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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1921)
NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE WILSON TOUT. I'dllor nml Publlslicr. wuoh groater than whero tlio order for tK'o goods must pang through tho hands of tho PurcftslnJ; Commltloo. On tho other hntttl tlicro Is n'form of autocracy In th"ldea of tho Pur chasing Conimlttco 'which does not nppoal to nn honest man who Is ehargt'd with responsibility. Ho feels that f ho should bo trusted ,aa tho hcadlbf one of tho dop'artments of tho aclty government, with soine authority In tho minor purchases. Tho Slnrger amounts, ho thinks, should be referred to the Council for approval or rejection. Wo hope thft Idea will not bo abandoned be cause It was not accented when first ' a menu of ours wanicu 10, sei iwo .proposed aa wo oeneve 11 nns mera. . '.ns. ,116 tookfyio last numhor of tho I Perhaps the heads of departments Tribune and" called up tho local could: bo nllowcd to Make purchases Xttconlo who had advertised hatching nnnn-. vouchors which they thorn- cffns. for sale. Each waB.flbld out and i R0VC3 signed. Thcso vouchors would nnnfbruci'fl away aneau. as iar as we not be accepteu lor largo amoums. ' know ho Ift still trying to get two or some other plan could bo worked adttWs 6"f oggs and does not know .out which would accomplish tho whero to go. What's the matter with 9nlcrcd at tlio NortiiH'Intto, Nebraska flfttofTlcc as Second Class Matter. SUBSCRIPTION PRICK: One Year, In ndvnnco $2.00 r'llll.AY, AI'IIIIj IStli, 1021. ' EDITORIAL. our poultry ruisers that they do not glyo some publicity to their products. " Klfher they are able to sell all of their hatching eggs without adver - Using of they don't have any bush nos? ability. - - t r-!,o!i 'The Camp Grounds Committee of tho .Chamber of Commerco announce today that Chas. Pass has withdrawal liis objection to tho location of tho Freo Camp Ground in tlio- grovo on South Pino stroot. It seoms that campers mndo themsolvcB a nulBuncp in some ways to the residents near the free camp grounds hist year and In particular were objectionable so near tlio green house. Mr. Pass told the Camp Ground people that he could not think of going through another fiOfifion under tho samo conditions. The qommltteo considered tho question from every standpoint nnd nt last of. fcred to fenco tho grounds and make tha opening on tho north side of the camp so that thoso insido would bo a long. WW away from tho grcon house. In view of this arrangement Mr. Pass vory kindly withdrow his objections and tho camp will occupy the same lo. cation as it did last year, v ' .0. . One of tho strongest points in faor of tho Farm Bureau IB that it is ontlroly non-political. No ono Is oVer elected M n political offco be cause ho is an officer or member of the Farm Bureau. But the Farm Bureau Is so organized that It can exert a powerful Influence on legis lation through Its referendum. Specialists aro employed to watcli legislation when Congress or tlio Statu Legislature are in session. Whim a good measure Is in dangor Or a Dad measuro is likely lo bo passed, these observers wire tho hpads of tho State Federations, thoy In turn wiro tho heads of tho County organizations and they In turn Bond word by phone or message to tho (pr.ccinct committees. A poll of the , ri'ombors In tho precinct In taken by phono, tho report la sent to tho County, then to tho Statu and on to tlio watchers In Congress why Iny the, results beforo tho different con- t grpssmon. Tho organization can got. .'an"; 'accurate opinion of tho entjro '.membership In 21 hours. That Ib such a sane and logical plan that It appeals to tho thinking man whether hf: is a' farmer or otherwise. Tho tjdltors have lost ovcry bill they pro posed to the loglslaturo because they ilo not have nn organization which Is i i ... ...... . ... ... ...... , cupuuiu- ui niuuuing UK.' Himnuoii. Perhaps tho editors will bo organized by tlio next session of tho Legislature bui 'fhp farmers will bo thoro ahead ' of1 i wllli flln rin nnriinu "ft '.,,. jic Ono of the matters in which wo WtKfc Pst Interested at tho liiootlng jcf&.lho Cty Counrll was a motion Which was put but did not receive a tifKthml and ludly was dropped. It had to dov with the powers of the iKiwIy-cronted .purchasing committee. Ill tub motion It was proposed to r uulro. ovory city official or omployeo oh tho city to secure a vouchor from this conunlttoo boforo nmUIng any .purchase NvhatBoovor for tho city. . Thju vouchor would he given to tho -.merchant as authority Cor 'tho pur chase nnd would be attached to tho InVoIco which Is sent In by tho inor- ' I&Sct M'088 suc'1 vouchor nccoin pameu'"' each Invoice, It was to ho - tynicd down by tho Council. That wwrHho way wo understood tho plan itnd- Jn many respects wo approved thfy tplan. It Is certain, that. If each Official of' tho city Is privileged to tma'ko whatover purchasos ho may ohdosoj tho oxpondllitroa will ho object Idea. sought for by the original -::o:s- II UMAX NATURE .STORY. It Is told that last Fall ono of our Civic Organizations voted a mini of money for the children of tho Near 'East. At a recent mooting it was uis covered that tho money had never been sent. Ono lady upon hearing this burst out with, "Well our ornhan has probably starved to death without lood Bluco last September so w tutit as well not Bend It." Anothci member replied, "Wo can probably get another oao. They say thcro aro still some allvo." Want Ads for Fnr Rent Two front rooms light housekeeping. 513 E. Fourth. For Kent Largo offlco room. In quire at Brodbeck Meat Market. Wanted Girl for gonoral house work. Phono 243. Found A man's watch. Inqulro at this office. For Kent Office room at 005 N, Locust. Phono 1209J. For Sale Millet. 7Gc. Ralph Saul lit. Ii. For Jtenl Well Improved farm. In qttlro 020 E. Fourth St. For Sale Two second hand pianos, ltohert's Music Co. Wuiiled-GIrl for general house work. Mrs. J. J. Halligan, . AVnntcd Work by man with family, Call at 431 E. Sixth or phono 288W, Wnntert-AVorti by man with team or without. Phono G91W. Wanted Woman to como to housi to do wnshlng. Phono 298 For .Sale Native Grown strawberry plants whllo' they last. at $1.00 per hundred: Phono 473W. C. II. Splcor For Sale Pjiro bed Whlto Orping ton oggs. Ono dollar per sotting, Mrs. J. M Barton, Somersot, Nobr, For Jtont A storo room. 508 Locust, north of Post Office. Inquire Joseph Morsch, 305 West 3rd Wanted Hues, must bo ffoo .from disease. Address E. B. Martin, 502 w Eighth qr Phone- 032W. For Jtont Hahch.' poBseaslon For Jtcnt Deslrablo light houso- kcoplng rooms, furnished. Phono 1013. 1 For Sale- Hatching oggs. puro bred i It. I. Beds, Barred Hocks and White' Leghorns. L. I. Tuckor, Phoiio C98J For Sale Single Comb It! I. lied Eggs for Hatching; Mighty good util ity and laying strain. $1.00. per set ting. Mrs. Goorgo Tckuivoi Phone 852J. 1204 E. 4th St. Wnnlcd I want to cngago a man n'nd wife to tako caro of my father who Is nn invalid. Thoro is Very little medical treatment. You wIILfcpmo and live at my homo. J. L. Spurgln, Pax ton, Nebr. . For Sa'oi Houses at 312 E. Third nndVllfi E. Third street aro for salo at $4,2()0. Ono is n five room nnd tho other a six room modern dwelling. Both have water, sower and'' lights. For particulars write Mrs. K. L. Turner, G12 Washington Street, Boise, Idaho. Lost On road between McCook nnd North Platte, April 9, 1921, 303 Mlcholln tire and rim nnd Nebraska HccnBo No. 8889. Howard. Notify J F. Cordeal, McCook, Nebr. For Jlent Two rooms In Twlnom balding nt 110 B. Fifth SL - Those rooms aro suitable for light house. jccoping or onjco. J or particulars sec ' limit, Goodman and Buckley. LOCAL lNi)Oi.'EItS0NA.L Nothing Reserved Any suit, coat, wrap or silk dress In tlio Btoro is now offered at reduced prices at Block's. Victor Records for April have ar rived at tho Roberts Music Co. Every now Bprlng suit, coat or dress Is now selling nt reduced prices at Block's. Entire stock of new spring suits, coats, wraps and dresses at greatly reduced prices at Block's. Dr. Alford of tho Stato University nrrlvcd this morning to look over con ditions nt the Stato Farm. Entire stock of now 'spring suits, coats, wraps and dressesnt greatly reduced prices at Block's. Mrs. Arthur Rush and nleco Elsie Waltcmath arrived homo tills" lnornlng from Lincoln whero Miss Waltomath hns boon attending tho stato university but on account of III health wan com. ; polled to leave. SEND What You S P.E N D ONE DAY To China 5,000,000 Chinese Famine Vlctlmi Still Need American Help Before June. $1 will save ono life one month. PICK A PAL IN CHINA FOR A DAY To hasten the work of relief, this newspaper will forward contribu tions to the locat Treasurer, -or to the National Trtxiurer,. .Chins Famine Fund, Dtble House, New York City. ' . u , . , 1 'Won't You Visit the Central Office? W e wdcome opportunity of owinir our pat tans how their telephone calls are handled in the central offlee. Every telephone user who has seen hoard in operation has found it to interesting. a switch-' be very Your knowledge of what the operators do when you ask for a number and how they connect you with" the person you want' helps make a better undcrstondin?; between us. ' A visit to the central office should make the telephono more valuable to you; and wo know" it would aid us in our efforts to furnish- you with the best possiblo telephone service. . ,. Northwestern beli telephone company 1 Mrs. W. F. Meyer of Sutherland was a city visitor yesterday. Feed and Gardon Sepds of nil des criptions. North Platto Feed Co., Phono 20G. " Mr. and MrB. II. C. Loutzenheiser of Gothenburg visited friends In the cljy yesterday. Wo do all kinds of Eye Glass. re pairing, springs, temples, frames, new rims, ono day service for your broken lensoB. Clinton & Son, Optician. ' Nothing Resorved Any suit, coat, wrap or silk dress in tlio storo is now offered at reduced prices at Block's. ut once. Inquire C02 S. Chestnut. Phone For Snip Potatoes 70c mi bushel. Cross from tho Baker School House. Phono "781F1L Chas. Shin. For Sale New Anchor Hope Cream Sepurntnr. Ohctip. Inquire at 100fi N. Pino SL - To Tradp-r Soctlon of land In Lin coln Co. for city property: Seo Gone Crook, North Platte. Wanted Washings to do or will go out to do houso clennlng. Mrs. John son, 310 W. Eighth. lor Sale Davenport and a few plccos of housohold furnlturo Phone 973J. A Snup For Sale or Rent Two room houso nnd lot in good shnpo Inquire ut Ilnyos Shoo Shop, 1st door north of Bulck Gurago. anted I havo pasture for about 12C hoad of cattlo or horsos. Plenty of grnss and running wator. Will make prlco right. Four mtlos cast of. North Platto on tho Macy place. Phono 793F210. Glen McKnln. ON SALE ONE DAY ONLY SATURDAY, APRIL, 16th. r 4. MENS cotol HOSE rtf f "If :u.;Y5 Mv - y h i.' COLOR Made of Fine Combed Cotton Linen Heels and Toes 5 PAIRS 75 c Colors: Black, white, groy, navy, cordovan, palm beach, grccn. Not More Than S Pairs To a Customer. HIRSCHFELD North Platte's Foremost Clothiers For Men and Boys. WE TEAjCH YOUIt DOLLARS TO HAVE MQRF. CENTS . .1 U.V ,1 . r George Mefford P(EODUCT(Or) toe Faith Q (jpatxunountyHctwQ Flaming with holy zeal ho camo from tho hills to liny society's Bins And ho saw tho woman - and loved her! Then hor own Hps told him tho llfo sho had led and ? Como seo what sort of i man ho was. A storyot things thnt glvo human Bfo n bouI PREMIUMS AT THE COUNTY FAIR List of Articles inthe Educational Class For Which Prizes Will be Given and the Amounts to Be Given For First and Second Prizes in Each Class. Aileen Gantt Cochran, Superintendent. itUItAL SCIldOL EXIIIBiT Lot 1. 1st Prize 2nd Prize Ki-SK.ry.X5 iXTSSjfSS1 I 1 mm i3. 9 t 5 14. f ' 34. .. ' " 35. '37. ' 38. 30, 40. Bost Map' of Nebraska mounted on cardboard. Size (12 in. x,20 in.) ....U, Best Specimen Penmanship, mountod on cardboard. , Size (10, in x 12 in.) A? Best Physiology Drawing, mounted 'on ccardboard. Size fX2 inr x JO in.) j Best Specimen Book ". l; Be3t Illustrated Story of American Inventions, mounted on cardboard. Size (22 In. x 28 in.) J Boat Map of United States, mounted on cardboard'. Size (30 in. x 30 in.) , ' Bost Produce Map of United Slates. Size (30 in. x Best Produce A'OP of Nebraska. Sizo (301. x afS -in,)- .. ".JrJLjJzmmtolibJ :. $2.00 ' :l '' ' k 200' 2.00 ' 5.00' 2.00 ' 2l00 3 ' 2.00 .SlOO' By William Vaughn Moody. At The Keith Theatre, SUNDAY, Matinee and Night. Monday and Tuesday. Illustrated Booklets. Best -booklet on any farm topic 2.00 Best booklet on any geography topic ! . 2.00 Best booklet on Nebraska 2.00 Free Hand Cutting Primary Grndes Best illustrated story I 2.00 Best illustrations of days of tho week. a- 2.00 1 Best collective exhibit penmanship - . 2.00 A FIRST GItAND PRIZE of $100.00 and a SEC OND GRAND PRIZE of $50.00 will bo offered to tlio. .rural school In Lincolil County which earns tho most points in first and second prizes, and which has a reg istered attendance, at the County Fair of sixty per cent of tho school patrons oC tho district. Each first prlzo 1 will count ton points, and each second prize will count nvo points in determining the total points earned by - a school district. GRAND PRIZE $100.00, GRADE SCHOOL EXHIBIT Lot 2. Best oxhlblt of any primary grade 1. 'Best exhibit of any second grado Best oxhlblt ot any third grade Best exhibit of any fourth grado ' Best exhibit of any fifth grade ' Best exhibit of any sixth grade ' w Best exhibit of any sovonth grado Best oxhlbit of any eighth grade Best collectlvo exhibit of penmanship .1. TOWN. OR RURAL SCHOOL EXHIBIT. Lot 3. Best Bird House 1 Best Landscape 'Drawing Bost Drawing of Head Best Individual Drawing Exhibit Best Drawing Exhibit 1 ' nny School Bost Model of an Alrp.. i. .' -..t Best Poster for Sale, Etilt. tnlnmont, etc., (Sizo 30 in. x 3G in.) , Best Sowing ExlHblt of any girl up to twolvo years . of ago . , Best Sowing Exhibit of any girl over twelve years of ago , Best Sowing Exhibit of any School Best Manual Training Exhibit Bost ipicturo or pictures of school buildings shown ' by town schools Best plcturo or pictures of school buildings shown hy rural school (Exhibit to consist of photographs of grounds, bulldlngB and equipment.) Best card pencil drawing .1 Best cord crayon drawing Beat Cartoon , Best Calendar ; , NOTE: A penmanship exhibit will consist ot ono lino of ovals, ono lino of "push and pull" movomonts to illustrato movemont exorcises, ono sot small lottgrs, ono sot capital, ono sot figures from ono to ton inclusl'vo, nnd ono quotation of not loss than four linos and not moro than ton lines-. Np entry will bo considered unioss it contains tho1 grade. v $1.00 1.00 , 2.50. L00 1.00 1.00 ' 1.00 V 1.00 1.00. 1.00 1.00 1.00 '1.00 $50.00 1st Prizo 2d Prize $2.00 $1.00 2.00 1.00 . 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2,00 . 1.00 . 2.00 1.00 2,00 1.00 t 2.00 1.00 5.00 2.50 - 1st Prize 2d Prjzo 2.00 1.00 .. 2.00 1.00 ' 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 . . 2.00 1.00 2,00 1.00 j 2.00 1.00 2.00 1,00 1 2.00 . 1.00 2.00 LOO 2.00 . 1.00 25.00 15.00 '. 15.00 10.00 t 2.68 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 r.oo 2,00 .1.00