The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 25, 1921, Image 7

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JOSEPH A. YORK, well-known
builneit man of Portland, Me.,
who lays he feel twenty yean
younfer and hat i fslned aixteen
pounds on four bottles of Tanlao.
Deelarci ho oan now eat three
square meals a day.
"l am now able to eat three suuaro
meals a day for the first time In two
years," was the emphatic statement
mnde recently by Joseph A. York,
well-known business man and highly
respected citizen of Portland, Maine.
"1 am now sixty-nine years of age,
and In ull my life 1 have never run
across a medicine that I consider In n
class with Tnnlac. I havo Just fin
ished my fourth bottle und this medi
cine has benefited me even beyond my
greatest hopes. Besides gaining six
teen pounds In weight, 1 have been
built np and strengthened until I feel
all of twenty years younger.
I "For the past two years I have. b.eet
in n miserably run-uown condition,
and was compelled n short time ago
to give up all Idea of business ns I
was too weak to look after nnythlng.
1 wns nervous, worn-out, had no appe
tite, and suffered most all the time
with Indigestion. Some days I would
eat scarcely anything; In fact I was
afraid to eat because I knew I would
suffer afterward. Sometimes I had
such severe cramping pains after eat
ing that I would almost die. My
nerves were nil unstrung and the least
thing would worry me nnd I never
could get n good night's sound sleep.
In fnct I just lost Interest In every
thing nnd wns greatly discouraged
o.ver my condition.
"The ordinary trcntment failed to
do me any good, and ns I had read so
innny statements from people I know
here In Portland who had been bene
llted by Tnnlac, I decided to give It a
trial. And now' I know for myself
what It will do, for I have simply
taken a new lease on life. I nm now
nble to look my work ns usual,
nnd never felt bettor In my life. I am
able to eat three hearty meals a day
and everything agrees wlth me per
fectly. I eat anything I want and
never feel n touch of Indigestion, t
never thought there wns a medicine
that could do me so much good, nnd 1
nm only too glad to hnve the facts
about my case given to the public."
Tnnlac Is sold by leading druggists
everywhere Adv.
Jud Tunklns.
Jud Tunklns says he can't under
Htand why some people think It's any
kind or n comfort to explain to a
man that his troubles are his own
Tolls How to Get Quick Relief from
Head-Colds. It's Splendldl
Id one minute your clogged nostrils
will open, the air passages of your
head will clear and you can breatho
freely. No more hawking, snudlliig,
blowing, headache, dryness. No Vrug
gllng for breath nt night; year cold
or cntnrrh will be gone.
Get n small bottle of Kly'8 Crenm
Balm from your druggist now. Apply
n little of this fragrant, antiseptic,
healing crenm In your nostrils. It pen
etrates through every air pnssage of
the head, "oothes the Inflamed or
swollen mucous membrane and relief
conies Instnntly.
It's Just fine. Don't stay stuffed-up
with a cold or nasty catarrh. Keller
comes so quickly. Adv.
Sure Sign.
If a man can operate a cash reg
ister with sore lingers and never feel
the pain he Is the proprietor of the
place. Toledo Wade.
The Cutlcura Toilet Trio.
Ilavlng cleared your skin keep It clear
by making Cutlcura your evcry-day
toilet preparations. The soap to cleanse
nnd purify, the Ointment to soothe nnd
heal, the Talcum to powder and per
fume. No toilet table Is complete
without them. 25c everywhere. Adv.
Very Seldom.
Klder McTnvlsh "Weel, Donald, an'
hoo's the worrld treating you?" Don.
aid "Verra seldom, Mr. McTnvlsh."
Many n mnn thlnWs he Is choosing
a wife when the privilege Is nil hers.
Nldht and Mornlnrf.
Hav Strong, Hialthy
Ey. II they Tircltch,
Smart or Burn, if Sore,
Irritated, Inflamed or
often. Soothes, Refreshes. Slfe for
Cnfant or Adult At all Druggists. Write for
Free Eye Book. Hutu Eys Ready Co., Odafs
Timely Nows Gulled From All
Parts of tbo State, Reduced
for the Busy.
Prnlrlo hay 1r selllnj; at Culhwvay
for ?.r. it ton.
Several deaths from scarlet fever
have l)u!ii reported at Grand Island.
A unit of tlio Gape county farm bu
reau Iiiih been orpmlzed at Ctatonln.
Tlic HufTalo county fair will be held
at Kearney August .'50 to September
flM. i a . .. . Hi
mu juuie uowier-s- Association win
meet at Lincoln, March 20 th to April ,
it. . ii ..i . - . .
tVprll 14.
Levels are being taken for Arapa
hoe's first paving pi eject and a sew
age system.
The Ord schools are arranging an
extensive exhibit of school and In
dustrial work.
Miss Helen Tracy of Pawnee City
Is dead of blood poisoning caused by u
carbuncle on the lip.
Drs. J. Jones nnd II. G. Cressman
have been appointed members of the
pension board at Hastings.
Ilev. W. C. Keller of the M. H,
church at Geneva has accepted a call
to the pastorate at Cambridge.
The $90,000 school bonds recently
voted by the Morrill school district
are to be offered for snlo shortly.
A. V. Pease, for -lli years In business
In Beatrice, has sold out and will de
vote sopu; time to travel and rest.
Itev. W. P. Illcronymus, A. 15., Co
lumbus, O., has accepted the call to
the presidency of Hebron academy.
Mrs. Slollle Mend, wife of Kd Mead,
chief of the Hastings fire department,
committed suicide by taking poison.
Allien Huberts, a in year old Wy-
more lad, had his right leg broken,
when he was thrown from his horse.
An auto line will soon be establish
ed between Plattsmnuth and Omaha,
making regular trips at frequent in
tervals. Driven by overstudy to u mental
stage bordering on Insanity, Irvln
Adams, of Morrill, is In restraint at
Hastings hospital.
Citizens of the Hastings neighbor
hood have organized the Adams coun
ty agricultural society: and will have
a fair the coming fall.
I-rult growers around Auburn say
that there never was better prospects
for all kinds of fruit, Including peaches
than there Is ut present.
The Alnsley city council will not
grant a license to an open pool hall,
consequently there are several such
Places In town run as clubs.
I.. A. Morris of Aurora burned his
hand severely when a can of roof
cement he was opening caught on fire
from spontaneous combustion.
The r0ih annlversnrv of the found-
Inn. ,,f Uw. KM- n .,... I I .1 I
in vn-nr wns eeieoraieti last weeu uy
a banquet In the church basement.
A broken knee cap was sustained
ny nenry wicKinan oi riymourn, wnen i
liia horse run away and kicked him
through the dash board of his buggy. J
xne (usinct convention or tlie state; ogallala will hold her minimi round
Klwanls clubs will be held In Omaha ; m, mid mlil-uest si.n .iniv a t, n It
iinrnson is matting preparations toienln for furiv.nvrt vi.m-u .nut
open up oil Industries In a short time (
on an extensive scale. Some of the .
drilling machinery Is already in place.
The Nebraska grand lodge, A. O. U.
W., through, John Stevens, grand mas
ter workman, has offered to buy the
recently Issued school bonds of Ox
ford. Maurice Wilson, Pawnee City high
school student, was badly burned on
the hands nnd about the face when
(he gasoline tank In his automobile ex
ploded. The first test boring made on tho
site of the proposed new capital at
Lincoln, to determine soli conditions
nail the depth necessary to go In order
that the building rest on solid rock, litis
been completed without finding rock.
Secretary of State I). M. Ainsbeiry,
who suffered a slight stroke of
paralysis u few weeks ago, Is fast
gaining strength, but his physicians
have recommended that he remain
quiet and leave his duties alone for
a while.
The new Orpheum thenter at Scotts
bluff, ground for which was broken
last week, will not only be the linest
In Nebraska In many respects, but
will also have few superiors among
theaters of similar size In the country.
Ir. will cost In the ueigliborhoid of
Osceola Is taking under considera
tion the advisability of Installing a
municipal electric llghf and Ice plant.
Two hundred fires In Nebraska dur
ing December nnd January cost two
lives and did nearly S2.r0.000 worth of
ilamnge. according to the March bul
letin of Slate Fire Marshal C. H. Hart
ford. While tending u power driven sau
sage iiiichlne lu his butcher shop ut
Itavenna, Joe Smcrda slipped, und In
trying to right himself stuck his right
baud Into the blades which lacerated
and maimed the lingers so that It was
necessary to amputate them.
Fifteen automobiles were wholly or
partially destroyed in a lire at Omaha,
original ing In a clothes closet.
Ten bead of horses, four cows and
several hogs and a large quantity of
hay and grain were lost when the lmm
on the Craighead farm near Albion
burned down from some unknown
Early steps will be taken to have
work commence on the extensive Im
provement of the municipal water
works system In Bedlletd, lu accord
ance with the result of it special elec
tion u few days ago, vhen bonds of
$1-0,000 wi'ie voted fur the purpose.
The golden wedding annUeimiry of
Mr, and Mrs. (5. S. Wallace was
eetebraH'il at tlielr homo In KxcUir
last week.
Severnl nrres of spring grain bnvo
already been planted In the vicinity of
Callaway, and the ground Is said to
be In excellent shape.
A mother and 'daughter Imtuiuct was
held at the Methodist church at Kalr
bury one evening last week, plates be
ing laid for over 1200.
Quick work on the part of the local
tire department saved the lturllngton
depot of .Morrill when lire broke out
under the Hour of the frelgllt room.
More cattle were received at the
South Omaha market last Monday than
at any other of the western markets.
There were '201) cars about tUMX) head.
Yeggmen broke Into live business
houses at Kdlson, but their efforts did
.,. ..i.,,,, ,....,. ,......., .,.,, ...,.ri,
tlu. f"cw,n,, llV0nls ()f U! ,., ,nsl(L. u
Is aimed tn inake the events the most
stupendous In the history of that com
munity. ('apt. A. M. Trimble, S'J, tiled sud
denly at his home In Lincoln. Captain
Trimble at one time wns department
commander of the G A. It. In Ne
braska. Henry Koenlg dropped dead at tbo
farm of his brother near Cnliimhim.
He had Just left the house to tlu tho
milking when overcome bv un attack
f npoplexv.
A slipping tackle,
hoisting stone
cornice on the new Goring court house,
let ii block of stone fall, and Herman
Sorereserl, a workman, had Ids right
hand badly crushed.
Tho Wheat Growers' Association of
America will soon begin a campaign to
get farmers to contract to sell (heir
wheat through the association for 11 vo
years In Phelps county.
To Saline county went the honor of
topping all other counties In the Unit
ed Slates In the "Better Sires, Better
Uvo Stock" campaign for Hie quarter
ending .Tanunry 1, 1021.
Dr. C. C. Cone has recently stocked
his farm on the Republican river In
the north part of Kurniis county with
pheasants, which were received from
the state game warden.
Preparations are being made to euro
i or nnout -ukh) teaclierfj who arc ex
pected to attend the meeting of tho
state association, which will be held lu
Omaha, March III to April '2.
Klre of undetermined origin totally
destroyed the Catholic church at
Kineisoii. Bui few of the furnishings
were saved. It is thought 'that a short
circuit or defective line caused tho
tseer is tieati, and can never como
Imek In Nebraska," said Culled States
District Attorney T. C. Allen, when
questioned as to the legality of brew
ing beer under the recent Palmer de
The large statue of Abrahnin Lin
coin presented to the Nebraska Cltv
high school by the class of 1H120, bus
arrived and will soon be placed lu po
sitiou. 'I lie statue Is seven feet and
""- "VIHIIl.
tfn l.wili.. Ii. I, ..I, .L,
rut, residing near
Harrison, recently gave birth to her
eighteenth child. This was the first
Klrl, the remainder being boys. Eleven
are living. Mrs, Pitt holds tho
record family in western Nebraska,
Dr. 11. L. Paine, a resident of Lin
time candltlato for governor of Nebnis-
kn on the nrohlbtion ticket, illeil Sim
day In his rooms In n Lincoln hotel
following a stroke of paralysis suffer
(id last week.
'I lie seventh annual' slate high
school Judging contest will be held at
the College of Agriculture nt Lincoln
April ii. The contest Is staged Jointly
by (be College and State Department
of Vocational Education and Is open to
ull Mull schools.
If the plan of (he government to
publish the names of slackers who
dodged the draft Is carried out. the
names of 17(1 on (he Gage county
j black list will be given lo the public,
according to Deputy County Clerk J.
C. Emery, who served as executive
head of the exemption board.
In order lo encourage poultry rais
ing and the marketing of a belter
quality of products,, several of t ho
large produce companies of the state
havo agreed to pay a .premium for
high-grade eggs. Eggs that meauro
up to the quality outlined by the Slate
College of Agriculture ns Nebraska
Extra Firsts will command a prlco
within fi cents of the New York price
for Fresh Gathered Extra Firsts, on
the day of delivery at Grand Island,
Crete, Oniahn, Lincoln nnd other en-
nl points.
John Berg, a farmer living near
Florence, was shot and instantly killed
when he walked Into u gun trap which
he had set In his hen coop.
From the funds of the Itavenna Bed
Cross and Canteen Workers that place
will be presented with a large bronze
tablet, with the names of all world war
men who enlisted from there.
The Grand Island chamber of com
merce has made appropriation for the
purchase of n loving cup lo be given lo
the American Legion basketball leani
winning the state championship in the
state contest to be held In that city
March 121 and 22.
According to O. M. Swnnson. who
brought two cars of cattle to South
Omaha from Frontier county for mar
ket, the number of cattle raised In that
section of the state has been decreasing
steadily for the past two or three sea
sons, und ut present quite a shortage
' A two-car shipment of 1,'JO.Vpound
steers which Pete. Claussen of Bloom
Hold shipped to South Oinnlia lust
week, sold ut $0.00. top for the day
on full loads. The cattle were bought
as calves a year und a half ago, and
had been on feed five and a half
i months.
Producers Ignore Its Cheap and Nutrl.
tlous Food Produces neat,
Energy and Fat.
(Prepared by the United Btatcit Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
With well-fitted corn cribs on many'
farms, and relatively low prices pre
vailing this year, It Is time, says a
feeding sjivclnllst from tho dairy divi
sion, United States Department of
Agriculture, that correction should bo
mule of the Impression found In cer
tain localities that corn Is not good
feed for dairy cows. Certain recent
Inquiries on thts subject Indicate that
the use of corn lu the dairy ration Is
not understood by nil dairymen; and
It Is hoped that a correction of this
Impression mny lead to a greater util
ization of the largo 1020 crop for
dnlry-cattle feeding,
"When It Is fed for a definite pur
pose, with n complete knowledge of Its
limitations, us well as Its true worth,
corn Is one of the best and cheapest
grains wo hnve that can be used for
the economical production of milk,"
says the feeding specialist. "Some
dairymen avoid feeding It altogether,
oi account of the mistaken Idea that
It Is not suited to a cow producing
milk. This Is becnuse it Is so gen
erally used for fattening both hog's
and entile, and because It has not been
successful when used alone for dairy
cow feeding."
The function of corn In the ration
Is to furnish the animal with material
for producing heat, energy, and (at;
but Is rather low In protein nnd do-,
flclent In ash. When fed alone, It does
not supply largely the nutrients which
Com and Soybeans Grown for Sil
age A Good Mixture for
Dairy Cattle.
make bone, muscle, hair, and tho casein
In milk. Consequently, In compound
ing the grain ratloq It Is necessary to
add lo corn some feed which Is high
In this substance, such ns bran, Un
seed meal, or cottonseed nea). Bran
is usetui necause it not ouiy ngiiieiis
the ration, but helps to bnlance It.
Corn-and-cob meal Is largely used lu
feeding dairy cows, and It has one nil
vantage over com meal lu that It Is
more bulky, although not so palatable.
Usually, when corn forms a large por
tion of the grain ration, protein ulso
should bo supplied by feeding some
leguminous hay, such ns alfalfa or
clover, for the roughage In the ration.
Since corn can be grown on most
dairy farms, supplies energy 11
cheap form, and Is palatable; and
since, when it Is made Into silage, It
piovldes (he cheapest and most efll
clent form of succulence, every dairy
man should have the Information Unit
will enable him to make' corn the basis
of a successful ration for economical
milk production.
Most of Tiny Organisms Arc Not Only
Harmless, but Positively
BeneflciaKo Mil'.
Milk, ok It leaves tho cow'm udder,
eontnlup 'lacterla. If tiw row Is dirty
and tb5rt! Is loose hay r.round, dust
from ihe cow's body nnrt the hay set
tles in the milk-pull, nnd this dust Is
swarming with bacterlu. As soon as
they reach the warm milk they com
moner to multiply, und In a few hours
they may have Increased uiftll there
are m'llloits to the tcaHpoonftil of milk.
It Is These bacteria thai cause milk to
sour, but most of them are not only
hf.rmless. but positively beneficial.
Cowpea Will Thrive on All Types of
Arable Soil nsid Requires Very
Little Attention.
For feed the cowpea Is especially
valuable, specialists of the United
Stntes Department of Agriculture say,
because it will grow on all types of
arable soil, requiring little attention
and producing most excellent forage.
In addition. It is of great value as a
green-manure crop to Increase tha
humus and (he nitrogen content of the
i -,i
. .
soils upon h:ch it Is grown.
Rub Pain right out with small trial
bottle of old "St. Jacobs Oil."
Stop "dosing" BhcumntlHin.
It's pnln only; not one case In fifty
requires Internal treatment. Bub
soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil"
right on the "tender spdt," and, by thn
Umo you say Jack Bohlnson out
comes the rheumatic pain and dlntrcss.
"St. Jacob's Oil" Is a harmless rheu
matism liniment which never disap
points and doesn't burn the skin. It
takes pnln. soreness nnd stiffness from
nchlng Joints, muscles nnd bones;
stops xclatlciu lumbago, backache and
Limber up! Got a small trial bottle
of old-time, honest "St. Jacobs Oil"
from any drug store, and In a moment,
you'll be free from pains, aches and
stiffness. Don't suffer 1 ltub rheuma
tism away; Adv.
Saving Up.
Friend "Is your husband saving up
for a rainy day?" Wife "He's a per
fect Noah! He's saving up for the
Garfield Tea stimulate the llvc'r, cor
rects cotiitipntion, clennrei the ytctn and
rids the blood of impurities. All drug
gists. Adv.
The holdup man Is In the Impera
tive mood when he requests you. to
"stand and deliver."
Kill That Cold With
Colds, Coughs
Neglected Coldo aro Dangerous
Taka no chancas. Keep this standard romedy handy for tha first ansas.
Breaks up a cold In 24 houro Relievos
Grlppo in 3 days Excellent for Headache
Qulnlna In this form doca not afloct the head Cascnra la bast Tonle
Laxative No Opiate in Hill's.
Eruptions of the Skin
Cause lorturous ftcning
If you aro afflicted with any
form pf Bkin disorder, you aro well
acquainted with the flaming, burn
ing itching1 that these discuses pro
duce Skin diseases aro caused by an
impurity or disorder in tho blood,
and thcro is no real and genuino
relief within your reach until such
impurities aro removed.
S.S.S. has given great satisfac
tion in tho treatment oi these dis-
What to
4 th FI. Darker 01k., lSlb anr
Famam St., Omaha, Neb.
Omaha's reliable firm of hemitlteh
Inn. Dle&tlnui of all klndl. bmidlhir.
hand eubrumerr. buttons, picut i
editing froa catalog. Out of town
oraontgiTon prompt attention.
Via intm Dnu Flatllat 6 Kaltn Cm,
410 ratUa IIMk Oi4ka, H.b,
Drugs By Mail
At tho Long-Established
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
Mall Order Department
19th and Farnam Sts. Omaha, Neb.
44 Acres Five Miles North of Omaha, Neb.
Hleh rolling land, even uorea orclmril; one
aero In blackberries; balance In corn this
year. Improvement; A square two-siory
modern style lioune with bathroom, extra
aood barn, granary, corn crib, wagon sheds,
fine cave, well, windmill and water system
from reervolr on hill. Trice $300 per acres
$2,500 cash down, balance we would try to
arrange to suit purchaser. Would take $3, BOO
Oinahn home ae part pay. O'KlflBPK HEAL
ESTATE CO., Jtealtors. 1016 Omaha National
Dank Building, Douglas 27H
Exceptional opportunity at tliu presont time
for young voiuon oyer nineteen years ot age
who havo hail at least two years in high Bchool
to take Nurses' Training in general hospital.
Our graduates aro In groat demand. Address
Supt. of Nurses, Lincoln Sanitarium
Lincoln, Nebratka
Demand Petersen St Pednu's
This famous bread is the leading seller in 458 cities and towns throughout
Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, South Dakota, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming.
Shipped fresh daily from our great sunlight bakery at Omaha.
Demand It From Your Dealer Dealers Demand It for Your Trade
lit You Need a Merino
You Should Havo llio Best
Have you ever stopped to rcison why
it is that so many products that are ex
tensively advertised, nil at once drop out
of sight and are soon forgotten? The
reason is plain the article did not fulfill
the promises of the manufacturer. This
applies more particularly to a medicine.
A medicinal preparation that has real
curative value nhnost sells itself, as Ilk
an cndlcftA chain system tho remedy is
recommended by tflose who have been
benefited, to those who aro in need of it.
A prominent druggist says "Take for
example Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a
preparation I have sold for many years
and never hesitate to recommend, for in
almost every case it shows excellent re
sults, as many of my customers testify.
No other kidney remedy has so large a
According to sworn statements and
verified testimony of thousands who have
mtcd tho preparation, the success of Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-lloot is due to the (fact,
so many people claim, that it fulfills al
most every wish in overcoming kidney,
liver and bladder ailments; corrects uri
nary troubles and ncutraliics tho urio
acid which causes rheumatism.
You may rcccivo a sample bottle of
Swamp-Boot by Parcels Post. Address
Dr. Kilmer & Co., Birghamton, N. Y.,
and enclose ten cents; also mention this
paper. Large and medium sizo bottles
for sale at all drug stores. -Adv. '
"Does your husband give you nil th
money you ask for?"
"Oh, no. he's not rich enqugh."
La Grippe
orders, becauso it is such n thor
oughly satisfactory blood purifier.
It cleanses tho blood of all impuri
ties, nnd thus counteracts the ef
fects of tho germs that attack tho
Begin taking- S.S.S. today, nnd if
you will write a complete nistory
of your case, our medical adviser
will give you expert ndvico without
charge. Address Chief Medical Ad
viser, 158 Swift Laboratory, Atlan
ta, Gu.
Do for
Take a good dose of Carter's little Liver
Pills then take 2 or 3 for a few nights after.
A few doses restore your organs to their
proper functions and the' Headache and the
causes of it pass away. In the same manner
77iey regulate ihe Bowels and prevent Constipation.
SSKiS" S$?&ZC Sm.ll Pai Small Do,. Small Price
3 Poultry Supplies
Utile natorera, noppori, uovora, Incuba
tors, thermometers, nyg boxed basket,
hipping itippltei, etc Western llox A
Uaaket U.,2UU Cuinlngs BU, Omaha, Neb.
Dividends IgtfSi
Vpr Information and circular! it rite,
322 S. 18lh Street.
Omihi, Ntb,
Omaha Auio Tinners
Expert Radiator Repairing
Recoring a Specialty
Prompt attention to out of
town shipments
2107 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
New Location! Southwest Cor.
24th and Farnam
and Associate Dentists
who have been with him for years
now located
Sixth Floor Security Building
16th and Farnam Sts., Omaha
I .