ffOItTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE Smtfiteckly Subline. ..1VILS0N TOUT, Editor and rabllglicr. M Bntcrcd at tho North Platte, Nebraska Postofflcqaa Second Class Matter, v" SUUSCIUL'TION PJUOEl n n Vnn r In mlvntiAit 9.00 FlIIDAY, MAKCH Jth, 1021. a-a. '---jr. editomal Tho nomination ot M. E. Crosby and Win. J. llondy iib members of tho Board of Education wo understand Is bfllnpr dona without their knowledgo CThls Ib ns It Bhould bo. Wlionovcr liny 0110 seeks a place In hucIi a body It itj usually that ho may pay aomo wrudRo. foist somo whim onto tno schools or Bcttlo Homo othof personal matter. Tho placo Is ono which does ,oi pay a snlnry of any kind and as, such requires n sacrifice of tlnio and olfort for tho benefit or uio commun Hy. Wo do not eo how nnyono who Is drafted for such u position couki rofuso under any ordinary conditions. We aro certain that men llko Mr. llon dy and Mr. Crosbyxwlll nccopt tho honor graciously should It ho thrust upon thorn by tho votorfl. From rollablo soimes It Is learned that procrcBB on the now Lincoln County Court Houso can bo expected fj"m now on. Tho Coin nlsslonors havo jntt returned freni an inspection of ttw Count v Court Uiiiisos at Lcxlng yjn. Central City, St. Paul, Soward, Wnboo and Fremont It Is tho Inten tion or the f.cnnnl ifilonora to mnko n jtyftrt In the ne.'ir futme townrd secur ing an nrnI4teot and to got tho plans W(ll niidor way this Bfason. It Is thot that tho Board Intends to plan so that vork can comniencc early noxt spring. tfVnm tho fact that a temporary addl 1b being built on tho present r rrueture ono I load fo bollevo that ithij now bufidint' Mill bo locatod at one sldo of tho court houso squaro and OmI tho present building will not bo dMirbud until the now ono Is occupl- -::o::- TU rcu"H r July Ilound-UiT Is allll In tho halauco. Manager Strykor ennn it, dowmytulng more. Tho Ameri can Legion Is not willing to under take the whole of tho financial bunion When It fool that th" buslnoss inter ests of this city will profit lnrgoly from tho added business nttractod horo during tho thro days. Tho Cham 'bor ot Conimorco Is not In a position to nuiito acrooinentH mb It has vory llttlo money or. hand nnd no budget bun boon rfllwod for tho coming year, wactlonlly everyone Booms In favor ot tho Hound-Up. The Fair Directors havo offorod to Icnso the grounds for a nuiBomible intm nnd If things woro Just a llttlo d.fTcn ri the matter would Co pvor Somobody should niovo In tho right- direction and Bet things going. Thoro Is a demand for clean nmuso niont cn tho Fourth and something out ,0t tho ordinary la needed to satisfy nndf-atlvact.tho big crowds. Inactivity jsietH anywhere. Stomo pooplo even- approve ot fioir? In tho wrong direction to mauding still. And It la net U.u early to lot U'estom Nebraska )(ov What wc nro Koine to do on this holiday which, law boon ours for sov-1 Cleric at least Thirty days beforo such oinl years punt with tl,c auto races, i gonoral election, signed by not less ::o:: thnn llfteen per cent of the voters of In lecont Issues r,f Tho Trlbuno wo said city. And on Bald election on hnVe.takon up tho question of making April 5, 1921, and whenovor thereafter (lanclniJ two of the Hchool Intorosts the proposition flhall bo voted upon ns and from time to time wo have attomp hcrolnbororo provided, said proposi ti to glvo tho nu.at Important polntn Hon Bhall bo plneod on tho gonoral (ionneutod with the argument. Wo ballot ns follows: liavo tried f show that tho quoBtlon Nr Sunday Plcturo Shows (jt-Jho rlgjit ai I w ong ot dancing Is Against Sunday Plcturo Shows nor tho IsBi!.' We havo plneod em- And provided further that this or pnnsls on iho fuel. Hint dancing llko dlnnnco Is not Intended In any way to JHJHUU.V mill, i nii uuiot onnu, douai- InK and nil ot.vr .f tho school Intor. osi'fihould lu piiieod In the school only when It can I c shown that tho reasons In favor overbalance thoso n gnlnst; tlm4 it ,Ih a good thing for tho school. Dancing ,is n pastime may ho harmless and y. t in Hie school it might work ngalust tho grcatost c8 npdrntlon of parol t, toachor and pupil ad thoroforo ho out ot placo. Wo havo ,11$ quarrel with IIiuko who wish to Wojir decolloto gowns at a party but wo certain'" w?uh! not favor such iib Uio dreas ot hlgn school girls. Wo ,1,'ilnk boys ehould wear bathing sultB when In n public pool but wo would .SjliiBo to bollevc them proper In tho school room. It Is n quoBtlon of tho ItnoHS or propiloty of tho thing. And .UilB is the rontoiit ou of ninny who aro in Tavor of (hi'ielng. as a pastlmo cr aro indlfforont to Its chorma. Thoy maintain that thoso who want to dancq can do m without using Iho .schDolhouso. Thoy boliovo that wonts i 1 Icfli-heiK can ntlond Uiobo nanews olBewhcro i h well as In tho fohnolhoiiiMt, Thoy think that politics nid rollgloii are barred from the f-choola becauso thoy nro Btibjocts up on w'.lcl the t.chool patroiiB cannot SPECIAL FOR SWIFTS PREMIUM HAMS 32c Per Pound Large Con Standard Tomatoes, 15c Large Can Standard Peas, 15c Largo Can Standard Corn. 15c McGoverri & Stack Phone 80-81 agree. 1. the fame manner there aro moral qtiosllcnrt upori which thotpat rons of tho schools cannot agree" and to Hdmo peoplo It scorns only, right that thoso monl pn fltlons shotlfd bo burrcjd from ho school. They think It uipocomlng for those who favor dancing to forco it Into tho schools .list because they happen at this time to havo tho power. Majorities cannot taako right and niotal questions can not bo settled until Bottled rightly. Wo rqincinbrr the glee of tho whiskey ol omoiil,a few yoam ago when they woulr w'n an election or get a logal decision o;er tho diys. They 'thought it vindicated their Aland. Hut wo know that tho saloon went because It was wrong and Unit tho drys won because illoy woro right Wc nro giving this Illustration tr enow that a moral question will not down nor be settled 'y mnjorltles. It will havo to bo set Hod right. Tho Trlbuno Editor stands with thopc who think that Is Is a mis tako for tho Hoard if Education to nl low boys an5 clrls to use any part of Hie school buildings lor social dances Wc arroe with those who would glvo ovory parent the right to decldo wheth er his or hor child shall enter Into uuch nmurniont(. Wo want to record cur certainty Hint Iho Ronrd ot Edu cation was olnceto In giving pcrmis Blon to tno pupils to dnnco and wo qtiOHt'on whether thcic has boon nny harm dono so fnr but wo know for a eortalnly that It means trouble ns long It Is allowed and It Is only becauso vo havo tho welfare of tho schools so oIobo to our henrt (Kb wo ralso this word In protest agnlnst such uso of tho udUorlum. Many ot our best ftlonds among tho lovs nnd clrls dance nnd wo have never quostlonod their right nor their purity. Wo hopo thoy w'll allow u to express our lrnohi orinlon without severing thoso frlnndfehijls which wo valuo so much. Our Mi'.hoolR miiHt be made bettor and o must all I'liJto to find tho host Not much cite Is worth whllo In thin old world nnj-vov but bovs and (ilrli OltDINANCE NO. 125. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SEC TION fl OF ORDINANCE NO. 42 OF THE CITY OF NORTH PLATTE, BEING AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE LICENSING. OPERATING AND REGULATION OF PICTURE SHOWS AND PROVIDING A PENAL TV FOR THE VIOLATION OF SAID ORDINANCE. He It ordained by tho Mayor and rouncll of the City of .North Platto, NobrnBka: Section J. Thot Section 3 of Or dinance No. 42, of tho City of North Platto, bo amended to read n fol lows: Whon proporly licensed as a foroBald, such plcturo show may bo oporatod and run at any tlmo from mid-night Sunday to mid-night Sntur day and at no othor tlmos, provided howovor, that such plcturo show may no oporniea on aununy whenovor tho majority of tho voters a& any general or special election, whoro tho prop osition Is Bubmlttod. and voting on such proposition shall Voto favorably to Sunday shows, and provided furth er that Buch proposition shall bo sub mitted to tho voters of said city at tho general election tp. bo bold April G, 1021, nnd at any other subsequent gonornl elections where a petition re quiring tho submission of such prop osition Hhull bo filed with tho Cltv Buperseuo or coniuetf'WHli tho nrovl- slous of tho Initiative and rofcrondum. Section 2. That said Section 3 of Ordinance 42 bo and tho sumo Ib horo by ropcnlcd together with any and all nidlnnnco or parts of ordlnnnco In conlllct hotowlth. , Section 3. That this ordinance shall ho In full forco and effect from and after Hh pusBago. approval and publication nccordlng to lnw. Passed and approved this 1st day ot March, 1021. A. F. STREITS5, Mayor. Attest: 0. E. ELDER, City Clerk. ' ::o::i THE MARCH VICTOR RECORDS HAVE ARRIVED AVo extend to the gonoral public an Invitation to hoar thoso roeords In our now Bound proof rooms. ROBERTS MUSIC CO. 110 East Front Stroot. Mrs. York lllnmun, Mrs. Frank Unr bor and Mrs. C. F. Sponcor will nttond tho stato D. A. R. Convention at Col umbus, Nobr., tho ICth, ICth nnd 17th ot this month. Mrs, Hlnmnu will at tend tho convention In Washington, D. C. next month SATURDAY Free Delivery DO YOU 11ELIEVE WHAT IS SAID HKIlfi AffOUT ADVERTISING I The fo!loH. nr, ib clipped from an ox change and presents tho reasons for newspaper advertising In a snno man ner. Wo glvo It In full for tho fncSts It contains: From tho beginning of time men nnd women have told each other things they have advortlscd In oneway or nnotlier. Tliey did it through a system of slgnnl Area, a numbor of runners or with messages carved on stono. As time hns gone on the system has Im proved bocuuso tho peoplo of tho earth havo progressed. Tho present system of advertising--telling storo nows thru tho nowBpapors Is a porfect system of ulvurtlsing. It Is perfect becauso It reaches tho greatest number of peoplo In tho shortest posslblo time. It tolls In few words tho big story of a merchant's plan to do his part fairly In the gener al scheme of supply nnd demand. Tho auclont nithod ot signal fires wouldn't reach a large per cent of tho people today. When a huge, unusual store adver tisement maKcs Its debut, as it wore. in a nowapapor, readers all over tho country get the nows. Thoy speculate on it, they discuss It, thoy wonder if It is real. Thoy go to the storo to find out. . Bargains must bo followed In these days of high cost of living, or dying. Thru careful advertising a merchant can cducato tho public to appreciate tho fact that ho Ib -co-operating with It. That ho Is slncoroly anxious to servo ills cuflton ers to tho vory best of his ability. It can't bo dono In any other wny with such successful results; ad vertising Is nnd alwayB has boon the beat wny. v Evoryono knows that no man coos Into business nB a healthful recreation. Ho does It for the snmo reason bo oats to live. And tho merchant who has n genuine regard for his follows, or his stomach, iBn't going to tako a chance on losing his living. A big Btoro must enrry u larco sun ply of merchandise. It must distribute groa.t quantities dally. To do a big voiumo of buslnoBS it must got a great number of customors; buyers of goods, tho largest volume or capaci ty turn-over enn bo reached only thru adoquato advertising. Advortlslng is tho economic factor of buslnoss. Without It few buyers would know of tho exceptional values offered. The turnover would bo re duced to nlmost nothing nnd In order to llvo tho merchant would bo rom- pollcd to Jnck up his prices. It would bo the only solution possible. Illghor prices moans fewer buyers nnd busi ness falluro to tho man who Ib. afraid that advertising may bo extrava gance Progression is the highest mark of civilization. Tho ancfent method of signal fires wojild not reach a very large per cont ot tho peoplo today. Ono goes to a flro now-a-days out ot curiosity or pity for tho chap who Is losing something. Ono reads a good advortlsemont with gleo ana apprecia tion or tno man who Is progressing vvlu Is building up a business that Is fnr-rcachlng and worth while.., . ' 1 ho Income nnd tho ont-go is, at the present tlmo, so closely nlllcd that no man or woman can afford to miss a Blnglo day's opportunity to save. TJirlft Ib becoming n byo-woro In avery household nnd every dny tho nowspn por readers are turning to tho adver tisement paiajs boforo scanning tho headlines. Tho ads carry tho biggest foatureB of tlm day's nows, nnd every ro'idor is keenly alivo to that which is most vital to hla ovory dnv Hfo. Tho campaign being carried on by tho American Legion for moinborshlp Ib mooting with unexpected success. Tho men cllglblo nro rcallzintr that thoy can get moro by standing togeth er man uy Holding apart KUIIKKT A. I'llILIiU'S it Plumbing and Ileal lntr j;: iVll work entrusted to mo will 8 recolvo my porsonnl sunorvl- sion. HoHliInnoo niwl nlinn Ifin.T it E. Gth Stroot. Tolophono 45SJ. For Sale Barred Plymouth Rock cockerel, good stock. Phono BOS. For Rent Woll Improved rnnch. In qulro of F. O. Johnson, North Plntto. For Rent Garage. G03 E. Fifth St. Phono GG1W. For Rent Two room house Inquire, 41 G East Gth St. For Rcnl 9GfJaoro stock rami. Ad dress 11. Kunkol, North Platte. Wanlod Hurry in your furs Will Henrlcks, 720 North Locust. Wauled Any kind of sowing. Also housowork by tho hour after school hours. Phono 9G3J. For Sale or Trade Ono olght-rooin houso, modern except licnt. J. E. Koontz. For Rent Two unfurnished rooms, hot and cold water. Phono 82GW. 715 Wost Tenth. Vor Sale 5 room house, would soil with olthor 1 or 2 lots. Priced to soil. W. J. Crisp, 409 So. Elm St. For Sale Single Comb Rhode Is land Rod Cockorels at two dollars each. Mrs. Simon White. Horshoy, NOl). Found Ono string of pouil bonds I ..... ft W i 1 ll . ii uwner can iou una luouuiy uie same, Can havo thorn by pnylng for this ml vortlaemont. For Sain Two Old ivi.v i ora In good condition, also broodors, bono cutters nnd hay cutter. Soiling cn nccount ot sickness. Cll w. Eighth. For Snip -All modorn homo built for ownor'B homo. Eight rooms and bath, oak doors, full basement, doublo gar ago, all now. On account ot monoy condition will soil at a bargain If sold soon. Call ot 802 E. 4th St., North Platte. Want Ads ' ZANE 1 t -y Lj rr' ?4HBy AMassive Picture of ROY STFAVADT ROBERT M5KIM AND MARGUEIilTE DE LA MOTTE DIRECTED 13Y JACK COWWAY ZAiVTL GREY PICTURES INC i" . 'Distributed by W.W H0DKINS0N CORPORATION v " 1 S27 Fiflh Avenue. Kcw Jfork Ol Keith Theatre, March 7, 8, 9th. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Stop The Fly Pest DY USING (STANDARDIZED! To Mako a Good Fly Spray Use 2 ozt, Kteto Dip No. I 4 on. Cottonseed Oil 2 o Oil Tar I B1 Watei i Mix and apply willi a aprayer. Kroso Dip No. 1 kill. Lice, Mitei. Fleai onH Sheep Tick); helps the healins ( Cuis, Scratches ami common skin troubles on all (arm animals n Sanitary Protectioti Against Mac Cholrra and other contagious iliseaiss. Good For All Live Stock and Poultry EA3Y TO USE EFFICIENT ECONOMICAL Write or aik (or Free Booklet on Livestock Welfare and Farm Sanitation Uuy Kroso Dip Ko. 1 In Original Packages Joseph H. Stone Druggist North Platte PUBLIC SALE 14 miles southeast ot North Platto and G rnllos southwest ot Blgnoll, Sac. 18, T. 12, It. 29, on TUESDAY, MARCH 15th. 3rtlEAl OF HOltSKS 29 HEAD OF CATTLE ."() Head of Shouts, weight about 75 louinls each. 10 Young Sows with pig. FAIUI MACHINERY Sulo Commences at 1 p. m. Frco Lunch at Xoon. Wm. JjQ Plant 8c Son, Owner COL. H. M. JOHANSEN, Aucl. UNION STATE DANK, Clerk. Kress Pip No. I A Benj.B. Hampton, Production the Great West.with a ftwerful Cast Iacludmd . inOTPU . r rvmn iMii k-att tt vvm u m i i a k r E At The SUN, MONDAY. SESSU HAYAKAWA j.: J J V 66 Brand ALSO "LOST CITY." MMMMMMMttttiiMMM PUBLIC SALE Having decided to move to Colorado. I will sell at Puhllc Auction on tho PIzer & Halllgan Ranch, 2 miles east of tho State Farm, on THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1921, Tho following described "HEAD OF 23 Team of black horses, 8 years old, wt. 3600; team of black horses, 7 yoara old, wt 3200; team grey horses, 7 years old, wt. 3200; team bay and black horses, G and 7 years old, wt. 3300; team brown and bay horses G years old, wt 2G00; team, bay and grey horses, G years old, wt. 2G00; team brown and black mares, 7 years old, wt. 2900; team grey horses, 9 years old, wt 2500; team grey mares, G yoars old, wt. 2100; team bay and black mares, 4 years old, wt. 2200; bay horso, 3 y nrs old, wt. 2300; black horse, 3 years old, wt. 1300.; saddle marc, i rars old, wt. 1100. FEW HEAD OF HOGS DOZEN CHICKENS FARM MACHINERY, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, ETC, Push hay stacker, push, three Champion hay sweeps, two 12-ft Mc Cormlck hay rakes with tonguo trucks complete, four G-ft. McCormlck mowors, 12-ft McCormlck push binder, 7-ft. Deorlng push binder, two row John Dcoro Hstor, two-row John Deere cultivator, two-row, Johii Deoro lister cultivator, two-row, now, now 4,sectIon harrow, one-rowf corn plow, Samson 10x20 tractor, Samson plow for tractor, Sandwlcli, hay press, with engine complete, Lightning hay press for belt powor, throo 4-Incli, tiro wagons, good as new, four 3-Inch tiro wagons, twq hay racks, ton halo racks, bob sled, food grlndor, hog house, bunk house 14x20, 2 pumps comploto, two steel tanks, throo pump Jacks, flvo grind stones, two heating stovoe, small cook stovo, four wagon boxes, 3 h. p. Fairbanks gas ohglno,.somo plpoing and shop tools, ton sets of hoavy work harnous, S sots of fly nots, somo household furnituro and othor nrticlos too numorous to mention. SALE COMMENCES AT NOON. Fit EE LUNCH AT 11 O'CLOCK, TERMS OF SALE All suras of ?20 and undor ensh, on sums over $20, G months tlmo will bo given on bankable papor boaring 10 per cent In' torest from dato of snlo. EARL MORRISON. Owner. COL. H. jr.JOHANSEN, Auct. IV. H. McDONALD, Clerk. GREATEST NOVEL X in of Lopes'9 property, consisting of HORSES 23 :.: i.t t.t it i.: :t ft M n