The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 11, 1921, Image 5

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aster Apparel Is Here, j
Clinton and Fon, The Eye Glass Men
Sign of the Big Ring, SatisfactionSure Try Us GraduateOpticians
Graduate Dentist
Office over the McDonald
State Bunk
ew spring hats are nrrlvlng llnlly
Hock s.
v. J. Conullv of Wellfleot wag In
city Wednesday.
mts. moinas woou, or uurtiB, wai
J i tho city yesterday. m
New spring hats nro arriving dally
ct Ulock's.
B. L. Edinlston of Rlngo ylattdtl in
(ho city yestorday.
Queen Quality shoes and oxfords
at "Wilcox Department Store.
Mrs. Chas. Ilolvorson, of Keystone
visited In the city yosterday.
Sashos and girdles, see tho beauti
ful ones at "Wilcox Department Store.
Georgo Rauo returned today from
a business trip to Gaudy.
T. J. Adams ?oturned yosterday
from a short visit to Omaha.
Miss Louise Spanglo of Ogalalla vis
ited friends In tho city yesterday.
Black Cat Hosiery, tho satisfactory
kind, at Wilcox Department Store.
Mrs. C. F. Spencer went to Chappell
yestorday on P. B. 0. business.
Carl Backers returned this morning
from a business trip to Omaha.
Murl Maupln is reported to bo quite
ill at his homo on SycaniorO Stroet,
Sec tho line of presses at $25 and $35
. aWilcox Dqpartment Store.
N Thurston Woodhurst is visiting his
brother in Grand Island this week.
Mrs. "Win. Strauss loft yesterday for
Kearney whore she will visit rela
tive. Miss Florcnco Stamp spent tho first
of the week in Maxwell visiting with
Mrs. Robert Hoatson and daughter
of Hershey shopped in the city Wednesday.
Our records
Western Nebraska.
110 East
Russell Overman left yesterday for
Lincoln to attond the basketball tour
nament. Tho, Records on sale for tho month
of March aro all new and up to date.
Dixon's Music Shop.
Mrs. M. Wostfall ontortnlned tho
Mothors' Club Wednesday aftornoon at
her homo.
Men's hoavy ovoralls mado from tho
heavy white back donlm $1.19 n pair
at Wilcox Donartmont Store.
Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Slioupo of Su
therland spent Wednesday in this city
Doa-ou know about tho March Rec
ord Salo? Ask about it at Dixon's
Music Shop.
Mrs. Loona-rd Stuart oame Wednes
day to attond tho funoral cf the late
John Tlgho.
Wm. Stack roturned Wednojday
from Omaha whero he took troatmonte
for his oyos
Judge and MrsGrimes loft yostor-'
day for Chappell where the .former
will hold court.
See tho splendid $5 hats Arvllla
Whlttakor is qhowlmr In lmr nmv
s oro-510 Locust Strt.
storo-510 Locust Street.
iir. aim mrs. iucx uunuugion re-;
uirnoii trom a trip to California tno
first of tho weok,
Don't fail to visit the nowest and
largest Millinery Department In .tho
city recently opened at Block's.
C. F. Preitauor left yesterday for
Gothenburg to attend tho funeral of
il'C late Mrs. Erbi
Robert Stuart of Lexington came
Wednosdny to attond the funoral of
the kite John TIglic.
County Attornoy McDcrmott roturn
ed to Kearney yestorday after trans
acting legal business in this city.
Mrs."P. L. O'Brien, who has been
tho guest of Mrs. Frank Hatch, left
yosterday for a fov days' visit in
Mrs. Edwin Tlchncr returned yes
terday from Omaha where sho was
called by tho serious illness of her
Miss Lilian Story, gymnasium teach
or in tho High School, Is making pre
parations for a girls basketball team
and also for a girls interclass track
We can now offer you the World's
Greatest musical library VICTOR RECORDS
the ackowledgei standard of musical repro
duction, comprising selectjonsby such fam
ous artjsts as Caruso, McCormack, Galli
Curci, Iieifetz. Gluck, Homer, Kreisler,
Rachmaninoff, and other leading artists, all
of vyliom make VICTOR records Only.
slock is the largest in
We most hearlilv invite
you to call and inspect this wonderful line,
to hear your favorite record in our sound
proof Victor Parlors, then you too will
understand what is meanl by VICTOR
SUPREMACY, and why the world's Greatest
artists have chosen the Victrola to preserve
their voices to Posterity.
Comploto stock of Brunswick Rec
ords, Including oporatlc, standard and
popular music. . At Walker Music Co.
t'onio in and hoar the March list,
Leo Hart camo up from Maxwell,
Wednesday to visit his brotlior Jamos
Ilart and attond tho funeral of his
old frlond John Tlgho.
Wo havo a now lot of sailors for $5.
Also a nico assortment of trimmed
hats for $C. Arvllla Whlttakor, 510
Locust street new location.
Mrs. W. H. Barrot of Los Angeles
who has boon visiting friends In tho
city for some llniq will loavo tomor
row fop Kansas City.
Paul Jones Mirtdys in both white
and colorod (tho quality kind) at tho
AVIlcdx pepartifiont Store.
The Harmony Society Orchestra left
yestorday for Lexington to furnish
music .for a danco and this evonlng
will play for a danoo In Coand.
H. J. Rathmaun wns a visitor with
his father and mother at Grand Island
h we?; hrothor-ln-law P. Seo-
ol uuu ruuirauu wun mm.
Cnrossos, .Roslc, My Mammy June,
li'Z "ill uTWV' "l
lnle hIts nro included ill tho March
1,st of Brunswick Records. Got them
ut AValkor Music Co.
The examination of poat offlco
clerks which was set for last woolf
has been postponed until tho 17th. It
did not mako tho clerks fool nny bet
ter to postpone It whon they were nil
Boys' Kaynoe Blouses and Rompers
tno now spring lino Is being shown nt
Wilcnx Department Store.
Mrs. F. W. Whitney and Bttlo (laugh
tor, who have been visiting Mrs. Frank
Powers and Mrs. A. W. Brown of this
city, havo returned to Chicago whero
they will Join Major F. W. Whitney,
wno is slatloned thoro.
Fern W. Cassett was brought before
Judgo Grlmos In District Court Tues
day and plead guilty to forgery. Ho
was sentenced to tho Stnto Peniten
tiary for not less than ono year nor
more than twonty years.
Havo your painting and paper
hanging dorio by us. All work guaran
teed and tho best df material used.
Ask to sco our samples In real 1921
wall paper. Orders filled In from 48 to
GO hours. Phono 570W. II. II. Lan
craf & Co.
North Platte.
Every Woman wishes for a new Suit, Coat, Dress or Hat
for Easter wear. Our stocks ore full of tho now styles of
garments and millinery, at the new scale of prices that
allow you to have what you want at o price you con .afford.
Don't wait until the last day before Easter to buy what you
want, as you will find better selections earlier
Conducted by (he
UllAMltlMt 01? C03LMKRCK.
Supt. Auderson, ot tho Wyoming
division, who wns a recent caller at
tho Chambor of Commerco offlco, stat
ed that ho expected that frolght'trafflc
would incrcaso at least thirty por cent
in volume within Uio next sixty days.
Contractor Morrison,, who is doing
the construction work ut tho, munici
pal swimming pool, will shortly ro
suino work after laying off during tho
winter. It is hoped to havo tho pool
fully completed by tho timo "bathing
weather arrives.
Union - Pacific carpcntcrH will next
weok erect tho unloading chutes at
tho old stock yards. Thoso chutes
woro petitioned for by tho Chamber of
Commorco for tho convenience of lo
cal stock shlppors, and thoso who will
ship In cattle for tho pure bred sales
and for exhibition purposes at tho
county fair.
Tho North Platto association of In
Rurnnco Jigonts gathered for lunch at
tho Elks' club yesterday and unnnl
mously voted to Invito the state as
sociation of Insurance agents to hold
Its J 92- stato convention in this
city, Tho convention this year will .bo
hold In Omaha March 2Gth and 27th,
and a number of local agents will at
tend. At this mooting tho Invitation
to meet In North Platto In March, 1922
will bo extended. TJio Chambor of
Commorco will assist tho local men
In landing tho convention.
Secretary Thrall, of tho Grand Is
land Chamber of Commorco and Dis
trict Manager Haldeman, of tho No
bruska Telephone Co., woro In town
Wednesday ovenlng conforrlnir with
Secretary Bare nnd Lincoln Highway
Consul Iloagland rolntlvo to dally bul
letins on tho condition of tho Lincoln
Highway. Arrangements woro com
pleted whereby thoso dally bulletins
covering tho highway from Grand Is
land to Sidney will bo Issued. Those
reports to bo received at eight o'clock
endh morning, nnd in case of rain
storms the Information will be Im
parted through special bulletins.
An ico dealer announces that the
retail prlco at the start of tho season
will bo ono dollnr por hundred pounds
though a drop may bo mado before tho
end of tho season. The wages paid
for lee harvesters this winter woro
Just the snmo "as hist wlntor, honco
thoro was no reduction In tho cost
of production, and the cost of de
livering will ho about the snniojis last
A lunibor dealer stated yesterday
that a lumber bill which flgufttt $2200
last yoar can now bo purchased for
$1400. or a decreaso of $800. That
would seem llko a considerable drop
in prices and should bo aji Incontlvo
for peoplo to build.
A complete survoy of tho city yos
terday showed but eighteen residences
In tho various stages of construction
and two-thirds of these woro small In
size. This Is not much of a showing,
oven for so early In tho season. It
is ovidenco that bulldimr operations
nro halted Jy tho tightness of monoy
or olse prospective builders aro wait
ing for lower prices. It Is probablo
howovor, that unless freight ratos arc
reduced, the prlco of building material
will not go much bolow present
Sonio tlmo ago tho Chamber of Com
morco renuosted that tho pupils of
the English department of tho Junior
High wrlto competitive compositions
on 'Tho Outstanding Features of
North Platte,', offering a prize of ton
dollars for tho host effort. These
compositions, about sixty In number,
woro rocelvod yesterday. They will
bo turned ovor to tho Judgos nnd an
award will bo made as soon ns they
oan bp road.
Wlillo no formnl opening has boon
hold, tho new storo located Just north
of tlm Post Office and owned by Miss
Whittnkor and Mrs. Graves Is open for
business. Tho room has been redecor
ated and now furnishings havo been
procurod. Wn nro not much of an
authority on tho Interior of milllnory
nnd art storo but it sobms to who
bivo stood outsldo nnd lookod'thru
tKo window, llko a plnco whero ladles
would onloy going and looking ovor
some of the things for salo. We cor-1
talnlv Wish tho ladles ucpob In fbnlr I
now undertaking nnd ndmlro their
ooiinee in Btnrtlntr In nt this time.
Tho basket ball gamo uotweon St.
Patriok's HlghSchoul nnd tho Brady
High School which was to havo boon
hold last ovenlng nt tho Franklin
Audtlorluni, was called oft by tho
Brady poople. Tho lato cancellation
loft tho local mnnngement with all of
tho oxponso of tho advertising and
tickets but u substltuto gamo was nr
ranged at tho Inst minute.
Getting Rid of
This disease is caused by a disturb
ance of tho spinal Joints nt what is
culled "kidney placo." In sovoro
cases, such as Brlglifs disease, tho
misalignment of tho "kldnoy placo"
Joint Is so great ns to causo practical
ly u, paralysis of tho kidneys. Instead
of 'disposing of wasto, tho -kidneys
becQino Inactive, nnd tho wasto pois
ons tho body. Chiropractic spinal ad
justments bring back u normal ac
tion of the kidneys and that moans a
disappearance of tho dropsical condi
tions nnd n gradual return to health.
Dolay adds to suffering. Consula-
tlon Is without cargo or obligation.
Drs. States & States,
Tho P. S. C. Chiropractors.
Building nnd Loan Building
.North I'lattc
Be Good
The friendly community spirit which pre
vails in North Platte and Lincoln County
is continually attracting new residents.
When you hear of a family who has just
moved into the community, he good neigh
hors. Make them feel welcome,
The Platte Valley State Hank is always
glad to extend a welcome to new residents.
Our facilitiss arc placed at their service
and we invite the opportunity of doing
everything in our power to make thorn feel
at home in the community.
The Platte Valley State Bank
Fine clean stock of Furniture,
Stoves, Hardware, Grocorlos, House
Furnishings. Best money makor in
town. Will trndo for canyon land,
southeast of North Platto. 4 Sco '
104 Front StroOt
Bright's Disease
Tho coming on of Blight's disease Is
always gradual. Tho first Indication
Is usually pufflnoss of tho cyollda,
wouknoss and gonoral 111 health. Tho
urlno la scanty, highly colored, and
contains albumen. As tho dropsical
condition' increases, It Intorforos wltlr
rosplrntlon nnd roqulrcs tho sufferor r
to kcop nn erect position.
an uuummnninr.
Itfnn LIM0S
(life and health)
rtKD TI55U
innnraini'iimin arir