The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 15, 1921, Image 1
Earth kite cnivlHceWj) SwMtr- TI U RT Y-SE VENTH YEAR, NORTH PLATTEr NEB., APRIL 15, 1921. No. 28 I mm atghfa,p. " cess 1 CITY OFFICERS TAKE PLACES NKW ADMINISTRATION TAKES OVlCIt THE CITl' G0VEKX3IENT LAST TUESDAY A special meeting of the City Couil cil wob lielil Tuesday evening. Mayor tlroitz and tho Council hold a short session, approving tho minutes of farmer sessions and settling somo un nished business after Avhlch they ad journcd. Mayor Streitz called B. H. Brans to tho chair, congratulated him on his eloction and took a scat with the other spectators. Mr. Baskina ro tired from the long table and Mr. Hughes took his place. Mr. Hartman was not present so Mr. Langford took bis chair. Tho now members sub scribed to the oath of office and it was Mayor Evans and Citizen Streitz, where but a few minutos before it had been Mayor Streitz and Citizen Evans. Tho new Council listened intently while Mayor Evans announced his appoint, nionts and promptly ratified them without division. They were as fol lows: Chief of Police Frank Kroehlor. City Attorney -Jas. T. Keofe. . City Engineer Geo. M. Rannic. City Physician Dr. Claude A. Solby. Street Commissioner Iohn Jones. Chief of Fire Department Amiel Traub. After approving of tho Mayor's nom illations, tho council proceeded toelect JT It. McMichael President of tho Council. Tho now city government was ready for work. ' ::o:: HAVJ'2 YOU KVEIt GROWN YOUH CHOP OF L'OTATOES UNDER A STRAW MULCH? Elmer E. Youngs of Dawson County, president of tho Nebraska Farm Bureau Federation has had narked success during the past few j - ars In growing potatoes under a :rav mulch. Tho main points to n member, according to Mr. Youngs, are: do ii6t pack tho ground 'after planting,, use late maturing varieties, plant about May 1, and do not get the straw mulch tpo deep. Mr. Yonngs has secured between 360 and 500 bushels- to tho aero by this method. A good many of hls Dawson County ccTfi with the" muicin ::o::- THE HOME TALENT PLAY TO BE REPEATED AT THE KEITH SATURDAY. . Munnger Baldwin has arranged for the repetition of tho three act drama entitled "Her Glove" which delighted a full 'house at tho Keith Wednesday ovoning of this week, In addition. to the play he will present a full.sizo picture for tho approval of his pat. rooss. Tho proceeds after settlement with tho manager of the Theatre, will ko to tho treasury of the E. Y, P. A. Special For 28 bars of Laundry Bacon per pound Sugar per 100 lbs. McMICHAEL'S PHONE iiave promiseayourseii m Mid it NOW See us for FREE building helps working plans and cost estimates Waltemath Lumber & Coal Co. PHONE 20 YOUNG PEOPLE STAGE SUCCESS HOME TALENT PLAY WEIWKS DAY EVENING Tho throo act drama entitled "Her Glove" was presented by a cast of North IMatte young folks Wednesday night nt tho Keith under tho auriplcos of tho Episcopal Young Pcoplo's As sociation. The audience nicely filled tho scats and from its appplauso it was evident that it was highly pleased. EVory member of tho cast did well nnd brought credit to himself and herself as well us to those who coached the play. Wo nro informed that tho training was done by Mrs. W. J. Tiloy and Mrs. Edmund Dickey. Between the acts special music was given by members of tho Association and by tho Harmony Society Orccs. trru Anita Johnston played a violin solo which pleased those present. Tho iprocjjedB wcro not announced but woro vory satisfactory to tho tpromot. ors. Tho play will bo repeated Sat urday night. IT IS PROPOSED TO HOLD THE BAND CONCERTS ON SUNDAY AFTEHNOONS The Chamber of Commorco Band has a proposition before it to chango the timo of holding tho weekly concerts from Friday evening to sunuay at. tornoon. Tho hours suggested are from llvo to six. There is some ob jection from somo sources to each dato nnd the band mombors are not acrced on oither. These concerts aro uald for by tho nooplo through taxa tion and it Is right that tho people should express themselves If they have a preference Tho columns or uio Tribune aro onen to anyone who wishes to advance an opinion or ar. gument In support of either proposi tion. :;o:: AUONYXOUS C0NTRI11UTI0NS CAN NOT BE USED IN THE TKIBUNE COLUMNS Tho following communications aro hold in this ottico for identification, pome of those nro very worthy of being printed but wo must know who stands for them beforo sending them to tho copy hook. We do not know who wrote articles signed as follows: 'X. Y. Z.", "A North Platto Booster", A Farm er", "Henry Yoman", "An Old Tlmg Citizen" (from Maxwell), 'f A Friend", "Angry Citizen" Wo cannot print any communication unless wo know who 'stands for It although wo will not print tho namo of the writer unless ho or she wishes it printed. s ::o: KEARNEY NORMAL GIRLS GLEE v CLUlUELEASESi A.SMjVLTa.QROWD . LAST NIGHT A small crowd turned out last oven, inu to hear tho Kearney Normnl Glee Club. Tho entertainers were among tho best of their kind that havo.vlsited tho city this year. The varied pro exam consisted of singing by tho club, readintr by Mrs. Smith, head of tho Dramatlo Department in the Normal, a whlstllnK solo by Mr. Burton, a rtunrtet selection and a piano solo. Mr. Baldwin -went to Gothenburg this morning to transact business. Perry Carson returned from a busl. ness trip to Omnha this morning. Saturday. Soap $1.00 186 $9.75 GROCERY, 441. MJrr MORE WATER P BONDS NEEDED MvVmr vi rvurvrir, rn ,ssir ! .MA 1 Oil AMI COLACIIj fO ASK I KOll HXIiAIUSK.MENTS and EXTENSIONS. Tho voters aro to bo asked to ap prove of a bond Issue for probably $100,000 for water works and from $50,0u0 to $75,000 for sower. At tho meeting of the City Council last Tuesday evening tho City Attorney waB directed to draw up an ordinance covering this matter. It was agreed that tho amount now available for this work is onlirely Inadequate for tho purpose and that additional sums will bo needed to put tho water and sewer systems on a basis proportion ate to tho slzo of tho city. Under the new law Just passed by tho State Legislature tho city of North Platte Is allowed to voto up to $250,000 water bonds. Tho city has already voted $150,000 and tho of ficials think that tho dther $100,00f0 will bo needed in the near future to put the plant in shape. In order that we may know just where tho city stands in the matter the Council directed tho City Engineer to ask C. J. McNamara to come to North Platto as consulting englncor'hnd with the Water Commissioner to make a detailed study of tho condi tions and proposo a plan for exten sions and enlargements of the water plant which will serve the needs of the city for the present and leavo a small margin at least for tho do- velonment of tho city in tho near future. This report Is expected to bo ready before long nnd then It will be lrnmvti innr whnt nan ho dono this vo-i.. nlnmr thin linn. i.-. it. if At rim Kama rini, mio litjiiuuu the feels that th0 sewer question must bo taken up and solved as tho growth of tho city ,1s limited now to tho de velopment ,0? tho sewer system, n Is not at all certain now mucn money will be needed to enlarge our sewer system but it hns been estimated by good authorities that $7,000 will ao Tho election will bo called for an early date, probably about the first of Juno. It. A. Phillips, tho Plumber Is pro- paring to move --to uio. lutieuuuumg on'.isiiuv " street, .just--; opposite' xnq north side of tho Post OlTtco. 'lnis. room was moved to tno soiun smo of the lot and la being put In shape for a plumbing shop. Mr. Phillips has worked up a nice business in North Platte without an up-town office and now he feels that he can further expand his connections by establishing headquarters in the business fart of the city. atur AT THE KEITH SPECIAL EXTRA Repeat Performance of the 3-Act Drama All Home People Under the Direction of Mrs. W. J. Tiley and others " Also Bryant Washburn in f "Burglar PYooP A Paramount Picture PRICES 50c, rSUPT. AILEEN (i. COCHItAN BUIXGS 1- CONSOLIDATION PICTUKES TO THIS CITY. A capacity houso heard the lecture on Consolidation at tho Crystal jester, day afternoon nnd suw tho most vivid pictures of tho results of consolidation I hi Colorado. Special curphnsls was- .placeil on tho description of tho Snr , rWaAlMnf n.l RMinnl Minn mm Nino on oi. room country schools woro united Info ono largo grade and high school, A beautiful building was erected und two or three smallor ones built for tho uso of tho fifteen teachers who wero needed to take care of tho school. About that many motor busses woro driven by tho teachors and tho pupils were taken to and from school ench day. Ten times as many boys nnd girls go to high school In that district now as over went to high beforo and they sloop at homo evory night. Tho teachers nro community workers and tho speaker said with pointed sur. ca'sm "And tho Btrango thing Is that tho busses deliver tho same children t to tho samo homos each evening, that wero tnkon from thoso homes in tho morning nnd tho mothers do not hnvo to pick them out."" The lecture was glvon by Professor C. O. Sargoant of tho State Agricultural College at Fort Collins, Colo. It Is a powerful argu ment In favor of consolidation of rural schools whoro it Is at all possible to do so, and Mrs. Cochran Is to, ho com mended In securing such talent to p'resent tho mnttor to Lincoln County people. MUST SCHOOL HOUSE IN NORTH PLATTE WAS DEMOLISHED THIS WEEK. The sheet iron covered biiUdinc on tho rear of tho lot at 109 W. Fourth street was torn down this weok and tho lumber will bo used by Chris. Brodbeck nt his slaughter houso. With tho destruction of this building ono ' inoro of tho old landmarks is gone It , is saiu mm ino ouuaing was movcu to North Platto by Edwin Morin, fnth. Or OI Mr8. JOS. 1'HUOll OI UUB ClU. U I uno f1iaf tnnntnil ml in 1rr wllftfrt flin 1 " .wwv. vu now stands and was used for a school house. It is said it was tho first school 'houso in North Platto. Tho bulldinc was later purchased by Mrs, Hershcy nnt taken down and moved to tho location which it has occuiplod since. Tho building was made of red cedar logs Which woro obtained in tho canyons south of tho river. Somo of our most prominent citizens attended .school in this building and ono or more nr nut nitionr. Rnmnrn iruiciiL mem. --n:; ..Tv-Tramip andIrs. Herbert' - fcrftvnun entertained nt a JunchcOUyos'a torday in honor of tho former's nlbco MrS-, Frea Wcstenfold of Evnnston, wvo. DeOorations wero in lavendar nn,i whlto sweet, peas. M Alexander Armstrong left for ,,A1. ,,, , pn,.iisln. Iowa, vesterdav j llfter visiting her daughter Mrs. J. S. . Twinom for somo time. Mrs. W. II. Duggan of Dickens vis . itod i ntho city yesterday. 75c and $1.00 day LODGE, CHURCH AND SOCIETY COMING MEETINGS IN THE VAIUOIS ORGANIZATIONS OF THE CITY. EPISCOPAL 11:00 Address by Bishop Bcochor. ?;S0 Address by Hoverond Monro. ; it ENTERED APPRENTICE Saturday, April 16th nt 7:30 pi m. nt Masonic Hall. ORDER OF TEMPLE Tonight nt 7:30, Palostlno Com. nmndory will meet nt Masonic Hall. PRESBYTERIAN 11:00 Preaching. 8:00' Proachlng. BAPTIST 11:00 "Good Intentions." 7:30 'Tho lnBlcniflcant in Charator Building." Rev. J. H. Curry returned yester day from attending th0 Kenrnoy Dis trict PresbjlQry at Broken Bow. Ho reports a good session, SWEDISH LUTHERAN Sorvlces on Sunday at 10:30 at tho church on tho corner of Tenth nnd Willow, 'Carl Almon, Pastor. CHRISTIAN .. 11:00 Morning Services. 7:30 "Five Famous FooIs.'J' Ntohenooslatchltntl ; v) ufl Nj.nG'bnii METHODIST 11:00 "Tho Presont-Dny Power ot Christianity." 8:00 "Tho Still Small Volco." LUTHERAN 11:00 "Tho Silver Lining." 8:00 Lccturo on "Martin Luther at the Council of WorniB" by Rev. E. Klotscho, DD. PhD. ot Fromont. DECLAMATORY CONTEST to be HELD AT THE FKANL1N T0 MOHltOW EVENING i uu cu L iitiiuivo ntnuui iuiu ww senior iiigu acuooi win no hi u joint declamatory contest tomorrow ovon' ing In tho Franklin Auditorium, Tills iconteat tH-an. nnn'ilo.yontu,ari.d . & district contest wilt bo hold in Coz'trtl Monday, April 18. Tho contestants nro ns fallows: ST. PATRICK'S SCHOOL Zlt i Doncgan Zonobln or tho Captivo Queen; Cntherlno F,itzpatrick CMar. gurita Do Carton!; Morcodos Jlorgnqf Laddie. SENIOR HIGH SHOOL Mary EUs4 worth Tho Llttlo Robol; Marlon Riehnrds-Tho Lost Word; Allco Smith Speak Up, Iko, and 'Sprcss Yourself; Mildrod Skinner How Ruby Played; Dorothy Elder Caught Su zano Whistling; Snnford JohnBoit Old Man and Jim; Louis Brctomltz An Oration; Elza Oschnor Tho Currier; Lydln Adnms Poor John. FARM ORGANIZATION MEETING. Members of all farm organizations will moot in tho rooms ot tho third floor of tho Post Offlco building at North Platto at 2 o'clock, 'Saturday af ternoon, April 1G. This is an im portant mooting of tho Central Co. opcrativo Marketing Association. W. A. DOOLITTLE, Secretary. ::o:: Miss Ellon McGovorn loft this morn.. Ing for Omaha to visit frionds. . gvBpyeoDf doss. ot Yov Will fim US IfeW fo Go fo&rmz V Youfk. CQQfAODfifpON 7k AM Nr QmP& i ft on Tha rt g'tfSTS, W& SoitcY ' Accom a? QO,4 Hon Tint GwE-iwC ioisuAWtM lnt 6m.. MiYvW "13VANS , "NOMINATES COUNOIL.MHX TOEIUH OX COM.MlTTKH8 Following is a complete list of tho nnmcs submitted to tho City Council last Tuesday for members of tho dif ferent committees: A . , ORDINANCES: Dlener, Gnhtlln, Coates. PURCHASING: Cantlln. Dloncr. McMTchnoI. FIRE: Hughes, DIenor, Simon. WATER: Simon, McMlchnel, Leln luger, Cantlln, SEWERAGE: Contcs, Langford, Hughes, Simon. ' . STREETS AND ALLEYS; Lpln ingor, McMichael, Simon, Lahgfo'rd. OAS AND LIGHT: Langford, Hughes, Contes. PUBLIC BUILDINGS: McMichael, Cdates, Lelnlnger. TWENTI13TH CiflNTUllY CLUB SECURES C3AV13L MADE IHOSI JltSTOUIO WOOD. A plcco ot red cedar log from ono of tho, pioneer houses of this County which was built neur Fort McPhor son In 187.1, was brought) to North Platto through tho efforts ot Miss Laura Murray. It was turned into a handsome gavel by H. II. Newman of tho Manual" ArtB Department ot tho City schools and was presentod to tho Twontloth Century Club by Mrs. Georgo Frntor of this city. Mrs. Frater Is President of tho Club and used tho gavol for tho first tlmo in cnllng to order the mooting hold laBt Tuesday at Flromon's Hall. :;ott ' CLUU WOMEN LISTEN TO PRO GRAM ON AHU51UGANIZATION THROUGH MUSIC. Tho mombors of tho Twentieth Century Club wero cntortalned last Tuesday afternoon at Firemen's Hall with a short program illustrating our American songs and tholr history. Tho program was In charge ot Mrs. York Hinirian. Tho music was furn ished by nn Edison Phonograph loaned nnd operated by Dixon's Music Shop. ::o:: . For Friday aud Saturday as long as thoy last, Lino Worth . houRCdrcssca and nprons. Ono lot 08o and ono at $1,98. Thoso nro bargains, cannot bo oxcolled. Come oarly. E. T. Tramp & Sons, Ready to Woar . AT THE nS iat SUN THEATRE 4k JV- -; TODAY - "Dangerous Business" WITH Constance Talmage ALSO Toonorvilles Fire Brigade 2 reel comedy. SATURDAY , "Risky Business" WITH Gladys Walton ALSO 2 reel comedy.