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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1921)
Tribune. THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR. tfORTH PLATTE, NEB., APRIL 19, 1921. No. 29 OPENS NEW CREAMERY Lincoln county farmer opensyneyv, market for milk products. Theodore Meyers, a Lincoln Coun ty farmer, who recently disposed "of his Interests In tho placo formerly owned by Albert Haspel, has opened up a modern dairy In the building on tho west side of Locust strcot be tween Sixth and Front. This la a two story building which haB been used from time to time for various pur poses but has recontly been acquired .by Mr. Meyers and put Into good shape for his dairy. Tho interior has been remodeled and decorated white. Some modern machinery has been In stalled for tho manufacture of Ideal Creamery Butter and Ideal Ice Cream. Wagons will cover the city from this dairy with supplies of fresh milk and cream, which is be ing collected by motor from tho farmers and rural dairymen each morning. Mr. Meyers contemplates addition on tho front of tho build ing which will bring It out totho Locust street side walk. Ho plans a modern sales room for" dairy pro ducts In this room and expects to enlarge tho lines ho now carries as opportunity presents. This addition to North Platte's facilities for taking care of : tho milk produced In this territory should make for the pro sperity of North Platte and Lincoln County. ::o:; IMPORTANT NOTICE. All stock holders of tho North Plattq Air Terminal Company, also any and nil citizens that are interested In tho future of North Platte and the con- tinuatlon of our present city air field, aro urged to, attend a meeting to bo IibIiI thia fiftfirnnnn at 2 n. m. in tho -'Dialrltr'tro'irrt .r6cmtfrSrtno. .' court' liouBe: Aiull report of what has been done twill bo. given You will be sorry t you stay away. J. E. SEBASTIAN. President. NOW! ft J.: :.t :.: ft a j.: YOUR RUGS '8 AND CARPETS Should be washed and dried by machinery -right on your own llfioors. We are experts in using the Hamilton Beach Carpet Wash ing Machine. We guarantee to restore tho original color, jalso nap, re i.t ft ft V t.t ft ft . i: move all spots and dirt without soaking or injuring nap sizing, or shrinking. or :.: ft stains( ft a dry ft We get all grease, streaks, tar, etc., that vacuum doesn't touch. it a it We do cheaper, quicker, better, jjt more thorough and uniform work than any other method. ft THE ELECTRIC RUG & 8 CARPET CLEANING CO 914 East 3rd St Phonos 103DW and CG1W. ft. ft fjiath PHONE 20 NUMBER OF SURPLUS FREIGHT CARS REFLECTS VOLUME OF BUSINESS. Following is an editorial from tho Lincoln Trado Itovlow which usually 1b about right on trade conditions: Tho American Railway Association reports that on March 31st there were nearly 49G.000 surplus freight cars, the largest number of Idle freight cars in tho history of Ameri can railroads an increase over the week ending March 23rd of over 36,000'cars. This record shows a steady decline in the numbor of cars loaded .week by week. This condition during March was attributed largely to the rapid falling off In tho use of cars. for tho transportation of coal and with the exception of tho extreme southern districts for which there was little change In the number of surplus cars; for the month of March, every other district in the country at tho closo of March report ed an increase in th0 car Biirplus as a natural result. Tho week by week reports show. a falling off In tho total trolgitt re venue as well as tho number of cars loaded. With tho movement of grain apparently on tho Increase, It is evident that the great falling off In tho movement of coal both on ac count of tho season and further clos ing of some industries more than overbalances the probable gain thru the grain movement. ;;ot; LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS WILL HOLD THIRTY-NINTH AN NUAL MAY BALL. The Locomotive Engineers will hold their thirty-ninth annualy ball on Monday evening, May 2nd at the K. C. Hall. Music will bo furnished by a selected orchaestra of local musicians. Tills annual ball has1 always been th0 biggest social functton of the season and elaborate preparations are being made this year. ::o: : NOTED NEBRASKA TO'STUDYNORTH 'PLATTE , CITY schools: Dean Chas. Fordyce of the School nr Rriiinntion. University of Ne braska will spend Thursday and Frl day In North Platte. Hq Is a special 1st In the measurement of education al results and lias devised tho For dyce Scale for measuring results In Oral Reading. He will lecture to the ft teachers and give his tests to tne ft nupllB of tho different grades. i.t t , Mrs. a. n. Howard and sons left ft . Saturday for' Seattle, Washington, ;: where they will probably spend several months. Mrs. Howard's par ents live there and It Is on account of their health that the trip was made at this time. On Friday April 29, the Ninth Grado of tho City Schools will present a play for tho benefit of tho' debating rund with any balance left over probably Koine to the Cadets. Full announce ments will bo mado soon. Spring Is only just around the cor nor and a pair of Goodrich tires on your bike will save you time, expense and annoyance all summer. "A Smile a mile" on Goodrich tires. E. I. Johnson, traveling agent for tho Chicago, Mllwaukco and St Paul railroad company Is transacting bus! ness In tho city today. This Home For $1600.00. Lumber & Coal iC6. PRECINCTS ARE ORGANIZED RM I1UREAU WILL ATTEMIT TO ORGANIZE EVERY PRE- CI.VCT IN' COUNTY. lu order that tlie leaders may bp' In touch with tho members at all times, the Lincoln County Farm Bureau will attempt to organize every precinct In Lincoln County. Tills will be a tremendous job and almost impossible without additional holp. County Agent Kellogg Is tiro loss' In his efforts but somo meetings have lasted as late as midnight and, there are long distances to be travel led in addition to taking care of titer wants und nee Is of each precinct after it Is organ'zt d. Four organizations have been ef fected to date. Each Is composed of enthusiastic supporters and each has shown unusual Interest and en thusiasm. Tho officers nro as follows: WALLAQE: Burt Light, chairman Clarence Harris, vice-chairman; G R. Phillips, secretary; W. J. Cohe.n, treasurer. . NICHOLS: Ray II. Spurrier, chair- tan; John w. I'owior, vice cnatr- man; Unas. Totliion, secretary; l'eior Young, treasurer. SUTHERLAND: E. A. Crosby, chairman - Harry Slcwart,vlce-chalr- man; J. W. Cochran, secretary; Earl Rayhorn," treasurer. SUNSHINE: B. B. Powell, chair man; J. -u. uoeuert, vico-cnairman . . . Petor Smith, secretary; W. J. Mc SweeneyAreasurer. The program adoptod by tne pre cinct organizations Includes plant and animal control, better, seed and better live stock, proper feeding of live Btqck, rodent and Insect control, cttlUng and proper feeding of poultry for egg production, testing of cows to sort out the boarders from dairy. hefdsTbtc! 1 :o:: BASKETBALL GIRLS TO HOLD BIG OAItNJVAL AT AUDI TORIUM .SATURDAY. A' big carnival Is being plannedJ for Saturday evening at tho Franklin Auditorium In which both Junior and Sonlor High Schools will parti cipate. Tills carnival Is under the auspices of the Girls BaskotBall team and a big tlmo Is assured by tho committee. LINCOLN COUNTY BOYS AND GIRLS TO MAKE SUCCESS BY . GOING TO SCHOOL County Suuporlnteudent Alleeit G Cochran has handed us tho following which Is worth tho consideration of every boy and girl In North Platto and Lincoln County. Figures presented by nn Indianapolis bank show that of 5, 000 000 children Ith no ' schooling thirty-otto nttaln distinction. Of ,0P0,000 with elemeiit- u-y schooling the numbor to gain distinction is 808. Two -million with a high school education show distinct ion gained by 1,246. Out of 1,000 000 who go through collego 5.7C8 become distinguished In somo walk of llfo. Less than one per cent of tho men In Amorlca aro collego bred yet this small j cr cent has furnished 56 per cent of tho American Presidents, 64 per cent of tho Vico Presidents, 62 per cent of tho Secrotarys of Stato, 60 por cent of tho Secretarys of tho Treasury. 02 per cent of Attorney Generals, 47 per cent of tho Speakers of the House, and 09 por cent of tno Supremo Court Justlcos. With a collogo education tho child has ono chance In 173, with a high school education ono chanco In 1.C0C, with elemontary schooling nlono, one chanco itj 40,841, and with no school ing ono chanco In 161, 290. ::o:: W. J. Hendy leaves tomorrow night for Fremont to attend tho Pastors' and Students' Conference of tho Theo logical Lutheran Seminary.- Ho will speak on tho Brotherhood movement irom tho layman's standpoint. Mrsclaude Tolllfson of Kearney camo this morning to attond tho wed ding of Thurston Woodhurst and Miss Hazel Smith which will take place tomorrow morning. Everett Stolapart, traveling agent for tho VChlcago Western railroad company is In tho city today. tilt IT WM FLOWERS North Platte Floral Co.-p-FIowom WTwelftk'r'Sireet Phone 1623. We dellm afttt'skto anywhere. ATTEMPTED DOUBLE MURDER ENDS IX FAILURE AND FLIGHT. Marlon Richards, a loamster, shot and Injured his wife Inn RlchardB and wounded his grown step-son, yesterday morning at about 2 A. M. Mr. and Mrs. Richards have been having trouble for some tlmo which culminated several months ago In tho nrrcst of Richards for mlBtroat- 1ng his wife. She left him and with ,her children went to live at 1009 W. (Eighth street Richards stayed with tho John Campbell family. Of ' lato t has been noticed that ho was .morose and It Is reported that ho has talked of making and end to It. Lato Sunday night he went to his wlfo's partments to see his children. An altercation followed during which ho fired at least two shots through tho bedroom door, one taking effect in tho boy's shoulder. It Is also said that he fired one shot In another room for Mrs, Richards had her hand so badly Injured that it was nccos- snry to romovo two fingers yester day. The boy was removed to tho "hospital whoro ho is resting well at presont. Richards escapod and no trace o him kas been found to date Ho has been employed about tho city for sovernl ycarB, hauling dirt, sand etc. THE ROTARY CLUB ENTERTAINS THE NORTH PLATTE AUTO DEALERS. At tho regular weekly luncheon yesterday of tho North Plattb Rotary Club, tho automobile dealers and their shop managers wero guests. Each was asked to speak on some ipIanB of tho ,auto buslnoss In connec tlon with North Platto and tho ad dresses were instructive and enter talnlnir. Short reports of tho Dis trict Rotary Convention wore glvon by Ira Bare and Frank Mooney. Near tho closo of the meeting ono of the mechanics took exception to another mechanics statement that a Ford car rides as easy as a Packard. After tho two had mixed and torn parts or uch others Jackots-aft ofeach othptj one of tho program committee rush ed'oitt with boxing gloves and when tlmo was called mombers and guests realized that they had been treated to a clover bit of acting. Carl Back ers of North Platto Plumbing & tleallnff Co. was Introduced as a now lnembor of the Club. JUNIOR HIGH PARENT-TEACHER ASSOCIATION WILL HOLD A CALLED MEETING Mrs. C. F. Spencer, president, issued tho following call .today: There will bo a spoolal mooting of Junior High Parent-Teacher Associ ation at tho Franklin Building, room 220 at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon to consider a matter of Interest to every iparont of Junior High pupils, and also for discussion of such other business !,s may proporly cotno boforo tho Association. A full attendance Is do slred. COUNTY AGENT" KELLOGG RE PORTS CUT WORMS DOING SOME DAMAGE ltoports have reached the offlfco of the Lincoln County Farm Bureau that cut worms havo taken fifty acres of wheat and thirty acres of alfalfa during tho past fow wooks. Other reports of small damago havo como In. Mr. Kellogg says to sprlnklo a mash consisting of two pounds of white arsenic, the peel of bIx lemons, run through n meat grinder, one-half gallon cattlo molasses and twonty flvo pounds of brnn, all mixed with enough water to mnko It damp and flaky but not sloppy. This should bo distributed over about four acros of .ground. iHo furthor cays that no crops should bo planted In ground In fested with cut worntB as long as tho worms aro there and that clean cul tivation should stir them up for tho birds and It will also starvo them out. Wo havo just looked over the April lumber of "Our Family Bulletin," Issued by tho Union Pacific Family League. Tho North Platte items wore sent in by George Murray. Tho Bul letin Is full of newsy Items about tl o men and womon who compose the leacuo and contains a detailed amount of tho meeting of the Goner al Committee. I). E. Wolbel of Paxton was In tho city yesterday, on business. Mr. We'bol Ifl'Vlco-presldent of tho Keith County Farm' Bureau. , ,tf U'o our &by chick starter and. chick fd preVenta loss. ?Jfry Platte .tt4 ,.' Phone ' LODGE. CHURCH AND SOCIETY COMING MEETINGS IN THE VARIOUS ORGANIZATIONS OF THE CITY. CHAPTER Tho Chapter of P. E. O. will meet at tho homo of Mrs. W. J. Hendy, Wodr nesday at 3 P. M. MISSION Tho Swedish Mission will hold ltu mooting at the Bethel Mission Hall, Friday, April 22 nt 7:30 o'clock. COMMANDRY. Palcstlno Commandry No. 13 will meet Friday evening ut 7:30 In tho Masonlo Tomple. HOME ECONOMICS Dopar.tmont of tho Twentieth Con- tury Club will moot Tuesday, April 19 at 3 p. m. at Flromon's Hall. MISSIONARY Society of tho Presbyterian church will moot Friday, April 22 at 2 o'clock at tho home of Mrs. Fred Porrctt. CHRISTIAN LADIES Aid will meet Thursdny afternoon at tho church. Entertaining commit' too Is Mesdames Esholman, Man, Sol bold t and Fromnu. CQUNTRY CLUB The ononlncr nartv for all members of tho Country Club will bo hold April 22 at tho club house. There will bo ontortntnmont for all members. BAPTIST Auxiliary moots Thursday afternoon In tho church. Hostesses are Mos dames Loudon, Ezmlngor, Hanoy and Kolso. A largo nttondanco is iloslred. SIOMA A Bpcclnl mooting lof the Sigma Chapter O. E. S. will bo hold nt tho (Masonic hall AprlKaofor1 jnltlatlo&'bt candidates. Dora Voseipka" Worthy Matron. EPISCOPAL GUILD Tho Episcopal' Guild will meet Thursday afternoon ' at tho church bnsement. Mesdames Lawhoad, Dol- ,9on. Tarlclngton, Troxlor and Robin- son will entertain. SPECIAL MEETING 1 United Spanish War Veterans and' tho(r wives will meet noxt Thursday evening"" nt 8 o'clock at tho Flro Sta tion. Refreshments will bo sorved. Tho Commnndcr an co. desires a largo attend- SUPPER The Methodist Ladles will hold their spring bazaar at tho church parlors next Thursday nfternoou April 21st Commencing . at 4 o'clock thcro will bo on salo nprons, fancy articles and candy. In tho ovonlng n sulppor will bo sorved beginning at 6:30 to which the public is Invited. 50c plato. Ctae. Hurt idih$M& Wo ly Gmjl. I, PROMINENT JEWELER TAKES SONJNTO WELL Jk'NOWN FIIHF. C. S. Clinton announced yesterday I that ho has decided to take a partner into His business bo thnt ho might bo relieved1 ofthe active management, and that partner Is to bo his son, Chas. P. Clinton, hotter known as "Jim." Mr. Clinton started In tho Jowolry bus iness In North Platto In 1886. Th growth of tho buslnoss from makor's table to tho handsomo storo on Dowoy street shows what, M. Clinton has been nblo to accomplish In tho thlrty-flvo years bo has been In tho business. Mr. Clinton has onrncd a long rest and ho pinna on leaving about tho first of Juno with Mrs. Clin ton, for California whoro thoy will spond soveral months. Jim Clinton, who will nssumo tho active mnnngoment of tho store is woll known horo having attended tho local schools and later entered his fathor's storo whoro ho learned tho Jowolry buslnoss from tho beginning Ho sorved In tho World Wnr and at Its close took his old placo in tho storo. Tho Trlbuno congratuulatos tho now firm of C. S. Clinton & Son and wishes It many years of continued prosperity. i - . c. : i -::o:: NORTH PLATTE SHRINE ,CLUB WILL ENTERTAIN WEfjl'ISItN SHKINERS. v Tho North Platto Shrlno Club has sent Invitations by letter and through newspapers to all mombers of tho Shrlno who Hvo In tho tor- rl-ory from Kcarnoy to Sidney, In- vlt,nE ,thon to a mooting nt North i'latto on Tnursuay, April zi. rno session will bo held In Masonic Hall and from presont Indications 'thoro will bo a largo attendance. Tho meet ing will bo partly social and partly business; -l!OM- HOHUUERT'S ORIGINAL JAZZ OR C1IESTRA COMING THURSDAY XT K. C HAIjL Schubert's original jazz orchostru dUo'ct from Chicago .wllVJtyrnlfllv music-for a ('Innco'hi 'the'ic. C. Hall noxt Tlnn flday ovonlng. This orchestra hnB been In North Platto boforo and all tho dancers know of tholr Instrumental novelties. COMBINED MEETING OF PARENT TEACHERS ASSOCIATION TO HEAR SPECIALIST. Thoro will bo a combined mooting of all- Parent Teachers Associations Friday afternoon In tho Franklin Auditorium at 3 o'clock. Doan For dyco, tho specialist will address tho mooting. TEACHERS' EXAMINATION Tho next Lincoln County Tcachera oxamlnatlou will bo hold In thousual places, Saturday, April 23rtL, Book keeping nnd English composUidii will bo required noxt year for a second grado county" certificate. , AILEEN G. COCHRAN, County Superintendent