NORTH PLATTE SEMIAVEEKLtf TRIBUNE LOCAL A.NI) PERSONAL Dr. Dont rotttriiod Saturday from a InislnoHH trip to Omnhn. Mrs. II. M. Hamilton of Muywood visited In the city yesterday. Mrs. Chas. Rossiler returnod today from a short visit In Storllng. Harry Stovons returnod from a bus iness trip to Denver Sunday. Wilfred Stuart, of Lexington, vlHlted at the John Tighc homo Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. llrown of Hor Hhey visited In the city yoslordny. Mr. and Mrs. A. Saunders of Suth erland wero city visitors yesterday. C. V. Turnlo returned Sunday from Denver whore ho transacted huslnoss. Mrs. Edwin Tltchnor has accepted a position tin Unokkcopor In Mock's store. Sco tho choice lino of lace collars Arvllla Whlttakor has on display In hor now store, 510 Locust trcet It. HfCnsen camo from Choyonno Sun day to visit his parents Mr. and Mrs, II. P. Hanson. Mr. and Mrs. Clotus Walter returned Sunday from Kearney whero they spent a few days, Miss Anna IJJorklund returned to hor homo In Gothenburg Sunday nftcr visiting relatives In tho city. E, J. Vnnderhoof returned Saturday from Denver whero ho has been taking a rest on account of his health. Miss Maymo Wallaco will roturn to morrpw from Eddyvlllo where she vi sited for a Bhort Umo with her mother. Miss Lois Nllcs returned to Kearney Sunday, whero sho teaches school, af tor visiting her parents over tho wcok end. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Hoatman left for their homo In Streotor, 111, yes terday, after visiting at tho homo of Frank DIstcl. Miss Lillian Hoppcy returned to hor homo In Lexington yesterday after spending tho week cud as tho guest of Miss AHco Sctman. Misses Marguorlto Iloddy and Clara DoRolfo returned Sunday from a short visit in Grand Island at- tho homo of Miss May Regan. Mr. and Mrs. John Ilurko, of Denvor, former residents, camo Sunday In their car to visit at tho homo of tholr daughter Mrs. L. J. Krausc. Froda Slackor was removed from Uio General HosplUil this morning nf tor having submitted to an operation for appendicitis ton days ago. Tr. and Mrs. E. L. Farrol of Wal lace returnod from Los Angeles the latter part of tho wook and visited friends in the city enrouto homo. AJIss Lura Erb, a teacher In tho Sonlor High School was called to Gothenburg yesterday morning on ac count of tho death of hor mother. Tho North I'latto Firo Dopartmoiit nro' making- arrangements for tholr 34th annual ball to bo hold In tho K. C. Hull on Easter Monday, March 28th. Mr. and Mrs. Edward VanCloavowho wore tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Weir returned to their homo In- Kear ney lust ovonlng. Thoy woro nccom ponied homo by Mr. and Mrs. Wolr. Tha Radio Station at this placo now ' was uireo operators. Each has an eight hour shlfL This Btatlon Is giving North Platto somo advertising for ovory sta tion in tho control part of tho United States rocelves and Bonds messages here. Camp Firo Guardians oro older wo men, who because of tholr largor ox porloncos nro able to lead tho girls Into largor Intorosts. Mothers are urged to bocomo Guardians, and tho mcotngs nro usually hold In tho homo or out of doors. a. J. Swopo Win. Slinants, J. Small wood, Harry York, Clinton York, Honry Dlonor, P. Green, Harold Lang lord, Wm. Ultuor, It. H. Wngnor and A. O. Kockon, nttended tho Initiation and banquet of tho I. 0. 0. F. last ov onlng In Hershey. i MrB. Hurry Cramer entortnlnod twolvo guests at hor homo on West Fifth Stroot Saturday overling In honor of tho birthday or Miss Roylos. Tho ovonlng was spout In brldgo after which a dainty lunch was sorved. Tho color scheme -was carried out in pink, anil whlto with an immense center ploco of pink and whlto ilowors on tho table jiipL XjL. Llttol rothrnod yesterday frdm Atlantic City, N. J., vhoro ho at tended tho annual mooting of tho Do partmoiit of Suporlntendonco of tho No tlonal Educational Association. On tho roturn trip ho stopped at Washing ton, D. C, and was present at the In auguration of Prosldent Harding. His report of the Inauguration ceremony speech in vory interesting. Whllo many North I'latto citizens keep on sleeping, North I'latto Is being advertised over tho wholo country by tho U. S. Weather Hureau, tho Air Mall, the Lincoln Highway, the Union Pacific, tho State Farm, the Aero Sta tion and IJurfalo Hill. North I'latto will continue to grow in splto of her moro conservative olemont but what could she not do If all would bo a llttlo moro progressive Tho pavements nro bolng painted by Chief pnen In preparation for the curb parking which will go iilto effect soon. Wo havo not taken uny partic ular Interest In tho unto parking iuos ton oxcopt whpn thoy decided to park tho cars at the curb wo found that our blcyclo had not been considered. ,Wc don't want to leavo our two-cyllndor out thoro nt the curb If that Is where a car is to bo parked. Lo, tho poor blcyclo. City Mall Carriers will leavo tho post office at 8:15 each morning and mako ono complcto delivery In the forenoon and one In the afternoon. Postmaster Sturgls oxpocts to havo It arranged Boon so that letters mailed here In tho foronoon will bo dollvorcd nny whoro in tho city dollvcry zone, that same attoritoon. This will bo n great accommodation ns notices aro often sent out which will bo too late unlosB thoy roach their destination tho samo day. A farmer told lis yesterday that ho Is selling hlfl milk horo In town at thirty cents a gallon which would bo VA cents a rpinrt. Wo stopped Into ono of tho downtown grocery stores nnd Inquired tho prlco oa bottlo of milk. Tho answer wns 13 cents for ono or two for 25 cents, bottle extra. Wo nro told that somo places aro soiling it cheapor. Wo do not understand the milk business and so wo do hot know' w,hothor this Is a fair profit or all the trnfflo will bear. Postmaster Sturgls tells us that sev eral largo firms havo written him ask ing him about connections at North Platto with tho Transcontinental Air Mall. Ono firm In Chicago wanted to know what train It should send mall on to reach North Platto In time to tako tho Air Mall west from here. Mr. Sturgls replied that Northwestern train No. 19 would connect with Union Pacific train No. ; 13 at O mnhn and that with the Air Mall go ing west at 8:30. Tho list of committees selected for tho County Fair shows that It Is to bo a County Fair In fact North Platto Is well represented bocauso thoro aro somo things that can bo done bottor by somo ono living horo In North Platta than by Bomcono living elsewhere. But tho farmers aro to bo In tho lead and It' Is to bo for thorn. Wo have talked with some of thoso choson on tho com mittees nnd thoy are In favor of em ploying Lincoln County bands to fur nish the music, Lincoln County noWs "pors to do tho printing and In so fnr us (iosbUiIo Lincoln County amuse inents i entertain, CARD OF THANKS. Wo wish to oxtcud to our friends and frutornnl organizations our sln coro thanks and appreciation for tho sympathy shown nnd tho bountiful floral offerings during our lato bo reavcniont In tho death of our beloved baby bov. MR. and MRS. R. W. FARRIS. nitOOD SOW SALE Thursday, March 21, wo will sell another draft of 40 bred Poland China sows, duo to fur row In April and May. Sale will be hold on the farm 1 miles west of Lexington In comfort able (luui'tors, ruin or shlno. In tho Dnwson Co. Red Polled breeders' sulo, on May 20, u cholco draft of hulls, milk cows, and holfors will bo sold. J. O, ANDERSON. PUBLIC SALE! I will sell ut public unction at the Old Myluudor Ranch, S miles south east or North Platte, on Tuesday, March 29th, 1921 Commencing ut Ono O'clock, the following doscrlbed property: 50 Head of Cattle Consisting of 3 good milk cows, 15 hoad of cows, 30 yearlings n'l t two yoar olds. 28 Head of Horses Conslslng orf 10 bond of work horsos and balance colts and unbroko horsos. Farm Machinery, Etc. Ford tractor with plowB and disc, 2 McCormlck corn binders, Me Cormlck grain bludor, 10-lnch Popok ensilage cutter, 2 harrows, 3 two row corn cultivator, 2 doublo row Hstors, 2 walking plowtf, gang plow, 4 wagons, 2 hay racks, two-holo corn shelter, inanuro loader, comont mixer, hog rack, whool scrapor2 ono-row cultlvntors, dlso with truck, two-liorso engine, hay stackor, 3 hay bucks, A McCormlck mowers, Al falfa cultivator, snapped corn machine, grind stono, 4 gnsolluo barrols, riding plow, 2 hay rakes. fc&lE2lmi&U'W.itrH TERMS OF SALE All sums of $20 and uundor cash, on sums ovor $20, 8 months Umo will bo gtvon on banknblo paper bearing 10 por cont Jntorcilt from dnto of sulo. 2 por cont discount for cubIi on sums ovor $20. SCOTT REYNOLDS, Owner III) KIMRIC, Auctioneer. It, V. LAXGFOltD, Clerk. Um VP 31 mm iTYLES Easter Is Only Three Weeks Away. The Earliest Easter in 20 Years. For the Easter Promenadeat Prices Easily Afforded. One of the most pleasing things about the new spring shoes is their moderate pricing, which is made possible through the changed market conditions, and very careful buying. Brown, black and rey suede one strap pump $10.00 m m y, Hi Hi m Hi Hi Brown or black kid, one strap pump $7.00 AND $7.50 VARIETY IS THE SPICE OF FASHION f m v - , Hrown and black kid, baby Louis heel $7.00 and $7.50 Patent Yirripsr grey suede quarter very nice $10.00 Hi Hi m Hi Hi Hi Hi m Hi m m Hi Hi Hi m m m Brown kid military heel Oxford $8.00 Y HEARTY WELCOME ALWAYS Whether You Come Prepared to Buy or Just Want to See JSVhat's What for Spring, You're Always Welcome Here. BUY Buck's Boots Formerly The Shoe Market Hi m Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi an Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi 95 HiHiHiHiHiHiHiHiH NKW UKl'AK'WKXT OF T1IK Tltllt tTXK TO SKKVK 'I'll K AGKHTL. Tl'ItAIi IXTKHKSTS- I In tho noar ftituro Tho Tribune will run 11 column licmlctl "Tho Farmer's Exchange." In this column wo will Hat fitrnier'H products for sulo, trntlo or what ho wants to buy. It will ap pear on tho fourth pago usually ami will havo a largo heading. Under this hoad wo will print tho farmer's notices I at tho rato of ton cents a lino which 1st-) usually about six ordinary words. "When 0110 considers that tho Scml- Wookly Tiibuno has about ono thous and subscribers In tho city of North Platto and moro thnn that number In Lincoln County outsldo of North riatto and then about tlirco hundred outsldo of Lincoln County, ovor 2,300, In all, it is not nn unreasonablo charge, wowill advortlso chickens, sotting ogas, dairy products, ljvo stock, fruit, garden truck, lionoy, In fact anything that the farmer raises that Is worth adver tising. "VVrlto what you want on any old pleco of papor, mall It to us tolling us how many times you wnnt It to run and watch for It In tho next lssuo ot Tho Tribune "Wo will send you tho bill aftor publication or you can flguro It- yourself by counting tho lines or parts of linos and figuring them nt ten cents a lino. Watch for tho "Farmer's Exchange." 'iO!! Tho addition to tho County Court Houho wns Btartod yestorday and will bo completed In a Bhort lino. It Is bo lug built ot lumber which can bo used for lnidgos when tho court liouso Is torn down. It ts bolng built on tho north sldo of tho building nnd will connect with tho office of County Clork Allen. It will no used by C. "V, ost, Roglstor ot Doods. Tho firo dopartinont was called to tho homo of Horslioy AVolch 1207 AV Fourth, Sunday and oxtlngulshod a small blnzo In tho furnnco room. An ovornontou rurnaco was tho cause. Tho damngo was ostlmated at $50.00 T)r. L. J. K11AUSE, Dentist. Mr. Donald Dunk llullillng. Itonms 3 & 8. LOCAL COUNCIL OF TUB CAML FIHK (JIItLS OFFERS 31 ANY LOCAL HOXOKS Following is a list of local honors offered by tho Local Council of the qamp Firo Girls. "Whenovor n girl completes ono of those tasks , she. ire, celvos nn honor bead from tho Coun cil. This bead Is used to decorate her ceremonial gown. Hero is tho list: 1. Mnko two garments for personal use, exhibiting them at a camp-flro meoting. 2. Plan, prepare and serve two meals at homo, estimating cost and presenting your report to your camp- lire group. 3. Bo in bed not later than ten o'clock ovory night for six weeks. 4i Do not tease, or bog your par ents for anything for six weeks. s 5. Perform tho duties of a good hostess at a camp-flro party, In the guardian's presence. G. Refrain from wearing silk hose to school nnd camp-flro meetings for n period of six weeks. 7. Ilofrain from chewing gum for aporiodo of six weeks. "8. Mako B (Excellent) In deport ment In all subjects for six weoks. . Refrain from picture shows on school afternoons or ovonlngs (oxclud- Ing Friday) for six weeks. 10. Do something extra kind for your mother onco a week for three months, and report to the satisfaction of tho guardian. 11. Show somo special kindness to an elderly person onco .a week for three months, and report to the .satisr faction of tho guardian. 12. Do a certain amount of com munity or public-servico as specified by tho camp-flro council. 13. Refrain from using slang at six of tho regular camp-flro meetings. 14. Refrain from eating candy, Ice cream, chewing gum, or drinking soft drlnks for six weeks. Why do girls listen to Dangerous Proposals? SUN, Tues. & Wed. A enthralling journey through the realm of experience LOUIS B. TflAYER Presents Anita Stewart in "Harriet and the Piper" KATHERINE NORMS, NOVEL It's a subtle prohibition Cocktail with a "Kick". Also Mutt 8c Jeff, and Gumpo. Universal News. rS '10 ouo'IJ