0 NOltTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE a. WILSON TOUT. Kdlloftninl Publisher. Entered at tlio North Platte, Nebraska Postofflco ns Second Clnss Mattor. . SUBSCRIPTION PRICK: Ofio'Yrnr, In advance $2.00 PHI DA V, A NHL If 1821. EDITORIAL, Anyone' who Is out of work and wants it job can havo a notlc'6 to that effect put In our Want-Ad coulinn for two Issue, froo of charge by writing us, or calling at tho office. Another visit lo North Platte by Bishop Stunts will bo welcomed by those Who heard his lecture a few weeks ago on tho Far Eastom Ques tion.' Wo do 'not know what ho Is going to talk about but wo are cer tain It will bo Interest In and on lightening. The American Legion boys are certainly lucky In having such an auxiliary as the Local American War Mothers. The way thoso mothers worked for the success of the banquet and the way tho boys .onjoyed tho results of tholr efforts showed that each appreciated tho other. . The- week beginning April !, has been designated by tho Chamber of Commorco as Clean-Up- week in North Platte. Tho Chambor of Com merce Is back of this movement hero and it should havo tho support of every good citizen. Wo all remember tho 100 cardB which woro dlstrlbut pd last year by tho Hoy Scouts. They were much coveted and somo homes still cherish them.' They arc to bo UBod again this year and wo pordlct that practically no family which owns its own homo and very few rontcrs will bo without ono of theso cards when tho campaign Is ovor. Il l to the Interest of tlid profoss'.on bT and buslnttw inert to favor atty movement that In his Judgment will holp tho farmer. Tho Farm Durotfu appeals to this sense of snnity and most of them favor It. It Is also makfliK a strong appeal to the fnrnr ers iii soon os they uudorstnnd it. ' ', aut6siTow. .ttfhw Auto Dealers arc all getting rqady to display to tlo pcoplo of Western Nebraska an Auto Show of 'which to bo proud. Many special Jobs will bo displayed that arc sel dom scon here, while njl rcallzo that many moro standard equipped Cars are sold, yet all admiro there special Jobs. This will bo a rare treat. ANNOUNCEMENT. I am now prepared to book your or dors for Taylor's homo canned fruit, Santa, Ana, Cal. Am glad to say that prices are somewhat lower than last year. Thanking you for past favors and soliciting a cotttinuanco of samo in futtiro, I am yours respectfully, M 114 So, Sycam IRS. 10. R. PLUMMER, iJre. Phono 1123 ....... :: FROCK OF DARK SATIN Ono of tlio reasons why so many of our lending bankers, editors, pro fessional am business mon and statdmon aro assisting the American Farm Bureau Fcdoratlon and all tho State and County Farm Bureaus Is because of tho sanity of tho move ment. Unless tho farmers prospor those others cannot hopo to prosper. The wlso loaders know this and havo been on tho lookout or anything that would promote ..agricultural prosporlty. Tho farmers form a great Dark blue satin, a little fancy braid And nccordlou plaiting Join forces to moke the new and smart onc-pleca frock Illustrated. It Is graceful nnd routhful, with a skirt that Is plaited across flip hnok nnd nlnln trmki ihn body of customers and clients to tho I business and prefosslonnl people. Sot .v ' Paint! Sale. We have about 250 gallons ol raiton s dun rroor Keaay mixed rant which W2 wish'to close out at the following prices: Gallons . ; $2-90 Half Gallons 1.50 Quarts -80 PATTONS VELUMINA WASHABLE WALL PAINT Gallons $2.75 Half Gallons 1.45 Quarts 75 These piices are cheaper than you can buyf. o. b. factory and are subject to stock onhand. Stone's Drug Store IT DON'T WAIT! ' Noah would have beeiij'decidedly out o'luck if he had waited to build his ark till it actually began to rain. You will beju5tasunfortunate if you Jtry to put off the purchase of your Travelers Accident policy till you have your accident. Do it todayit dosen't cost much. C. F. TEMPLE, The Travelers Man, Room 10, Brodbeck Building, Phones Office 63 Res. 824J. J. 4 FREED FROM TURKISH YOKE Chaldeans Promised a Measure of In dependence Under the Guiding Hand of France. The American nnny officer, chosen by the Chnldeans to present their ap peal for independence to tho council of allied premiers, reports that ho has been unable to get a hearing for that ancient people. They made somo at. tempt during tho peace confcrcnce-to obtain consideration, having heard that "self determination" was to bo n guiding principle In the settlement of -tho world's nffalrs. Those at .Ver sailles who hnd some familiarity with nibllcal history may have recalled tho Chaldeans, of course but they failed to make an Impreaton on minds sur charged with ncule problems of twentieth-century statesmanship. The Chnldeans, or Babylonians, how over, may count on being better off thnn has been their lot for many cen turies. They will get some benefit from the new era. Residing in north ern Mesopotamia, which Franco now will control the southern region be ing confided to .Great Britain they will be freed from their old oppres sors, the Turks, and the French gov ernment has. Indicated n purpose to give them a measure of autonomy. Tho Chaldeans were once a warlike people,,, capable of demanding what they de sired. More thnn 1,000,000 of them aro now said to bo dwelling In the region thnt will be redeemed from Turkey. ATTENTION FISHERMEN! IN TUB DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATUS DISTRICT. OV NEBRASKA. LINCOLN DIVISION - In tlio -matter of the estate of- Viva Hoggs, bankrupt. NOTICE OF SALE Notice .fs hereby given that by virtue of an order Issued by tho District Court xof the United States of tho District of Nebraska, Lincoln Division, I, as Trustee of the estate or Viva IJoggs, bankrupt, will on the 2nd day or April at 2 o'clock p. m. of said date at tho corner of 6th and Pine Streets near the old Opora Houso and ono block north of the Bosack Livery Barn, North Platte, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction to tho highest bidder for cash tho following described personal pro- pert ybelonging to said estate to-wit: Ono Singer Sowing Machine. Ono Burroughs Adding Machine. One small go-cart, rocker and chair (child's.) Two chlldrons beds. Four Mattresses. Three rag rugs. Two beds. Two dressers. Two chairs. Two pillows. Itmnants. Porcelain pot. Buffet. Cedar Chest. Table. Rug-" Three .chairs: - "' . -Ono rug. '"' " One writing -tuble.-Ono sanitary cot and mattress. Ono pillow. Two rockers. Ono chair. Ono pedestal. Eight small pictures. Ono O'Cedar mop. Ono kitchen stove. Ono kltchon table Ono kitchen cabinet. Three rag rugs. Ono Ice box. BFi m Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi m Hi Hi Hi Hi A the fishing season in the state of, Nebraska opens on April 1st, for th common varieties of fish, and on May 1st, for fBass and Trout. I want to call your attention to the fact, that right here in North Platte, you will find one of the Largest and Most Complete Stocks of FISHING TACKLE To Be Found in the State. 0 THE LINE CONSISTS OF THE FOLLOWING: Hooks, from the smallest size Minnow Hooks, to the larger 'sizes for set lines for river fishing. Lines, from the 5c Cotton Line to' the 30 lb. test, Silk or Linen. Long Cane Poles, both one-piece and jointed. . - . Steel Rods, from $1.50 Vim up to the $16,50 Bristol Split Bamboo, Lancewood and Greenheart, from $5 up to' $20. Reels, from common Single Action, up the to the modern Free-Spool-Anti-Back-Lash Level Winding, in all Standard makes Artificial Baits of all kinds, Spoons, Spinners, Wooden, Minnows Pork Rind, and Flies. Minnow Seines, Minnow Buckets, Fish Bags, Creels Tackle Boxes, Aluminum, Non-Sinkable Rod Cases. ' Do you know that we are within 5 hours drive of the second best Bass Fishing Waters of the United States? Informatian as to distances and route to all Nebraska Fishing Resorts cheerfully given. Mail Orders solicited apd promptly executed. Come in and inspect our line. If we do not have what you want, we will get it for you if it is on the market. COURTEOUS TREATMENT AND PRICES RIGHT The Den J. C. DEN,. Proprietor kin m K - v . Ono high chair. y Ono coffee pot. ; Ono coal bucket, , One clock. Two tea kettles. T- Vour dish pans. jVwo wash pans. Two chairs. s, . Ono oil stovo. ' ' . Ono mop. ,t Two brooms. four skillets. 2 tons soft coal. Wood. Ono laundry stove , E. B. CARR, Trustee. . Ono of tho most successful meet ings conducted by tho Farm Bureau was the one at Maxwell on Tuesday evening. There was a full house and the enthusiasm, was marked. Elmor E. Youngs. President of tho Ne braska Farm Bureau Federation was the principal speaker. No member ships were solicited at that time. tOPEN FIRE-PLACE J Want Ads EFFICIENT STpyESjpjgjL NfeFFICIENT HOWMUCH FUElareYW WASTING ? Why continue to waste fuel by in efficient heating methods, when It's so high and scarce? You can have better heating at lets cost with the CaloriC Pipeless Furnace. The , 15 SAVING V TO Vz THE FUEL IN OVE&' 100,000 BUILDINGS The Caloric Is the original pipcleu furnace triple casing patent. Heats buildings of IS rooms 'or less through one register. We sell the CaloriC be came we know it is a proven success. It circulate pure, healthful, clean heat, in every room, upstairs and down. Burns any fuel. Temperature regulated from fust floor. Installed in old homes -or pew, usually in ono day. Costs lets than stoves required to heat the same space. Sold under the money-back guarantee of tho Monitor Stove Com pany, Cincinnati, Ohio, and backed by our own personal guarantee of your complete satisfaction SIMON BROS. r .'.I 11,1 Dl Hi. "4 mm mrivtkUHi tut original npeless r urn ace triple-casing pat em? 1920. The M. 3. Co. Wanted To rent a house 4 or n rooms. Call this office. For Rent 9G0 aero stock farm. Ad dress R. Kunkol, North Platte. For Sale Rhode Island Red Eggs , east enu ot U street. C. I. Lewis. Wanted Washings to do at 515 E. Second. For Sale Millet, 75c, Ralph Saul Rt. B. Wanted Any kind of common labor. Phono 79.8F14. ' Wanted To buy ten or twelve fifty pound shoats. C. L. Coolidge. Phono 798F12. For Sale Native grown strawberry, plants whilo thoy last at $1.00 per hundred. Phono 473W. C. II. Spicer. Wanted Stock to Pasture. Plenty of salt and water. Ora Wilson, North Platto. Wanted Womun to do wash at tho houso, small family, electric washer. Phono 1247W. t Wanted Work .on n farm by man and wlfo without children. Call at 904 west Tenth or wrlto Box 193, Route 2, North Platto. Neb. For 1cnt' Four unfurnished rooms ahd two furnlshod rooms for light housekeeping. 215 W. Third. For Salo Piano-Organ, rnd fcr small church or school. PIim.' 808. Phono 8:-S. Wanted Competent girl for general housowork. References required. Phono 309. Mrs. J. V. Romigh. For Rent 2G00 aero improved ranch near North Platto, very reasonablo cash rent. O. II. Thoolocke. For Snlo Progressive ovorboaring strawborry plants nt $1.50 por hun dred postpaid. E. G. Link, Eustls, Nobr, Strayed A black pony with halter. Had tail and forctop clipped. Seven years old, wolght 700.,. Box 4, R. F. D. No. 1. - For Sale Two houses, six and sev en rooms. Also threo blocks in No vlllo's Addtlon. R. McFnrland, East end of Fourteenth Street. For Snlo Mhpogany phonograph and 24 records, plays all makes of diso records, terms to responsible par ties. Phono 1247W or call at 807 E. Fifth. Wanted Any kind of sewing. Also housework "by tho hour after school hours. Phono 9C3J. , For Sale Single Comb R. 1. Red Eggs for Hatching. Mighty good util ity and laying strain. $1.00 per set- v$ i"r2"i?0.se Teku,v. Phone 852J. 1204 E. 4th SL , For Salo Barred Plymouth Rdcu ?q LClll0ltSufrom g00(l IayJnS strain. $18.00 per hundred. Hatching eggs one dollar por 15. Order early. Mrs Irl J. Sowlo, Maxwell. Nebr. AT THE SUN THEATRE TODAY "The Kid" STARRING Charlie Chaplin,) 1 , I and Jackie Coogan . ALSO' : . 7 nutt & Jeff GumiiRf News Reel f , SATURDAY j "West Is West" ! ' STARRING Harry Carey ALSO uWet and Warmer" 2 Reel Comedy. MONDAY : 'Cumberland Romance' . STABRLNQ Mary Miles Minter., ALSO Double Adventure V