NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE SgfitHJitecklu !inlumc. nttlgOX TOUT. Ihlltor nnd Publisher. WflUiRid at tho North Ptto, NdbraBka ro'llofflce iih Second Cam Mattor. msoiiscitiriios rnujih One Year, in inbuiicc $2.00 F PUS DAY, MAM',11 22.1, 1021. -r-sr.- szi-i to-., f " : i r 3B LOOAL ASH l'EKSONAL KDITOUIAL. II Is certain tlmt the noxt mayor of North 1'Iatlo In to ho a lawyer and he will tfo tOimn In the prltno of life. Tho membership of Iho American legion now numbers 321. It Is ostt m u ted that this Ir within llfty of tho posijblo number of momborn in tho rlty. Kill Hondy tolls tho ntory of tho Callfornian who urged clorgymon to Itavo tliolr pnrlshonor think of n placet having a hottor cllmato than California and naturally their thought would turn toward hoavon. ::a!: The udltor roccntly inado a friendly call at Maxwoll and altho ho Htayed only a fow hours ho mot a number of former acquaintances and local clti. zenK. Jim Elliott is busy In tho drug atoro. Willis Bakor who has boon with him for somo time, is attondlng tho School of Pharmacy at Crolghton this year. Ralph Coatris Is manager ot tho Coatos Lumbor & Coal Co. and is making good. Ho mcotH pcoplo well and hit) IntoroRt in tho buccobb of tho husinosB anises him to look aftor tho dqtailfl raid koop things moving smoothly. "Wo had a long visit with Kdltor Sago and found him reluctant to loavo Maxwoll but outhufllastlo about tho prospocts for a hlggor and bettor Tolopost Wo found tho business men alort to tho reconstruction now KoiiiK on everywhere and not com. plaining. Maxwoll improvos with acquaintance. "Weatherman Shilling reports that Thursday tho thormomotor went up to 72. Friday up to 84 and Saturday to 78. On Friday tho following was tho maximum fomtwnturo tit tho placos named: Saa Francisco fiG San Diego GO Lob Angolos :.02 Jacksonville Florida and North Platlo , 84 ::o:: Wo carry tho comploto Century and MoKinloy cdltiors nnd an up to dato stock of popular shoot music at all times. Walker MubIc Co. MIbb Anna Paulsoy who has boon tho guost of Mrs. L. R, Duko loft this morning for hor homo in Wahoo. Mrs. It, nouds loft this morning for her homo in Diuicoinbo nffor visiting rolatlvcs in this city. t;n;; FAItM LOANS. I have- funds avallablo for a fow good farm loans on improved farms. O. II. Thoolocko. Mrs, L. W. Troupo Wont to Kearney Saturday. Chos. Llstou. of Dickons was a city visitor Saturday. MIbb Mubel Crabb of Paxton vliltod in tho olty Saturday. Gordon Lovo loft Friday evening for Omaha to visit. ' Chas. Boguo loft yostorday for Don- vor to transact buslnosH, Ksthor Murphy left yostorday for Cheyenno to visit relatives. Mrs. Pledger left ycBtordny for C'ozud to spend a fow days. TliurBlon Woodhurst loft yostorday for Denvor to spond a fow days. Vlqtor HalHgan transacted legal biiHlncss In Lexington yoBtordny. Joi Mahaffoy, of Arthur, is visiting friends in tho city Luis Week. It. M. Cathers roturncd from a visit In Ogdon nnd Choyonnc Saturday. Mi's. Ilobert Lawler of Paxton vis Hod friends in tho city Saturday. Queen Quality shoos for women are sold at Wlcox Department Store. W. II. Dlonor left yestordny for his home In Lowollon after visiting in tho city. Wilholm Peterson of Maxwoll. ar rivod yostorday to vifllt frionds in tho city. Mrs. 13. H. McDonald roslgncd hor position nt tho Dcdmoro Kamora Shop Saturday. You can buy Munslngwoar for the wholo family nt Wilcox Department Store. Willis Smith returned to Clioyenno yostorday after visiting rolativos in jLIio city. ' . Mrs. J. 11. Murphy loft yostorduy for Croslon, Iowa, to vifllt relatives for a fow days. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Johnson spent tho wc'ok end In Gothenburg visiting rolnllvofl. Mrs. V. Lucas loft yostorday for Lincoln to" visit or aunt Mrs. Scott Reynolds. David Lawler and daughter Marion of Paxton transacted business in tho city Saturday. i Mrs. Mottln and daughtor Margaret loft Sunday for Omaha to visit for several days. Mrs. Earl Mosloy of Ingham, Nebr., undorwent an oporation nt tho Gonor ul Hospital Saturday. Mrs. F. W. Marshall wont to Omaha Saturday whoro she waa called by tho illness of hor aunt. Another shipment qf "Easter Mllll nory JiiBt enmo this morning at Wil cox Department Stoo. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Connolly re turned tho latter part of tho week from a visit in Donvor. Now shipments of spring suits and coats havo Just boon oponeth,nt Wil teox Dopartmont Storo. Jnmo3 Lidcll who attondp Crolghton College in Omaha la visiting nt tho Dr. Dont homo this week. Mrs. Elizabeth Bonner loft Satur day for Omaha whoro s)iq was called by tho illness of hor slater. Mrs. W. Stuart roturncd to hor home In Lexington tills morning after spend ing sovoral weeks with hor mothor Mrs. John Tigho. Miss ISthol Suit und Miss Alice Hoagland returned from a fow days vlatt in Choyonne Friday ovonlng. Victor Halllgnn roturnod Saturday from tho eastern part of tho state whoro ho transacted legal business. Mrs. J. A. Urooks returned Satur day from Udwndds, Colo., whoro she visited hor paronU for sovornl weeks. 1 Misses Cora. Ethol and Helen Sousor roturncd Sunday from Omaha where thoy spont several days visiting with frionds. Mr. and Mrs. Jamos Dorrain and daughtor Zolln will leavo next week to spond a month in Excelsior Springs, 1 Donver and Kansas City. I Mrs. Tllllo Kolly and son left yester-! day for tholr homo in Doflanco, Ariz., aftor visiting nt tho homo of hor sis ' tor Mrs. Paul Mottl for sovcral months. I Mrs. C. A. McDowell of Smith Con tor Is visiting her daughter Mrs. T Wcntland. Mrs. J. G. McDowell of Smith Center Is also the guest of Mr Wontlnnd. Ulack Cat Hoslory has been sold by us to pooplo of North PIntto for twonty-fiVo yoars; when wo' find a hottor article wo will stock it. Wll cox Department Store. I Mrs. Geo. Whito of Sutherland left this morning for Rockford, 111., where sho will visit hor daughter Myra who attonds collogo there. Thoy will spend tho Easter vacation in Indians The bans of marrlago wore pro claimed for tho first tlmo Sunday in St. Patrick's church between Wini fred Sullivan and Frodorick O'Mra. Miss Sullivan was a former teacher In North PIntto and is now teaching north of tho city. Mr. OMara is em ployed by tho Pass Floral Co. ScoutmnBtor F. W. Danlol took a bunch of scouts out on a hike ono day last week and tho following qualified us Second Clasfl Scouts: Sanford Johnson, Ralph Wlckwlro, Darrell Trout, Molvln Yates, William Thomp son, Everett Howard, Francis Rose Virgil Brannan, Quinten Hayes, Ham mond Browor, Virgil Attorberry. William Boas, a former Lincoln County boy. who enlisted In tho navy fourteen months ago, has graduated with a class of 71 men from tho Avia tion School for Mechanics nt tho Great Lakes Naval Training Station and has boon transferred to tho Pen sacola, Fla.. Air Station. Tho family which resided In the south part of Lincoln County for thirty years, now lives In Holdrego, Nebr. Betty Powors went to Gothenburg Saturdny to visit frionds. Thirty thousand mombers in tho thlrty-oight orgnnlzcd counties is tho proscnt strength of the Nebraska Farm Bureau Fodoratlon. Close to two thousand members wero secured In tho drive In Scotts Bluff, Dawes and Morrill countlos. A campaign in Washington county Is in progress this week. A clean-up campaign will bo conducted in tho organized counties by solicitors on a commission salary basis under tho diroction of a cam tmlirii iiinnaEnr. Farmers in unorgan ized counties may Join tho Farm Bu I reau as members at largo by paying their membership fee. Two Million Farmer: Hiivo Joined tho Farm Bureau in an effort5 to solve the many problems that are now confronting them: With theso probleina in view and in' an effort to aolve the coiuli tipns Whieh the farmers of Lincoln County are now u,i against, tho membership cam- naign of the ' ' Lincdto County Farm Bureaif put on the week of March 2S. livery farmer "in Lincoln' County will be asked to join' this great farmer organiza-tTon-wo are asking you to do your part we are asking you to read the literature which has boon mailed to you, wo are asking you to attend ono of the following meet ings which will bo held in your locality como prepared to learn what the Farm IJu roau Is. Special Farm Bureau meetings will bo held at the following points: Kick Off Meeting, Monday, March 28th. North Platto and Wallace, Monday afternoon, Sutherland and Brady Island Monday ev ening. Tho North Platto meeting will bo held at tho Court House at 2 p . m. Hershoy Tuesday afternoon, March '29; Maxwell.Tuesday ovenlng, "March 29. Prominent Farm Bureau Men from the Stato Offico will toll of what t'io Farm Bureau has done for others and what It will do for you. Lincoln County Farm Bureau Member of tho Nebraska Farm Bureau Federation. And of tho American Farm Bureau Federation. . A. 5. GREGG, Capt. Membership Com. AN INTRODUCTION A BOY AND GIRL SEE EACH OTHER. FOIt T1IE FIRST TIME. THERE IS MUTUAL ADMIRATION. THEY DESIRE TO KNOW EACH OTHER. THERE IS JUST ONE WAY AX INTRODUCTION AFTER WHICH THEIR ACQUAINTANCE RIPENS INTO FRIEND SHIP. THIS STORE STANDS IN THE SAME RELATIVE POSITION JTO YOU THAT THE BOY DID TO THE GIRL. IT DESIRES AN IN TRODUCTION. THE REST IS A FOREGONE CONCLUSION. YOUR ACQUAINTANCE WILL RIPEN INTO A FIRM FRIENDSHIP FOR THE STORE TllVT WILL ALWAYS GIVE YOU VALUE THAT WILL GIVE YOl' THL' 3I0ST FOR YOUJt MONEY. FOR OUR INTRODUCTION AND BETTER ACQUAINTANCE "WE ARE GOING TO OFFER FOR THIS WEEK ONLY MEN'S ALL WOOL BLUE SERGE SUITS FULL FARMER SATIN LINED A 930.00 VALUE AT Many Other Styles Men's and Young Men's . Suits Newest Spring Models In Single nnd Double Breastcdat $17.50, $20.00, $22.50, $25.00' and $27.50 1 We are showing a complete line g 5 TH tf of Men's, Young Wen's and Boy's 4!U Ll&II Shoos, Hats, Caps, and Furnishings AlT popular prices $19 50 Where Low Price jv Extra Special fMKff m I - St mxr uor. Front uowey sts Mensk Shirts 7 Meets Go;od Quality riTY AM) COUNTY NEWS. Edward C. Elliott, chancellor of the Unlvoralty ot Montana is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elliott ot this city. Ho is a graduate- of tho local high school and of tho University ot Nebraska. Ho addressed the high Bchool yestorday and told in a pleas ing manner of the change in tho school sinco ho was thero thirty years ago. lr. L. .1. KRAUSE, Dentist, 31c.- Donald Bank Building. Rooms 1 hud .'!. Phono 07. Professor M. M. Fogg, Head of the Public Speaking Department of tho University of Nebraska, has been In vited to judge tho inter District Cham plonshlp dobate betweon Hastings nnd North PIntto. The dato for tho debate has not been definitely set as word has not yot been received as to when Profossor Fogg can como to North PIntto. We clean any rug cleannble. Elec tric Rug nnd Cnrpet Co. Phones 1039W or CG1W. Tho commissary boarding outfit that has boon in oporation in tho west end of tho freight yards for tho purpose of furnishing menls for the employees who woro doing tho construction work on tho new P. F. E. ico houso, hns boon closed and tho oqulpmont moved to Council Bluffs, whoro tho same com pany is doing sorno construction work on Ico houses. Clork Allen has called a meeting of all Precinct Assosors for TucBday, March 29 at tho Court House. At that tlmo matters pertaining to the 1921 -assessment of real cstato will bo taken up and plnns mndo for tho work which will begin In tho near future. Tho now addition to tho County Court Houso is being treated to a coat of mucco this week. Tho Interior is abort completed and will bo ready for usj In a fow days. Clork Alien Ib to uso ono room nnd Judgo Woodhurst tho other. For Rent Furnished housekeeping rooms. Call at 311 E. Fourth. For Itcnt 2C00 acre improved ranch near North Platte, very reasonable cash ront. O. H. Thoelecke. Wanted Any kind of sowing. Also housework by tho hour after school hours. Phono 9G3J. For Salo Two Old Trusty 200 chick slzo brooders. Choap at York Feed Store. ANNUAL MEETING Of tho Stockholders of tho Mutual Building and Loan Association will bo held at the offico of tho ' Association on Saturday, March '26th, 1921. Tho Polls for tho Election of Directors will bo open between tho hours of Two o'clock and Five o'clock in the afternoon. BESSIE F. SALISBURY, Sec. AT THE SUN Thursday and Friday An nnoimces ::o:-- TEACHER'S EXAMINATION Tho noxt Lincoln County Toachor's examination will bo hold in tho usual placos, Saturday, March 2Gth. AILEBN O. COCHRAN, County Supt. Want Ads CLARA YOUNG in her second Big .jiquity Production "T 99 From tho Famous Story Bjr Lenore J. Coffee 1' you are one of those who enjojr 4 motion pictures of the finer sort, if you tal-e pleasure in brilliant acting, lavish investitures, and wundrously di rected cinema dramas, you will find expression for fullest enjoynent in this De Luxe Par; ran Love Story that presents CLARA KIMDALL YOUNG at the very zenith of her long and brilliant career in motion pictures. We request the pleasure of your at tendance, promising unquestionably one of the most beautiful pictures that ever played in this theatre. Wnntcd A good cnpahlo farm hand W. W. BIrge, Wnntcdf Machino Quilting. Prices reasonable Phono 795F12. For Snlo Boots, Parsnips and Car rota. L. I. Tucker, 221 S. Chestnut, . Wanted WaBhlngs to do nt 515 E. Socpnd. FOr Kent 960 aero stock farm. Ad kdroaa R. Kunkol, North Platte. Mi. Mr. Conxvav Tearle MUll.. a4 Master Stanton Williams, the delichtful little boy of "Kyes of Youth' are part of the brilliant cast of THE I'OKMDDEN WOMAN". Also Clyde Cook's 2 Reels o! Laughter "THE HUNTSMAN" 2VhW8 Afternoon 2 Shows Evening