indicate that tho governor
has signed ninety measures, sixty-elx
from the house and twenty-four from
the senate. The house has shunted 207
of Its own hills to the senate, has
passed forty-live senate tiles, Indefi
nitely postponed 411 of Its own, killed
nine on third rending nud smothered
twenty-six of the measures sent over
from the senate.
mum in
for Thli Department Supplied
Amerti-en L,Klon Mw Service.)
Governor McKelvIo has signed S, F,
101, a bill authorizing the appointment
of a state racing commission. Follow
ing approval of the bill he appointed
as commissioners Eilwnrd Peterson ol
Omaha for a term of two years', N, .7
Konln of Frcniont for a term of fotu
yonrs and Ed Gould of Kearney for u
term of six years. The law proVIdet
that the commissioners shall sent
without salary.
Chicago, III. Snowstorms and gales
that In many places were reported to
be the worst In the hlRtory of 1 ocal
weather bureaus swept an area from
the Rocky mountains to the Atlantic
Will Floht Sales Tax.
Washington, D. C Organization of
branches In congressional districts to
encourage support for legislation In
congress was-decided upon by the
People's Reconstruction League at tho
close of a two-days' conference hero.
Amnesty Must Walt.
Washington, D. C. Any action
toward geueral amnesty for prisoners
convicted under the wartime espionage
laws, Is not contemplated until after
a state of peace has been declared nnd
the government will continue Its pol
icy of considering ench case on its
merits, President Harding and Attor
ney General Dnugherty told delega
tions urging tho release of Eugene V.
Debs nud others held under such con
victions. Delegations also called on
Vice President Coolldge and Speaker
Olllett and were told their pleas would
bo given consideration nml thnt the
administration would deal Justly with
the matter.
With tho farmers snapping at the
bit In their desire to get home, there
appears little Justification for a pro
phecy that the house will remain "In
session long enough to give the rove
nue bills thorough and careful consideration.
"From what I can see now, It would
appear advisable to remain nnd clear
up tho work," Governor McKelvIo said
when ho was asked to express his
views on an extra session of the legls.
lature to finish the revenue measures.
When tlik house sifting commltbee
made Its llniil report It was an
nounced that over seventy bills had
failed to come through nnd there
would be no chance now to bring1 them
up for action nt the present session.
Reestablishing Peace With Germany.
Washington, D. O. President Hard
ing wilt take no step In the direction
of partial ratification of the Ver-
Opposltlon to a sales tax, passago sallies treaty, unless the allied powers
Advertising recipes for "hootch" or
having utensils in the home which
might be used for manufacture of It
arc forbidden under the terms of.
Senate File 185, advanced to third
reading by the lower house.
of packer control legislation, restora
tion of the operation of rollronds to
government control and heavy taxes
on Incomes and estates were declared
to lie tho principal points in the pro
grnm tho league will urge.
"Uncle aioso" Klnknld has intro
duced u bill authorizing tho secretary
of tho Interior In his discretion to fur
nish water to applicants nnd entryiiien
lit nrrears for more than one calendar
yenr of payment for maintenance and
construction clmrges, notwithstanding
tho provisions of Section 0 of the act
of August Hi, 1014. While tho bill Is
general In character It is particularly
designed to help the water users on the
Worth PIntto project.
first reconsider their award of Yap
Island to Japan nnd acknowledge In
full American rights In the disposition
of nil the confiscated territories of tho
central empires. This disclosure was
made authoritatively concurrently with
the Introduction in the somite of tho
Knox resolution dcclnrlng peace with
Germany, as revised and approved, by
the president. By means of this reso
lution It Is planned to re-establish
peace with Germany within the next
three weeks.
Governor McKelvIo hns Issued an op
der suspending from ofliee John L.
Schick, sheriff of Gage county. The
sheriff is charged with failure to en
force tho prohibitory law and with
violations of tho samd law.
Emblom Presented to New York High
School Miss in Recognition
of Patriotic Work.
As a tribute to her patriotic serv
ices during tho World war, Miss Paul
ino Hcnkol, a fourteen-year old New
York high school girl, was presented
with a patriotic service gold medal by
F. W. Galbralth, Jr., national com
mander of tho American Legion, In
behalf of S. Itankln Drew post. Tho
presentation ceremonies took place In
front of tho Fifth Avenue public li
brary lu New York city.
The guard of honor for Miss Henkel,
who Is known ns the "Little Colonel,"
was composed of members of tho ma
rine corps under command of lieuten
ants Miller and Gumpcrtz and Ser
geant Jansscn, congressional medal of
honor men.
Although she was only ten years old
tit the start of tho World war, tho
Little Colonel sold $3,330,250 worth of
Liberty bonds, more than any other
minor In tho country, and also was
recognized as one of tho most effect
ive patriotic speakers and war work
ers In America.
With the roturn of tho American
soldiers to their native land, Miss
Henkel Is still devoting herself to their
welfare, as attested by tho following
quotation from her speech of accept
ance :
"The happiest moment of my life
will bo when It Is a fact that the
wounded, disabled and unemployed of
our boys have been taken care of In
a manner befitting the sacrifices they
hnvo mnde. The cause of the disabled
The legislature has passed a bill
which will permit condemnation of two
lots In Omaha, to complete a plot of
two blocks which Mrs. Sarah Joslyn of
that place Is to use 'for erecting a
$5,000,000 art Institute.
To Consider Austrian Situation.
Washington, D. C,Presldent Hurd
lug contemplates the early resumption
of American representation on the rep
arallons commission nnd other Euro
pean conferences dealing with matters
involving American rights and inter
ests. It Is not Improbable that tho first
step In this direction will be the ap.
Armenians Abandoning Cllecla.
London. Armenian circles hero
have been ndvlsed thnt the French
have begun evacuation of Cllecia.
Clleclau Armenians have appealed to
the French premier not to withdraw
the French troops until an Interna
tional gcndnrmlc is organized to con
trol tho Turks. It Is stated that
150,000 Armenians have decided to
abandon Cllecla.
The pure seed bill passed the sen
ate. Fnrmer members forced an
nmendment to the .bill permitting far
mers to sell 10 bushels of seed an
nually to neighbors without subjecting
the seed to Inspection.
By a vote of 89 to 2S the lower
house pnssed S. F. ICO, which forbids
tlfr teaching of any foreign Innguago
in the grade schools, xho bill now
goes to uovernor aiciveivie lor ap
An Outlnn nt Little Eynense.
Lincoln. Nebrnskans between tho
ages of 10 and 35 who wish a month's
polntment of a delegate to tho confer- BUier outing" at tho expense of Un-
ence to bo held by tho allies on April summer "outing" at thexpense of Un-30-
to consider tho finanelnl nml onn. clo Snm may attend a military train-
nomlc situation lu Austria,
Protests Alleged Atrocities.
Washington. Senator Norrls of Ne
braska, a member of tho committee of
100, which Investigated tho Irish situa
tion, has Introduced u resolution pro
posing indorsement by congross of
Ing camp this summer. Either Fort
Suclllng, Minn., or Camp Pike, Ark.,
nro tho camps to which citizens of Ne
braska are eligible. Transportation
charges will bo pale
The senate killed the house nntl-
Jap bill, patterned nfter tho Califor
nia law, by advancing to third read-
lug a substitute bill barring all aliens
from holding laud longer than five
Plans for Settling Japanese Problems.
Toko. Plans for sending to Wash
Irish nationalist aspirations and a pro- "Kton a distinguished Japanese, who
test against alleged atrocities of tho
British forces. In Ireland, which were
described us In violation of Tho Hagfte
conventions. Tho resolution went to
the foreign relations committee with-
out discussion.
would fnke up tho entire range of tho
so-called Pacific problems, Including
mnndntes, California, China, Siberia,
Immigration und urmaincntH, are un
derstood to bo In tho process of formu
lation by the Japanese government.
Tho lower house Killed H. It. 174,
which provided for abolishment of tho
district road overseer and conferred
his powers and duties on the county
highway commissioner.
Tho house of representatives passed
tho Christian Science bill which ex
empts Christian Science healers from
complying with the health regulations
of the" stnte.
should come above everything else In
our hearts. Let us take care of fhe
men who saved our country; wo owe
them an obligation we cannot afford
Ito Ignore."
Bitter Election Campaign.
Home. Grave incidents are reiiortcd
from northern antl central Italy, wliero
tno extremo nationalists and the social
ists have clashed In a number of cities
and towns In tho bitter electoral cam-
paign, Several lives have been lost
nnd great property dumage done dur
ing these disorders.
House Roll 8, the Yeiser bill, pen-
nllzlng the holding of perishable food-
1 A .
aU nn-ni nt nint..-,rt Art sums, mis neen unvnncou to uuru
Washington, D. O.-Hopcnl of tho ' wmiout ueonte,
Volstead prohibition enforcement act
Is proposed In a bill Introduced by
Representative Hill, republican, Mary
land. Tho effect of repeal, he said,
would be to leave the enforcement of
the eighteenth amendment to the con
current power of tho stntes.
The house passed the senate bill le
galizing the practice of Christian
Science In Nebraska, and with the gov
ernor s signature It becomes a law.
Vote Against General Strike.
London. A' ballot taken by the sen
mens' and Hrenions' union on the ones-
tlon whether the union should call a
strike In sympathy with the coal min
ers resulted In u majority of 57 against
n strike. The totul poll was 10,000.
German Gold Reaches New York.
Now York. Nearly $5,000,000 In
German gold coin, the first such ship
ment since the war, arrived hero on
the steamer Stockholm from Gothen
burg. Tho gold, mostly In marks,
came from Swodlsh banking houses.
Spenker Walter L. Anderson of the
Nebraska house was the recipient of a
gold-headed cane, as tho gift of his
Tho senate killed the motion picture
censorship bill by advancing tho Beebe
high license substitute by a vote of
18 to 15.
2,000 Homes Destroyed.
jokio. -j wo tnousaim Homes were
destroyed In n general contlagratlon In
Hakodate, according to dispatches re
ceived here. It is feared that many
lives wore lost. Meager reports do not
give the amount of financial loss.
Tax German Imports 50 Per Cent.
Paris. The chamber of deputies
adopted tho bill providing for a 50
per cent tax on German Imports as a
penalty on Germany because of non
fulfillment of her reparations obliga
tions. The vote was 383 to 70.
Twenty bills, half from tho houso
and half from the senate, were signed
Saturday by Governor McKelvie.
University regents are empowered
to buy and sell hog cholera serum
under the terms of a house roll.
Washington, D. C Receipt of
$25,000,000 from tho British govern
ment as first Installment on tho debt
of $122,000,000 for sliver purchased
during the wnr, has been reported to
tho treasury by the federal reserve
bank of New York.
Flour Lowest In 8even Years.
Minneapolis, Minn. For tho first
time In almost seven years, Hour sold
under $8 a barrel at the mills here last
week. One of tho largo mills reduced
Its quotation for family patents from
$8.20 to $7.00.
It Is thought both houses will be In
shape to adjourn In a couple of wei-ks.
The house killed tho Anderson uutl-
clgaret bill by a voto of 50 to 28.
Tho senato killed n bill fixing eight-
hour days for women workers.
Member of Somervllle (Mass.) Organi
zation Is Author of Paragraphs
Worthy of Consideration.
Somervllle (Mass.) post of the Amer
lean Legion has adopted tho following
creed, written by one of Its members:
"I believe the Amerlcun Legion is a
dependable organization.
"I believe that tho American Legion
Is a potent factor In tho community.
"I believe that the American Legion
stands for equality for all ex-service
"I believe that tho American Le
gion's Ideas never will be shelved.
"I believe that the American Legion
will gnllantly stand by what Is right
and help to destroy what Is wrong.
"I believe that the American Legion's
principles are Immovable by any vlo
lent or radical Individual or organize
"I believe that the American Legion
will help to bring peace out of chaos.
"I believe that the American Legion
Is looking forward, not backward.
"I believe that the American Legion
Is a constructive unit, not a destruc
tive unit.
"I bcllove that tho American Legion
la an asset to ex-scrvlco men, not a 11a
"I bcllove It. Do you?"
John F. Hyatt, of Albany,
N. Y., Is Relieved of Se
vere Attack of Rheuma
tism of Many Years'
"I am now seventy-two years old
and am Just getting rid of n flftcen
yenr case of rheumntlsm thnt had
me so crippled up I could not walk,"
said John F. Hyatt, 227 Pearl St.,
Albany, N. Y., In relating his re-
markable experience with Tnnlnc, re
cently. Mr. Hyatt was chairman of
tho commltteo In charge of building
the Albany County Courthouse and
was four times elected a member of
tho County Bonrd of Supervisors. At
present Mr. Hyatt Is Assistant Super
intendent of tho Albnny County
Courthouse, with otllces in the building-
'I 'don't believe," he continued,
"anybody could have rheumatism nny
worse than I did, and my case was of
such long standing I didn't expect to
ever get. over it. I was unable to
walk except for a short distance, sup
ported with n enne, and even then
tho pains struck mo every time 1 took
U" step. My legs, hips and ankles hurt
something nwful and my Joint? were
stiff and achy. I couldn't cross my
leg without having to lift It up with
my hands, and to turn over In bed.
why, tho pains nenrly killed mo.
"My appetlto was gone nnd tho
sight of food nauseated me. My
stomach was out of order, and I hail
n sluggish, heavy feeling all tbe time.
I was weak, off In weight and dis
couraged so that It looked like I
might as well quit trying to ever get
"I had no Idea Tanlac would relieve
my rheumatism when I began taking
It last Spring. I took It because I
saw where It would give a fellow an
227 Pearl St., Albany, N. Y.
appetite. Well, sir, I was the most
surprised I ever was In my life when
the rheumatic pains began to ease up.
I took seven bottles in all and, It's a
fact, I didn't, have an ache about mo,
was entlng line and simply felt Uka
I had been made over again.
"I have been In the best of health
ever since, with only a slight twingo
of rheumatism at intervals. I do not
need ray cane now, but as I .had been
unnble to walk without it for several
years, I got into the habit of carry
ing it and so still take it along. I um
enjoying life and health once more
and can conscientiously recommend
Tanlac: ns the greatest medicine I
have ever run across In all my ex
perience." Tanlac is sold by leading druggists
everywhere. Adv.
Sender of Wedding Present Knew
Quite Well What Her Sister
Would Need In Time.
"Whnt a peculiar choice for a wed
ding present," remaraked an English
woman, trying not to laugh, ns she
inspected a huge flatlron which her
charwoman had Just purchased.
"Ain't It, ma'am?" said the char
woman. "It's my sister that's getting
mnrried, and I'm repaying her for tho
gift she sent on for mo on my wed
din day."
"Did she send you something very
ugly, then?" n
"Deed, no, ma'am. Her's was a
beautiful, present. But, you see, ma'am,
a little bird whispered to me that her
future husband's a man of violent tem
per, and I thought I'd send her some
thing that would be useful in case of
family disputes. She has the strnlght
est aim with a flatlron I ever seed 1"
Houston Post.
"As far as your new enterprise Is
concerned," said Colonel Cllnchpenny,
"I can at least admit It Is fashion
able." "I don't believe I get your drift."
replied Umson.
"Better say 'you don't get my
draft.' "
"You call my scheme fashionable?"
"In that It resembles the latest
gown from Paris."
"It has absolutely no backing."
Youngstown Telegram.
Actor's Assertion That Someone In tho
Audience Had a Bottle Quickly
Proved True.
A peculiar Incident happened In a
local theater, which provided enough
conjedy to make the performance very
amusing. In one of the acts, prohibi
tion was made the butt of all the ac
tor's Jokes, and ho happened to be one
of those fellows who makes reference
to the. audience.
, "Where Is that bottle?'' ho shouted
at tho audience. "Someone In the
house has a, bottle, with the cork off."
Hardly had the laughter subsided
when there was a "plunk," as a bottle
dropped accidentally from the grasp
of someone down In front. It happened
Just at the opportune moment and the
houso went Into roars of laughter.
Whoever dropped it made no attempt
to reclaim It, even though the bottle
might have contained anything from
milk to medicine. But the M. A. T.
hns been told by someone who was
close to the sound that some time nfter
he saw a woman slowly making an at
tempt to reach for the fallen -wet
goods. Lawrence (Mass.) Telegram.
From Her Cheap Sweetheart.
Young Woman (holding out hand) :
Will you please tell me how to pro
nounce the nnme of tho stone In this
ring? Is It turkolse or turkwoise?
Jeweler (after Inspecting It) The
correct pronunciation Is "glass." Bos
ton Transcript.
It is not all who turn their backs
that flee. Danish Proverb.
Will Call Two Classes to Colors.
Paris. Occupation of the Ruhr
hasln, Involving 200,000 troops, with
tho exploitation by tho French of the
mines and factories, Including tho
Krupps, was the sole sanction definite
ly reported at the conference nt tho
Klyseo palace, according to Informa
tion recolyed from nn authoritative
source. Owing to tho fact that Franco
alone must furnish tho troops, It Is
necessary to call up two classes to tho
colors 1018 nud 1010 to raise suf
ficient effectives to carry out tho
Concentrating Troops In Panama,
San Jose, Costa Rica. Troops of tho
Republic of Panama, are bulug concen
trated In the Goto and Ilnllrnnte dis
tricts along the Costn Rlcan frontier,
nnd are bolng closely watched by mil
itary leaders In this country,
Will Not Accept Indemnity Figures.
Paris.! ho German government
gives notice that It will not accept tho
Indemnity figures tho allied repara
tions commission will prosent May 1,
In accordance with tho Versailles
Governor McKelvIo sent n messago
to tho senate asking for the Introduc
tion of a new bill to requlro district
Judges to appoint tho department of
trade and commerce receiver of state
banks which are ordered closed by that
department. In the absence of a dis
trict Judge any Judge of the supreme
court may make such appointment.
Sots 40,000 Members as Goat.
With 24,000 members at the end of
1020, Kansas department of the Amer
ican Legion has set 40,000 Legion
naires as Its goal for 1021. The state
has a potential membership of 00,000.
Tho department now numbers 314
post3 of the, Legion nnd 100 units of
the Women's Auxiliary.
Tho lower housb by a vote of 71 to
11 pussed the bill creating a state bu
reau of criminal Identification (finger
printing) to be under the department
of public welfare.
Distributing Victory Medals.
Although thero will bo no more army
recruiting for some time, the recruit
ing officers will continue to distribute
Victory medals to members of the
American Legion and other ex-servlco
Jfe Tinned the Comer-
Ihe man in the fog thought
he was lost, hut he turned
the corner there was
his own home!
Ho many, troubled with dis
turbed nerves and digestion
due to coffee drinking, help
has seemed along way off;
but they found in
Postum Cereal
at the comer grocery
a delicious, satisfying table
drink that makes for
health and cemfbrt.
"There's a. Reason
Made "by
Postum Cereal Company, Lac.
Battle Creek, Mich.