The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 04, 1921, Image 6

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Bynopsl. The author toll of hl
(u.'(Ualntnnco "with the horo of ono
of the most remarkable ndvciituruH
over recorded. Krom a manuscript
left by his frlond ho has vividly Hot
out tho Htrnnge happctiinen which
brought together a bravo Virginian
gentleman and a 1'rlnccHa of Mara
In the" Arizona hills John Carter,
mining prospector and cx-Confed-erate
noldler, fleeing from a war
party of Apaches, takes refugo In
a cave tho atmosphero of which
has a remarkable effect on him.
Yielding to Its InllJcn'ce he sinks
Into unconsciousness, his Inst
thoughts centered on the glow from
the planet Mars. Awaking, Carter that ho has, In some In
comprehensible manner, been trans
ported to Mars, llo Is captured by
Tars Tarkas and a party of Mar
tian warriors. Ho Is conveyed, a
prisoner, to a. Martian city. Three
days later a fleet of airships from
the neighboring stato of Ifelum Is
attacked by Carter's captors, the
green Martians. Ono of the air
ships Is captured. Among tho pris
oners In n young woman of u race
different from tho green Martians
and closely resembling tho women
of tho earth, Dejali Thorls, grand
daughter of the Jcddak, or ruler,
of Helium. According to custom
sho Is doomed to die by torture.
John IcariiH the language and-be-romen
a chieftain, though still a
nominal prisoner. Dojuh Is put In
rhargo of Sola, a friendly woman.
The two prisoners plan to escape
before Dejali Thorls Is tnken be
fore the .supremo ruler of tho green
Martians. Tat Ilnjiis. John lights
a (word duel to tho death. John,
Dejah and Sola escape. John saves
Dejah but Is captured by War
hoons. O:
CHAPTER XI. Continued.
"Ho will tile nK Bur Coiiiiim, your
Jeddnk, Beits fit, If nt nil," replied tho
young ruler, with einplilislH mid
"If at nil?" roared Dale Kovn. "Hy
the dead hniidH ut my throat hut he
xhnll Tile, Itur Coiiiiik, No iimudlln
weakness on your part Rhull Have him,
O, would Hint Wnrhoon were ruled
hy a renl Jcddak rather than hy n wn-ter-henrted
weaklhiK from whom even
old Dak Kovn could tear the metal
with his hare hands I"
I la i- CoinnH eyed the delimit and In
xuhordlnnte chtcftnln for an Instant,
IiIh expression one of hntiuhty, fear
Uss contempt and hate, and then with
out drawing n weapon nnd without
tilterliiK a word ho hurled hlniwelf at
tho throat of his defamer.
I never before bad Been two green
Martian warriors battle with naturo'H
wenpoiiH and the exhibition of animal
ferocity which ensued was uh fearful
n thing as the most disordered Imagi
nation could picture, They tore at
each others' eyes and ears with their
hands nnd with their gleaming tusks
repeatedly slashed and gored until
both were cut fairly to ribbons from
bead to foot.
liar Comas bad much the better of
tho battlo as be was stronger, quicker
and inoto Intelligent. It soon seemed
that the encounter wns done saving
only the Until death thrust, when Uar
Comas slipped In breaking nwny from
u clinch. It was the one Utile opening
1 Never Defore Had Oeen Two Green
Martian Warriors Battle.
tJuU Dak Kovn needed, and hurling
himself nt tho body of his adversary lie
burled his single mighty tusk In liar
Onius' groin and with a Inst powerful
flfl'ort rlimed tho young Jeddak wide
open the full length of hls'hody, tho
grcut tusk finally wedging In tho
"bones of Bar Coiiins' Jaw. Victor and
vanquished rolled limp and lifeless
upon tho moss, a huge mass of torn
and bloody flesh.
I Uar Comas wns stone dead, and only
the most herculean oliorts on the part
f Dak Kova'n females saved him
Bm tlio who no uesurveu, ,inree
days later he walked without ukiIm
nnco to tho body of liar Comas which,
hy custom, had not been moved from
where It fell, and placing his foot
upon tlii! neck of his erstwhile ruler
be assumed the title of Jcddak of
Tho injuries to Pak Kovn had de
layed the march so greatly that It wns
decided to give up the expedition,
which wns n raid upon n small Thark
community In retaliation for the de
struction of tho Incubator, until after
the great gnines, nnd the entire body
of warriors, ten thousand In number,
turned back toward Wnrhoon.
We reached the city of Wnrhoon
after somi three days' march nnd T
was Immediately cast Into a dungeon
and heavily chained to the floor and
walls. Food wns brought me at Inter
vals but owing to the titter darkness
of the place I do not kuow whether 1
lay there days, or weeks, or months.
No sound renched mo from the world
above and no word would my Juller
vouchsafe when my food wns brought
to me, although I nt first bombarded
him with questions.
Finally all the hutted nnd maniacal
loathing for these nwful creatures who
had placed ine In tills horrible placo
was centered by my tottering reason
upon this single emissary who repre
sented to me the entire horde of Wnr
hoons. T had noticed .thnt be nlwnys nd
vanced with his dim torch to where he
could placo the food within my reach
and ns he stooped to place It upon the
floor his bead wns about on a level
with my breast. So, with the cunning
of a mndmiiu, I hacked Into the far
corner of my cell when next I henrd
him approaching nnd gathering a lit
tle slack of tho great chain which held
me In my hand I waited bis coming,
crouching like some beast of prey. As
he stooped to place iny food upon the
ground I swung tho chain nbove my
bend and crashed the links with all
my strength upon his skull. Without
n sound he slipped to tho lloor, stone
Laughing and chattering like the
Idiot I was fast becoming I fell upon
his prostrate form, my lingers feeling
for bis dend tbront. Presently they
cnulc In contact with a smnll chain at
the end of which dangled a number of
keys. The touch of my lingers on these
keys brought back-tny reason with the
suddenness of thought. No longer wns
I a Jlhbeiing Idiot, but a wine, reason
ing man with tho means of escape
within my very bunds.
As- I was groping to remove tho
cbnln from about my victim's neck I
glanced up Into tho dnrkness to see
six pnlrs of gleaming eyes fixed, un
winking, upon me. Slowly they ap
proached and slowly I shrank back
from the awful horror of them. Hack
Into my corner I crouched holding my
hands, palms out, before me, and
stealthily on came the awful eyes un
til they reached tho dead body at my
feet. Then slowly they rotrealed hut
this time with u strange grating sound
and finally they disappeared In some
black and distant recess of my dun
Battling In the Arena.
Slowly J regnlned my composure
and finally essayed again to attempt
to remove tho keys from the dead
body of my former Jailer. Hut ns I
reached out Into the darkness to lo
cate It I found to my horror that It
was gone. Then the truth Hashed on
me; the owners of those glennilng
eyes had dragged my prize away froin
me to be devoured In their neighboring
laic: ns they had been waiting for
days, for weeks, for months, through
all this awful eternity of my Imprison
ment to drag my dead carcass to their
For two days no food was brought
me, but then a new messenger ap
peared and my Incarceration went on
ns bofore. hut not again did I allow
my reason to bo submerged by the
horror of my position.
Shortly after Jills episode nnother
prisoner was brought In nnd chained
near me. IJy the dim torch light I saw
that be was a red Martian nnd I could
senrcely await the departure of his
guords to address him. As their re
treating footsteps died nwny n the
dlstniKC, T cnlled out softly tho Mar
tian word of greeting, knor.
"Who are you who speaks out of
the darkness?" ho answered.
"John Carter, n frlond of the red
men of Helium."
"I am or Helium." he said, "but I
do not recall your name."
And then I told my story ns I bnve
written It here, omitting any reference
to my lovo for Dojnh Thorls. Ho wns
much excited hy the news of Helium's
princess and seemed quite, positive
that she and Soln could enslly have
renched a point of safety from where
they loft mo. "Dejah Thorls nnd Sola
entered the hills not five miles from
a great watorwoy and are now prob
ably qulto safe" ho nssured mo.
My fellow prisoner wns Knntos Kan,
a padwnr (lieutenant) In tho navy of
Helium, lie had been it member of
the tll-fnted expedition which bad
fallen Into the hands of tho Tharks
at tho tlmo of Dejah Thorls' capture.
During the period of our lucurcoru
Hon Knntos Kan nnd I becilme Well
acquainted, nnd formed n tnrin per
sonal friendship. A few days only
elapsed, however, before wo were
drugged forth from our dungeon for
the great games. We were conducted
early one. morning to nn enormous
amphitheater, which Instead of having
been built upon the surface of the
ground wns excavated below the sur
face. It bad partially filled with debris
so thnt how large It had originally
been wns dlfllcult to suy. In Its pres
ent condition It held the entire
twenty thousand Wnrhoons of the as
sembled hordes.
.The arena wns Immense hut ex
tremely uneven nnd unkempt. Around
It the Wnrhoons hnd piled building
stone from some of the ruined edifices
During the Day I Was Pitted Against
First Men and Then Beasts.
of tho ancient city to prevent the ani
mal and tho captives from escaping
Intnthe audience, and at each end
had been constructed cages to hold
them until their turns came to meet
some horrible deatli upon the arena.
Knntos Kan and I were confined to
gether in one of the cages. In the
others were wild calots, thoats, mad
zltldars, green warriors and women of
other hordes, and ninny strange and
ferocious wild beasts of llnrsoom,
which I had never befoso seen. -
Shortly after wo hnd been caged
the nmphltheuter began to fill and
within nn hour every available part of
the seating space was occupied. Dak
Kova, with his Jeds and chieftains, sat
at the cent,or of one side of the arena
upon a largo raised platform.
t a signal from Dak Kovn the
doors of two cages were thrown open
and a dozen green Martian females
were driven to the center of the arena.
Kach was given n dagger and then, at
the far eiid, n pnek of twelve calots,
or wild dogs, wore loosed upon them.
As these brutes, growling and foam
ing, rushed upon the almost defense
less women I turned my bend that I
might not see tho horrid sight. The
yells and lnughter of the green horde
bore witness to the excellent quality
of the sport and when I turned back
to the arena, as Kantos Kan told me
It was over. I saw three victorious
calols, snarling and growling over the
bodies of their prey. The women hud
given a good account of themselves.
Next a mod zlttdnr wns loosed
among the remaining dogv, and so It
went throughout the long, hot, hor
rible day.
During the day 1 wns pitted agnlnst
first men nnd then hensts, but ns I wns
armed with n longsword nnd always
outclassed my adversary . In agility
and generally .In strength ns well, It
proved but child's play to me. Time
and time again I won ho npplause of
the bloodthirsty multitude, and toward
tho end thero wero cries that I be
tnken from the arena and be nindo a
member of the hordes of Warhoon.
Flnnlly thero were but threo of ns
left, grent green warrior of somo far
uorthorn horde, Knntos Kan, nnd my
self. The other two wore to bnttle
nnd then I to fight the conqueror for
the liberty which was neeorded the
llual winner.
Knntos Kan had fought several
times during the day and like myself
hnd nlwnys proven victorious, but oc
casionally by' tho smnllest of margins,
especially when pitted ngalnst- the
green wnrrlors. I hud little hope thnt
ho could best his glnnt adversary who
had mowed down nil bofore him dur
lug tho day. Tho fellow towered near
ly sixteen feet In height, while Knntos
Knn wns somo Inches under bIx feet
As they advanced to meet ono nnothor
I saw for tho first time n trick of
Murtlnn swordsmanship which cen
tered Knntos Kan's every hope of vic
tory nnd llfo on ono enst of the dice,
for, ns ho came to within about twen
ty feet of the huge fellow ho threw his
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Author of
Tarzan of the Apes
Copyright, A. 0. McCturir lind Company
if. t. .T Ta iTnT. T. JTt.Tii J. df . A
sword arm far behind him over his
shoulder nnd with n mighty sweep
burled his wcupon point foremost nt
the green wnrrlor. It flow true us hn
arrow and piercing the poor devil's
henrt laid him dend upon the arenn.
Knntos Knn nnd I wero now pitted
ngnlnst each other but as we ap
proached to the encounter I whispered
to him to prolong the battle until near
ly dark In the hope that we might
find some means of escape. Just ns I
snw the sudden coming of dnrk I whis
pered to Knntos Knn to thrust his.
sword between my left nrm nnd my
body. An he did so I stnggcrcd back
clasping the sword tightly with my
arm nnd thus fell to the ground with
his wenpon apparently protruding
from my chest. Kantos Kan perceived
my coup nnd stopping quickly to my
side ho plnccd his foot upon my neck
nnd wltbdrnwing his sword from my
body gnve me the finnl death blow
through the neck which Is supposed to
sever the jugulnr vein, hut In this In
stance the cold blnde slipped harm
lessly Into the snnd of the nreun. In
the darkness which hnd now fnllen
none could tell but thnt he hnd rcnlly
finished me. I whispered to him to
go nnd clnlm his freedom and then
look for me In the hills cast of the
city, nnd so ho left, me.
When" tho nmphlthcnter hnd elenred
I crept stealthily to tho top and ns
the stent excnvntlon Iny fnr from the
plnzn and In nn untenanted portion of
the grent dend city I hud little trouble
In rencblng the bills beyond.
For two days I wnlted thero for
Knntos Knn, but as lie did not come I
stnrted off on, foot In a northwesterly
direction townrd n point where he hnd
told me Iny the nearest waterway. My
only food consisted of vegetnhle milk
from tho plants which gnve so boun
teously of this priceless fluid.
Through two long weeks I wnn
dercd, stumbling through the nights
guided only by the stars and hiding
during the dnys behind some protrud
ing rock or nmong the occnslonnl
hills I trnversed. Several times I wns
attacked by wild bertsts; strange, un
couth monstrosities thnt lenped upon
me In the dnrk, so that I had ever to
grnsp my longsword In my bund thnt
I might be ready for them. Usually
my strange, newly ncqulred telepnthlc
power wnrned me In nmple time, but
once I wns down with vicious fnngs nt
my Jugulnr and n hnlry face pressed
close to mine before I knew thnt I
wns even threatened.
What manner of thing was upon me
I did not know, but thnt It was large
and henvy and mnny-leggcd I could
feel- My hands were at Its throat
before the fnngs bad a chance to bury
themselves In my neck, and slowly I
forced the hairy face, from me and
closed my fingers, viselike, upon Its
Without sound we Iny there, the
benst exerting every effort to reach
me with those awful fangs, and I
straining to muintaln my grip and
choke the life from It as I kept It
from my throat. Then n living mass
of destruction sprang from the sur
rounding dnrkness full upon the cren-
lure that held me pinioned to the
ground. The two rolled growling upon
the moss, tearing and rending one an
other In a frightful mnnner, but It -was
soon over and my preserver stood with
lowered head above the throat of the
dead thing which would have killed
The nearer moon, hurtling suddenly
above theMiorlzon and lighting up the
IJarsoomlan scene, showed me that
my preserver wns Wooln, ,hut from
whence he had come, or how found
me, I was at n loss to know. That 1
wns glnd of his companionship It Is
needless to say, hut my pleasure at
seeing Jilm was tempered hy anxiety
ns to the reason of his leaving Dejah
Ily the light of tho now brilliant
moons l snw tnut lie was out a
shadow of his former self, nnd ns ho
turned from my caress nnd com
menced greedily to devour the dead
carenss nt my feet I realized that the
pooi fellow was more than hnlf
starved. When WoMa hnd finished
his menl I again took up my weary
nnd seemingly endless wnnderlng In
quest of the elusive waterway.
At daybreak of the fifteenth day I
was overjoyed to see the high trees
thnt denoted tho object of my search.
About noon I dragged myself wearily
to the portals of n huge building which
covored perhaps four square miles and
towered two hundred feet In the air
It showed no aperture In the mighty
walls other than the tiny door at
which I sank exhausted, nor was there
nny sign of life about It.
I could find no boll or other method
of making my presence known to the
Inmntea of the, unless u smnll
round hole In the wnll nenr the door
was for that purpose. It was of about
tho bigness of a lend pencil nnd think
ing thnt It might bo In the nature of
a spcnklng tube I put my month to It
and was about to call Into it when n
voice Issued from It nsklng me whom
I might he, where from, and the nn
turo of my errand.
"I am a friend of the red men of
'Hursoom nnd I am starving.. In the
name of humanity open to us," I re
A f.J.,T i A its . ??..? sf t AJiAifi aft Ji A tVTi A A uti rife
Presently the door commenced U
recede before me until It bad sunk
Into the wall fifty feet, then It stopper:
unci slid easily to the left, exposing s
Abort, narrow corridor of concrete, ni
the further end of which was another
loor, similar In every respect to the
ono I had Just passed. No one was
u flight, yet Immediately we passed
(he first door it stld gently Into place
behind us' nnd receded rapidly to Its
original position In the front wall of
the building. '
A second nnd n third door receded
ocfore me and slipped to one side as
the first, before I renched n large In
ner chamber where I found food and
drink set out upon a great stone table.
A voice directed me to satisfy my
hunger and to feed my cnlot, nnd
while I ,was thus engaged my invisible
host put me through a severe and
searching cross-examination.
"Your statements are most remnrk-
nhle." suld the voice, on concluding its
questioning, "but you are evidently
spenklhg the truth, nnd it Is equnlly
avldent that you are not of llnrsoom.
I can tolMhnt by the conformation of
your brain nnd the strange location of
your internal organs and the shape
and size of your licnrt."
"Can you set through me?" I ex-
"Yes, I can sec nil hut your
thoughts, nnd were you n Bursoomlnn
I could read those."
Theixpi door opened nt tho fnr side
f the chamber and n strange, dried
ip, little mummy of u man came
toward me. He wore but n single ar
ticle of clothing or adornment, a small
collar of gold from which depended
apon his chest a grent ornament ns
large ns n dinner plnte set solid with
huge diamonds, except for the exact
center, which was occupied hy a
strange stone, nn Inch In diameter,
that scintillated nine different nnd dis
tinct rays; the seven colors of our
mrthly prism and two beautiful rays
which, to me, were new and nnnicless.
I cannot describe them any more thnn
you could describe red to a blind mnn.
I only know that they were beautiful
In the extreme.
Hie old man snt nnd talked with
me for hours, and the strangest pnrt
of our Intercourse wns thnt I could
rend bis every thought while he could
not fathom un lota from my mind un
less I spoke.
The building In which I found my
self contained the machinery which
produces that artificial atmosphere
which sustains life on Mnrs. Tlie se
cret of tho entire process hinges on
the use of the ninth my, one of the
beautiful scintillations which I had
noted emanating from the great stone
In my host's diadem.
This ray is separated from the oth
er rays of the sun by means of finely
adjusted Instruments placed upon the
roof of tho huge building, three-quarters
of which Is used for reservoirs In
which the ninth ray Is stored. This
The Old Man Sat and Talked With
Me for Hours.
product Is then trusted electrically,
or rather certain proportions of re
lined electric vibrations nre Incor
porated with It. and the result Is then
pumped to the five principal air coic
tors of the planet whore, us It Is re
leased, contact with the ether of space
transforms It Into atmosphere.
John starts for hMium.
The Sole Exception.
Mrs. Junebrldo Oh, dear I Strikes
seem to bo uiiIvotsuI, don't they I
Ilor Iluslmnd Yep I Everything
strlkliiR except tho clock your brother
gnve us for n wedding present, and
timt never did work any to speak of.
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
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