7j NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE LOCAL AADPKKSONAL Mr. nnd Mrs. V. I. Banks nnd son toft Wednesday for a visit In Cali fornia. Father Sullivan loft Wodnosdny for Elmcrcok aftor visiting Itov. Patrick MoDnid. Sandhill potatoes. MoMlclinol's Gro cery. Sherwood Woodhurst ciino from Koarnoy Wodnosdny to visit In the city for Bovoral days. Francis Norrls roturncd to IiIh homo In Choyenno tho first of the week af ter vlnltlng local friends. Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian Schwnlger and son returned tho first of tho week from Omaha whoro Uic formor had been taking treatments. Guy Swopo, Harry York, William Slmants James Smallwood, Henry Olenor nnd Harold Langford attended tho Initiation of Odd Follows at Hor shoy Tuoaday evening. B. J. Qulnan, for many years a res ident ot Lincoln County, but now In tho real cstnto buslnoss In Kansas City, Kansas, loft Wednesday after noon for his homo there. Ho Is still longing for Nebraska nnd expects to return hero boforo long. Yeomen, Annlrcrsary Member ship Campaign Oblrct 100 Members by March 101 li, WORK AND WIN Sco any Yeomen. Phono 939W or 028. WATCH WHO WINS Wall Paper Our lm el W!l Pipr iimpltt lor 1521 m. ,bticl ilii newfii crcuionl, diiii tni color Khimtl LoJhd lots fine brgi nniple booVl b HENRY BOSCH COMPANY ' r,r iI.iM III thru ittnctlvt Simple Dookt i, tuemblrj ery Intiitillnj HiorinKnt ol moll Itihioniblc color lomi. Novclilti, Chinliej ind Amirlcm IUn4 Wlnu r iIiowb hi f rcit rltj. Simple JJaoki In jour own homr, lik for Color Stlitmii ii4 RMlmiiri on p.oif. Phil Beats NORTH PLATTE Needs A Flour Mill That Has Been Provded. Wo believe this mill will be most successful if the, ownership is scattered to some extent among, responsible farmers and businessmen. Tho unsold treasury stock Is selling at-par, $100 per share. Invest your money where good dividends are sure and whore it will benefit North Platte and Lincoln County. Phone or write for further information. North Platte Flour Mills. jBwBJBSKfet ll Jbsbbbbbbbbv " ' Pipeless Furnace 2 Do you want a furnace that is gas tight, built like an jonglho boiler. This cut shows you tho best pipo or pipe less furnace for tho money in tho U. S. A. You can get it. at the right prico and proper installation at Wm, Waldorf's J, PLUMBING AND HEATING SHOP, -51$ Locust Street. 30RTH PLATTE WILL NOT SCOWf THE HASTINGS - JUAKIATA HIGH SCHOOL DEBATE Reports wcro circulated hero last weok that somo of tho mombcrs or tno North Platte High Schol debating team would make tho trip to Hastings this week to hear tho debate between tho Hastings nnd Juniata teams. North Platte Is to debato tho winner. Plans for securing funds for this pur Pobo woro talked over by some of the students but when theso plans reached the ears of tho coaches and members of tho loam attention was promptly called to the fact that scouting In do- bate is not considered cthicnl and na n(lf-roHpoctIng team will do It. Wo nro r.rutreil that no coach, member of tho team or other Intorcstcd citizen of North Platto attended tho Hnstlngs Juniata dobate. ::o:i HEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Following Is n list ot deeds record ed In tho office of C. W. Yost, Roglstor of Deeds, since our last lssuo: Fobr. 21 L. P. Jopson and wlfo to T. S. McCrono, lot 3, block 151 origi nal town ot North Platto, $7500. Febr. 10 O. 13. Elder guardian to Edwnrd Johnson S Sec. 24, T. 11, R. 31, Lincoln County, $1600. Fcbr. 21 O. E. Elder, referee, to Robt. L. Douglas, lots 5, 0, 7 nnd 8, block 25, In original town of North Platto, $4800. Fcbr. 21 James C. Mooro et al to Henderson F. Johns, Sec. 4, 5 and 0, lots 1, 2, 3 and t. Svfc of N and tho of Sec. 2; all that part of Sec 3 lying west of tho center of BIrdwood Creek; also tho W of tho SE4, tho NEtyi ot tho SWA, tho SEVi of tho NW,, tho N of tho NWU and tho N of tho NE,i of Sec. 10, T. 1 , R. 33. $34,362.00. Febr. 21 Wilbur W. WInqufBt and wlfo to Gustaf Rosctrator, lots G, 7, 8 nnd 9, Sec. -8, T. 12, R. 27. $12,000. Fobr. 21 Edwin M. Donaldson to Edward Johnson, S Sec. 24, T. 11, R. 31, $1600. Fobr. ID Herbert T..Woodgato and wlfo to Guy W. Edls, lots 3 nnd 4 in block 4, In North Platto Town Lot Company's Addition to North Platto, $3000. Fcbr. 21 Anna L. Wilcox and hus band to Fred Walts, SW'i Sec. 2, T. 9, R. 26, $8000. Fcbr. 21 Frank E. Wilcox and wlfo to Frod Walts, E of Sec. 2, T. 9, R. 2G, $10,300. Fobr. 21 Albortus W. Wobb and wlfo to Chns. A. Kcnnoy, SEVi Sec. 11, NWi Sec. 14 In T. 9, R. 24, $19,200. SPECIAL PIANO BARGAIN Wo have a high grado piano stored In North Platto which mtiBt bo sold. Will greatly sacrlflco prico for quick salo to savo cxponse. Terms given responslblo person. Go oxamlno it. Write ns offbr. All Information given by vrltlng Tho Dcuvor Music Com pany, Donver, Colorado. Phono, 517 Mutual Building & Loan Association of North Platte. INCORPORATED IN 1887. Resources $1,370,427.14. SAtfETi: FIEST. Investors in this association get the benefits of the following requirements of the laws of Nebraska under which it is operating: First. The association is required to invest only in first mortgages on real estate or tho stock of this associa tion. Second. Such investments are non-negotiablo and non-assignable, and can only bo discharged by payment direct to tho association. This is a very important pro tection not available to any financial institution except Building & Loan Associations. Third. The association is subject to the supervision of the State Banking Board. How well the interests of tho investors in this as sociation have been safeguarded is evidenced by tho fact that in tho more than thirty three years of its operation not one dollar has been lost. T. C PATTERSON, President. LINCOLN COUNTY. CHATTER OF AMERICAN RED CItOSS IS ACTIVE Tho Bxecutlvo Committee of the Lincoln County Chapter, American Red Cross mot at tho offico of the president, Miss Ajina Kramph, Tues day afternoon, February 22 and Bpont some time In considering tho possible activities to bo undertaken during the coming year. Tho following chairmen of committees woro elected: Commlt- tco on Auxiliary Service. Mrs. Chas. Boguo; Commltteo on Homo Service, Miss Anna Kramph; Committee on Nursing, Mrs. It. P. Cottorcll; Junior Red Cross Commltteo, Supt. Aileen G. Cochran. Each of theso chairmen was given authority to appoint tho mom bora ot her own commltteo. Mrs. Killcn, of Wallace, was made Vice- Chairman of tho Commltteo on Auxil iary Sorvice. Tho salary of tho sec rotary of tho Lincoln County Chaptor was set at $25 a month. Tho Chapter will undertake to make some ar rangements to equip for disaster ro ller, but plans have not been worked out yet. An appropriation was mado and placed in the hands of tho officers to be used in helping to defray the expense of maintaining a paid social worker in tho county. ::o:: i AS THE RA8KETBALL SEASON NEARS ITS CLOSE THE IN TEREST INCREASES The Sidney basketball quintet Willi I 11 1 1 1 1.il... 1 J. . it.!.- ' IUUUI II1U JUCUl UilHKUlUUIl IUUIU 11113 evening In what Is looked forward to as ono of tho fastest games of tho sea son. SIdnoy having no football team devotes much time to basketball and this gamo will bo tlio first that Sidney High. School has ever met with N. P. II. S. Basketball season ends next week with a gamo with Gothenburg on Thursday, March 3, and tho local team will leave on tho following Monday for Lincoln to attend tho state tourna ment. MARRIAGE RECORW Following is n list of tho marriage licenses Issued by County Judge Woodhurst since our Inst Issue: Febr. 23 Paul F. Ilclser, farmer, Paxton and Miss Mary Salo, Poxton. Fobr. 23 Godfrey B. Turnqulst, Gothonburg nnd Miss Edith L. John son, Gothonburg. Febr. 21 Eilort A. Stevens, Goth onburg nnd Miss Lizzie A. Fikenscher, Ilrndy. FOR TRADE Fine clean stock of Furniture, Stoves, Hardware, Groceries, IIouso Furnishings. Best money maker in town. Will trade for canyon land, southeast of North Platto. Seo ECHELBERRY, 104 Front Street, UKPOriT OP THE CONDITION OF THE Union State Bank U; ilUUli . IttllUi VIIUl b. HUi 111.11 ... r VTahM. ni.l.n SM, n , n XT 1R41 Ift tho Stato of Nebraska nt the close or buBlnosa February 10, 1021 nESOURCES Loans and discounts $127,372.59 overdraft 703.10 Uonds. HecurltlcH, Judg mentH, claims, etc., In cluilliicr nil covornmont bonda 2,391.86 Furniture nnd ftxtureH 5.410.C8 Othor real estate fi.077.G6 Current expenses, taxes and interest paid iT,us.,tti duo irom Nat'i anu !3,443.14 726.75 5,710.00 37.C0 Checks nnd items of exchange . . Currency ...... Gold coin Silver, nickels nnd cents ........ 1. C70.C9 31,496.98 Total 91S0.47S.83 LIABILITIES Capital Htock paid in f60.000.00 Undivided profits Individual depos its subject to clioclc Demand c'ertlfl caten of depos it Time certificates 16,055.13 85.06S.72 1,434.06 or deposit 27,220.67 113,720.45 NoteH nnd bills re-dlscounted 0,700.00 Total, ,...$lS0,47B.e3 Btate ot Nebraska, County ofLlncoin.ss I, T. A. nrennan. Cashier, of tho abovo named bank do hereby swear that tho above statement ts a correct una true copy or tho report made to tno mate uureau or. u&nicinr. ' T. A. JBRBNNAN, Cashier. Attest: i T. O 8WENS0N. Director. & A. OLSON. Director. Subscribed and swora to before roe this 3th day or February, mi. . C. X BAB KINS, Notary Public. BESSIE F. SALISBURY, Secretary. Oral Prophylaxis Mputh Hygleno HOWARD YOST Dental Surgeon Phono "307 Twlnem Dldg- J.S.TWINEM.MD. it t.t t.t j.t it tf t.t t.t i.t t.t t.t t.t t.t l t.t t.t 11 Homcpathic Physician & Surgeon General Practice and Construction Surgery. tl if Hospital Accomodations J.5 t.t t.t Platle Valley Hospital. II Former Name "Twinera Hospital". NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Office 340 House 1257 DR. W. I. SHAFFER Osteopath Physician Over the Oasis. North Platte. DK. J. It. McKIRAHAN Practice Limited to JMseasOs ?f Women ana Surgcrgr OVER REXALL DRUG STORE Phones Office 213 Residence 255 DR. JIEDFIELD Physician, Obstetric tan Surgeon, X-Bay Calls Promptly Aaswered Night or Day Phone Office 042 Residence 676 MRS. M. HENRY GILFOTL Teacher of VOICE CULTURE and tho ART OF SINGING. Residence Studio: 108 West 3rd. City john s. snars, m. d. Special Attention Given to Surgery McDonald Bask Building Office Pltone 83 Rcsldcsce SS GEO. B. DENT, PhysIclaB and Surgeon. Special AtteatloB GItch te Sarforj and Ohstotrlcs. Otflca: Bulldlnx tc Lo&a Buildins Phones: Offlcs 130, Residence 116 Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C . DROST. Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, " - - Nebraska. Knights ot Columbus Building. DItS. STATES & STATES Chiropractors 5, 0, 7 BalldlHg ft Loaa BnUdla Offico Phone 70. Rea. Phone 1241 DR. S. E. HUPFER Chiropodist nnd Foot Specialist FOOT COXFOET. ARCH BUILDING. Corns, Callouses, and Ingronlatr Too Nails Removed and Ulcers cured Banlons treated and all other Ail meats of tho Foot. OYER CASH MEAT MARKET. DR. IIASOIB FENNEJt Osteopath Ora MkaskisITa 7 ... Otic Pfcoas S33 Res. Pkoat KM NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Hall Block North ot Posloflice. Phone 58 A modern Institution for the cientlflc treatment of medical, surgical and confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Rny and diagnustic laboratories Staff: Geo. B. Dent. H. D. V. Lucas, M. D. J. B. Redfie!d,M.D. IS. SIMMS, H.D. W. T. ritlTCIIAED, Gradnnte Veterinarian Ex-Covcrnmcnt Votcrlnarlan and ex assistant deputy State Veterinarian Hospital 815 South Vino Street. Hospital Phone Black 633 IIouso Phone Black 633 M..,.,..,...,,...,..........A.,...,...... PERU vhkkRT A FOBBES, it Licensed Embalmers Undertakers and Funeral Directorial Day phone 41 if Night phone Black 688 ;l NOTICE OF SALE Notice Is horeby given that on Sat urday, February 2G, 1921, at 2 o'clock P. M. at the County Jail at tho corner of Third and Locust streets in tho City of North Platto, County of Lincoln and Stato of Nebraska, I, A. J. Salisbury, Sheriff of said county, will sell nt pub lic auction, to tbe highest bidder for cash, tho following described person al property, to-wit, ono Buttor-KIst Popcorn machine, with salted peanut attachment, or so much thereof ns shall be necessary to satisfy a certain judgment obtained by Holcomb & Hoko Mfg. Co., a corporation, plaintiff, against II. O. Sudman, defendant, in tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, on Docember 7, 1920, for the sum of Nine Hundred Soventy-onc and 05-100 Dollars ($971.05) with in terest ot seven per cent per annum from tho date of said judgment, and tho costs of said action nnd of this sale, said property having been levied upon by mo, upon execution to satisfy said judgment. Dated February 11, 1921. A. J. SALISBURY, F15-25 Sheriff of Lincoln County. Nebraska. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notico Is heroby given that sealed blda will bo received at tho office or tho County Clerk of Lincoln County, Nebraska, in the city of North Platte, Nebraska, up to tho hour ot Twelve O'clock noon ot tho 7th day of March 1921, for the construction and erec tion of tho Superstructure, the sub structure and approaches of all bridges, and for furnishing tho mater ials in connection with same, to be frailt In Lincoln County for tho period of one year, nt a specified sum per lineal foot for tho superstructure of all such bridges; and nt a specified sum rer lineal foot for tho super structure of all such approaches; and at a specified sum per lineal foot for all piling used In tho substructure of all bridges and approaches; and at a speclflefl sum per foot (hoard meas ure) for all caps, sway braces and other wood materials used In the sub ctrncturo of such bridges and ap proaches. In tho event the substructure of such bridges or approaches is built wholly or in part of stone, brick, cement or concrete, tho contract for the portion of said substructure to bo bitflt of said material shall be let at s specified sum per cubic foot In place In event tho substructure of such bridges or approaches is wholly or In part of iron, steel or other metal, the contract for the portion of said sub structure to be built of iron, steel or othor metal shall be let at a specified sum per lineal foot for tubing, and nt a specified sum per pound for an othor metal In place. tU Bids must be accompanied by a certified check In tho amount of S5Q0 mado payable to the County Clerk of Lincoln County, to bo forfeited to the county in case tho bidder muses to enter into contract with tho County if samo is awarded to him. In general character the work con sists of any kind covered by tho Ne braska standard Bridge Plans, Coplos ot which nro on filo In tho offico of tho County Clerk. Tho numbor and kind of bridges required to be built in tho county and their proposed location as near as can bo estimated and determined is as follows: 22 ft. span between Sees S and 29, T. 13. R. 27 and any other ifldges at any othor location In tho county that tho county board may seo nit to order built during the Hfo ot the contract. All biddors nro required to bid on tho plans and specifications and bid ding blanks prepared by the Secretary ot tho Stato Board ot Irrigation and all bids shall bo mado strictly In ac cordnr.co with all brldgo laws ot the Stato ot Nebraska, pertaining to such matters. Bids will bo publicly opened and read nt tho hour of Two O'clock P. M. on the 7th day of March, 1921, at tho regular mooting place ot tho County Board of Lincoln Co. in tho Court IIouso at North Platte, Nebraska. Any Bidder beforo entoring on the work, pursuant to contract, awarded him, ohall give bond to the county in tho sum ot 2,000.00 conditioned for tbe faithful execution ot th contract. Tho County Board ot Llncln Coun ty, Nebr., reserve unto themsslros the right to reject any or all bids. A. S. ALLEN, Fl-4wks County Clerk. Ed Kierig, Auctioneer. General Furiu Sales A Specialty, also Real Estnte. References and Dates 1 First National Dank. Res. 100 East 3rd St. Phono 913 T. E. Doolittle, March 3rd, 2 mlle3 West of State Farm. Mrs. Sam Workman, March 8th, 9 miloa west of North Platte. B. O. Nelson, March 9th, 11 mllea Northeast of Brady. W. M. Pall, March 16, 15 miles east of North Platte. R. U. McMastors, March 7, 4 mllea North of North Platte. SAY IT WITH 1'LOWERS North Platto FloTal Co. Flowers. W. Twelfth Street Phono 1023 Wo deliver and ship anywhere ORDER FIXING CLAIM DAYS. In tho Matter of tho Estate ot Nettle A. Yohe, Deceased. Now on this 4th day of Fobruary, 1921, it is ordered by tho Court that tho executors ho allowed ono year from this dato in which to settlo sold Estate, and creditors will bo allowed until tho 8th day of Juno, 1921, to. Mo thoir claims, otter Bald date, claims will bo forever barred. That on tho 8th day of March, 1921, and tho 8th day of Juno, 1921, at 10 o'clock a. m. of each ot Bald days, tho court and tho Executors will attend at tho coun ty court room in said county, to re ceive, examine, hear, allow, and ad just claims. That notico of this order be given creditors and all persons in terested in said Estate by publication of a notico for four successivo weeks immediately preceding the 8th day of March, 1921, in tho North Platto Semi Weekly Tribune, a legal semi-weekly nowspaper printed nnd published In Lincoln County, Nebraska. (SEAL) VTM. H. C. WOODHURST, County Judge. State of Nebraska, County of Lin coln, ss. At a regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners on January 10, 1921, the Board of County Com missioners procedeed to mako and did make the following estlmnto of ex penses for the County of Lincoln, State of Nebraska, for tho year 1921, as follows:- For County General Fund $75,000.00 For County Bridgo Fund 40,000.00 For County Road Fund -u.. 50,000.00 For Agricultural Society 1,000.00 For Labor Bureau Exten sion 5,000.00 Special Brldgo and Precinct Bonds and Interest Osgood Bridge Precinct, Principal and Interest $1,600.00 South Platte Bridgo Precinct Principal and Interest 1,500.00 BIrdwood Brldgo Precinct Principal and Interest 1,500.00 Platte Bridgo Precinct Principal and. Interoct 1,500.00 East Platte Bridge Precinct Principal and Interest 2,000.00 Bostwick Bridge Precinct Principal and Interest 500.00 Hershey Bridge Precinct Principal and Intorest 700.00 Srecial School Bond Levies School Dist. No. 1 Principal and Interest $15,0OO.0O School Dist. No. 1 Principal nnd Interest 1,750.00 School Dist. No. 23 Principal and Interest 500.00 School Dist. No. 47 and Interest 100.00 No. 55 and Interest 4,000.00 No. 37 Principal School Dist. Principal School Dist. Principal and Interest 2.50O.00 School Dist. No. 67 Intorest . 450.00 94 Interest 350.00 98 Interest 300.00 105 Interest .1 300.00 111 . Interest .. 300.00 119 Principal and School Dist. No. Principal and School Dist. No. Principal and School Dist. No. Principal and School Dist. No. Principal and School Dist No. Principal and Interest . 200.00 200.00 200.00 300.00 350.00 500.00 500.00 300.00 School Dist. No. 120 Principal and Interest School Dist. No. 122 Principal and Interest School Dist. No. 12C Principal and Interest School Dist. No. 131 Principal and Intorest School Dist. No. 132 Principal and Interest School Dist. No. 133 Principal and Interest School Dist. No. 21 Principal and Interest School Dist. No. 113 Principal and Interest 200.00 School Dist. No. 116 Principal and Interest 200.00 School Dist. No. 18 Principal and Interest 300.00 Special School Building Levies School Dist. No. 33 Special Building Levy $3,300.00 School Dist. No. 60 Special Building Levy 900.00 School Dist. No. 130 Special Building Levy 200.00 School Dist. No. 131 Special Building Levy .... 200.00 School Dist. No. 19 Special Building Levy 200.0i SCllOOl UlBt. No. 31 special liullding Levy E00.no School Dist. No. 65 Principal and Intorest 1,000.00 School Dist. No. 132 Principal and Interest 300.00 School Dist. No. 133 Principal and Intorest 300 00 School Dist. No. 91 Special Building Levy 200.00 School Dist. No. 100 . Special Building Lovy 200.00 , School DiBt. No. 112 Principal and Interest 300 00 . .uPu ' No.rt &aM' Nebraska, this 10th, day of JanTl921. E. li. fiPRrNQER, T. M. COHAOEN, II. wOKEVt, .of Oomty Commissioners, .i . . co'a 'ounty, Nebraska. fsnS!) ALL. County CUrk.