The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 15, 1921, Image 4

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CLINTON & SON, The Eye Glass Men
Sign of The Big Ring
Satisfaction Sure Try Us.
Graduate Opticians
Office over tho McDonald
State Bnnk.
Miss LUIoy, of Kearney, wns a city
visitor yesterday.
Earl StobbliiB of Gothenburg was a
city visitor yostorday.
T. D. Py'lo Ib off duty thla week as
oporntor nt tho dopot.
Mm. Guys of Snrbon Is tho guest
of lior inotlior Mrs. John Fekln.
Mrs, J. N. Baker and daughter Miss
Jessie, spont yesterday In Kearney.
Tho flvo year old baby of Mr. and
Mrs. Vcrno Markco died yostorday.
Every new spring suit, coat or dress
is now selling at reduced prices nt
Mrs. Homer Ilancy of Grand Island
is the guest of Mrs. It. A. Hancy this
Uso our baby chick starter and baby
chick feed prevents loss. North
Platte Feed Co., Phono 20G.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Roddy left Wednes
day for Excelsior Springs to npend two
A now lot of sailors with veils to
correspond uro among tho now ar.
rival b at The Leader Mcrcantllo Co.
Clarlco Hill of Lob Animas, Colo..,
nnivSd yesterday to visit at the homo
of T. C. Hccht
LaCamlllo front lace and thq now
stylo back laco corsets aro sold ex
clusively at Block's.
Miss Hill returned to her home in
Elm Crock yesterday after visiting
her sister Miss Myrtlo Hill.
Every LaCamlllo corset wo sell Is
fully guaranteed to give satisfactory
wear. Sold oxclusivoly at Block's.
Mrs, Prank Barber and Mrs, York
Hlumaa left yesterday for Washington
D. C to attend tho I). A, Tit- national
convention. '
Mrs. W. X. Rose, living at C20 S.
Chostmit entertained tho ladles of the
W. C. T. U. Tuesday afternoon. There
was a large attendance
Tho leading stores -In America
feature and recommend tho. LaCamlllo
corset. You can find your tfrdpqr
model here, at Block's.
Mrs. Howard Yost and Mrs. Helen
Tigho will entertain Saturday evening
at a china shower complimentary to
Miss Hazel Smith, an April bride.
Tho Troop CommiUco for Troop
Flvo Is composed of Rov. Paul Shenk,
Orvillo Johnson, Norman Loudon,
Chas. Townsond and Jack KeUo.
It you will onco try a LaCamlllo
corset you will say llkp many of our
customers say, LaCamllle for mluo.
Sold oxclusivoly at Block's.
Mrs. V S. Clinton and daughter Mrs.
Doail Richardson, of Omaha, will on.
tetaln this evening at the Clinton
Jiomo at a crystal shpwor iu honor of
Miss Hazel Smith.
F. L. Moonoy and Ira L. Bare loft
Tuesday evening for Dubuqut, Iowa,
whoro tlioy will nttond the District
Conferonne of Rotary Clubs, They will
return tho last of tho week. '
Our cntlrb stock of Spring Suits, up
to dato In dnnppy styles, high grado
suits at 20 per cent discount, corn,
menclng Friday, April 15th. E. T.
Tramp & Soiib, Rendy to Wear.
Mrs. Frank Nolan and Mrs. Joseph
Nolun wlllcntertaln ntamlsccllancous
showior Monday evening at tho homo of
tlio latter complimentary to MIbs
Hazel Smith who will bo married this
Outer garments In , tho latest of
modols consisting of coats in sport
and tailored modols; Polos, wrapa in
stylos pleasing to tho woll dressed
lady, at 20 per cent discount beginning
Friday, April 15th. E. T. Tramp &
Sons, Rtndy to Wear.
Tho High School Track Team will
meet tho Maywood team this afternoon
at tho Fair Grounds at 3:30. Mr.
Itedfiorn, who Is in charge of the
Maywood team Is an export track man
and a good moot is looked forward to-.
Probably Cozad and Paxton teams will
bo present.
Tho body of O. W. Fetter, formerly
of Brady, fathor of Dr. Fetter of this
city, was removed from tho local cem
etery yesterday and transported lost
evening to Omuha whoro Interment
will bo mndo besldo the body of Mrs.
G. W. Fetter in Forest Lawn cotno.
tery. v
Tho Buffalo Bill Gun Club met last
cvonlng and decided to hold a regis,
terod Shooting Tournament some tlmo
next "hionth. $100 added monoy has
been offered us prizes.. Somo good
tststila ft nvnnnf Ail tt n r i rt i r
local fellows aro making high scores
.each week now.
, Mrs. Keith Mooreh'ouse cntortalncd
tho Catholic choir at a party Wednes.
j day evening at tho Leo AndorBon
homo In honor of Miss Hazel Smith
, who will bo married tho 20th of this
. month. Tho evening wub spent in
cards after which dainty refreshments
I wore served. Tho choir prcsontod Miss
, Smith with a beautiful set of cut glass
' goblets.
Wall Paper
Select your Paper
at Home
lilt. 3IAHTIX U'THlMt.
"I v
, our lundrod yoars ago, 911 April IS,
'n521, Martin Luther, tho Gorman monk
and follglous reformer, faced tho Im.
porlal Council at Worms. Hls'rofusal
to recant his principles brought about
tho mlRhtlost Intollcctual ami , rellgL'
ous rovoluUon this world has uvor
sinco tho, Imy of Pentecost.,
It won a couragoouB act to defy tho
Imperial and ecclesiastical powers of
tho day for tho sake of conscience, but
that Martin iLuthor did. lie brought
ulx)Ut a Information' In tho Church,
which reformation marks tho now
day In tho history of freedom nfnnan.
Today, Cliurch and Stnto ullko are
roap'ng tho blessings of Luthor's llrm
, stand at WormB. Humanly spoaklng,
tho Liberty Bell with Ha Inscription,
"Proclaim Liberty throughout All tho
Land, unto all the Inhabitants there
of," would, never havo runs out the
Hlgnlng of tho Declaration of Indo.
pejidenoo by tho Continental Congress?
July 4, 1770, and our Charter of Llb
erty, the Constitution of tho United
f States, would nover havo boon written
If Luther nt Worms In 1521 had not
mndo his magnillccut stand for llborty
and right.
Tlio religious and civil llborty
which wo Amorlcnns prlzo vary highly
Is tho result of that Indopondonco
1 which Mnrtln Luther maintained at
WormB as tlio birthright of man.
will fittingly colcbrato tho famous
stand of Martin Luthor this coming
Sunday evening.
Dr. E. Klotscho of tho Theological
Seminary at Fromont will lecture on
tho above hlstorlo ovont Sunday oven,
lng at olght o'clock.
You aro cordially Invited. There Is
room for all. ' '
Tho choir will sing.
First Evangelical Lutheran Church
. 'Tho Church 01 the Open Door"
Forty years of faithful service in North Platte.
- Located on Fifth Street at Sycamore, '.v f
Rev. C. Franklin Koch, Pastor.
salk of vvm imi;i) hkkkpojuis
39 Ululno Runner, Hershey, $210.
H. &H. Kerr, Brady, $2G0.-
25 W. C. linage, North Platte,' $140.
2G Victor, Rosenberg, Maxwell $185
12 Frank Kacka, N. Platto, $200,
07 Geo. Cochrun, Lcwollcn, $165.
33 Geo. Roberts, aiaxwcll $1G5.
1 J. C. WIIhou, North Platto $85.
2 W. I). Spurrier, North Platto $G0.
79 E. D. Murphy, Brady, $130.
03 A. O Emcrlck, Maxwell, $150.
57- -M. D. Mathers, North Platto $200
9 C. A. Orrln, North Platte, $340.
0 C. A. Orrln, North Platto $300.
8 C. A. Orrln, North Platto $440.
29 D. B. Binger, Calloway, $200.
14 D. A. Mathers, North Platto $185
15 A. O. Emerick, Mnxwoll, $230.
4 Jos. Shoup, Sutherland, $460. '
11 S. J. Koch, Hershey, $250.
19 M. O. Matherfl, N. Platto $175.
GD M. J. Mathers, N. Platto, $1G0.
7 A. O. Emerick, Maxwell, $300.
10 M, M. Brlstlo, Brady, $175.
20 M. J. Mathors, North Platte, $150
5 A. O. Emcrlck, Maxwell, $2G5.
31 M. J. Mathers, North Platto $150
Gl C. A. Orrln, North Platte, $200.
21 D. A. Mathers, North Platto $105
30 O. A. Emerick, Maxwell $335.
5G O. A. Emerick, Maxwell, $155.
21 D. A. Muthors, North Platto" $205
04 D. A. Mathers, North Platto $205
3r Jas. Shoup, Sutherland, $100.
7G C. A. Orrln, North Platte, $1G5.
K. D. C. A. Orrln North Platto $1G5.
D. D. C. A. Orrln North Platto $1G5
32 D. A. Mathors, North Platto $105
24 By A. Mathors, North Platto $145
5G O. A. morlcck. Maxwell, $155.
58 M, E. Rose, Maxwell. $150.
77 C. A. Orrln, North Platte, $205.
3 Joo Sullivan, Brady, $100.
10 Ed Teaslck, Brady, $190.
83 P. W. Olson, North Plntte $105.
2811. C. Carpenter, N. Plntte, $140.
18 L. A. Warden. :Tryon. $150, "
G8 C. O. Landholm. N. Platto. $115.
27 S. O. Tlbbcts, Maxwell, $95.
34 S. J. Spurrier, N. Platto, $100.
40 Del Lottlngton. Sutherland $1G0
82 Alex Brown, North Platto. $100.
81 Del Lettlngton, Sutherland $150.
72 Dick Path, North Plntte $105.
84 Joo Sullivan? Brady, $75.
73 R. L. Douglas. North Plitte'$75.
74 j; C. Wilson. North Platto, $75.
42 Geo. McGlnley, Koystone,- $1G0.
41 Geo. McGlnley, Keystone, $150.
71 Geo. Shaw, North Platto, $85.
44 Geo. McGlnley, N. Platte, $130 . .
43 Geo. McGlnley, X. Plntte $130.
52 q. A. Orrln, North Platto, $210
Tires At
Your Own Price.
We mean just what we say. On
Saturday, April 16th,
at 3 P. M. we will sell at
Public Auction
at our place of business in North Platte the
following described merchandise.
30x3 Plain Tread Tires
30x3 Non Skid Tires
32x3 Non Skid Tires
31x4 Non Skid Tires
32x4, Non Skid Tires
33x4 Non Skid Tires
5 30x3 Plain Tread Tires
2 32x3 Plain Trqad Tires
,2 31x4 Plain Tread Tires
2 32x4 Plain Tread Tires
2 33x4 Plain Tread Tires
2 34x4 Plain Tread Tires
34x4 Non Skid Tires
These Tires are all standard Tires and
carry a 6000 mile guarantee. Terms of
Sale, Cash.
S. & R. Service Station,
Howd y Everybody
Want something snappy, exciting, romantic, full
of tense action, bubbliag over with romance
chivalry and glamour? Well, here it is
80 J. O Leo, Cozad, 125.
17 Hugh Songer, X. Platte, $150.
0C O. A. Emerick, Maxwell,' $140.
70 Art Gaudreault, Brady, $100.
47 C. A. Orrln, North Platte, $90.
78 C. B. Banger, Calloway, $95.
51 Jas. Shoup, Sutherland, $100.
49 Jas. Shoup, Sutherland, $85.
37 T. P. Rowley, N. Platte, $90.
38 0. A. Emerick, Maxwell, '65.
B J Joo Sullivan, Brady, $125.
,B W 9th Joss Highborger N. P. $105
W. Geo. McGlnley, Koystpno $110.
R. Goo. McGlnley, Keystone, $90.
and his greatest picture
"The Mark of Z
Supported by Margncrite De La Motte,
Robert McKim, and Noah Beery.
Sun Theatre
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday
Afternoon and. evening shows
White Leghorn, Single-comb Rhode
Island Reds, Barred Rocks and White
Wyandottcs. Hatching eggs $1.50 for
15; $8 for 100. Baby chicks $20, $22.50
and $27.50 for 100 chicks.
Poultry Department,
Experimental Substation,
1 ::o::
Hundreds of beautiful now silk
vmlBta and over blouses from $2.98 up
nt Block's.
About thirty friends of Hurley Bun.
nell celebrated his birthday Tuesday
evening by meeting at tho homo of
Juno Perkins and going over' to his
homo In a bpdy. The surprise wo3
perfect and all had a good time. He
received a number of remembrance
from his friends and a gold set ring
from his fathor and mother. The
guests spent a pleasant evening with
dancing and games nnd .Mrs. Bunnell
assisted by Mrs. Brotzer served ro.
freshments which tho young folks oiu
joyed very much. ,
Ladles, if you are ut all In .need of
a spring suit, coat or wrap, or silk
dress, you will greatly benefit in at .
tending tho Big April Stocclc Reducing
Sale now on at Block's.
A specialty Best .styles and quality
for tho least money The Leader Mer
cantilo Co.
"Number Please"
Beef Pot Roast 12i. to 17 V..c
Prime Rib Roasts 20c
Beef Boil ri0to"l2i,c
Hamburger 26c
Corned Beef : J- li.c
CHOICE JiAHril " " '
Lamb Shoulder 1 20c
Lamb Stew ' ' ""lii.c
Lamb Leg 2 ZZZZZZZZ 25c
Lamb Chops 9
Ground Veal Loaf ; . " 05c
Veal Roast oqc
Veal Stew ZZZZZZZZ 121.C
Veal Breasts 12ic
Veal Liver "Y?0
Fresh Side Pork - 1710
Diy Salt Sido Pork " fgj;
Pickled Pork
Dold Sugar Cured Skinned Ham, half or whole 35c
Peanut Butter " "9gc
Nut Margarine ZZZZZZZZZZ 30c
Sauer Kraut , per quart Z Z Z Z Z Z Z one
Home rendered Lard, 1 " .
Special prices on 25 or 50 lb. cans"orbaTrel"lots.
Leaf Lard 171,c
nonio maun liiver tsausage 1 cc 1.
rive aoove meats are. strictly fresh and not a nankin p-
house product. Wo buy our live stock direct from the farm- 5
ers of Lincoln County. Free Delivery to all parts of the f
city. Tiy our meats and be convinced of their quality f
Open until 10 p. m. Saturdays. ' '
CITY MEAT MARKET pttotsj bi i