NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TfUBUNE an fi FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF Si he Travelers Insurance Companies 1921 Br fi ifi h ?i m ASSETS U, S. Government bonds and certificates $35,598,248. Other government state and municipal bonds K . 22,203,325 First mortgage loans 48,609,725 Railroad bonds and stocks and other bonds ., ....... 39,097,004 Other bonds and stoclis t 11,214,024 Cvsh on hand' and in banks 7,401,404 Loans scevred by collateral ' . ..... v-.. . .-.v, . 50i,800 Real estate ..!,,'. A. . l.t . 6,127,361 Loans secured by Company's policies U ! ...... .M . $ .'. . 16,668,123 Interest accrued . . . . .r. . . . .. A: 2,508,262 Deferred and outstanding Premiums . . . , . . 13,062,550 All other assets . Total assets. . .. A. . . - 215)575 $203,433,330 RESERVES AND ALL OTHER LIABILITIES Life Insurance Reserves $136,611,099 Accident and Health Insurance Reserves Workmen's Compensation and Liability Insurance Reserves Unearned Premium and Claim Reserves Reserves for Taxes Special Reserve A H Other Reserves and Liabilities, V . Cap'ital f . . , i , . . . $9,000,000 Surplus ', i , 1 ,v; , . ... , 9, 711.880 Capitol and Surplus. 5,293,639 31.671,583 5,625,641 1,672,504 1,500,000 2,346,984 18,711,880 Total ...... 4 : , : :M . . .$203,433,330 m y . SUMMARY;.. Act .v. . . . f. . $203,433,330 Reserves and all other liabilities- s. . . . ....,. r 184,721,450 Capital and surplus. ... 18,711,880 Total cash income for 1920 ' 95,188,727 New life insurance paid for' 1920 639,829,682 Life insurance in force ; . -. 1,576,338,993 Total paymenis to policy holders ... v ..... ,( 272,614,998 For the prevention of accidents by inspection 7,882,484 4, ' I. - K GAINS IN THE YEAR OF 1920.;.' Increase Assets. . . . $26,972, T49 lncrease:-Payments to"poliicy holders - . ; 4,903,640 Increase Reserves for protection of policy-holders 24, 1 73,658 Increase Ufa insurance paid for !,. . 126,848,555 Increarc -Life insurance in force , . 422,115,258 Increase Total premium income , .' 14,405.839 Increase Total cash income , . 15,571,552 fi fi m EE ti S A. FEW PACTS ABOUT THE TRAVELERS Commenced writing accident insurance in 1864 The oldest in Ameaioa. Has paid claims of over $272,614, 988. Has paid for the PREVENTION OF ACCIDENTS $7,882,484. Think of the lives and limbs saved by this work.. The Travelers motto is: "An injury prevented is a benefaction, an injury compensated is an apology.1' . Has nearly double the liability and compensation business of any other company in the world, and writes one-fourth of the business in the United' States.' Has nearly double the personal accident insurance business of any other company Ih the world. Is the fifth largest Life Insurance Company in the world. n. . ' WHY NOT HAVE YOUR INSURANCE BACKED BY THE TRAVELERS MILLIONS AND SERVICE. ' Costs no more and in many cases less. There is a reason. Ask t' BT & JL (1'''MATA JB Ji JL J a MLJi V r A T PHONE 63. Room 11, Brodbeck Building. li i hi i i I in 1 fri'l 1 1 il I i-,GIFTSrTHATv LAST CLINTON, THE JEWELER Clinton and !?on, The Eye Glass Men Sign of the Big Ring. Satisfaction SureTry Us Graduate Opticians DR. 0. H. CRESSLER. Graduate Dentist Otlice over the McDonald State Bank LOCAL AND l'EKSONAL . Mrs. Wllford returned Sunday from a week's visit in I'axton. J. E. Nelson left yesterday Tor Sterling to transact business. (5eo. Saundura, o Horshoy transact ed business in the city yesterday. MiB3 Freda Slacker left yesterday for Maxwell to visit Iter parents. Mrs. r. 11. Uuggan of Dickens visit ed friends in the city yesterday. ' Mrs. rt. J. Uorjklund left yesterday for Gothenburg to transact business. Miss liddla Bjorklund spent yes terday in Gothenburg visiting friends. Mr .and Mrs. Fred Stolnkamp of Chappol visited yesterday in tho city. Reuben Nelson returned this monv Ing from a short visit in Gothenburg. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nolan went to Onuilm Sunday to attend the auto HliOW. Miss Ktuel Wilson left yesterday for Omaha whero she will spend two weeks. .lohr Mcllvain is off duty this week at the freight house on account of Hindis. MIssos Cora. Helen and Ethol Sous 6r left Saturday for Omaha to spend hcvoral days. Mrs. Chas. Boguo and daughter Em ma returned Sunday from a short visit in OT.iaha. Mabel Rodlno loft Sunday for Qm aha Vhcro sho will undergo an opera tion on her arm.. Chas Nordino camo yosterday from Gothonljurg to take troatmonts from a lncnl pbyeician. " ( Mr. nnd Mrs. Davo GQldman camo from Omnhr. Sunday to visit at the Jbo Stone home. Miss Mlnorvn Harrington of Donvor yinltod Sunday with rolatlvoi whllo enroutn to Tefan. Mr. V. Kirwan of Omalia camo Sun day to islt at the hhouic of her sis ter, Mrs. Joe Stone. ' Twin 1 abies were born to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mott yosterday. All con cerned 'nre doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hendy and chil dren roturned Sunday from a several months visit in California. Mrs. M. U- Wilcox returned to licr homo in Cozad yesterday after visit ing relatives In this city. Dr. McXirahen returned from Lin coln fjunday Avhero1 he attended tho statu basketball tournament. Mr. Ham, formerly employed in tho LeaU:r .Mercantile Co., has accepted a position at the Equity Store. Mrs. T Wilcox and Mrs. W. J. O'Connor and daughter loft yestorday for a short visit in Kearney. Mrs. O. E Eyerley of Hershey left yesterday for Lincoln to attend tho Royal Neighbors Convention, Mrs. L. W right returned to her home in Fmmot, Idaho, yestorday after vitdtng at the L. Ambler homq. Mlofc Clara Soronsou 'will lcavo on Thursday for Omaha and Lincoln to visit friends for several days. Miss Helen McCorniick of Paxton will come tomorrow to attend tho wedding of Miss Jcanctto Sollars. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Peterson left today for Omaha and Lincoln whero thuy will, visit frionds for a week. . Mrs. W. H. LeDioyt returned yos terday from Denver whoro sho spent tho woek end with her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fleishman and daughter Harriet of Omaha camo Sun day to visit at the, Jos. Stono liomo. Rov 11 L Hess and wife roturned to I'liHtlco yosterday after holding scHtrions at tho Rothol Mission for the paet week Rov. Morris, formor pastor of tfto Methodist Cliurch horo viBltod with friends yoBtcrday botwoon trains whllo on'julo west. Mrs. J. 13. Iledflold is attonding a meeting of tho Grand Officers of tho ICnsu rn Slav whfch is being held in Lincoln this week. Mrs. (!. F. Spencor loft yoatorday for ColuinbiM to attond tho D. A. R. Conforonco and from thero will go to LUicqIii to 1si' hor son Harold who irf nttondlnv the stale univorMlty. crrr lihhahv kkceiyes some m:av hooks of general interest. NG -OUT 7 Hero aro tho names of some of the new books added to tho City Library recently; Welding, (A practical. trea tise on the application of olectrlc. gas and thermit welding to manufacturing and repair work--G. W. Cravens;) Textiles (contains chapters on mer cerized and artificial ilbres, dyeing, silk throwing and spinning, tho cotton ; Industry and tho linen Industry Uaker. Hero Is some of tho Into fie-1 Hon: Callfornians (Atherton) ; Eagles' Mate (Chapin) ; AVlnning tho Wilder- noss (McCarter) and Ago of Innocence ! (Whnrton.) I JUNIOR HIGH ATTEND DISTRICT TOURNAMENT AT SUTHERLAND i i At tho district tournament in Suth-1 orland held last Friday and Saturday j Junior High boys team won from Big Springs on Friday by a score of 24 to ' is. on aaturuay tnoy won from Su therland by a scoro of 1C to 13 and tho gamo had to bo prolonged five minutes on account of tho tlo at tho end of tho gamo. Also on Saturday Maxwell defeated tho local Juniors by a scoro -at 11 to 8. It was not de termined who won tho lournamont as yet as Maxwoll beat North Platto two points and Sutherland won from Mnx well by two points. ::oi. NORTH PLATTE (HltLS HASKET HALL TEAM OUTCLASSES UNI 1 YERSITV RLACE TEAM. We will sell at public auction to close out tlio Partnership of the llrm of Moore & Lev- ' poldt, on . , Thursday, Mar. At the Cody llanch, one mile west and one mile north of North Platte Nebr the fol lowing described property: '' . Horses and Mules '15 Geldings, age 4 to 8 years old, weight 1 Hay Mule fi years old, weight !)00 lbs ' from 1100 to 1100 lbs., all broke. 1 Hay Mule, 5 years old, weight 1)00 lbs! . 20 Mules, age from 3 to (J years old, weight 1 liay 1orse, 5 years old, weight 1400 lbs. y 1100 to 1400 lbs. all broke. 1 3liy lar 8 years old, weight 1300 lbs. 1 jjxuwii iuaro, e years old, weight 1200 lbs. 2 Brown Mares, fl years old, weight 1100 lb 2 Saddle Horses. The local Girjs nasketball Team outclassed tho University Placo Olrls, team Friday at University IMaco and won from thorn by a scoro of 25 to 4 Tho girls played at u disadvantage owing to sizo of the floor which was about twico as big as tho homo floor at tho Franklin Auditorium. At tho end of tho first half tho scoro was 18 to 0 In favor of tho locals but In tho second half the Unlvorslly Placo girls picked up and gainod 4 points while tup locals made S points. Unlvorslty Plnco won from Havo lock tho preceodlng Friday by a score of 32 to 2.. 15 Good Milch Cows 20 Shoats IMPLEMENTS, HARNESS, ETC. 2 DISC 1 Two-Row Cultivator 2 Two-Row Go-Devils. 2 Gang Plows L Two-Row Lister I Lister 1 P. O. Sulky Plow I Gang Plow 3 Corn Binders 1 Ensilage Cutter 1 Scraper 1 Frisno 4 Mowers 1 Shredder 1 Harrow All ol the above property is practically now 2 Wagons, wide tire with beet boxes 2 Sweeps 4 Wagons with beet racks Rake 3 Rale Racks i Root Puller I cl,cer , 1 "B Rack ' 2 Saddles I Stirring Plow 1 Reet Cultivator '12 Sets Harness 4 Wagons and Racks 1 Beet Planter 3 Sets Work Harness inuviu iijmijs, UNIU COOK STUVJs, ONR DRESSER U I C TERMS- All sums under $20 Cash, sums over that amount S months time will bo given on bankable notes bearing 10 percent interest. Moore & Leypoldt, Owners Auctioneer, DIOLL BROWNFIELD Clerk, F. O. P1ELSTICKER SALE WILL COMMENCE AT TEN A. M. FRJOIS LUNCH SERVED AT NOON. 0H3SiK KjLmxzirciHi2w'jinLv I