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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1921)
NORTH PIjATTB SEMJI-WEEIOiY TOIDUNE 3?a82QM FTS'THAT LAST; CLINTON, THE JEWELER CLINTON & SON, The Eye Glass Men Sign of The Big Ring Satisfaction Sure Try Us. Graduate Opticians T H 8 WEEK V1 mmmmmm . i i ! 1 1 1 1 nm ' ' ' a -.una SL73 8 u JUt. U. 11. UKJiSSLliK U i (UtADUATK DENTIST Office over the McDonald State Bank. tiSMMMMJ-It!!-!i..,M.M.M..M.MM.M..MM ''? LOCAL AND PERSONAL Paul Jonos Middles are sold at "Wil cox Department Store. - Miss Inna Bradley wont ta Pnxtoli Sunday to visit friends. Mrs. H. Mason of Hershey was a city shoppor Saturday. Jesse and Morton Harris will leave 1 today for Denver to visit. Queen Quality Shoes are sold at Wilcox Department Store. Mis. P. It. Reed of Drulo visited friends In tlie city Saturday. - Munslngwcar for tho whole family nt Wilcox Department Store. 1 ' Horminghnusen buys Hogs. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pease of Paxton' Were'clt'y visitors Saturday. Mrs. H.' Kelso has resumed duties at Attorney G. Ni Gibbs' office. Verno Harris' of Cozad visited' rela tives in tho city over tho week end. Miss Ethel Suite left yesterday for Oshkosh In her car to visit relatives. Largest stock In the city of porch ;drQSSGi and aprons, now on salo at 'Block's. ' .,- .f Mrs. Blanore Snyder lei Friday ov 'enlng for Lincoln and Bonnet to visit Relatives. Mr. and Mrs. George Saunders of Hershey were In the city on business Saturday. Hundreds of beautiful, now silk. waists alid' over blouses from $2.98 up 'at Block's. J. II. Stone and "family moved to their new home on west Fifth street yesterday. Edward Thompson of Sterling came tho letter part Ills' parents. i': Mrs. E. N. Oglar will entertain the Robokah . Degree Team at her homo Vednesday evening, Mrs. J. B, Jeter left the last of tho STATE OF NK11KASKA DEl'AUT week for several months' stay In Cal. 3 IE NT OF PUBLIC WORKS, ifornla. Mr. Jetor expects to join her APRIL til, LINCOLN', XEIJ. about June 1st. CIIAXCIH IN MOTOR VEHICLE J . LAWS. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wilcox and Mr. TO COUNTY TREASURER: -ad Mrs. W. J. O'Connor and datigh-J 0n this date, tho Governor signed ter loft yostcrdny afternoon for a two n. R. 344 and II. R. 34 G the former weeks' stay at Excelsior Springs. hong nmonded motoY vohlclo law DrAlvordof tho Department of An-! 11,1(1 ,ho mttor tl,c ,tlw relative to Imal Pathology of tho Unlvorslty of' 11,0 expenditure of tho motor vehicle Nobrnska spent yesterday at tho Ex-1 tnx- 1 Intend getting out a pamphlet perlmentnl Substation, looking after 800'V w,Ul lnc complete laws therein ' It 1 I .1 1 1 I . .. A I veterinary matters, ll. H. Newman received a frow but for your immediate information, tnHnr 1 w'flh to set out tho most Import- of the week to visit Rev. Rowland Mackintosh in Texas, formar pastor of tho Episcop al church, and ho stated that ho will be iii North Platte on tho 30th .of this month and will stay till tho 2nd of May. . ing friends in the city. Mrs. Henry Lonegan of Boulder and mother Mrs. Mary Thornburg left this morning for Omaha. -MIss'Ellen Flynn, of Hershey, was tho house guesi-of Miss Evelyn Loy. poldt over tho week end. 1 Miss Mablo Rodino returned from Omaha yesterday where she has been taking medical treatment. Millinery, Miliary, just go to Wil cox's and see the many new things in Sailors, Sport Styles, an j Dress hats, j Mrs. Floyd Daniels spent Friday in' Hershey visiting her sister Miss Grace Swanson, who is a teacher there. Skirts! Skirts!. In beutlful wool plaids and tho now spring silk skirts in all tho popular new shades from $5.98 to $19.98 atUlock's. Mrs. Henry Lonegan, n former res ident, camo from Boulder Colo, the latter part of the week to visit relatives. ant changes In tho taws. Both bills carried th0 omorgoncy and are now law. II. It. 8 lf. Troasurors, instead of Bonding, to tho State Treasurer, 7G of tho total collections must now reniit only 3 Mrs. Hoard Yosb and Mrs. Helen per cent of the total collections. TIgho entertained Saturday evening starting with tho opening of busl at a china shower complimentary to ness 'April 13th, tho Treasurer shall Miss Hazel Smith. Tho evening was "retain 96 per cent or the tolal spent in . playing cards after which collections. Tho County Board and dainty refreshments were served. tn0 state Department of Public The color scheme of green and white Works shall prepare a budget which Avas carried out effectively. ' will decide upon a certain amount needed for maintenance on the State Highway System. This amount, the County Treasurer will set aside In tho State Highway Fund of the County. It must not exceed 75 'per. cent of tho. total collections. The balance is tobo credited to the County road dragging fund; All claims for maintenance work are to bo handled aB any other coun ty claim. Ow Division Engineers, In their regular visits to the County Treasurer will approve the claims and they niny then be paid from tho State Highway Fund. Do not send tiny more claims to the Division Kn-glneei-. Hold them until lie approves tlic-m in your oll'lce. , The treasurer shall also pay vouch ors drawn on- tho State Highway Fund by'' oiii Department for nil plate's and containers used In each cDunty. This will not bo of conseo.u- enco tills year as nearly all plates are paid for, except the few dealer plates which arc ordered from t Into to time. jr. it. an. On all dealer's applications after April 12, 1921, a fee of ten ($10) Dollars must, be paid for extra plates, Instead of one ($1.00) Dollar us was previously required. After December 31st, 1921, plates .-.-t.I be furnished in pair and one must be carried on the front of every car. Treasurers must now charge a oi $1.00 on applications for a container to replaco lost ones. As before, a container will bo furnished free with the first applications. 'Phe uo- law requires County Treasurers to send application to us in duplicate, and to furnish applic ants with a combined certificate and A beautiful lot of fancy -and plain colors. Inexpensive but well made full sized garments that you would enjoy wear ing. See our show window and como In and examine them. WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE Friends of Russel and Lester Lang ford will be glad to learn, that they are making records for themselves 'as students in Lejand Stanford Univer sity in California. At the semester ex animations each stood high in his clnsa and this Is especially gratifying slnco the" standard of Leland is so high. Lester will be home in Juno but Russell may stay for the summer quarter so that he can got certain work offered then. Th6 leading stores in America feature nnd. recommend the LaCamille corset. You can find your proper model hero at Block's. Cards were received hero yester day announcing the marriage at Glendalo, California, on Saturday, 'Ap'ril 9tli;'of Miss Carrie Wilson to' W. H. Cunningham. North Platte people will remember Will Cunning ham who was raised in this city. moving to California with his par cuts, Mr. and Mrs. W ,H. Cunning ham about ten years ago. Thoy will bo at homo at 245 North Maryland Ave., Glendalo, California.' Yesterday the boys and girls of tho Senior High School took, part of ' the day In preparation for getting out Wis uose Aioraruy reiurneu io t,, i,i-Kest .mrt best number of the Grand Island this morning after visit,. n,gh Schoo, R0und-Up over issued. It will nc culled tno ann iai ami wiji lie a work of art. Pictures of tho Cadet Band, Ili-Y Club, CViden. each of the classes, the Student Council and other school organizations were taken at that time. Other ath'e'if. musical and literary organizations havo already been photographed or vi'l bo In the near future. About twenty-five friends gathered i-t the home of Mr. a :d Mrs. C. J. Cornwell last K.tlday evening and went in a body to fie home of Mr. and Mrs. William Boot!-, on a est twelfth street whero they surprised Mr. Booth and helped him celebr to his birth day. Tho visitors presented him with a number of birthday romsrnbrances. Music and cards we- iho entertain ing feature. C. J. Perkins won the first nrizo for the men and Mrs. Arthur Peters for the ladle?. Mrs. Bootn, assisted by Mrs. Corn ci: sor.-ed some delicious refreshments and t ic friends left for their homes ..Isli ng Mr. Booth many moro. huppy hlrMi.lpyi. rcccivo such instructions. , LOCAL AJN1) J'EllSONAL I' so of 11)21 Certificate. i - - Quite a few trnnsfcra havo been I c Hlckson of Paxton was a niado whero tho parties thereto havo , cIt" visitor yctcrdaj;. Mrs. C. R. Trunt loft Sunday for Taylorvillo, 111., to visit relatives. not made tho proper use. of the cer tificate. The upper part Is to bo pre sented by a parly who. has trans- rorrcd his old car nnd desires to placo his number on a recently ob tained car. It must bo accompanied by a dealers transfer In caso no buys a new car, or a "transfer record" in case ho buys nn old car. It Is only good for ten days. If ho appllea after ton days ho must pay the full fee Instead or $1.00, Tho lowor part or "Transfer re cord" Is a bill or sale for used cars and must bo given to the County Treasurer when tho owner applies for registration. No applicant should have tho wlu)lp certificate. When tho transfer is mndu.'It should be cut in two nnd each, party of the transfer should take his part for further use. We liayo had cases whero a party desir ing to have his plate transferred has complained that tho party who bought his old car took the whole certificate and ho had nothing1, to Bho,v,tha Treasurer when he, ,inle, application. If you should receive a wholo certificate from someone, plenso seo that 'the other party gets his own part. Yours truly, P GEO. K. LEONARD, Ass't. Secretary. Don't buy a uult until you lutvo vis ited tho Ready to Wear Department nt Wilcox's. Dr. J. B. Redfleld was a pro fessional visitor to Taxtou yesterday. Mrs. Corneal)' of Croston, Iowa, is tho guest or her sister Mrs. Fannlo Murphy. Wo do all kinds of Eyo Glasa repair ing, sprlugs, tcmplqsj rramos, now rims, ono day Borvi'co for. your brokon louses. Clinton & Son, Opticians. receipt and requires us to pay coini ty Treasurers for any work they dc our Department do is supposed v5. '"i CLOTHING FOR Men & Young Men Perfectly tailored garments of tho highest grade materials in the newest spring styles priced to $30. 00 COMB IN AND LET US SHOW YOU BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. licrekow l'rlcu Moots Hood Quality. J r Cor. Front & Deey Sts. which to do. Ninety-five per cent of tho money which treasurerers have Bent in and which Is unexpended in tho State Treasurer's office will be returned to the County from wITIch It came. Tho return of tho money to the Counties must be done by voucher and I do not know what tho State Treasurer will require. This should bo credited to tho State Highway Fund. A good many treasurers havo not been send ing in their entlro 75 per cent and in as much as the State is entitled to live per cent or nil money collected up to April 13th, you should make a dividing lino between tho collec tions received berore and after that date. You will bo, notified later how to tako caro of this. Under separate cover, wo aro returning original claims Tor all unpaid vouchors which w0 have .on hand. These should be mud from your State Highway Fund when It is set up. A provision was also passed gllnn dealors or now cars tho right to trans port car, (solely for the purpose of delivery) from one place to another -;it!i a paper "IN TRANSIT" sIkii. Tho dcalor may also, in caso lie sells a car, attach a papor numbor, which II enable the purchaser to die tho car homo. Thoso paper number: aro good for ton days only and tin1 purchaser must apply within tlrat ilme Tor a rojtular plate. Wo are preparing samplou of ahoso nnmbers and will fsoo that you aromfoplled with 'thorn.' Doalers mutt have their own printed, however, rnd they will NOTICE FOR BIDS. Bids will be recotved at the office of City Engineer of the City or Noith Platto until and including April. 30, 1021, for tho construction of ap proximately 50 feet of concrete culvert, ono concrete check and ono open concrete trough 3 by 15 feet with 12 Inch walls, tho said work to conrorm to specifications and pla?ii on file at tho office of City Engineer. NORTH PLATTE PARK BOARD LOT FOR VICTROLA. Lot 10, block 2, In the II. & S, ad dition to North Platto, to exchange for Vlctrola, musical Instruments or any personal proporty that can bo taken to Missouri. Wrlto me what you have. Wollman Arthur, Mountain View, Mo. SWEET LIPS A different fox trot for music lovors, First Hjno In North Platto. Special prlco 25c. Roberts Music Co. :;o:: TYPICAL OF NEW STYLES Healthful Bowels Better Than Cathartic Habit Whore tho bowels arol healthful, oven tho porson ot scdontnry habits finds it easy to ovcrcomo tho bad or fcct3 of overeating- or othor errors in following tho god or nppotuo. uut whorovor thoro Is a person who1 has tho cathartic habit, or who must con tlnunlly resort to artificial meausuros to Keep-rld of food wastes, tho cause will ho round to bo in tho spine. Misplaced Joints or tho backbono at what Is known as "liver plnco" will causo pressure on spinal nerves to tho. liver nnd sluggish action by that organ Is a natural result. (Chiro practic spinal adjustments restoring tho alignment of tho joints, frocs tho pinch on tho liver plnco norvos, and with normal nervo' vigor restored, Na ture Is able to tako caro or horsclf without artificial aid. ACT TODAY Why delay, Consultation Is without chargo or obligation. Drs. States & States, The P. S. C. Chiropractors. Dnlldlng and Loan Building North Tlntto Nebraska. CHIROPRACTIC CORRECTS DISEASES ATHE FOLLOWING Spinel , HEAD EVES CARS NOSE THROAT . 0 UPfttJY I nunc LIVER STOMACH PANCREAS SPLEEN KIDNEYS 00WEL3 '-klULAODER ff LOWER "in Lin as LOWER -PINCHED NERVES, 1MP05SJ Bit p TO fornix; J PROPER IMPULSES (LIFE AMD H'rALVr() TGTtOGRSAS!5 MMD TI35UE5 , III I III' (Ulipill ' I 'lOUSC's ,lt.i smocks for fall are found new mod oil uindo of taffeta silk thai are orlglna and' pretty- and originality Is a grout Hbsut Just now. Here Is one of theiu tlmtls sure to InteivKt tlioHe who art looking for KometliliiK new ami Hurt to plonxo everyone who can uppruclnt Uh bounty. The Eleventh Annual High Line Short Horn Sale FARNAM, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 4 - Mr. Breeder and Farmer this opportunity should not be overlooked. You can get some of the best Shorthorn breed ing blood coming direct from tho most outstanding sires, and show winners. You need the Shorthorn breed which is the most approved beef type of cattle with their strong daring tndencies put them na class which should appeal to you. Can you afford to keep a cow for milk and another for beef when the true Shorthorn cow will give an ample a mount of milk through the year, paying her keep; when through giving milk she puts beef on her back equal with 'the best rounds coming out out of a high priced beef animal The whole country is short on cattle and with prices at bed rock you need ono at least for that boy who lacks inter est on tho farm ; get him a cow or at least a heifer. Better cattle makes better homes, better homes make better coun try. For Catalogues or other Information, Write E. W. CROSSGROVE,- FARNAM NEBRASKA. AUCTIONEERS A. W. Thompson, W. H. Bick, S. F. Porker. Clerk. C A. Ffudson