The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 15, 1921, Image 8

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This is the best pro- $
gram we have offered i
so far and was engaged
at great expense so that it
the talent could be used
on this circuit. i:
Thursday, March 17th, 1921.
at the
No advance in prices. $
A good picture and four j
vaudeville r numbers j
make an evening of un
usual amusement. Try
us this week on Thursday.
Semt-BJceklu Sribtme.
W ILSON TOPT. Editor and Publisher.
Entered at the North Platte, Nebraska
Postofflco as Socond Class Matter.
One Yoar, Id adranco $2.00
TUESDAY', MAKCH ISlli, 1021.
CofnmlBHloner Wolch hns a plan
which ho will propose to the City
Council In tho near, future whereby
ho thinks tho city will bo assured of
nn adequate supply of water. Tho
city now owns a big pump with a
capacity or 2100 gallons a mlnuto,
Tho auxiliary pump In tho south part
of thoCIty Is to semi out 000 gallons
a mlnuto. Tho plan ia to Install two
moro pumpB at tho wator station,
each having a capacity of 1050 gal
lons a minute. Tho total will thus bo
over five thousand gallons a minute.
The normal consumption on an ordin
ary summer day wbuld bo about 4C00
gallons. Ihht luiYcs a good margin,
It also provides for an adequato sup
ply of wator hi caso tho big pump'
wer to break down and It gives nn op
portunity to "rollovo the strain on tho
big pump when noccsary.
Curb parking went Into operation
Monday morning with no hitch and
no trouble. OcnuRlnnAllv-. n. driver
slopped at his 'tilt! stand fn tio con- j
tor or no street out no qnipitiy stcp-i
cd on tho proper stepper arid pulled'
over ;,fo tho curb. One man told us
tbat ho was sent down town early
this morning to got two dollars
worth oLu certain kind of staple dry
goods, Ho slopped iu front of a
storo but was informed that tho
owner did not want anyone to park
there no ho went qn up tho Btrcot
and parked In front of another storo
whero ho bought tho required goods
and went home. This mny bp an
extreme case but It was given to uh
an a fact. While tho Tribune editor
Is aware of corlaln Inconveniences
and somo strong arguments against
curb parking, bo Is in favor of giv
ing it a thorough trial for sevoral
months before taking a positive
stand against It.
lilHowhoro wo publish a call for a
Democratic City convention. At tbc
time of writing this wo have not had
a call for tho Republican caucus but
wo understand ono is to bo called.
Tho whole movement In American
municipal politics In recent years
has been away from domination by
thotijtjlonal parties. The national
parties have nothing In como'n with
local politics. Such caucuses do not
give' tho independent volor of tho
Aty a chance at nominations. It
puts tho"wholo matter Into tho bands
of tho politicians. And the politici
ans have, not mado a shining success
of 'cTty politics In this country.
Wo claim, to bo Independent of
any political parly. Wo expect to
cover the caucuses as a newspaper
nlaujtoj. we. do" not sco how wo could
cotMst&ntly 'o 'Into either convon-
tlqjpfld tnkoigMrt in 11b dollbora-
Mcplfy Jkoftherll have a platrorm;
noltfiefTCan claim any command or
tho Jmjal situation because of Us na
tional achievements. Each party
has a local organization but so have
the Odd Follows und tho Baptists and
tho Twentieth Century Club. The
At The SUN,
IVTainnA 01 R n m anrl ifl A n
M t JL W JLJ ill V W All!
Elks might put up a candidate for
Mayor, elect him and lie might give
us a good administration but wo
would not be satisfied, with tho
method. Many cities .would resent
tho interference (of tho Republican
party or tho Democratic party in tho
affairs of the city as much as thoy
would rosent tho Interference of the
Catholics or tho Metliddlsts. Tho
plan lias been discarded and North
Platte should got away from It as
soon as possible.
' Hut tho caucuses have been called
Wo have decided on that method of
nominations and ovory citizen who
claims to havo a preference for
cither party should bo on hand at
tho appointed time and placo and
tako his or her part in tho business
of the convention. It Is probable
that good candidates will be selected
but It Is not'certaln and unless good
men aro put up It will bo the busi
ness of tho respectable element of
each party to see that good men are
named otherwise.
-'hcllichest Prospector iruAIaska ,
and the Wolf Pack of Wall Sfcreeb
in a Death Grapple for Them!
Who Won V ' See
fVfth an ALL STAR, CAST including
' Cin Ov ' ' !minj Screen Presentation of
Tremendous Novel of thcFrozcn Northland
Produced by C.E. SHURTLEFF, Inc.
Sccnarioiscd by A.S.LeVlNO and'.
Directed by EDWARD SLOMAN '
"From Hand To Mouth."
Miss Gladys Stcgall outertahietl a
numbor of friends nt a miscellaneous
shower last ovonlng at hor homo in
honor of Miss Jcanetto Sollars who is
to bo married tomorrow. Games woro
played during tho oycnlng after which
a dainty lunch was served. Tho color
scheme was pink and white and, the
rooms woro docorated In pink and
whlto roses. Miss Sollars was the
recipient of many beautiful and use
ful, gifts.
On Thursday at 12: in 1'. M. thoso
men who aro Interested In Scouting
and who have not been able to attend
tlu School of Instruction for Scout
mastors, will meet at the Oasis and
during tjio lunch hour Mr. Barrlbali
will glvo Instruction in tho principles
or scouting. This is a flno opportunity
for busy men. Next Thursday is the
Owners of Good Second Hand Car
-If you want to sell your car, either
for cash or to turn it in on a npW
Dodge, I can handlo four (4) good
cars this week. Bring your car in and
we will sell it for you, and mako no
.toragG charge, and onlya small conw
mission on a straight sale. J," V. Ro
mlgh, Dodge Dealer.' '
; ., Note Tho Spiral Stop- On Bruns-f
wick Records.
JXihn Edwards returned tho last"
or the, week from sovoral,days In Oma-
na anci uio east wnoro lie was attend
ing to business matters. '
Whlto Leghorn, Slnglo-comb lthodo
Islnnd Reds, Barred Rocks and White
"Wynndottcfl. Hntchlng eggs $1.50 for
15; $8 for 100. Brtby chicks 520. $22.50
nnd $27.50 for 100 chicks.
Poultry Dopartmont,
1 Experimental Substation.
' 't;c;
Notlco is hereby given that the
school district board of School Dis-
tilct No. 8 or Lincoln County. Nebr
aska, will receive sealed bids for the
Installation of a steam heating plant
In tho pressed brick school building
to be erected In Bald school 'district
No, 8 in accordauco with the plans
nnd specifications now on rile In tho
office or Ilalllgan, Beatty & Ilnlllgan,
Mutual Building & Loan Association
Building, North Platto, Nebraska.
Said bids must bo prosonted at
tho oftico or Ilnlllgan, Beatty &
Hnlligan on or botoro 1 o'clock p. in.
on the 14th day or April, 1921, and
said bids will bo oponed at 1 o'clock
p. in. on tho 11th day or April, 1021,
anil no bids shall bo considered
unless accompanied by a certified
chock In Iho sum or $300.00 made
payable to the troasuror or said
School District No. 8 or Lincoln
Counly, Nebraska, to bo rorofelted
to said school district In caso tho
biddor refuses to outer Into a con
tract ir tho Eamo Is nwardod him.
Tho Bchool district board rosorves
tho right to refuse nny and all bids.
School District Board of School
District No, 8 of Lincoln County
Easter Expressions in Spring Foot Wear
This store is fairly teeming with the EASTER SPIRIT. The
' ' i i inn ii i i
bri&lit bloom of spring radiates throughout every department.
Every style we feature is UNUSUAL in style as well as quality.
Illustration at right comes in brown
or black kid with Cuban heel
Brown kid $8.00
Brown calf $7.50
Black kid $6.50
Brown Kid $7.50
.Just arrived another charming version
of the strap style for spring.
Cut at left comes in kid leathers, satin
grey and black suede..
. Black kid $7.00 :
:. Grey Suede $10.00
Prices are back to normal, whv pay $12
or$14'for footwear when you can buy
your Easter feotwear'for $7. or $10.
Formerly the
tegsaresiHiiiiiiga iiihiiuhh i
Want Ads
For Snlo Ono drossor anil, wash
stand In good condition. Phono 117GW,
, Tor Snlo Now nlno room strictly
modern houso, 2 lots, largo bam, 2
garages and chicken houso. Located at
100 H. Ninth St Prices ?S700 if taken
at onco. Good tonus to responsible
party. Goo. McKaln. owner. Phono
7G0F2l. North Platto.
For Kent Rodms for light house
keeping. 221 S. Locust. Phono 1121.
For Sale Combination coal and gaa
range. 000 W. Ninth.
For Rent) Slooplng room. 221 East
2nd St. Phono 278J.
Fr Rent 9C0 acre stock farm. Ad
dross It. Kunkol, North Platte.
' For Sale Everbearing strawberry
iplants, natlvo grown, call C. II. Splcer
WantedAny kind of sowing. Also
bousowork by tho hour nftpr school
hours. Phono 063J.
For Sale Rhodo Island Rod setting
eggs, $1.00 per sot. Mrs. Goo. Tokulve,
1204 E. Fourth St.
Lost A brown leather ultcase-con-
taln'ng ladles shoes and overalls. Re
turn to this olflco and recolvo roward.
For Sale Slnglo-comb Rhodo Is
land Red eggs for hatching, pen with
prlzo bird ono dollar for fifteen. Mrs.
A. O. Fllnn, Phono 786F4 , Motor
Route A.
For Snlo single Comb Rhodo Island
Rod sotting oggs at $1.00 a sotting or
$G a hundred. Mrs. Fred Nelson, phono
For Sale Single Comb Rhodo Is
land Rod Cockerels at two dollars
each. Mrs. Simon Whlto, Ilershoy,
For Sale Hatching eggs, Puro Bred
Singlo Comb Rhodo iBland Rods, Bar
rod Rocks and'slnglo comb White Leg
horns. L. I. Tuckor, 221 Chestnut.
For Snlo Ono DoLaval Cream Sep
arator A-ono condition, sswing ma
ohlno, now, enamel Hooslor Kitchen
Cabinet, china closet. Phont 981. Res
ldonco 407 South Walnut stroot.
.For Snlo Eight woll-brod Jonnots
brbd to a full-bred Jack and register
ed. "Will soil for half cash nnd half on
tlmo. Also 1G head of four year old
colts, unbroken, that will mako 1000
and 1100 pound horsos. Woll-brod but
raised qn grass and hay. Write mo ot
como and seo. Burt Hudson, Ringold,
Having sold my placo I will sell at public auction 5 miles north and
3 miles east of North Platto, on tho Staplcton road, on
Tuesday March 22rid, 1921
Commencing at Oue O'clock, jtho following describe! property,
15 Head of Cattle
Eight milch cows and seven head of calves and yearlings
12 Head of Horses and Mules
Span brown maro mules, C years old, wL 2100; span brown maro
mules, 7 and 9 years old; wt. 2200; span mules, coming 2. years old;
groy gelding G years old wt. 1300; spotted saddle maro G years old;
spotted snddlc horse, G ye is old; pair flllys, 2 years old; bay saddle
maro, 4 years old.
Farm Machinery -
John Deoro two row, Deoring 8ft. grain blndor, McCormlck corn
binder, graiu drill, tripplo gear feed grindor, hayi rako, Caso stoam
tractor 12 h. p , Ford ton truck, farm wagon, two sets li in. work
harnoss, G bushels Bluo Victor seed potatoes, about ten loads of cobs,
cream separator, 1 hole corn shellor, 2 hole corn shelter, P. & O.
lister, 2 section harrow, 8 ft. disc, corn stalk grain drill, Acm'o mower
riding cultivator, and other articles too numerous to montlon.
TERMS OF SALE All sums of $20 aud under cash on sums over $20
8 months tlmo will bo given on bankablo papor bearing 10 per cent
Interest from dato of salo.
R. M. SOPER, Owner
F.I) KIERIG. Auctioneer.