THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TJUTiTJNE. YOUNG GIB MS RELIEF Wanla to Tell Other Girls All About It tx.-nT,iiin TnH "I fim eighteen years old and havo been bothered for ' tnnnlhg TOlfll irrogular periods. Every month my back would acho and I always had a cold and felt drowsy and sleepy. 1 work in a millinery snop ana i went to work every day, but felt stupid and would havo such cramps. I had seen I Lydia a. nnKnamo IVopotablo Com pound advertised and had heard soveral women talk of it, so mother got mo some This Vegetable Compound is wonderful nnd it helped mo very much, so that during my periods I am not now sick or drowsy. I havo told many girls about your medicino and would bo glad to holp anyono who is troubled with similar ailments. You may uso my tes timonial as you 1 ike. Stella Lmx- WILEB,0 Second at.,ttvanByiiic, inuiaim Somo girls lead Hvcb of luxury, whilo hers toll for their livelihood, but all I o subject to tho eamo physical laws i others In nronortton to their viola tion. When such symptoms develop aa irregularities, headaches, backaches, bearing-down sensations and tho blues,'' girls should profltby Mins Linx wiler'B oxperienco nnd givo Lydia E. Pinkham's Vcgctablo Compound a trial. Yaseline PETROLEUM JELLY For bums, cuts, sprains and all skin irritations. Relieves dryness of scalp. ylD SUBSTITUTES free on request: CM&Xm&UGH MV9.CO. (CONIOMDATHD)' Cot Stxwfc - Wow York City A Nervous Wreck Following LaGrippe Kirkfivllle, Mo,: "I hud a severe cons of the la erippo and did not not along well ruicnvurci; is icu mo wenk and a nervous wreck. I could not do anything. I went on I thu way foreomo tlrao, I just could not got back my health. 1 took 1 nmny medicines but .'without result. At flout I ItfRnn taking jur. I'tercos ravonto ; Prescription and It : eoon built mo tin and gave me strength and I felt liko a different perton. Women who want atiood medicine will find it In 'Favorite Proscription.' " MRS. A. SHAIN, 402 W. Illinois St. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription contains no nlcohol or narcotic, and is old by all good druggists in both fluid and tablet form. Bond ten cents to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y,, for a trial packngo of tablets. SQUEEZED TO DEATH When tho body begins to stiffen and movement becomes painful it is usually an indication that the Sidneys are out of order. Keep these organs healthy by taking Th world's standard remedy for kidntr. liver, bladder and uric acid troubles. Famous alnco 1696. Tako reirularlr and kaop In good health. In thraa alios, all druggists, Guaranteed n represented. Laek for tie nam CoU Medal on trwr boa ana ecpi no uniiauoa Wftikx'SM PARKER'S Iffirall HAIR BALSAM IQg7'4rgflRamoTrtniLnaraa-SUalUtrPklUot MffiSEr lB Rettoraa Color and Rk&t "IHlDaantr to Cray anil FadJIIali HI ) niwox Clirm. w aa. PMf Son vr, W. T. HINDERCOHWS tlnaoTM Oornj, C&l- oant. to., itn all l'ltt. roiuru comfort to tho tut, BukH wilklnir rT. ita. r inall or at Urue (lita. lUoozCbtoiloal Wcrka, t'atDttoKua, M. Y. Meyer Mercantile Co. Root Of r, Cltlrrn, Trtldv Club, Apricot, Port and nil kinds or flavored bover- aees and ajrrupa. 310-321 S. 14th St. OMAHA Talephono Tyler 2S89 HAiaCBMKN WANTKH to ell Troteetor Ono I'Uco woru eiiiii uirci, j'aciory-uotnumor. , Pattntsd Drop Hrat. Bellat on Went 11.60. SamDla outfit. Including your nult comnlot. It.10, Tou pay poitman. IMIOTKCTOH HA-LKB CO., 702 Kim St., DAI.l.AH, T15XAH. 1NI I.KVKI.. ArCKSSIIII.r. IN BETTLKIl. l'KOHIl'.IlOltt COMSIUN1TY Homo ltiiDroveili rich a tho Nllo. aellcliruu. trpatl paymont down In oath, bomla or other oariir-uaiKkict. cru(i puriiiBiua. i. a. SMITH. JUI.EHntmO. COI.O. V f A MO Ut aud 2nd Mortcagea Li VJ A IN O Ua.- l'lun MADE 9 jitftrtJ try Thl Natioaj) Orognphli JWi ton, DC, lor Djjit y Im IBHffi NOME: A CITY THAT HIBERNATES "Nome, Alaska, In recent yearn has been a city thut dwindles In winter to u population of hut n few hundred, and spring has brought a lessening rv turn of residents. Thus this remote mining camp, after a meteoric career anil growth Into a city, gradually Is resuming the status of a town. Situated on the bleak north coast of the ley storm-swept Boring sea, close to the Arctic circle, Nome Is frozen In and sunned In for nbout woven months of tho year. Its chief Industry, placer gold mining, depends upon the use of running water, therefore thu nctlvl ties must stop when the water con- ties muHt stop when the water gcnls. Hatliur tliim spend the winter In the extreme cold, wi long q extreme com, waning for the return of mild weather, a large part. of the population of Nome has always returned to the States In the fall, malting the Journey hack to the north In June, when navigation opens. Tho over-night creature of an tin- usual gold discovery, tho town grew up on a site that prohahly could not have been worse titled for n commu nity of human habitation. It is open to the full sweep of the violent storms and tho henvy wnvos that often bent In from the sea. It has a relatively narrow beach and Immediately within Is a strip of tundra, froen solid In winter, hut a sea of mud during the open season. In this mornss tho town grew up. In the early days men nnd animals lloundered through streets that were knee-deep In mud. Lntcr tho principal thoroughfares were boarded over. Knch summer fool hardy newcomers built structures on the beach only to have them wholly destroyed by tho blasts of September when, almost without warning, hugo waves swept to the edge of the tundrn and often Into tho town Itself. flold was llrst discovered near Nome In 1R0S, In ono of the numerous creeks that rise In tho hills back of tho town Getting Gold Out of Gravel. nnd cross tho tundrn to tho sen. This discovery was widely heralded through Alaska and the western Btntos. Thou sands flocked to the nelKhhorhood In tho Hummer of 1800 and the town was horn. That season the reninrknhle dis covery was made thnt the sand of the beach at tho edgo of tho town was rich In gold, and thousands of prospectors with crude equipment took out respect able fortunes. Tho bench could not he filed upon, but anyono wns penult ted to dig there. This unique fen ture of the Nome gold fields cev more than 20,000 people to the region the following summer, und the town grew Into n thriving city. Plncer miners burrowed Into tho sand like moles for 30 miles or more up nnd down tho bench. Nome took Its name from Capo Nome nearby, which was named as the result of a misunderstanding. It menus nothing unless It can bo con Btrued to signify "the nnmeless." It was discovered In tho examination of an enrly chnrt that when tho physical fontures of northwestern Alaska were named ono enpo had been overlooked. Tho penciled query "name?" wns mnde beside It. A copyist translated the scrawled question us "Nome," and the iMime has stuck. MEXTCO'TsKYSCRAPER PYRAMID A pyramid that may rival thoso of Egypt, tor size, and provo to bo oven older than the Nlleslnn piles, recently wna found nt Teotlhuacan, Mexico, Long ago two other pyramids, relics of the Toltee people of pro-Columbian times, were discovered among the vol. ennlc nshes around Sun Juan Teotl huacan, meaning "City of tho Oods." a vlllago nbout 23 miles northenst of Mexico City. Excavation of tho new pyramid mny help to lift tho veil which dims our knowledgo of those American pyramid builders, members of a bygono race. Certain It Is that tho pyramids of Teotlhuncnn, which already are wide ly known, havo kept their heads abovo I he vomiting of angry volcanoes for numborloss centuries, whllo It would appenr that the cities nearby were Without doubt burled In thomt bygone ages by volcanic eruptions. Tho Tol- tecs wore by tradition famotis thound butlders, and here It seems thoy min gled with their reverence for the Su premo Being the mythical religion of nstral worship. Their earliest temples were devoted to tho sun. Tho moon they worshiped ns his wife and the stars as his sisters, No Image wns allowed within those temples, and their offerings were perfumed tlowors and sweet-scented gums. The projecting stones of "HI Sol," tho highest pyramid, seen here nnd there over the pyramid, mark the up ward progress of those Indefntlgable workers until they gained the summit of their ambition. The pyramid wns divided Into stories" by placing a se ries of truncated pyramids one above the other. Two hundred and sixty-eight must bo climbed to reach the summit. The pyramid Is 210 feet In he'ght, nnd has n base nbout 701 feet square. The summit Is f0 by 105 feet square. Many strange Idols hnve been dbg up. Beautiful pieces of Jade and ob- sldlnn, nrrow-hends, Httlo heads of burnt, clay, earthen Jnrs of nntlque form, nnd others similar to those In use at the present time were found. One little niece of clotli tnnt was found Is carefully guarded In the mu seum. What wns Its uso? Many skulls, ns well ns some skeletons, have also been unearthed. 1). , THE DARDANELLES Provision has been made for an In ternational force along tho Darda nelles to guarantee free passage to ships, of nil nations through the straits and tho Sea of Marmora. liven our own Mississippi or Penn sylvania some dny may rest at anchor In this deep, swift strait, 87 miles in length, between the goose-neck penin sula of Giilllpoll and the mnlnland of Turkey, or steam Into the Sea of Mar- iiio.u and thence to the lJosphorus, for the American Jacklos to "Oh I" nnd "Ahl" nt the mosques and minarets of Constantinople In the distance. Mention of the Dardanelles conjures beforo the American mind the story of u fierce nnd Interest-compelling fight In 1015 and 1010 and n history which trails back Into dim mythological times when Leander swnm ncross Its three- fourths mllo width nt Abydos every night to tell the "snmo old story" to Hero, who hung her light out to In form him she wanted to henr It Lord Byron, not to be outdone ns u swimmer by his predecessor, "did" the Hellespont In 1810. Though it wns regarded as rather a prodigious feat when those two accomplished it, many modern athletes could don their trunks nnd visit their lady loves and regard the effort as a part of their training to keep physically lit. Xerxes, In 480 IJ. O., hnvlng an un canny feeling that his tbousnnds of Persians were not Ullllngtons nnd ICellermnns, lashed boats together as a hrldgoway, which Herodotus tells us groaned for seven days and nights, during tho unloading of Aslntlcs on tho soil of Europe. Alexnnder the Grcnt, about 100 years later, before ho was reduced to tears at the failure of the world to proVlde him excitement, tried out tho thrill of Xerxes bV leading his Macedonians into Asln. v Tho approach by which tho Ameri can soldier and sailor will enter Con stantinople mny well bo likened to tho entrance to n dwelling house tho Dar danelles being the outsldo or storm door, tho Sea of Marmora the vestl bule, nnd the lJosphorus the Inner door This storm door, which Is nbout tho width of the Hudsdn river, Is com manded by tho Dardanelles castles built by Mohammed II In 1-170. Ono fort Is on the Europenn side nnd ono on the Asiatic. Many guide books pub llsbed beforo 1014 enrtied this om inous and pronhetlc sentence: "The castles on both sides hnve been lately restored and armed with Krupp guns." According to the treaty of .luly, 1841 and tho Paris peace of 1850, no for clgn ship of wnr was allowed to en ter the strait without tho permission of Turkey, nnd merchnnt vessels only during the dny time, On the Aslntlc sldo a short distance from the fort lies the town of Darda nelles, which wns nnmed for Dnrda nus, the mythological ancestor of the Trojan king. Aoncns. and hence of the Roman people. This city of 15.000 Inhabitants, sltunted prettily on n fer tile stretch of innd, Ir tho point from which most of the excursionists start for the plains of Troy, n short dis tance beyond. Here, too, ships must stop to show their pnpers, the num ber of merchnnt vossels alone during a slnglo yenr numbering more .than 12,000. Across on the European side Is Gnlllpoll or "beautiful town." It was tho llrst European town to bo cap tured by tho Turks In 1H57. Suporhly located on tho steep projecting coast of tho Galllpoll peninsula, It commands a view of tho Aslntlc side tho plains of Troy and the broken font-hills of Mount Idn. On this narrow peninsula In April, 1015, allied forces were landed In an attempt to capture tho Darda- nollos. When the floods drove tho Brit ish soldiers from tholr trenches like rats out of holes Turkish snipers on the hills above picked them o almost as fast as they appeared. The cam paign was abandoned In January, 1010. WHERE PEARL BUTTONS COME FROM Ono frequently must follow n long trail to strango places to find tho origin ot tho most common conveniences of our homo, wardrobe, or dinner table. For exumplo, pearl buttons nro de- pendent upon preservation of certain MIHlsslppI river llsh. This oconotnlc curiosity Is explained in a communication to the National Geographic society by Hugh M. Smith, an follows: The perpetuation of the llsh sup ply In the Mississippi and Its tribu taries Involves n vory Important Indus try besldos fishing. Investigations con ducted for tho bureau of tlsherlos years ago showed an Intlmnto relation betweon certain kinds of fishes nnd the mussels, which yield valuable pearls and support a pearl-button In dustry which gives employment to about 20,000 persons, nnd has u prod uct worth from $.1,000,000 to $0,000, 000 nnnunlly. "The young mussels, of microscopic slzo when thrown off by their parents In myriads, need to pass the first few weeks of their Independent existence on the gills of fish. If the fishes are not present at the proper time, tho mussels cannot survive Furthermore -and this Is n most Interesting fea ture of the co-operation of fishes and mussels the young of particular kinds of mussels require the gills of par ticular kinds of fishes as nurseries. "The blnck bass Is host for several sorts of nnisnels, the crnpples for sov' ernl others, the cntflsh for others. The skip-Jack, a kind of herring, Is the only known host for the hrst jf nil mus sels; nnd ns this fish Is not by nny means nbundnnt, its innlntcnnnco Is.of prime Importance to the welfare of the button Industry. In 1010 more thnn one nnd a half million skip-Jacks were rescued. The peculiar requirements of tho young mussels halng been carefully determined, the bureau of fisheries has gone extensively Into the business ot artificial propagation of pearly mus sels by n method which Is fl vast Im provement on nature. The spawning mussels, held In ponds, arc at the criti cal period provided with tho special fishes needed for the nttnehment of the young. 'The fishes obtained In the rescue operations are turned Into the ponds nt the time the mussels nre spnwnlng and become thickly lnoculnted. They are then liberated In the open wnter and dlstrlbuto themselves nnd the mus sels throughout n wide stnatch of river. Thus two Important branches of the bureau's work go hand In hand." RUSSIA: THE HEIRESS OF FAMINES Never, in civilized times, have so many old-world nations felt the pinch of hunger at once; yet suffering from want of food is no fiew story to many of them. Especlully has Itussia been the luckless heir to periods of ueur starvation Writing to the National Geographic society, Ralph A. Graves tells of Rus sian famines of the past as follows: "Next to tho proletariat of India and Chlnn, tlie Russian pcusnnt has felt the pinch of poverty und hunger more keenly und more frequently than uny other citizen on earth "Ono of the earliest famines In Rus sla of which there Is any dollnltc rec ord wns that of 1GO0, which continued for thrco years, with a death toll of 500,000 peasants. Cats, dogs and rats were eaten ; the strong overenme the weak, und In the shambles of the pub lie murkets human flesh was sold. Mill tltudes of the dead were found with their mouths stuffed with straw. "Three Russlnn fnmlnes of compnra tlvely recent date were nmong the most severe In the history of the couu try. They occurred In 1S91, 1000 and 1011. During tho ten years following the llrst of these periods of dearth the government allotted ncnrlv $125.' 000,000 f;or relief work, but tho sums were not always Judiciously expended. "In 1000 tho government gave 40 pounds of Hour u month to ull persons under eighteen and over llfty-nlno years of age. All peasants between those ages and infunts under one year of age received no allowance, und It became necessary for the younger nnd older members of the family to share their bare pittance with those fr whom no provision was made. The suffering was .intense and the mortal lty exceedingly henvy, but the avail able statistics are not wholly relluble, "The famine of 1011 extended over onc-t.hlrd of tho area of the empire In Europe nnd nffected more or less dl rectly .'10,000,000 people, while 8,000, 000 were reduced to starvation. Weeds, tho ,),irlc of trces' uml ,)ltter ,,rDttrt made from acorns constituted the chief diet for tho destitute. This was unquestionably the most widespread and most severe fnmlno that has be fallen a European nation In modern times Electric Irrigation. Wholesale generation and distribu tion of electric current for the speclnl purposo of Irrigation, as It Is gener ntod nnd distributed elsewhere for light and powor, Is an unusual and In teresting project recently undertukeu In Queensland, Australia, says Popular Mechanics Magazine. The method cm ployed Is to sink u large woll on each holding of land and Instnll an elec trically driven pump. There nre In excess of 1G0 of these well pumps and somo III miles of transmission lines ra dlato from tho central stntlou to sup ply them. Ivor ine wuiih, iirei:uMi ru-eni!iri.TMi concrete cylinders, 5 to 7 feet In dlnm otor, 8 feet long, and weighing 2V6 to 3 tons, are lowored from 10 to 40 feet to the water-hearing stratum. S The Upual Expectation. "That hideous old millionaire ex pects tho artist he has engaged to mako a speaking likeness of him." "He'll got It. Money talks." Rnl tlruoro American. Cutlcura Soap for the Complexion. Nothing better than Cuticlira Soap dally and Ointment now ntid then ns needed to make the complexion clear, scalp clean and hnnds soft nnd white. Add to this the fascinating, fragrant Cutlcura Talcum and you have the Cutlcura Toilet Trio. Adv. FAIR ONE ACCEPTED THE END Statement Might Be Copied l-'rom Page of Modern Fiction, but It Is Far Otherwise. "And this Is the end 1" Something glittered In the man's hnnd us he uttered the words. The beautiful girl before him looked up into his face and a doubtful look crept Into her eyes. "The end I" She echoed his words wistfully, standing there In the benm of sunlight which caused the glittering thing in the man's hand positively to dance with lire. "You nre quite sure?" smile flickered ncross the mdn's face. "Quite sure! This. Is the end!" . The fair, creature shrugged her shoulders resignedly. "Then " she hi enthed. tensely, "I I will take the piece I" and with n smile the man dropped the scissors nnd pnrccled up tho short length of calico. CREAM FOR CATARRH OPENS UP NOSTRILS Tells How to Get Quick Relief trom Head-Colds. It's Splendid! In ono minute your clogged nostrils will open, the air passages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more hnwklng, snutlllng, blowing, hendache, dryness. No strug gling for brenth nt night; your cold or catarrh will he gone. Get n smnll bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply little of this fragrant, antiseptic, healing cream in your nostrils. It pen etrates through every air passage'1 of the head, soothes the Inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief comes Instantly. It's Just fine. Don't stay stuffed-up with u cold or nasty catarrh. Relief comes so quickly. Adv. Marquesans Are Dying. The Marquesans, wo gnthered over coffee and cigars at Nukuhlva, wore dying rapidly of consumption. Intro duced In the form of Panama fever by laborers returning from canal construc tion. Tho fever ufterwnrd developed Into the white plague by reason of the natives' unresisting, If not ncqulescent, nature. And when all were gone, whut then? Chinese. The Chinese appear (o be the nn- swer to most questions In the South Pacific today. They come; It costs them hut ?50 to land; and nfter thnt they grow mon Dlcu, how they grow! Rnlph Stock In the Notional Geographic Magazine. FRECKLES Now I tho Time to Get Rid of These Utlr Spot. Thara'a no lonser the allchtest need ot reellns ashamed or your irecxies, as uinine double strtngth Is guaranteed to remove these homely spots. ... imply get an ounce or uinine ooudib strength rrom your druggist, and apply n uttiA nr it nient ana mornine anu you hould soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely, it is seiaom thnt mnrn thnn nn ounce la neeaeel to com pletely clear the akin and gain a beautiful clear complexion. ... He aure to nslc lor tne aouDie airengin Othlne, an this Is sold under guarantee of money dick ii it rails 10 remove irccuica. Of No Further Use. Sploshklns wanted to sell his horse, so prevailed on the local dealer to come nnd see the nniinal. "That's a good horse, Mr. Taylor," Sploshklns said to the dealer. "It cost me $500, but you can have It for $250." The dealer gasped. "That's rather a big reduction, Mr. Sploshklns, Isn't it?" he nsked. "Well," Sploshklns ndmlttcd. "the fact Is it bolted ono day and killed my poor wife, nnd now I've got no further uso for it!" London Tlt-Rlts. Kill That CASCARA El QUININE FOR Colds, Coughs Neglected Colds are Dangerous Taka no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for th first anes. Breaks up a cold in 24 hours Relieves Grippo In 3 days Excellent for Headache Quinine In this form does not affect the head Cascara Is beat Toota Laxative No Oplato In HlU'e, ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT Pure, Rich Blood Will Keep '4 Your Body Vigorous and Healthv:!: 'When impurities creep into your blood the first symptoms are usu ally a loss of appetite, followed by a gradual lessening of energy, the system becomes weaker day by day, until you feel yourself on tho verge of n breakdown. Nearly everybody needo a few bottles of S. S. S., tho great vege table blood remedy, to cleanse out all impurities about twice a year. It is an excellent idea to take this A Feeling of Security You naturally fed sccuro whon you know that tho mcdic?lo you are about to take is absolutely piio and contains no harmful or habit producing drugs. Such a medicine la Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, kidney, liver and bladder remedy. The same standard of purity, strength and excellence is maintained in every bottle of Swnmp-Root. It is scientifically compounded from vegetable herbs. It is not a stimulant and is taken in teapoonful doses. It is not recommended for everything. It is nature's great helper in relieving and overcoming kidney, liver and blad der troubles. A sworn statement of purity is with every bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root. If you need a medicine, you should havo the best. On sale at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, if you wish first to try this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghninton, N.'Y., for a cample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Adv. All-Conquering Sleep. There wns n Now Year's evo party given at John's grandmother's. John, with other grtindcliMdren, was there, but nlong about nine o'clock he got too sleepy to stny awake, so went upstairs to take a little nap and mnde his moth er promise sho would wake hi in up beforo 12 o'clock, so ho could hear the bells, whistles, etc., and be up for the renl fun. So, nt a quarter of 12, his. mother went to call him nnd said: "John, wnke up; 1020 Is going fast." John moved n little, frowned a lit tle, turned over Into a more comfort able position nnd snld: "Well, I can't help It. Let It go." "O Ilnppy Day" sang the laundress ns she hung tho snowy wash on the line. It was a "happy day" because she used Red Cross Ball Blue. A Fish Story. The story that made millions laugh thut one which Includes, "Thunder! Thar hain't no sich animal !" has, we think, a pretty good running mntc in the following more recent one. A countryman wns standing on n fish pier where tho day's catch was being landed. Presently n swordflsh of mon strous size wns hoisted up, and the old fellow stared nt It In wonder nnd nniazement. He positively could not believe his senses, nnd when nt last ho recovered himself sufllclently to speak It was only to exclnlm: "The man that caught that llsh Is a darn liar 1" Coated tongue, vertico and constination are relieved by Garfield Tea. Adv. North American Buffalo. The total number of wild and tame buffalo on the North American conti nent nt present Is estlmnted nt more than 0,000 head. Canada has 5.0S0. This Is duo to tho fact that soveral years ago, when the Pablo herd In Montnna, belonging to Michel Pablo, a half-breed Indian, wns for sole, the Canadian government bought the ani mals, sufliclcnt Interest not being ex hibited by Americans nt thnt time to make it possible to retain tlcin In this country. Yes, Alfred, both parties should re member they nro married for worse as well as better. Sure Relief 72 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief E LL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 10-1921. Cold With AND La Grippo V X precaution to keep the system in a vigorous condition so as to more easily resist disease to which every ono is subject. S. S. S. is without an equal as a general tonic and sys tem builder. It improves tho appe tite and gives new strength and vi tality to both old and young. Full information and valuable lit. orriree ca,Lbe had fay writing to Swift Specific Co.. 166 Swift Lab oratory. Atlanta, Ga.