c NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE LOCAL AM) PERSONAL Mrs. llort MUlor lsft this morning r r Sterling whoro Mr. Mtllor Is now unployoil on tho looal botwoon Ster ling mul Juloiburg. A master exhibition o corrool new spring stylos In womons and misses suits, couta and droasos now botiiR shown by tho I.ondor Mor. Co. J, L. Uulor, utild to bo n prlvnia tl tdallvo, fllod complaint In vom court Wodnosday ngnlnst llort Uoyr for bootlogglngf -Tnmos Way for ban logglug, Dolpli Tumor for bootleg ging, T. Konnody for bootloRglntt ami H. Cumber for Illegal pobbossIoh c liquor. Nono havo yot boon trlod. V. K. Lnwrenca returned from OmR- )n this morning whoro ho tntttmotod I usinoss for a short time. Mrs. Homer Peterson entertained r (e friendfl nt n dinner Inst evnlng foi.nwod by n slutnbor warty. CLINTON, THE JEWELER Clinton and Fon, The Eye Glass Men Sign of the Big Ring. Satisfaction Sure --Try Us Graduate Opticians DR. 0. H. CRESSLER. Graduate Dentist Office orer the McDonald State Bank LOCAL AND TEKSONAL C. V. Turplo is transacting business In Denver this week. Leo Mustard went to Denver Wed nesday to transact b'usinoss. Fresh milk at 10c a quart. Mc-Michael's- Grocery. Mrs. Ireland, of. Curtis, shopped in the city yesterday. Gus Gundcrson, ol Elmcrock, was a city visitor "Wednesday. Mrs. Roy Rice, of Maxwell, shopped In the city Wednesday. Harry Cramer transacted business in Sutherland Wednesday. Mrs. Carl Wlckstrom of Hershoy visited in the city Wednesday. Joo Pizer, of Denver, is visiting at tho Julius Pizer homo this week. Dr. Simms returned from a profes sional trip to Gannett Wednesday. ""Try our 20c coffee. McMlchael's Grocery. Gilbert Peters, of Sterling, is visit ing friends in tho city. Airs. P. E. Mackinteo spent Monday in Kearney on business. Mr. and Mrs. Millard Rldlnger went to Ogalalla yesterday to visit. Keith Nevillo returned from a bus iness trip to Denver yesterday. Mrs. V. E. Ford went to Lexington yesterday to visit for n few days. Dr. Fetter was called to Gothenburg yesterday on professional business. Mrs. Johanna McGraw returned tho foro part of tho week from Laramie, 'My Homo Town Is a One Horse Town But Its Good Enough For Me"--- Jim Doherty explains it on an Edison record. Dixon's havo it for you. Kldo Doty left yesterday for Pitts burg to visit relatives for a fow weeks. Mrs. Lloyd Arnold left Wednesday for Grand Island to visit her parent?. C. M. Austin left Wednesday for Om aha to attend tho Jewelers' conven tion. Guy Swope loft Wednesday for Lin coln, to attend an Odd Follows meet ing. Mr. and Mrs. Godtroy Turnqulst of Gotlionburg visited in tho city Wed nesday. Ilarley Gates wont to Omaha Wed nesday to attend tho Jewclortf Con vention. Mrs. L. C. Knuffman returned from tho eastern part of tlito stato tho first of tho week. Ward LaRuo left Wednesday t5 spend sovcral days in Kearney vjsit ing friends. Mrs. H. T. Krier, of Lexington, came yosterday to visit at tho homo of Mrs. L. C. McGraw. Chas. Reynolds returned to Omaha , last evening after transacting busi ness in tho city. Geo. N. Gibbs left Wednesday for Denver to spond n fow days transact ing legal business. Miss Sullivan will leave Saturday for Grand Island to spend Sunday with her parents. Tho local basketall team was de feated in Bayard Wednesday evening by a scoro of 54 to 25. Miss Freda Slacker underwent an operation for appendicitis Wednesday ovchlng in a local hospital. Mr. and Mrs, Slackor of Brady, were called hero Wednesday by tho illness of their daughter, Freda Slackor. Miss Elizabeth Little arrived home yesterday from tho east whoro she has been buying mllltnory for the Loader. Allan Robb loft Wednesday for Lex ington to visit relatives for a fow days ington to visit rolaltves fora few days. Tho Paxton basketball teams de feated tho Parochial school teaniB Tuesday evening in Paxton by n score of tho boys 35 to 16 and tho girls 14 to ! G. A good many pupils of tho school ' accompanied tho teams. 1 TUX LAMBS PUT ON COLOHKU MINSTKKL SHOW AS CIIIKF ATTRACTION. Tho Royal Neighbors hold a party at tho K. P. Hull this week which was attended by about 150 mombors nu.il friends. Ton Indies put on a minstroi show, four of thorn being dressed ns southern mnmmles and four as color ed men. Thoy sang southern songs ac connmnlcd by Professor Knowltall. A Hawaiian danco was put on by Miss Liza Jnno. Aftor tho minstrel was ovor n flash photo was taken 6f tho actors by Photographer Dcdmoro. Luuch was served. On account of tho success of this party It is planned to hold one each month. DANCING IN FltAN'KLlN Ai niTOItl I'M TO UK DECIDED Y THE SriMlEMK COUNT Tho group of peoplo In this city wh(. nro opposed to dancing In tho Frank lln Auditorium, havo by unanimous voto authorized Win. E. Shuman to appeal tho caso which was decided ncalnst them in tlio District Court ro ccntly. Mr. Shuman has accordingly filed an appeal in tho Stato Supremo Court. U will probably bo nliout year beforo tho appcnl Is heard. THE FAT OF THE LAND. Arc you gcttng It? House rent at $50.00 per month for 5 years and you havo $3,000- in dead checks or receipts. Tho landlord has tho deed, and you aro still sticking around town llgurlng tho interest at 10 on that $3,000 you nevor had In a lump sum, but which you havo donated to your landlord and havo nothing to show for it. DON'T DONATE ANY LONGER. DON'T FIGURE INTEREST' ON MONEY UNLESS YOU HAVE THE CASH ON HAND. Better lot us llguro with you on a now homo built to suit you, or somo of tho Bargains we havo to of i'or. THE HOLLMAN & SEBASTIAN AGENCY. You Want Your New TO BE CHEAPER IN PRICE BUT NOT IN QUALITY. ' We have them, both single and double breasted styles in gray, brown and blue. Priced at Mens new Dress Shirts - 98c Mens Work Shirts, blue anp grey 89c Mens Work Glovcc short wrist and gauntlet - 98c Mens dark stripy Work Pants $3.49 Ladies you are missing something if you fail to visit our leady-to-Wear Department New Suits, chic models, New Spring Coats, Dresses and Skirts at prices that are interesting. Ladies' Tricolelle Dresses, brown' and blue $16.75 Ladies' Tricoletle Blouses, assorted colors $4.98 Ladies' Silk Waists $2.98 New Mme. Pfeil Front Lace Corsets - - $3.98 Always something good in our pfy QQ$ qfayfi Our Cards Show You the Prices. Come In and Shop Around We Can Save You Money on Shoes If you havent bought J. C. PENNEY SHOES try us for your next pair. Re member we guarantee satisfaction, in the wearing quality of every shoe we sell ON DISPLAY-SHOES AT PRICES TO FIT HOST ANY PURSE Except the one that wants to spend over $10.00 Pennys Make Dollars For You 11 v "T? nit t ion -u UU imiiniimn j Special Attention Given Mail Orders. I New Arrivals In Spring Pumps and Oxfords The new Spring Oxfords aro here and what superb style and character our new Low Shoes are. You must see BUCK'S BOOTERIE footwear for spring to fully realize what's what in footwear. Cuban Heel Oxfords arc again very good for street wear. Cut at loft comes in brown kid and welt solo. Price $8.00 r Strap Pumps in Brown Suede. Brown and Black Kid Leathers, High Louis, Military and one-inch j3 Walking Heels. Every style and price a distinct yfij leader for value $7.00 to!$10.00 BUY BUCK SHOES Formerly Known as the Shoe Market AT THE SUN, 3 DAYS commencing! March 1st. Two Shows each afternoon and night. MATINEE 2:15 and 4:05. NIGHT 7:15 nnd 9:00 P, M. SAMUEL GOLDWYN presents PAULINE FREDERICK 1 MADAME X Ej3 Atyted from the French of ALEXANDER BISSQN by .uraiigimcmt with HENRY W SAVAGE Directed bv FRANK ' LLOYD .'112 Stores AS-3 Col.