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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1921)
NORTH PLAT'fE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNK WJLSOS TOUT. IMHor and rultllslicr. flitfiirod at the North Plaltc, Nebraska ,PMtofflco 8 Second Ones Mutter. SimSCMPTlON ritll'Ki ffii&Vonr, In ndvnnce fcl.00 FRIDAY, ArJHI. Stli, 1021. Ps' llHMT7?7-'4li KDITOItlAL Did you know that the Lincoln County Farm Hureaii has boon al lowed to use (ho office rooms on the thin! floor or tin- Federal Building? Have you been up and made tho ao- quiliniilliut' ui in" ouiiiii; iif,""1" i Have you told him that you nro go ing to stand back of him In his work ; In Llnocln County and help him to j do something for agriculture hero? It Ik not too late for men are doing ! this very thing every day. I Yesterday morning u lady called our office and asked us If wo know whoro sho could get a woman to como to hor houso anil holp her for a day or two. Wo told hor wo did not. Wo have been led to bollove that there aro a lot of people who cannot buy what they want and need because they do not havo any Income. Then thoy .should- want a job. If thoy want work they should let It ho known. Wo havo tried to do our sharo In holp fng" thorn out by offering to run a no tlco of the Job wanted freo for two Issues. Wo still continue tho offer and know that thero aro nil kinds of work to be done If tho worker can be found. ;:o:; Thoro are some people In North l'lattc who do not llko athletics In the schools. They always argue that thoro arc other forms of school work which would do more good and then ond up by mentioning debating. Wo would naturally expect these people to bo at tho Joint dobato to morrow night. Hut thoy won't bo thero. Thoy aro vapid as their argu ments. Yot lf they would go thoy would find that dobato ly ono of tho most exciting - .id thrilling of all Inter-school activities. Ono reason why there are-no many basket ball games and so fow debates Is that the people here patronize tho games and up to date have not patronized tho debates. ::o:: Our attention was called to the tax figures In our nows columns In con nection with ft charge that tho County officials wore all grafters. Tho man who Bald that wiw profoundly Ignor ant of tho facts. The wliols amount spent In tho County is less than nlno per cent of the total tax. If uxtonslvo grafting were possible on this amount what about the othor 01 Ivor cent of tho tnxes? And yet thoro has never been a question of tho expenditure of these othor funds. Wo have elected honest men to tho County offices and thoy aro handling tho vory nnmcu amount oi money ni xuotr disposal In a business llko jnannor. Tho Commissioners, who really spend the County money, aro in session every Monday and the meetings are open to anyone It lsnot vory becoming for n man or woman to shoot off about such mattors. until ho or sho has Investigated. Then if ho or she feels that thoro Is a just cuuho for complaint tho wholo people will ho ready to hear. MAi7mA7nriiin:NSi:s. Following Is a list of licenses Issued by County Judge Woodhurst slnco our last Indue: April 2 Andrew 1C Loudon, farmer, Slaploton. N'obr., and Miss Floronce B.' Ratio. Staploton. Married by Itov, J. II. Curry. Anrll 2 -Victor E. Hanson, fnrmor, Klslo, Nfobr., and MIhh Emma A. Fob binder. EJslo, Nobr. April 0 Walter F. (VMara, florist, North Platto and Miss Wynlfrod 15. RuUJysn, lonelier, North Tlntto. Mini 7 Chester F. Mapes, farmer, srUlUjerland, and Miss Carrie V. My nr, toachor, North Platto. - - n- - LOT FOH VICTHOLA. The Monthly get to gether meeting has been postponed till some future date. Will advise later. DON'T WAIT! Noah would have been decidedly out o'luck if he had waited to build his ark till it actually began to rain. You will be just as unfortunate if you try to put off the purchase of your Traveler Accident policy till you have your accident. Do it (oday it dosen't cost much. C. F. temple, The Travelers Man, Room 10, Brodbeck Building, .Phones Office 63 Res. 824J. First Public Auction of Pure Bred Registered Herefords TO BE HELD AT FAIR GROUNDS North Platte, Nebraska, APRIL llth. 1921. 82 Head of Herd Improving Herefords 35 Bulls BY SUCH GREAT BULLS AS PRINCE DOMINO, BEAU DOMINO, BEAU MISCHIEF 30TH, CHALLENGER AND BEAU ASTOR. 47 Cows and Heifers MOSTLY ALL BRED OR HAVE CALVES AT FOOT FROM SOME OF NEBRASKA'S GREATEST HERDS. Sale will be held under te'nt and called for 1 o'clock, sharp. This Will Be the Buyers Opportunity. v Arthur Gaudreault, SALES MANAGER Fred Reppert, Auctioneer. Platte Valley State Bank, Clerk Till: ITMOS PACIFIC STORY OF NORTH LTjATTK ! '.Lot 10, block 2, in tho H. & S. ad dition to North I'lutto, to exchange Tor VIotroln, musical Instruments or any personal proporty Hint can bo tnken to Missouri. Wrlto mo what you havo. Wollmnn Arthur. Mountain View, Mo. :o: ; April Victor Itocords aro hero. Reo tlteyi at ItobortH Music Co. '" tiv v ' . Wo are la rocoTpVtifn' how folder Issued by tho Unlbn" Pacific entitled "Along tho Union Pacific System." It tolls something of tho early his tory of tho railroad and starting with Omaha and Kansas City tolls some thing ot every placo of Importance along tho lines of tho system to the coaBt. Concerning North Platto It Bays: "Elevation 2,800; population 10,011. During tho winter of 186G (17 when tho terminus ot the Union Paclllc was at North ..Platto, tho town had 1,000 bulldlngB and a tem porary population of G.000; for a short tlmo It was "wide open"; every form of license and oven law lessness was toloratod, a Vigilance Committee undertook to restore or der by tho swift rolontlosB method of capturing desperadoes red-handed, ans allowing thorn a fow minutes for repentance at the end of the ropo. Two companies of soldlors wore maintained there, although no ser ious Indian attaclf was ever made on the towri. For many years North Platte was tne homo of "DniTalo Bill" Cody. It ia now a modern city having electric Hehts. n. Cnrnotrtn library, municipal water works, grain eieyaiors, tiottr mills, bottling works; a United States Land Office, Weath er Bureau and a state Experiment Kami. It Is a Union Paclllc division point, where extensive shops and ono or tho largest Icing plants In tho United States are maintained; moro than 10,000 cars aro iced annually at this plant, which may be seen on the loft as the west bound train leaves tho station. North Platto is tho shipping point for a spaceous Ir rigated district (the oldest in Ne braska) which produces wist tiuan , titles of wheat, sugar beets and alf alfa; much llvo stock Is raised and rattened In tho vicinity. Just cast of town ls the junction of tho North and South Platto Rivers; the flow of the former averages about 3,500 cubic reot a second while the latter is: dry except In flood season be cause of diversion into irrigation canals further west." Want Ads For Sule Brown reed baby buggy, lnquiro at 914 W. 4th St. Phone 334. For KentOffice room at C05 N. ; Locust. Phone 1209J. For Kent. Lease or Ssle The Be wick Harn. Call at 51C- E. Fifth. For Sale - Load ot kindling, phono , 90S, Baker and Arnold Transfer. We do nil kinds of hauling. For Sale Millet, 75c, Ralph Saul Rt. B. KHAK SALE ONE DAY SATURDAY, APRIL 9th. ; , Mens - Collar Attached GOVERNMENT STANDARD MAKE Cut extra large. Large roomy sleeves. Tan buttons to match '"shirt. Two button-down pockets. , Sizes 14 to 17. A $2 value. 2 for $2.25. ....... NOT MORE THAT TWO TO A CUSTOMER HIRSCHFELD North Platte's Foremost Clothiers For Men ond Boys. ONLY . J j jjj I SHIRTS i I ; '. : 1 i a a : 1 ' 1 1 I i iptmmni For. Kent Well Improved farm. ln quiro 620 E. Fourth St. Wanted Girls to tako nursing training. N, P, Gen, Hosp. Phone 58. For Sale Two second hand pianos. Robert's Musjc Co. For Rent A Store room, 508 Locust, north of Post Office. Inquire Joseph Morsch, 305 West 3rd. For Jtcnt Ranch, possession at once. Inquire 602 S. Chestnut. Phone 561. For Salt Eggs from B. P. Rocks and S. C. W. Leghorns at Gc each. Phone Doolittle, 788F31. WauledPlace in office or bank by young man just out of buslnoss collego Phono 873 J. Lost Gold arrow pin sot with T)r!s, RowanL Marjorio Russell!. ' Phone 1021W. I For Sale Potatoo 70c a bushel, j Crows from the Bakor School House. ' Phone 781F11. Chas. Shin. For Sale or will trade for a Ford i oar, a team, harness ami wagon. I Jenkins, 2002 Wwl 3rd St Phono 710W. For Sale Strained honoy at 20c a pound. Phono Doollttlo 788F31. Wanted To rent a houso 4 or 5 rooms. Call this office. For Sale Native grown everbear ing strawberry plants at ono dollar a hundred while thoy last Phone 200W O. II. Splcer. For Sale Mahogany . phonograph and 24 records, plays all makes of disc records, terms to responsible par ties. Phono 1247W or call at 807 E. Fifth. Wanted A job by mechanic with (Ivo years experience as an auto and tractor mechanic. Good habits, mar ried. Ollie Glaves. phone 1121. 221 S. Locust, For Sale Two houses, six and sev en rooms. Also three blocks in Ne villo's Addtion. R. McFarland, East end of Fourteenth Street. For Sale SInglo Comb R. I. Red Eggs for Hatching. Mighty good utlL lty and laying strain. ?1.00 per set ting. Mrs. George Tekulvo, Phone 852J. 1204 E. 4th St. v EVERY DAY-AFFAIRS Avumon are ijominir to roalIn.inov ' and more that a good banking con nection oau be of invaluable assist- ' auc to them In many ways. "f '; The convenience ot a chocking no-,' count with tho opportunity It afforda of paying bills by mall moans much to tho busy woman who desires somo tlmo for rest and recreation. Every woman desiroti too her own Saving Account for the foaling of greater in dependence that it glvos. We cordially invito the- womon of North Platte and .Lincoln County to make this THEIR bank. Our facili ties and the best service- wo know how to give are horo for tho asking always. The Platte Valley State Bank NORTH PLATTE, EB. SATURDAY SPECIAL CHOICE COKNFEl) V,i:(tt Vol JiOHHt 121. to ITMjC I'rlrtKf Itlli HouHlH 20c I5frf Hoil 1 10 to 12i.c Hamburger , 20c nomwl JJcef x-v-i .i- 12V.C s CHOICE LAMll iMmb Sliouldei1 L 20c Lumfo Stew ' ' 12i.c Lamb Leg 25c Lumb Chops r """ "25c CHOICE VEAL Ground Vwil Loaf 25c Veal Roust """"20c Veal Stew ""Il2y.c Veal 71ront8 mmi ; 12,c Veal Liver - CHOICE 1IG I'OIIK Fresh Side Pork .., ' HV-c Dry Salt Side Pork Pickled Pork Ill lfjc Dold Sugar Cured Skinned Ham, half or wholellll 35c Peanut Butter : 25c Nut Margarine ZHV.'ZHZ 30c Sauer -Kraut , per quart II"""I'"20c Homo 1-endere.tLLard, 3, 5 or 10 pound lots I l7ilC Special prices, on 25 or 50 lb. cans or barrel lots. Leaf Lard 17 u,q Homo Made Liver Sausage ------I"III15c The above meats are strictly fresh and not a packing houso product. We buy our llvo stock direct from the farm ers of Lincoln County. Freo Delivery to all parts of the city. Try our meats and be convinced of their quality. Open until 10 p. m. Saturdays. BRODBECK & SONS CITY MEAT MARKET PHONE 21 WK TEACH YOUJt DOLLAltS . ro havj: more cents