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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1921)
NORTHi PLATTE, SEMJVEEKLY, TRIBUNE 1 LOCAL N1) I'JJUSONAL Sunday ovonlng tlio S. Mecombor honfb wag ontorctl and rnnsackod but only $2.00 In money was tnkon from tho liomo. A letter from Uev. II. K. Ilosa who has been In Omaha for several weoks recovering from a major oporatlon, Bays that ho will bo horo In time to hold, the regular sorvlccs In the Mo thodiet Church next Sunday. Ladles, If you are at alt in ttooil of a Bprlng suit, coat or w.rap, or silk drenH, you will greatly bonoflt In at. tending tho Big April Stocck Reducing Sale now on at Block's. Jack Tucker entertained his teacher nnd a group of playmates Wcdncsdny afternoon in honor of his eighth birth, day. Jack is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Tucker and after playing games tho youngsters were treated to a limch by Mrs. Tucker. Commencing Friday, April 15th all Mjiring suits and coats at a reduction of 20 per cent. B. T. Tramp & Sons,' Heady to Wear. Tho latest thing in tho line otdop retlaUons is to break into peoplo'a houses when thoy are out of town. Reports wero current of several places which havo been entered lately but wo can only get verification of three. They aro Congdon, Patterson and Mo comber homes. Police nre on tho ' tokout for the culprits. 20 per cent discount on suits and roats, including latest shipment just srrived. Friday, April 15U). E. T. Tramp & Sons, Ready to Wear. Miss Thea Hanson entertained nlinuf iwnnfv flrn Inilloa WnillinRilnv ! I.UUU. b II V .. - ...u.w.r -. . afternoon at her homo at a Kensing ton. Tho event was in honor of Mrs. Lorea Rathmuson who leaves Satur. day for her trip to Denmark. A very pleasant afternoon was spent in vis iting and tho refreshments which were served wero enjoyed by all present Infants' wear, everything for tho infant; coats, capes, dresses, under, wear, petticoats, shoes, bootees, bon. nets, blankets, robes, etc., at Block's, Tho Klwanls.Club met Tuesday noon nnd was host to Mr. Gary who was In charge of tho Safety First Car on the Union Pacific. A round table discus sion of the possibilities in Kiwanis for the coming year took the form -of one-minute speeches by each member. In tho evening the Kiwanlans were guests of Mr. Gary at tho Safety First Car, Sport hats for ate spring and sum mer wear, a new lino just in, The Leaden Mercantile Co. , Mrs. J. H. Curry will attend, a meeting of (lie Woman's Missionary Society of the 'Kearney Presbytery which moots: at Central City, next Tuesday. Mrs". Curry Is President of this meeting and has workod hard to make it a sutccss. She' Is spending several days with her parents at St Paul, iNebr., before going to Central Oity. .Aprons- Aprons! In porcales and ginghams, alu the, now.. Polly Prim crepe aprons from OSc up at Block's. War Veterans hold a National Rally Day in the Spring. At that time the members again take " the'oath and pledge themselves' anew to tho cause of patriotism. This year tho date set by the National officers Is April 21 and on that date the Harry E. Brown Camp will hold a special meeting and, carry out the program suggested by the order of the day. Largest stock in tho city of porch dresses and apronst now on sale at Block's. Mrs. -Leonard Redmond' and Misses Cora, Ethel and Helen Sousor enter tained at a kitchen shower last evening in the Souser home in honor of Miss Hazol Smith who will bo married to Thurston Woodh'urst April 20. Tho evening wns spent in games and cards after which a dainty luch was served. Miss Smith received many useful gifts for her kitchen. ::o:: SIMiCIAL DA.VCH jtouK'noys taki&u . tub rank Ol' SCOUT COM.MIRSIOXHH'B AIDS. Wednesday evening several more North Platto boys boonmo Scout Com missioners' Aides. They aro: JtolW Yates, Francis Robo, Ralph Lopack, Snnford Johnson, Linn Twlnom, Bugler Henry Hnner, Bugler Cecil Barber, Bugler Albert Ayes and Bugler Robert Ogler. Sovoral more buglers nre to be commissioned as it Is rumored that a buglo nnd drum corps is comtomplated. NORTH lVLATT7fCOUNClIj OF HOY SCOUTS EXTENDED TO COVER ENTIRK tWXTV. At a meeting of tho local Council of tho Boy Scouts a motion wns carried to chango tho name to Lincoln Coun ty Council nnd ask National Council to approvo tho boundaries of Lincoln County ns Uio boundaries of tho Lin. coin County Council. This will allow; of tho organization of Boy Scout troops in tho villages and settlements' of tho County, each having a repre sentative on the Lincoln County Coun cil, each having the prlvilego of camping at Camp Roberts and nil other advantages of the Boy Scouts of North Platte. KXTKM EMPLOYMENT OF SCOU'll EXECUTIVE BAERIHALL TO JUNE FIRST Win. M. Barrlball who was employed a Scout Executlvo by tho Local Coun cil of the Boy Scouts, for three months has been employed to remain hero until Juno 1st During tho summer months E. L. Stephens will act as Scout Executlvo at a salary of $1G0 a month. After September first it is 'proposed to employ Mr. Stephens for half of tho timo as Scout Executlvo and tho Board of Education employ him for half time, each paying half of the salary. The matter has not been definitely sottled but will be taken up by' tho Board of Education at its next meeting. CHURCH MUSIC At tho Episcopal Church next Sun day morning tho following musical progrnm Is offered by the choir with Mrs. O. H. Shriver as director and Mrs. Earl Stamp as organist: Venlto (Rob. Inson); ToDeum (Buck); Jubilate (Horbort); Offertory "Lift Up Your Heads, O Yo Gates , (Adam). In the evening tho special music will be Magnificat (Kettle); Nunc Dlmlttis ( Banby V. . 5.: Sun Theatre i'.t Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, j.r it ' it it it Remember the United Spanish War Veterans' Dance at tho K. C. Hall this evening. Scholtz's Orches tra of Denver will furnish Jazz music. The public 1s cordially Invited. HAROLD LLOYD IN "Number Please" Ringing Laughter Bawling Baby Busy Wire Business Lloyd's latest and great est. Full of fun Tele-furi comedy LLOYD'S LAUGHS LINGER LONG. it it it r.t M t jMHI rrw llllilllllllllliR ASK YOUR BANKER! Wo aro In closo touch with the opin ions of the country's rccogulzod au thorities on investments and aro al ways in a position to advise you, not necessarily according to our conclu sions but by basing our advice upon tho' oplnjons of otl'.ors. ,l , It's a good plan to ask your banker first, and tho Platto Valley Stato Bank Is always at your sarvlco in advising regarding investments. The Platte Valley State Bank ' NORTH PLATTE, NEB. IlL M o 14 H P W P o s 53 W o o o o 11 P EH i i Eh m Q I o 11 z I I r-S O U H p 6 J. C. PENNEY COMPANY- A NATION-WIDE INSTITUTIOJ For the Little Fellows Blue Deniniv Play Suits, red trimmed 69c Blue Denim Play Suits, white trimmed l9e V ' Blue and White Stripe Play Suits 98c " . l V Special Wool Suits' $8.90 : I These Low Prices Prevail Throughout Our Entire Store. THESE SAVINGS ARE YOURS X , SHIRTS. Men's fine stripe Madras Shirts, neat assortment oF patterns $1.49" Men's stripe Madras, special and percale Men's stripe neat patterns Military Collar blue and gray' ".'-'Jy , - . - . Military Collar. Soisette in blue, gray, tan, $1.69 2.49 1.19 .98 .98 O SILK TIS Beautiful Silk Tiest all colors, Ties that sold from 98c to $2.98, now 25c TO $1.49 SPECIAL -Men's Kahki Pants P .Sizes Specials .FQR';'THE"'"'spRiNe Plain and Fancy Voiles, 25c, 29c, 50c per yard fiunga'ow Aprons 98c Tan Soisette Waists $1,49 Fancy Bath Towels, 25c, 49c, 58c, 69c. Large figured veils, 69c, 89c and 98c . . THEY TALK. enne 312 DEPARTMENT STORES i ? r I ' ' if J. C. PENNEY COMPANY A NATION-WIDE INSTITUTION First class painting und paper liang ing Elegant stock o wall paper just received- Storo at 113 V- Sixth St, Phono 570W. II. II. Landgraf and Edd Friend. NOW! YOUR RUGS AND CARPETS Should ho washed and 'dried hy machinery right on your own fl floors. Wo aro exports in using the Hamilton Beach Carpet Wash ing Machine We guarantee to rcstdre tho original color, raise nap, ro movo all Btfots and dirt without soaking or Injuring nap or sizing, or shrinking. Wo get all greaso, stains, streaks, tar, etc., that a dry vacuum doesn't touch. Wo do cheaper, iuickor, hotter, moro thorough and uniform work than any othor method. THE ELECTRIC RUG 8c CARPET CLEANING CO 914 East 3rd St. Phonos 1039W and GOIW. t,t :.: it it it it it it it it j.: j.t it it j.t j.t :.; j.t J.t . it it it J.t it J.t j.t J.t it it .t y j.t it it it tt i FHKK SKKDS. FOH FA1UIKKS IS thk wtmn vimi Tin: fair .MA.A(SKItS A consignment of f reo seed for thogo who plan to mako exhibits at the County Fair this year is only half used so far and tho managers say that the whole consignment Is to ho glvon away to thoso who will use it. Tho list In cludes many kinds of garden seeds and corn, especially the different varie. tied of Bweet and pop corn. Anyone wisning somo of tills free seed should call at tho Union Statu Hank and ask for Mr. E. A. Olson, who Is in charge of tho distribution. ::o:; Mrs. J. S. SJmms and daughter left this morning for Omaha whoro they will meet Mrs. Clarenco Day of Shrovoport, I.u., who will accompany tlit in home. Feed nnd Garden' Seeds of all des criptions. North Platto Feed Co., Phono 20fi. Skirts! Skirts! In beautiful wool plaids and tho new spring silk skirts In all'tho papular now shades, from $5.08 to $19.98 at Block's. Jack Foster left yesterday for Hast lngs, after spending tho wlntor in this city Tho Senior High School Parent Teacher Association mot Wodbsday af ternoon in tho High School, Mls.i Jones of tho University of NobraBka gavo a reading and Sutt. Littql told in a pleasing mnnnor of his. trip trtOHo ' and Washington. 8 For Fruit and Ornamental if t Trees, Peony nnd I)ahlla Roots, - j;t Cinnamon and Madorla Vinos, Hardy Pinks, Pansy Plants, j.t Trees and Plants that Grow, j;t Cut Flowers, and other Plants for any occasion, call H NORTH PLATTE FIORAL CO. Visitors Wqlcome. Phone 1023 West 12th Cor. Curtis. Soil TODAY. oucli a cute little kiddie, too! Gives more cheek than its dad that same chap who grabbed the bribe that wasnt his, though she said'she was, took her home and then said he would tell her pa they were not married. Didn't you 'hear about that? Well, dont toll a soul. ' . Constance Taimadge Laugh Insurance With as Many Points os a Pin Cushion 'Dangerous Business9'