The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 22, 1921, Image 4

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AsimragUi ronrty now. North Platte
Floral Co.
Mrs. Georgo Sholl reporltjl, to lie
ill nt her home.
Cabbago plsntB roticly Mftjp KftortU
Platte Floral Co. ' 5'
DnhllHB and phlox Hhould blffliUitWl
now. North Plntto Floral Co.
airs. jvicConnell of Sutherland
shopped in tho city yesterday.
Arthur N'olttn of Allmnco corns Wel
noBdny to visit roiatlves In tho city.
Strawborrlw and PamlMset thorn
out now. Nflrth Plfitt Floral Co.
Floyd Vanslcklo hns accepted a pos
ition us clerk st tho Hotel McCnuo.
Mvory spring cost, suit, drs or
Blclri at gonulno reductions at Diode's.
Fred Stoffrogcn left yostorday for
Alcron whore ho lino nccepted a pos
ition. Don't fnll to attond the big sale of
conts, suits and drosses now on nt
Mr. and Mrs. Guy S. Popsjoy raturn
ud from a business trip to Omaha yos
torday., Lawronco Carpenter of Hastings, It
former rosldont, visited In tho city
Ueforo buying your spring suit, coat
or dross comparo tho Btyles and prices
nt niock's.
Mr. and Mrs, B. E. Howes and son
visited . friends In Pnxton tho flrBt
of tho week.
Hoar tho Mlnstrol Show at tho Cnr
nlvnl Saturday night at tho Franklin
Auditorium. .
Mr. and Mrs? K. It. iWelt loft Wed
nesday for Choyonno (to visit friends
for a fow days. '
John Million, rcpresentntlvo of tho
0. N. W. railroad, transacted business
in tho city yostorday.
Itobert Armstrong returned to St.
Louis Wednesday after visiting Win.
Powell for a fow days,
Ubo 'our baby chick starter and
baby chick feed provonts Iobb. North
Plntto Feed Co., Phono 200.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith, of Omaha
enmo tho first of tho week to attend the
Woodhurst-Smlth wedding.
J W. MnrcollUB of Sioux City ro
turned'to hla homo Tuesday, nftor vls
itlng his family for a fow days.
To whom aro you going to soil your
Huy nnd Grnlri? T.ho Harrlngtori Mor
cantilo Co. wjll offer thd highest
Just received n largo shipment of
fur chokors In "snulrrol, mink, fitch,
etc.,- priced vor r'oasonabloly, at
niock's, ,
Saturday Special Ono can No. 1
pork and beanrf 70, two for 15c. Ono
can No. 2 pork und beaiiB 12'Vjc, two
for 25c. Economy" Grocery. '
Hoiihatonal Under Price Sale sliiri"
(his morning of u omen's and misses'
vyvnrlug nppnrel and furnishings nt
Tho Lender iHercnufllo Co.- A most
rcimirlmhlo vnliie giving. .
Application hnn boon mtylo by
Honry Molroy Stowart of Sutherland
for naturalization. Ho Is a native of
England nnd camp to tho United
Stntos March 20. J 013. His applica
tion will como up at the fall term
of tho District CotirU t . ,
An interesting Jury case was dp
olc, priced Very reasonably, at
whon tlio FlrBt State Bank of DIckonB.
brought action agaliiBt Mr. DoMlH on
a chattel mortgage There was a d'tfl
iputo about .this property "which, tho
Jury docldod In favor of DoMllt.
Mm. IU Stcvons of Gothenburg was
n olty visitor yostorday.
Fur chokers and msrnboos at mod-'
eintirWIcos nt WtfWt'f. ' " -.
JjUSf, Ward IloDlfafBX Lailngton
flfftfvotKttB'of Mrs. U U Andqrson.
ntSkif pn. J. J. Crfortl will re
ft iTOiji, li siiort trlb to Voimngo.
; MraflfJ'W. Beam at fteraJicy was
city, visitor ymimShf.?
. M. McConnol of ifOWtty transact
cii business in the olty jititorday".
. Mrs. A. L. Tobey of Maxwell trana
liotod business in the city yesterday.
MIsb Bally Ford of Madrid Nobr.
vljrttod friends in the city Wednesday.
Mrs. JMarthft Cooper yot Portland
oamo Wednesday to visit at tho A. O.
Talbot homo.
Chns. W. Choovo loft yostorday for
Grand Island whoro ho was called by
tho govornmont.
Miss ltolon Smith will rot urn to
Lincoln Siindny nftor at tending the
wedding of her slstor.
T. P, Shoahan will leave, this week
for Ooaln, Florida, whoro ho will
nlnko his home. Ho hns a small farm
there and rnlsos vogotablos for tlio
northern rnnrkets.
Miss Isabollo Stafford camo from
Paxton this morning to spend tho
dny with frlonda in tho city.
Vovo Nelson and Reuben Johnson
visited relatives In Gothenburg Wcd-
Entlro stock of spring suits, cents,
wraps and drosses at reduced prices at
F. C. Connoy enmo from Overton
Inst ovonlng to visit his daughters In
tho city.
Miss Emma Johnson returned to
Brady yesterday after visiting frlendB
in tho city,
A most sensational sale of women's
and mines' wearing1 nlparel und fur
nlshlngs slarls this morning nt The
Lender Mercantile Co. visit the store,
you'll llud real bargain.
Friday, May 13 is tho date sot for tho
annual concert by tho High School
Cadet Hand nnd High School Orches
tra. This is tho second concert by
tho band but tho first annual event
for the orchestra. It Is planed to hold
this concert in tho Auditorium.
Sousntoniil Under Price Sale starts
this1 morning of women's and misses
wearing apparel und furnishings at
Tho Leader Mercantile Co.. A mosl
remarkable value giving. -
Up to last night Victor Moss hod
not been brought Into County Court
Tor Indictment and tho offlclnls had
no word iih to whon this would ho done.
It was plahnod to-glvo him plenty of
time- to recover from tho effects of tho
bullotyyound before taking him Into'
, Mr. Edward Cowdy has been ap-
i"Mnlod Chlof Dispatcher at North
iPlatto and will rolipvo Mr." G. A.
Zoutmoyor. who will work llrst trick.
Thtchnngo Is inndo nt tho rawest
of lr. Zontmoyor, who prefers n
trici; or oignt nours to tlio long Hours
of tho chief's position.
School reports woro handed to tho
pupils of tho City Schools at noon
Wednesday of thlB wook. It Is tho
duty of tho boys and girls to tako these
( roports homo to tho father and moth
er but If they fall to do this it is per
fectly propor for tho parents to in
quire of tho children about tho ro
iportB. H is not going too tar for tho
parents to insist ontho reports being
turned ovor for tholr Inspection.
"The Holy Spirit Is to reprove the
world of Bin, of righteousness and ot
Judgment. Ho Ih to break up tho falpo f i
ponce of sinners by showing through . '
Ills - gracious operation tho Savior '
whom unbelief rejects. Ho lays bare '
boforo tho mind sin In Its true form,
and awnkens n sense of shnlne and
sorrow becauso ot It. It is tho Spirit . .
whloh arouses tho soul to hungor for
that rlphleousnosB which nlono 'is
imparted to man through tho ns
oontlod Savior, who Is soon and known
through faith. Tho Holy Spirit also
wnrns of Judgment nnd makes ovldont
that tho jirlnco ot this world with nil
who trust in him aro doomed. ThlB
Is a guarantee that nil who tiro with
Christ nro snfo. Wo may well, thoro
foro. pray for nnd wolcomo tho Holy
Spirit to revonl to us tho Snvlor In
Buch a wny ns to mnko us hato our
Blnp and to glvo ua a truo nnd living
faith In Christ as our Advocnto und
Intercessor nt tho throno of grnca.
TlniB wo will bo filled with tho right
eousness of ChrlBt nnd may look with
confidence nnd Joy to tho day ot
, If you are Interested In learning
snmothtnkg moro of tho Holy Spirit,
and of tho Savior of tho World, como
ROOU noxt Sunday nt either olovon
or olght o'clock.
t Tho choir will sing.
There s,,room for nil.
'. VJu will bo heartily wolcomo.
First Evangelical Lutheran Church
""The Church ot the Open Door"
Forty years of faithful service in North Platte.
l-Qcntou1 on lTifth Sireot nt Sycamore.
Hev. C.'Fmnklirf'KdL'h. Pastor.
For Three Days Only Saturday, Monday and Tuesday.
In order to .make room for our incoming Warm Weather Apparel, we place on
sale about 200$rand new Silk Die.sses for Women and Misses that formerly sold
up to $57.50. Your choice withoufereserve at
The Dresses in this sale consist of high grade Taffetas, Canton Crepe, Georgette,
Mignonette, and, Kittens Ear Crepe, made up-to-the-minute in style, in all t h e
wanted shades, v , ;
We cannotv urge ybu too strongly to be on., hand Saturdayf) morning, to take
advantage of these wonderful values, which will again demonstrate ourj- ability togive
The Latest Styles at the Lowest Prices.
Every Sale
must be
Final. .
ladies' Outfitting Store
(See South
A beaiitlful iveddlng took place at
7 o'clock Wednesday morning at tho
St. Patrick's Church when Miss Hazel
Smith became tho. bride of Thurston
Woodhurat. Mrs. Edward TIchner
was at tho organ and as a prelude
played tho Tannhausor Wedding
iMuroh by AVngnor, nftor which Paul
Harrington sang "Avn Maria" fol
lowed by "At Dawning."
The brldo was gowned In dutchess
satin, trimmed with pearls and woro
a beautiful tullo veil which was held
n placo by sprays of lillos of the
valloy and sho carried a shower.
boquot of lilies of the valloy and
sweet pens. Miss llesslo Smith, Bister
of the brldo acted as ninld of honor
and woro a dress of orchid organdie
with hat to match and carried a
large boquet of sweet pens. Miss
Holen Smith was brides maid and
wbb dressed In light Kroen organdie
with hut to match and carried a
bouuot pt sweet peas.
( Sher,W9Lod Woodliurst, bcother of
tho grogm, was best man.
Llttlo$Jarr Jano Sprlgg, cousin of
tho bride" nnd Ioota Miller woro
flower girls.
Tho churoh was profusoly decorat
tyl with cut flowers, ferns and palms.
Kov. Patrick McDald performed
Liho ceremony after which tho reces
sional was played by Mrs. Tltchner.
A breakfast whb served at tho
Smith homo Immediately following
the wedding. Hero a color scheme
of lavendnr and greon was carried
Tho out of town guests woro Mr.
und Mrs. Frank Smith of Omaha,
Mrs. Clarence Tolllfson of Kearney,
Sherwood Woodliurst of Grand Is
land and Miss Marjory Daiigherty of
Tho bride Ib the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. J. I. Smith of this olty and
Is well known In social circles. Sho is
a graduate of the local high school
and has been employed at the Clin
ton Jewelry store for t.ho last year. '
Tho groom Is the son of Judge and
Mrs. Wm. H, Q. Woodliurst and has
lately beon appointed manager of
tho Woodliurst Insurance Agency.
The young folks left for a short
wedding trip to Oninha after which
they will be at home to their frlendB
on West A street.
A different fox trot for music lovors.
First lmo In North Platte. Special
prico 25c. Roberts Music Co.
Miss Florence Atwood of Lincoln,
Agent of "flo Extension Depdrtme'nt
of tho University of Nebraska will"
bo in Lincoln County on April 2S and
29 working In tho Interests of tho noy
and Girls Club work. Sho will visit a
number of communities and attend
several meetings in the Interests of
this work.
North Platte Floral Co. Flowers.
W. Twelfth Street Phono 1023. We
deliver and ship anywhere
Our Latch String Is Out
Davis Day, April 23d.
In celebration of this event- the 26th anniversary ot Davis
Made bicycles we will hold "Open House" on Salmday
April 23.' The new models will be on display. You are
Indoor Bicycle Race
Every boy is invited to enter the Indoor Bicyglo Haco. It is
not-necessary to own a bicycle. Cflnio in today and register.
Wo will tell you all about it. There aro handsome prizes
for iho winners. . , " N
' . JOHN HNULL,. ;
acini i iicdii e,
April, 29th.
Prices, Plus War Tax.