NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE SsnuVtiJjecIvlu Sctliune. WILSON TOUT, Editor and 1'ttbllshei-. our way to business. This Indlcntos ' j that Uicho animals lmvo Come up from Nahrank bolow tiic irost ituo nnu aro ni woric in NATURE ISOTKS. Saturday wc noticed tho castings of oarthwortns alone, tho sidewalks on entered at the North Platto Postoffico aa'Socond Class Matter. j subsciuption viucut fine YtMirn ndrnnco .$2.00 TUKSIlAV, MARCH 8tli, 1021. EDITORIAL Thero arc still many peoplo In North Platto who do not know that wo pos sess one of tho finest ilro trucks to bo bought. It Is tho equal of any found in ntir larco cities. It Is much more expensive than any aulomobllo In tho county and yet many peoplo havp not fccn It and do not know what It win do, Tho flro boys pro planning on gm Inp a demonstration in tho near futttro If Uio woathcr remains suitable It has been proposed that tho llro department raakp a run to somo location to bo an nounced before In tho papers, and thero Bhow the wonderful power of tho engine by throwing streams of water from tho city mains nt tho samo llmo they throw a stream from tho engine. In that way men, women and children could see tho wonderful work that can bo done and know for them solves If tho Council has boon spend ing money foolishly or not. Wo com mend tho plan and hopo it can be car lied out in tho near future , ::o:: HONORED NAME INMEDICINE tho soil. It Is somo two weeks yet be foro the usual dato for tho first earth worms. ' . . On Fcbr. 7th we saw p flock Thick-billed Redwings (often gjilled Hod-shouldered blackbirds) mid wc hoard a number of Moadowlarks. We havo had occasional reports from tho country of McadoWlarks staying here all whiter but had not heard any until that date. Tho bluo Krass is qutto green In somo lawns whore thore aro not inn 115 trees. The treo roots take tho moisture out of tho ground so that it takes con sldorablo rainfall to start the grass in such lawns. ::o:: : WRITERS TOO SELF-CENTRED OUR ADVERTISERS. 1 In another column wo nro carrying tho nnnoinomcnt of-Manager Baldwin that prices ftfr tho ffeith wlIL'bo r6- (lucen 10 zu-su-iu. mis is ior an uui tho Vaudovlllo nnd tho super-productions, whutovof they may bo. Wo are suro this announcmont will bo wel comed by inovio goers an bojng in harmony with tho spirit of tho tlmos. One of our lnrgest shoo dealers told us yostorday that his firm lids re duced the prlco of tho high,:., grade shoos 25 and .10 per cent . and the cheaper shoes much more than that, I'coplo who aro buying shoes might be interested In the prices quoted in this paper. Henry Detwller, Native of Swltrerland, the Flrat to Practice Homeopathy In America. , Among the first, if not the first, to successfully practice homeopathy in America was Henry Detwller, who wag born in Langcnbruck, Switzerland, December 38, 171)5. Ho studied medicine a number of years before ho came to this country on a .vessel contuinlng 100 French ref ugeea who left their country after the defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte. Ho was appointed ship physician, and success fully (rented nn epidemic of dysentery which hod broken out during tho pas cage. v Coming to Pennsylvania, he settled in tho Lehigh Valley, and gained promi nence b treating a large number of people who Were attacked with a mys tcrJludJeiiVfcvbleh ho finally diag nosed as bljlou's Colic, resulting from ' "cp,tlpg nppKi buUefjf' t yWjLPnrly made study of tho sys- (objffiiiedlf;lju''f)inii(le(l by Hahne "rdaliH, Ami' lit HtoRfi'dispeiiKed the tlrst remedy In Pennsylvania, In accordance wjiii tho law of similars, and during thcromiiliidcr of his life was a dovnlod hpnieopatliist. . Doctor Detwller formed nn Intimate acqunjntunco with llahnenianu, ,who , gave "hlin a wonderful reception In Paris, where ho met other noted phy sicians and scIeiitlslH. He gave many natural history specimens to various colleges, founded an Iron Industry and finally died at the advanced age of ninety-two, Chicago Journal. 'iWhcn In. North' Platto stop at the Ngstatlotel- Palace and Cafe. You will fWtrootnd" well. 58tf Err In Maklno Member of Their Own Profession Heroes, It Charge Made by Critic. Someone Is always explaining what Is the matter with American literature, American drama nnd even American poetry, nnd the latest diagnosis that they aro .suffering from In-brccding. The critic who has made this dis covery suys that tho literary and dra matic world has become too self-centered ; Is going around In n circle In a manner which produces wheels within wheels; nnd for this renson authors and playwrights aro forever Hying off at an inartistic tangent nnd produc ing jazz, literature nnd drama. Tho faVoVitc hero iff flic"" novelist Is ho novelist, and dio writes too much nbout his early struggles with a cold and hard-flstcff'world ; trie 'iTr'artiatlst takes tho poor, oppressed writer of plays, or for a illvcrslontthqjngor hut gifted actor, as his hero' and 'draws out their life story of discouragement und suffering nnd final triumph to a fearful length. The poet 1 oven accused of prefer ring to wr'jpof a poet rather (ban of anybody or anything else on earth J of tho poet whose sorrows havo pressed up heavily upon him that ho Is forced to cry out In sounds which, being Inter preted, urc poetry. To one who gives this criticism consideration there seems to be something In It. May titranathan In the Pittsburgh Dispatch. Lovers of flno china should go a round to tho Hotel Palace Bazaar and sco the flue line of Imported Japanese ware which Messers Ugal nnd Wada have on salo there. It Is a llttlo out of tho beaten path but tho offico of the hotel fs a public pluce and you can walk right In without anyone paying Wine bit of attention to you. Wo have dono. It nnd tlloy nover looked at us And It's worth the trip. J. V. Itomlgh has a message for any ono who wants to buy a car. Ho says It In nn Interesting way and it Is food for thought. Look over his ad cIro where. ;:o:: SAY IT WITH FLOWERS North Platto Floral Co. Flowers. W Twelfth Street Phono 1023 Wo deliver and ship anywhere OLD AT 30 OR .YOUNG AT 60? Alike. ' The head of one 0f (he departments in n tertain do.ytovnsfiiorb is In clined to, be. plump. Hho spends a great deal of Time aiid also money In re ducing, mid as she calls' lit "grooming and dr'es'slllg so that I Molt more slender thnn I really am." Now, tho Janitor of the store Is a large, fat colored woman, who has nhver heard of reduclnir. arid whose drosses arc built on even more ample lines than her figure. Also she Is very fond of the head of tills department.. The other day when she happened to bo near her she noticed that alio seemed rather tired. "Oh, Miss T ," the old Janitor5 exclaimed, "do sit down and rest a minute. Most' of these peoplo don't understand how you feel. It Just takes us tivolrdupolses' women to understand each other's fecJIngs. Indianapolis' Ntiw& The choice is largely up to you. If your blood lacks red corpuscles, you're .go ing; to be fagged and drag ged out, you're going to lack "pep," to look sallow and unhealthy, to grow "old before your time. DR. MILES' TONIC actually increases the num ber or red corpuscles in the blood. It makes the cheeks plump and rosy, stilmulaics the digestive organs, cre ates a healthy appetite, and leads to in.crea.scd vigor and vitality. First bottle guaranteed to help you or money refunded. ASK YOUR .DRUGGIST. iV, s Thursday & Friday An Enthralling Mystery An Absorbing Romance i.-.j.t ', 'ft' N,ft ; vfft nft M,lft -. w ft. 'ft .'V it . ft XI ift A Struggle -"of Will against Will. A 1 Deadly Rattle of the Mind of Evil against Love. Who was Victorious One Hoi jr. .. Before dawn ft . :.: :.t :.: ft ft . :.: :.: :.: j.t $ :.: :.t ft . MM MM. MM MMJ . When ; " the Fatal Hour of Dawn Came Could his ft Strength of Will Conquer the Urgings of this Evil Mind i.t :.: j.: i.t it s.: :.: :.: i.t :.: ft .ft . ft i.t i.t ft :.: ft ft t.t ft i.t i.t if :.: :.: j.t ft :.: ft j.t ft j.t j.t ft j.t j.t .ft ft j.t ft I l j.t "When I Hypnotize a Man, I Alone Am Hi God." X n lib W ' ' A Benj. B.Hampton Production ZANE GREATEST NOVEL HSU AMassive Picture of the Great Westwith a Rwerful Cast Including ROY STEWART. JOSEPH JDOVLING, KATHLYN WILLIAM? ROBERT MK1M AND MARGUERITE DE LA MOTTE DIRECTED BY JACK CONWAY "ZSNL GRL'Y PICTURES INC Distributed by .a , W W H0DKINS0N CORPORATION 527 Fifth Avenue. New York Gt Kpifb Thfttfrp Tonight and Tomorrow HCllll 1 t, ' MARCH 8th AND 9th. Want Ads It was a deadly challenge. And the fight was waged in silence in the mystic hour . bpforc dawn. Dared he look into the trusting eyes of, his love, or was he doomed? WHAT HArrENED7 YOU'LL NEVER GUESS! COME AND SEE! Alib Ur$ Semon in "The Suittr," of the.Day, Patfce News Wuiilqil- llt'iiricks. for Sulc-One DoLrt-il. Grennv Scp arator A-ono condltlpn,'-, sawing ma chine, new, enamel Hoosler Kitchen Cabinet, china closet. Phont 981. Res idence 407 South Walnut street. - UvLXry iu.yourtD?. Wilto 720 N. LotustHj W For Sale Combination coal anil ga,a rangu. tuu w. ismin. For Sale Harretl I'lymoth Hock cockerels. 511 V Eighth. For ltenl AVell improved ranch. In quire of F. O. Johnson, North Platte. IVuiiUmI Corn at the Scott Rey nolds place. Gregg Bros. For ltenti Garden ground with wat- or, snares or casn. tui w. n.igiun. For Itent 9G0 aero stock farm. Ad dress It. Kunkel, North Platto. Special Sale Now and second hand furniture this week onl. 310 E. Front street. 'Wanted Any kind ot sowing. Also housework by tho hour after school hours. Phono 9C3J. For Salo or. Trade Ono o!ghtroom house, modern ocopt beat. J. B. Koontz. For Snlc-RTfodo Island. Red setting eggs, $1.00 pcri.pot. Mrs. Geo. Tekulve, 1204 E. Fourth SL For Rent Two unfurnished rooms, hot and cold water. Phono 82GW. 715 West Tenth. Lost A ppeketbook containing card caso with tiv'o lodgo recolpts. Findor return to this' office. For Sale Singlq Comb Rhodo Island Red sotting oggs at. $1.00 a sotting or $G a hundred. Mrs. Fred Nelson, phono 783F22. . For Sale SInglo Comb Rhodo Is lnnd Rod Cockorols at two dollars each. Mrs. Simon White, Hershoy, Nob. For Salo Four room houso on West 2nd St., block and a half wpst of Wash ington school. Also household goods. Inqulro at 962 West 2nd street For Sale Hatching eggs, Puro Rred SInglo Comb Rhodo Island Reds, Bar rod Rocks and slnglo comb Whlto Log horns. L. I. Tuckor, 221 Chestnut For gale All modern homo built for ownor's homo. Eight rooms and bath, oak floors, full basement, double gar age, all uow. On account of monoy condition wJH 8oll at a bargain If sold n-ti - A DA. T.1 4.1. C. Vnrlli Platto. For Sale Rljjbt well-bred Jonnots brod to a full-bred Jack and register ed. WH1 Bell (or bait cash and half on tlmo. Also 16 head ot four year old colta, linbrokn, that will make 1000 and 1160 poun horsea. Well-bred but rnlBfiJ nn rraii nd hoy. Write tne Ot comand Byrt Hudson, Rtngold, 'HILL 60' BOUGHT BY BREWER uoun t-ioiei may 'Be France Erected op Ground That Will Hold Immortal Memories. "IIIII CO," whose record Is written In British hearts with the blood of her young army, has been sold to a brew er. "It Is expected," pays the London Times, "that a hotel will be erected thero. From battleground of Immor tal memory to hostelry is a fate which may be deplored, but it is possible, even probable, that by an enterprise however foreign to sentiment, all that Is associated with the plnce may be preserved. "Hill 00," sacred with the memories of Loos nnd of many a subsequent re surgence of the tide of battle, conse crated as few other spots of earth have been by repeated baptisms of heroic blood, long ceased to be a hill. It was held, as ono commanding ollj- ccr reported, geographically, though Its military value had been utterly de stroyed. "The 'hill' Itself was blasted to dust long before the struggles for Us pos session had ended. Its name will en dure as long as British history, and it is perhaps as well that n monument should marl; the site of so many heroisms, even If the monument pre sents n commercial aspect." The Sense of Inferiority Pueblo-Type Cottages Are sment All tho quaint charm of tin ldpu. eblo style of architecture Is pn -.erred In concrete In n series of little cot tages now under construction In Mon rovia, Cal. T'ie one-story buildings arc most remarkable for their complete uso of cement, woodwork being prac tically eliminated. Even tho roofs are concrete, and' tho doors aro made of mtlgheslte, according to an Illustrated article In the January Popular Me chanics Magazine. Tho poured walls, five Inches thick, Incloso a web of waterproofing material, while the ce ment floors are stained In Spanish leather effect, waxed and polished, The little structures are wholly fireproof, nnd easy cleaning Is assured by tho ab sence of moldings, casing and base boards. Inclosed courts off the. kitch en and sleeping chambers, partly roofed and pqrtly screened, proride ratdoor protection and privacy. A STARVED NERVOUS SYSTEM TAKES THE SNAP OUT OF THE OTHERWISE STRONG AND CAPABLE. Imaginary ' unfitness, tho peculiar norvous strain that causes somo men to shrink bo lamentably, is merely a condtlon of eeml-starvatlon. If you doubt it, lei tho reconstructive in-fluerico,fot-lleolo drive it out of your head completely. When tho norves havo gouo smash and tho Iron has been burned out ot tho blood, then Is the tlmo that tho red-blooded fighter lords it all over his pale-faced rival. Reolo Is a won dor. It gives you conscious Btrengtli. You feel an Increased nerve force, nervo control. No moro bluff, no halt lng, no hesitation. With an improved appetite tho norves that were starved ceaso to cry out with, pain, tho rod corpuscles Iniho blood Increase enor mouBly, thoro Is a tinge of color to tho skin and a senso ot fitness from head o foot. Such Is tho marvelous capac ity of tho system to respond to tho In fluenco ot Roolo. This wonderful re constructive and strengthening com bination so Intensifies tho activity ot tho vital processes that you aproacu any task with a vim that Is fairly astonishing. Ask any ot the clerkjj at the Georgs Frater or Jos. Stone Drug Stores for a $1.00 box ot Reolo. Ask them about lti wonderful effect upon a host ot people they bare sold It' to. i-