The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 22, 1921, Image 8

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CLINTON & SON. The Eve Glass Men
'SigmoLThe Big Ring
Satisfaction Sure Try Us.
Graduate Opticians
1 . ' v
s , ,
StmMBeekly Srtbune.
WILSON TOUT. Editor and Publisher.
Entered at the North Platto, Nebraska
Postofflco as Second Class Mutter.
One. Year, In ndrnncc $2.00
?3SF!'r'r7 1
'JrJtlDAV, "AI'KIIj S3nd, 1021. I
DeanjChas. Fordyco who Is visiting
fiiolf)rlh-Plnttfl schools yesterday
and today and giving tho educational
and group Intelligence tests to tho pu
pils, Is' ono ot tho groat national fig
ures In standard group tests. We have
known Jhln for. .a .long time and havo
ropoatedly been Inspired by his ipor
sonallty and his clear thinking. As
a teacher and head ot tho department
of oducatlon In Wosleyan University
he came In direct contact with young
men and women and at that tlmo did
his greatest porsonal work. Later
ho was taken to tho University of Ne
braska, where as head of ono of the
great departments he lias so little di
rect contact with tho Btudents that
only a fow now come to know him In
timately and to lovo him. Jiut it is
hero that ho has inado his sclontlflo
investigations along measurement
lines and it is hero mat his value to
society as a whole has beon recognized.
North Platto Is honored ifTtlio prosent
visit of Dr. Fordyco and will bo glad
to bo so honored many times In tho fu
ture. On with the dance I Let 'joy bo.un
confined. Let's turn night Into day
and seok pleasure In tho time of.
youth as well ns In tho days of ma
turity. At loast flvo children's parties
wore hold at night this week between
Sunday and Friday. Ono of them that
Bring Your Foot Trouble
To Our Store.
No Charges.
Expert Here
Dr. Win. ML Sr.hnll
11 the recognized foot authority, is here ft
nHli now- He will be here only I
APRIL 23, 25, 26.
Absolutely FREE
knows that
hums a
Let him examine your foot and 1 1 1 ! il 1 1
ten you what is tho trouble, lie l msm mm
cause anu nc way to quicKiy II B I B I I
correct It. Let him demonstrate M !i-I 1 iMi iBnlH
-.--- -- . i n m "n " H m
on your own 1001 mat you can if
Foot Comfort
All Welcome
Como In.
APRIL 23, 25,
wo know of whore a bunch pf Junior
High School girls had a good tlmo
did not break up until after eleven
o'clock. No mntter that tho teachers
aro In dcsporatlon as to what to do
with dull children. I'ny no atten
tion to thowarnlngs of our medical
men that nervousness is Increasing.
Do not give heed to tho wisdom of the
elders who said "Early to bed," etc.
Consider not that the so-called crlmo
wnvo Is carried on largoly by young
sters who havonot been controlled In
their childhood. Nothing counts but
that tho children wnnt to have a good
time and tholr parents are too weak to
resist Help them plan week-night
parties. QIvo them free reign In their
pleasures. That onablcs tho parents
to get rid of them during tho. evening
and then they can go to their own
amusements. Keop on parents In
North Platte, but God pity you! No
ono olso will.
Tho retiring members of tho Hoard
ot Education woro not candidates for
re-election. E. J. Vandcrhoof has had
poor health for somo tlmo now and ho
and his frlonds did not feel that he
should undertnko another three year
term. It is proper that ho should bo
roloased from this responsibility after
sorvlng for bIx years. His interest
has beon heartfelt and ho has at all
times studied ovory proposition that
camo up with tho Intention of mak
ing a decision that would reflect to the
wolfaro of the boys and girlB. Mr. El-
dor hns sorved for nlno years' and has
had tho responsibility of being presi
dent for tho past threo or four years
Ho has beon faithful to his trust in
ovory, way and has spent ,niu,ch time
and study In solving tho problems that
havo como up, Wo bollovo that Mr.
Eldpr fenows more about , tho North
Platto school conditions today than
any other porson In thoclty and it, is
to bo regrottcd that his sor.v.lcoa could
not have beon retained for uwnjr years
to como. But the- 4ask ho8has ac
complished was not an easy, one and
after accomplishing What ho lias done
It la not unreasonable for him to ask
that the load bo shifted to someone!
olso. The thanks of the entire com
munity is duo those men for ,tho per
vico tuey nave rendered to our
Ono of the most redlculous pro
positions we havo heard or In a long
tlmo is for Hie Camp Fire Girls' to
earn money by sorvlng refreshments
to tho mombers of the Buffalo BUI
Gun Club at their Sunday shoots,
Wo havo no quarrel with the men of
tho Gun Club and hope thoy will
havo all the refreshments they need
but wo cortalnly hopo that when this
proposition cornea up to tho Local
Council of the Camp Fire Girls It
will bo scrapped In short order.
Sonsatonnl Under Price Sale starts
this morning of women's mid 11118868'
wearing nppnrel and furnishings at
Tho Lender 3fcrcaut.Ho Co. A most
remarkable mine giving.
A largo crowd attondod tho danco
la the K. C. hall last evoulug, tho mu
sic being furnished by Schubert's or
chostra of Chicago.
Absolute Perfection
Do you suppose tho Victor Talk
ing Machine Company could pay
fortunos to Cnruso and other
famous artists to make records
exclusively for tho VIctrola If
tho records did not rcproduco
Would thoso world fumaus ar
tlbta muko such contracts If the
VIctrola did not do their superb
volcos porfoct Justice? Think "it
over- Thnt is why tho music
lovors of tho world have in their
homos tho
Look for Uio trade mark "His
Master's Volco."
Roberts Music Co.
Leading firms in every community
testify to its uninterrupted service
and its low cost of operation.
You will find that they are usually
progressive merchants with a
name for careful management.
Cor. 6th and Locust,
, fit , ; - k- ".
North Platte, Ncbr.
? 4
W. B. McDonald,, first .name un1-
known, will tako noticse, that on the
Oth day of Septembor, 1P20, P. H. Sull
llvan, a Justice of the Peace of North
Platto Precinct No. 1, Lincoln Coun
ty, Nebraska, issued an. Order of At
tachment for tho sum, of $C.G5, in an
action pending before him, wherein
McGovorn & Stack, a firm, is plaintiff, (
and W. B. WcDonald, first name un
known, defendant, that property con
sisting of money in tho hands of tho
Unlon Pacific Rail Itoad Company, a
Corporation, has been attached under
Bald order.
Said cause wus continued to the
2lSth day of May, 1921, at Ten o'clock
A. M.
North Platte, Nobraskn, April 16th,
This Is your time Visit tho store
early, most senntlonal under price
sale- Ono glance at different bargains
wo offer will prove to your own sat
isfaction thnt tho moment has come
wlic'n you can best nntlclpalo your
needs nw at big savings. Salo starts
this morning nt Tho Leader Mercan-
tHe Co.'s.
E. J. Maupin loft this morning for
Halg where ho has been transferred
by Uio Union Pacific Railroad Co,
Miss Nina Van Doran camo last ov
oulng from Goring to visit rolativos
in tho city.
For Sale Potatoes . 70c ..a bushel.
Cross from the Baker School House.
Phone 7.81F11. . Chas. Shin.
"For Jjnlc-jf-New Anchor Hopo Cream
Separator, r Cheap. Inquire at 1006
N, Pino St.
To Trade Section ot land In Lin
coln Co. for city property. ' See Gene
Crook, North Platto. ,k'
For Sale Baby chickflfMl.C. B.
Leghorns and Plymouth Rocks.
Phono 1027J, 621 West Sixth.
For Sale Hatching eggs, puro bred
R. I. Rods, Barred Rocks and White
Leghorns. L. I. Tucker, Phono 698J
Feed and Garden Seeds of all des
criptions. North Platte Feed Co.,
Phone 2(.
For Sale At farmers' price A
choice lot of Red Poll bulls ready for
service. Payne Dairy Farm, south
end of Dowoy street, I'ortn Platte.
For Salo Single Comb R. I. -Red
Eggs for Hatching. Mighty ,good util
ity and laying strain. $1.00 per set
ting. Mrs. George Tekulve, Phone
852 J. 1204 E. 4th St.
Want Ads
For Sale Rhode Island setting
eggs at half prlco. Phono 783F22...
For Rent Two front rooms ' for
light housekeeping. 513 E. Fourth.
Vnr limit Lartro office room. In
qulro at Brodbock Moat Market.
Wanted Girl for genornl house,
work. Phone 243.
For Rent'-Olflco room at 605 N.
Locust Plipno 1209J.
For SaleMlllot, 75o, Ralph Saul
Rt. B.
For Rent Well improved farm. In
qulro 020 Ev Fourth St.
Wanted Boos, must bo frco from
disease; ' Address E. B. Martin, 502 W.
Eighth or Phono 632W.
Wanted Bookkeeper and stenog
rapher for an Insuranco and real es
tate offlco. Reply in your own hand
writing to Box 677, North Platto, Nobr.
For Sale tNativo Grown strawberry
plants whilo they last at $1.00 per
hundred. Phono 473W. C. H. Splcer.
For Rent Hbuso & farm buildings
on section .24rabout: 2 miles northwest
of . the. city limits. Irrigated garden
and pasture adjoining. Per head by the
montji. Inquire 921 West 2nd St.
For Sale School house, west end of
District No. 5, at public auction May
10 to be sold at school house Mrs.
Huckfoldt, Fred a Slmants, Frank
Wanted I havo pasture for about
125 head of cattle or horses. Plenty of
grass and running water. Will make
prico right. Four miles cast of North
Platto on the Macy place. Phone
793F210. Glen McKain.
For Sa'e Houses at 312 E. Third
and 31Q E. Third street are for sale at
$4,200. Ono is a five room and the
other a six room modern dwelling.
Both havo water, sower and lights.
For particulars write Mrs. K. L.
Turner, 612 Washington Street, Boise,
Idaho. '
Combination sjUe will bo held on the Falrview Dairy Farm J miles west
of North Platte on
Thursday, April 28th, 1921.
x Holstein cow 7 years old; 1 Holstcln cow 6 years old, 1 roan cow
.7 years old, i Jersey cow, 3 years old, will be fresh soon; 1 milch cow
5 years old, 1 calf 3 months old.
1 black horse coming four this Bprlng, broke, wt. 900 pounds; 1
bay maro 6 years old, weight 1200 lbs.; 1 team grey, mares, .smooth
mouth, wt 2600 lbs.; 1 team sorrel ponies, 4 and 5 years old, wt 1800
lbs.; 1 grey maro 9 years iold, wt. about 1200 lbs.; 1 bay gelding, 5
years old, wt about 1250 s.; I grey maro smooth mouth, wt llOO lbs. I
tsorrel gelding, smooth i. h, wt 1050 lbs.; 1 buckskin pony, about 8
years old, single driver; (1 hj.i1 kid's pony, smooth mouth.
38 pound saddle, Mollno lister, 3-lnch tiro wagon, Molino two-row, rid
ing cultivator, 10-foot hay rake, grind stone, incubator and brooder,
lioatlng stove, 4-hole steel range, Pull-a-Ford attachment, Ford truck,
cord tires, with sliding gear, same as new, 3 sots ot work harness, one
new last spring, 4-lnch running gears, spring wagon, 3 Inch running
'gear, 3-scctlon lnrrow, hoy rack, hay swcop, nearly now, hay rako, in
dependent mower, Acmo moiY.Qr.,crnplanjier, 16-Inch walking plow,
JMcCormlck mowor, Molmo lister, used two" seasons, discwIUi truck,
Sandow gas engine In good running order, incubator, hay rack, 2 Bet
harness, wagon, cultivator, hay rako, disc, lister sot harness saddle.
Sn'o Conibmences tit 1 O'clock Shnrp.
Lunch wwlll be Served on tho
TERMS OF SALE All 8ums under ?20 cash. Ml sums over that
amount G months tlmo will bo given on bankable papor bearing 10
per cent interest
It C. LANGFORD, Clerk.