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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1921)
NORTH PLATTH SEMI-WEEKLY TIUBUNE SPECIAL SALE OF 6,000 MILE GUARANTEED TIRES 30x3 510.60 30x3K 12.50 32x3 18.70 Wc have just made a very fortunate purchase of tires at less than manufacturers cost, which enables us to make those prices which are about half the regular list and no war tax. You Get the Advantage of Our Large Buying Power ADAIR-LEE RUBBER CO. Three StorcB; North Platte, Omaha, Malvern, Iowa Mutual Building & Loan Association of North Platte. 4 INCORPORATED IN 1887. Resources $1,370,427.14. , SAFETY FIRST. Investors in this association got tlio benefits of the following requirements of the laws of Nebraska under which it is operating: First. The association is required to invest only in first mortgages on real estate or the stock of this associa i Lion. 1 , Second. Such investments are non-negotiable and s-l Annl - t. 1 -1 1 - . uuji-uaaitjuuuiu, uhu can oniy uo uiscnargeu by payment direct to the association. This Is a very important pro tection not availablo to any financial institution except Building & Loan Associations. Third. The association is subject to the supervision of tho State Banking Board. How well tho interests of the investors in this as sociation have been safeguarded Is evidenced by the fact that in the more than thirty three years of its operation not one dollar has been lost. President. f - - ' 0VM 100,000 MAPPY FAMILIES in every state in the Union in your own neighborhood T-havc summer warmth in their homes in coldest weather with the patented CaloriC ripclcss Furnace. What a maRnificent tribute to CaloriC leadership and success ! Can you afford to try out imitations or healing experiments when you can get the genuine time-proven CalonC? , The CaloriC is the product of The Monitor Stove Company, Cincinnati, Ohio, maker ot quality heating appliances for 101 years, a,nd today largest manufacturers of warm- air furnaccsWin the world. TWE ORIGINAL PJPLt'$S rKft.'K C Th M 31x4 $17.60 33x4 22.30 34x4 23.00 Secrotary. TlicMnnufnctiircrls guarantee --70 degree warmth in your home in' coldest weather or money back. Our personal guarantee -yoti must be satis fied. Place your order now for early installation' so we can give yqu the very lc8t service. SIMON BROS. North Platte. ft MS Zt YfllPLE-CASlNG PATENT f . . a .SUNDAY MOVIES For 3C9..217 318..239..114I aiAY6lfi'AS,ll"Bt " 202"203"234--1G4-- 803 Evans 447 305 442 313 1B07 CITY GLKIUC hUninn "MMW-234lDi.. 871 ' Elder r)33..443..B48..375..18l!) CITY TREASURER Loth Welch WATER COMMISSIONER- COUNCILMEN FIRST WARD ) t . SECOND WARD "Salmon THIRD WARD Hartman Longford FOURTH WARD JJaakius Jngbos wm artji A TJIKIio AT A mSNKn MEETING Last FrJdnv nvnnlnir ii,,, .1, nicotine of t . Scouts wub hold In tho basement ol tho Baptist Church nccordinR to an nouncement. rcvnniiHvn nnn..ti 1 othor officers woro presont and Togls torott itlio boys in tho troop. Carl arolson is Scoutmastor and a S. Crlp pon Is tho Assistant. This troop 1b oxpoctod to tnko its placo in good standlne with Mm mim, tn ," North Plait zatlon is completed. Tho mothors and iHinuiH uoro vory oiuiiuslnHtlc about StiCOUtillir nllil will linnl.- n. m...i to tho limit. HAHRLUJE LICENSES Following Ih ii lint nf Mi 11 issued by.County Judgo Woodhurst for mu nwin UIKIlIlg April 13! Anril 11 Pnnrl IV. flrnot,. i, I . . . . . itiinn in worm Platte and Carollnn r wut am iiiuiitiiu. iin. irtvp mi 1.. t i . !, April 11Ciirl V Rnliwnn. f Weliileet and Miss Ruby Smith,; Well IIL'UI. Aorll 12 Pnnl A Vln.. t.. North Platto and Miss Luclllo MoFar land, North Platte. Marrlod by Rev McDald. NOTICE TO row mvvwne Tuborculln Inata bo hold in tho cattle barns at tho Fair Grounds. Fridnv. A?iHi -ik cn. day April 10, BtartinB promptly at three o clock. All thnon rvUn wi.i. Join in on tho bunch tost and cut down u.xppiiHe may uo so. DR. W. T. P.RITCHARD. ( TEACHERS' EXAMTNAmrnv Tho next Lincoln County Teachers' examination will be hold in tho usual nlncon. Hnturilnv Annll no-.i' keeping and. English composition wifl uo required next year for a second grado county certificate. j AILEEN G. COCHRAN, j County Superintendent, j o: LOCAL AM) PERSONAL A. B. Calhoun, of Trvon wns a citv'for 1,10 .V"1' aoresa,l Personally visitor Tuesday J j "Pfoared Vilson Tout, who being duly ti,. oi i'n . r. . I sworn according to law, deposes and i, a 7, ,.f ' ,of a,ot,L0bl'rR. was a says that ho is the owner of the North olty- visitor Wednesday. Plutto Soml-Woeklv THimnn nn,i nm Mrs. Ahna Church loft Tm Omaha to visit friends J. E. Rector left Wednesday fur Columbus to transact business. Mrs. F. E. Anilprann. nt Pavtnn visited frionds in the city Wednesdo'! Ilonry Carpenter came home from Lowollon Tuesday whore ho trans acted business. Mrs. M. Hays and daughter Vaunlta left Wednesjlny for California to visit foV two weeks. Dr. L. J. KRACSE, Dentist, 3IC Ronald Rank Riiildlnp. Rooms 2 nnd 3. Phone 97. Miss Hazol Utterback resigned her position in the w. J. O'Connor store tho llrst of tho week. Mr. J. Crow, auditor of tho L'nlon Pacific dining rooms, wus in the city on business Wednesday. Uso our baby chick starter and baby chick feed prevents loss. North 111., ll i iuiio r eea o., mono zuu. Lostor Kimball returned to his home. "Day of Rest and Gladness" (Crc3 in Grant Wednesday after taking well) ; Response, "Hear Us O Father" trcatmont at a local hospital. (Thomas); Offertory. "At Prayer," Horbort Duke and niece Phyllis 'Rathburn). Solby loft tho llrst of the week for',,.?" tho evonlns: Voluntary, "Song Oklahoma to visit rolativos. I ,thout Words," (Saint Saens) ; An- ..,., . . . them, "Tho House of (ho Lord," (Mo- Hav "and QVunllS1 -At,l9it Oory, "Adoration" (Ath c tlnfdpnl ?lr Z?Zll;- "AWd. With Me." (Je. . mucn Mrs. J. H. Curry left Wednesday for St; Paul, Nob., to visit and from thprjs win Ko io uontrai city to attend a Prosbytorial mooting of whlcli she is 1 president. i Mrs. Chris Rrodlmok will numbor of friends this afternoon nt; nor nomn on west Fourth street In honor of hor daughtor Mrs. Emll Guon- llol Of flrnnil lolnml Spring Is only Just around the cor riar nnd a pair of Goodrich tires on your blko will save you time, expense and annoynnco all summer. "A Smile a mllo" on "Goodrich tiros. Mr. Colffns of Omaha arrived Wed nesday to tako charge of tho Union Pacific dining room. Mrs. Collins will arrive tho lattor part of this week. Mr, and Mrs, Youn- loft yestorday for Omalm whoro Mr. Young has beon trnnsforrod. Mrs. Carl Brodbock entorUilned ten guosta at a theatre party Tuesday ovonlng in honor ot Mrs. Emll Guon dol of Grand Island who is tho guest ot hor paronts Mr. and Mrs. Chris Ilrodbock. After tho thoatro lunch was Horvod nt tho Oasis. MrB. Arthur Rush loft Wednesday for Lincoln whoro sho will nccompany hor nloco, Miss Elslo Wnltomath homo. Miss Wnltomath lma boon at tending tho stato university, but on' account ot OTortaxlng herself she will bo compelod to loavo school for this torm. OFFICIAL VOTE OF TJIK NORTH PLATTE CITY ELECTION It KM) 'TUESDAY, A Mill, 5, 1031. Ward 3 1 T0U1I uinuaugn a8.-.'82- 33-. 80.. 358 Mehlman -407.348.42fi. :tfif. . 1 U27...15U.195.. 90.. fifift, r)52..438..rC8..378..1910 ,9 .418 McMlclinoI -.410..... am .-.-.319. . ...224J...H A 3llrt...l ItKAli KSTA't'I! TKAXSt'KKS FoiiowitiK in h tiia or twa km Iho offlco of O. W. Yoti, lNtat wl Moods ror IlncU lmt)i IV N wool: ondliiK April li, April 7 Edim U Sw4 W IQir zollstoill lot 2. ttlaek IH MmhAv. HHk April 7 G. KrtMi$fe M wife to John P. Johnston lot Mtvft. Rrady, $609. April 7 M. K. QntlMMM. fcwftft. to Georgia Orahnm. KM wwl li mtl Si,t 4f. rwt lot lot 1. hkw J., WMh, n-.f April s Utnim m. CXr , Kelly, lots S. It mmI IV MmHC t tVJ Second AiMidon U Xvwtfc Vimrtm, Apll 11 rlw. KniibMwta mntli wtD i . . April MMImm - - ikdi band to CtirtjtJui RraAwk k at twku. 7 and S. Mock . Ktvwritfete mkmuK April 7 Harrr A- SkSm wil to Mrs. J; & MillhCMB. hi 2 E il Wileon milMUTtafcHi ot Ms 1 m& 'i. block 1S6 North Ptatt. $!. April S John IS. Dote mi wif)n T. 11. Gurnar N'WVi ot NS4 mi NB4 oi NEVl and NWS of see. . T. 12. R. 26. fSW. April S E. C. Brom od wlf to Frank R. Gnrnuin et al, h part of lot 17, block f, Sutherland. 0. April S Axel W. Peterson and wife to Frank R. Gftnnan et al Htt 16 block ? Suthorland, $2500. April 9 Iona A. Wilson to Marv Donts lots 3 an1 4 block 191 North Platto, $2000. April, 11 Alico Sivits and husband to Marv E. Hnvnn lnt 7 lilnnlr M A f Taylor addition to North Platte, $70o! April 11 Thos M. Etrirm-s in TJnv mond Wood lot 1 block 5 Codv Second addition to North Platto $300. STATKMRKT Ot Ownershll). Manncemnnt. nlrfnlh- uon. eia: renuireii in- t in net nr nnn gross ot August 24, 1912, of the North riauo semi-weekly Tribune, publish ed semi-wookly at North Platte, Nob. .SUvto ot Nebraska, Cunty of Lin coln, ss. Beforo IIIO. n. NotJirv" Pllhlin In .nnrl tho ownership and management of the Soml-Weekly Tribune nccording to tho host of his knowledge and belief: Owner. Editor, Publisher and Busi ness Manager, Wilson Tout, of North Platte, Neb. Known bondholders, mortgageos and othor security holders, owning or holding 1 por cent or more ot tptal amount of bonds, mortgagoa or other securities are: Ira I- Bare. WILSON TOUT. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 7th day of April, 1921. W. H. McDONALD, Notary Public, Aly commission expires Aug. 21, 192G. CHURCH .MUSIC At tho Baptist Church the director, O. L. Johnson and tho choir assisted by Mrs. Carl Grleson will present the . following special music numbers at Uie morning sen-ice: Voluntary, so- lection from Tscharkowsky; Anthem, rome). -t:o: SWEET LIPS A different fox trot for music iovors. r-ai 1 .. V . 1. Til. 11 ri I . I price 2Cc. Roborts Music Co. - ORS. STATES & STATES Chiropractors .", 0. 7 Building & Loan Building. Offico Phone 70. Reg. Phone 1242 DR. J. It. McKIRAHAN Practlco Limited to Diseases of Women and Surgery OVER REXALL DRUG STORE PhoneB Office 113. Residonco 265 I)R. REDEIELD PHTSICIAX, OHSTETRICIAN Surgeon, X-Rny Calls Promptly Answered Night or Day Phonos Offico 042, Rosldcnco 676 DR. HAROLD TENNER Osteopath OVER HIRSCHFELD'S Oico Phono 333 Res. Phono 1020 :::::w:u:::t::w:::::t::w NOHTIf l'LATTJi t'.t ..General Hospital- i (Incorporntod) One Half Mock Xorth t'OHtofftcc. it rii.inn rs l i.t A moilorii Institution for tho it it uriltlllHtlit I p. till ntMiil nt tttmllnnl it v iiviiiiuuui ... iiiouiinii j murKtoul and conllnoniont cases, j j, j IVmplotvly oqulppcd Xi-Ray and rtlHKUOrtlo luborntorloa. Staff: if it if if it if if it $ C R, IVnt M. D. Y, Laca5, M. D. !: J.R.ReJWi.M.l). J,S.Simm$,M.D. g mis i;. run, Jr. i l6tjtfln nml Surgeon X-RAY lMi and Trontmont d"u4e 9vrMl Dy nnd Nlglit. ma Xtmm 1UV Offico 296 0r Union Statu llanlr. ffM U. Ros. phono 217 l. o. lmosT. . OttHumthlc riiysfelan Niwtfc Nebraska KtrtpMa trf Columbus UutUKng. JO HA" S. SL1DIS, I). ShH1 Attontlou Given to Surgery Hcdlouuld Rank ltiilldlng 0'e ltono S3 Rosldeuco 38 3UiS. 3r. HENRY GILFOYL 'rVachiT of Yoli-c Culture mid tho Art of Singing Residonco Studio: 108 West 3rd, City GEO. II. DENT Physician and Surgeon Special Attention Given to Surgery nnd Obstetrics Office Building & Loan Building mono: uuico iao. Residence 115 Oral Prophylaxis Mouth Hygiene HOWARD YOST Dental Surgeou Phone 307 Twinem BIdg I J. S. TWINEM M.D.1 Homeopathic Physician & Surgeon ' (Jeneral Practice and : Construction Surgery Hospital Arcomniodntion Platto Valley Hospital $ Former Nnmo Twinem Hospital. i;: NORTH PLATTE, NEBR. Office 340 Housol257 DR. AV. I. SHAFFER Osteopath Physician Over the Oasis. North Platte. Ed Kierig, Auctioneer. General Farm Sales A Specialty, nisi Real Estate. References and Datet First National Bank. Res. 400 East 3rd St. Phone 91S DETtRYBERRY & FORBES, Licensed Embalmers Undertakers and Funernl Directors Day Phono 41 Night Phono Black 588 W T. 1'RITCIIARD Graduate Veterinarian Ex-Government Veterinarian and ex- assistant deputy State Votorlnarlan. Hospital 315 South Vino Street. Hos pital Phono C33, IIquso Phono 633. ilUIUUIllg UHU iii-uiii'H Jl All work entrusted to mo will IlitUIIU UiJ yuiouutu DUpUlTl" J( nlnn nnnldnnrn nnrl nlinn Iflftn ft U R 6th Streot Tolephono 458J. 8 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 1809 of Alico R. Heyso, de ceased In tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska, Tho Stato of Nebraska, ss: Creditors of said cstato will tako notico that tho tlmn llmltiHl for nroanntnf lrn nnil filing of claims against sold ostato is August 10, 1921, and for Bottloraont of sum opinio is Apru Din, vjzz', mat I will sit at tho county court room in BAid county on May 10, 1921, nt 9 o'clock n tn.nnil on Anriit 1ft 101 at 0 o'clock n. m., to rocelvo, examine,' hoar, allow, or adjust all claims and ODjocuons uuiy uica. Dated April 5th, 1921. wm. it. c. wooDnuaar, Coualy Judge. (SHAL) NOTIOK.OF PBTJTION Estate No. 1813 of John II. Singleton. deceased, In Uie County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho State af Nebraska. To all per sons interested in said Estate tako no. tice That n petition has been filed for the probato of an instrument purport, kng to bo the last Will and Ton. of John II. Singleton, deceased and for tho appointment of Sarah Anna Singleton as Executrix of said Estate which has been set for hearing herein on April 29, 1H21, at 10 o'clock n.m Dated March 31, 1921. WM. II. C. WOODHURST, County Judge. NOTICE OF ELECTION. Notice is horeby given that on the 14th day of March, 1921,, there was filed in the ofTIce of tho County Clerk of Lincoln County, Nebraska, a potiUon asking Jor tho formation of Dratnago District No. 2 of Lincoln County, Nobrasku, under Article 5, Chapter 19 or the Rovlccd Statutes of to State of Nebraska for the year 1913, tho title of which appears In tho Revised Statutes of tho Stato of Nebraska for tho year 1913 as "Drainago Districts Organized by Vote of Land Owners," and tho full title of which act as tho samo appears in Chapter 153 of tho Session Laws of tho of Nebraska for tho year 1907 as follows: ''AN ACT to nrovldo for iirniimira districts to drain wet land and land Bubject to overflow; and any land which will be Improved by drainage; to build dykes and levees; to construct, Btralgnton, wldou, deepen, or altor' any ditch, drain, stream, or wntnrr nnron to riprap or otherwise protect the bank of any steam or ditch; to .con struct, enlarge, extend, improvo or maintain anv drninnirn nvstnm. t construct, enlarge, extend, improjro or miuniain any system or control of sur face water or rtmnlnp wntnr nmi Mm rights, obligations, and powors of such corporations, including tuo power-ot eminent domain, the creation -of debts, issulnir of nnrrnHahln lmiula lovying of special assessments on such Teal estate and easemonts therein as may bo bonoilted by such public work, and defining the duties and powers of public officials;" that tho boundaries of saicUproposcd Drainago District No. - oi Lincoln uounty, JNeuraslca, as fixed by the Board of Commissioners o Lincoln County, Nebrfaskn; are as fol lows : Commcnnlnff nt n iintnt wlmrn Mm lino of tlin nnn Mi linnlr nP ihn Mnt-1i Platto River intersects tho West lino 03 Section nine' 191 in Townshlti four teen (14) North, of Range thlrty-tlireo (as; west or the 0th P. M. In Lincoln County, Nobraska, running thence south along tlfo west line or said Section lllllft tto to tlin nnnMiwnat corner of said Section nine1 (9) ; thence east along the south line of said Sec tion nino (9) to tho southeast corner or said Section nino (9), in Township lourteeii (14) .ortu, Qt Range thirty- threo (33) Want of Mm RMi. I Af In Lincoln County,. Nebr.; thence south along tho west line or Section firtoen (15) to tho southwest corner or said Section fifteen (15), in Township four- " teen (14) North, of Range tliirty-threo (33) West of the Ctli P. M., thence oast along the south lino of Sections fifteen (15), fourteen (14), and thirteen (13), all in Township fourteen (14) North, ot Range thirty-three West of tho 6th, P. M., and east along tho sou'th line or Sections eighteen (18), sconteen (17), sixteen (16), and firtoen (15), all in Township fourteen (14) North, of Range thirty-two (32) West of the 6th P. M., in Lincoln County, Nebraska, to iho southeast corner of tho southwest quarter (SW'4) of the southwest quar ter (SW14) or said Section firtoen (15) in Township fourteen (14) North, of Range thirty-two (32) West of tho 6th P. M., in Lincoln County, Nebraska; thence south along tho west line of the East half lEVO of Mm NhrMi quarter (NW'4) of Section twenty-two (22), in Township, fourteen 14) North, or Range thirty-two (32) West or the 6th P. M in Lincoln County, Nebras ka, a distance or fortv f40) rods to Mm southwest corner or tho Northwest quarter (NWM ) or the ' Northeast quarter (NEV5) ot the Northwost quarter (NWM) of said Section twonty-two (22); thence east along tho south line or the North hair (NVO of the North half (NM-) of the North half (N) of Sections twenty-two (22), twenty-three (23) and twenty, four (24), all in Township fourteen (14) North, of Rango thirty-two (32) West ot.tho 6th P. M., in Lincoln County, Nobraska, tp tho southeast cornor of the Northeast quarter (NE',4) of the -Northeast quarter (NE'4) of the Northeast quarter (NE4) of said Section twenty-four, in Township fourteen (14) North, or Rango thirty-two (32) west ot tho 6th P. M., in Lincoln County, Nobraska; thence north along tho east line ot Section twenty-tour (24), thirteen (13) and twolvo (12), all in Township fourteen North, or Rango thirty-two (32) west ot the 6th -P. M in Lincoln County, Nebraska, to a point whoro tho south bank ot tho North Platto River intorsccts tho oast lino ot said Section twolvo (12), in Township fourteen (14) North, or Rango thirty-two (32) west ot tho 6th P. M in Lincoln County. Nobraska; thenco In a westerly direction along tho sbutli bank or the North Platto River to tho point of beginning, and that said drainage dls. trict includo all lands lying within slad boundaries. That an oloctlon will bo held at tho offico of tho County Clork of Lincoln County, Nebraska, in tho Court Houso at North Platte. Lincoln County, Nebraska, between to hours of 8 o'clock A. V. and 6 o'clock P. M. on tho 21st day ot April, 1921, for tho pusposo ot determining tho quostion ot tho formation, of tho pro posed drainago district and for tho rurthor purpose or electing a BoArd of Directors for said Drainago District, which said Board will bo composed ot 5 Directors, who will tako their office' contingently upon the formation of siad Drainwo District. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set. my hand and affixed my l5i lhls 30th ,lay of March, ,... A. 3. ALLEN. (3EAu) County Clork.