NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY THIBUNB K' 4 f. J, it i 4nnim i The Sedan has become q per manent part of the substantial domestic life of the nation. This could not be so if the car were not deserving in the sense of being good and economical. A ' "a caaollne consumption is unusually r Jaw. , 'rhe tite niUece is unusually high. .1'. i 1 i'-X'.V. R0M1GHJ, 1 r " J T Dealer , ' ' , ft NORTH PIATTE, THE OWN YOUR OWN HOME CITY, 1 " " J n Why not atnrt now, uiul lot's build up, paint up nnd clean up. Arc you with us? Why not out out tho houso ront now cut down tho weeds when they grow up a llttlo lator, in fnct cut out ovcry thing that don't help thrift nnd homo ownership? This Agency has lino rosidonco lots In all parts of tho city. Thoy will suit you and rnngo from J100 up to $2500 nnd are sold on easy monthly pay ments If you prefer. Our holdings nnd listings nro exclusive and wo can deliver them. "Wo also havo three or four particu larly good bargains in nlco modern, ready built homes on easy terms. Watch closely tho II. & II. Bulletin Issued each month. You may miss something that you will bo sorry for. Wo nro also stockholders, directors and officers of tho North Platto Homo Builders, Inc. Tho Homo Builders havo eroded nbout thirty nlco homos slnco thoy woro organized. If you nro interested in buying or building n home, don't fall to como in nnd talk tho matter over personally with us. For, with our connections, wo nro sure w,n can savo you monoy and givo yon 100 per cent sorvlco in ovory depart ment Don't fall to do your part in holp ing to mako North Platto a roal "Own Your Own Homo City." TimiFT. PROTECTION, CONSTRUCTION AND COMTORT nro tho outstanding font uros of our Borvico. Como in and wo will bo glad to talk over your future plnns along tlieso linos. THE HOLLMAN & SEBASTIAN AGENCY Office Phono 01? J. C. HOLLMAN J. E. SEBASTIAN A WOMAN' S BACK LOCAL AND PERSONAL MIm Lnurn Murray wont to CliOy enno Snturdny. John 'flgho wont to Lexington Fri day to visit rolativoa. W. R. Malonoy transacted bustiloss in Suthcrlnml Snturdny. Miss Thclma Frntor underwent an operation at a local hospital Saturday; Mrs. J. Suwyer wmt to Cheyonno Saturday to visit at tho homo of her mothor. Clins. Konnody, of Sutherland, un dorwont nn operation nt a local hos pital Saturday. A baby born was born to Mr. and Mrs. H. Lamb of 503 East 9th street Friday ovenlng. Vemor Mitchell enmo from Sidney tho lator part of tho wcok to tak treatment for his ayes. RADIATOR WORK You can get first class workmanship on your Radiator at North Side Blacksmith Shop, in connection with the Welding Shop. We have air pressure tank and up to date soldering torch and can fix your Radiator on short notice. MARTIN WYMAN At THE SUN TODAY AND TOMORROW. Also Universal ' ews, Mutt and Jeff, and Gumps. AZP' llSSP QS the FST -word of ' LJpOLLY a Past LOCAL AJO) PERSONAL Tho Advice of of This North Platto Woman Is of Certain Value Many n womnn'n back has many nehes and pains. Ofttimcs 'tis tlio kidnoy's fault. Tlmtj's why Doan's Kidney Pills nro so effective. Ask your neighbor. Many North Platto women know this. Read what ono has to say about it: . Mrs. M. E. Wood, 208 E. 8th St., says: i'l always havo a word of praiso for Doan'sKidnoy Pills. Thoy cortaln ly havo dono mo n roat deal of good. I had a very sovero attack of kidney complaint nnd sufforcdo torribly for awhile. My back hurt so I couldn't got around nt nil. A neighbor told mo hoV Doan's Kldnoy Pills had cured her of such nn attack and I took thrpo boxes. It wns not long bofore they rolloved mo. I ennnnot praiso Doan's Kidney Pills too highly nfter what they have dono for mo." Price 00c, nt all dealers. Don't sim iply ask for a kldnoy remedy got Doan's Kldnoy Pills tho samo tlirtt Mrs. Wood had. Foster-Mllburn Co., Mfrs.. Buffalo, N. Y. 1 NORTH PLATTE Needs A Flour Mill That Has Been Proven. We bellovo this mill will bo most successful if the ownership, Is scattered to 'some extent among responsible fanners and businessmen. . 4. The unsold treasury stock is selling tit par, $100 per share. Invest your money where-' good .dividends nro suro and where it will benefit Nojrth Platte' and Lincoln" County. Phono or write for further information. North Platte Flour Mills. is trie LAST 0ord in cKarm. It's her biggest Belasco stage success translated to the screen. Scenario by JUNE MATIIIS, from the play hy Gcvri MMdlelon and Guy Bolton Directed by and produced under tho personal direction of MAXWELL KARGER, Director General Arthur Nolan transacted business in Hershey Friday. Mrs. K. B. Cummings went to Suth erland Saturday to transact business. CIihh. Boguo returned from a busi ness trip to Salt Lnle and Ogden Sat urday. ( V. Tmplo returned from a busi ness trip to Denver tho latter part of I the Week. J. E. Nolson returned from a busi ness trip to St. Joe, .Mo., -and Chicago Saturday. Francis Norris, of Choycnno, arrived tho latter part of tho week to visit lo cal friends. Mrs. P. J. Norton loft Snturdny for Cleveland, Ohio, to visit with friends and rolatives. Mrs. S. A. Boyd and children left Saturday for u fow days' visit with friends in Cozad. Dr. L. J. TCIUUSE, Dentist. 31c- Donald Bank .Dnildlng, Rooms 2 & ft. Phone 07. 42tf , Miss M. Livingston, who has been visiting in tho city, loft Saturday for her homo In Omaha. j Mrs. J. F. Brooks left Saturday fort Edwards, Colorado, to visit her par-1 onts, Mr. and Mrs. Eaton: Miss Emma Everett entertained n j number of rlends nt a dancing party at ! her homo Friday evening. Mrs. II. Callonder who has been vis Itlng at tho C. W. Soyforth homo left Saturday for Stromsburg; Mrs. Nellie Kane and children and Mrs. 11. M. Bebout. of Sutherland, shopped In the city Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Guys left Sat urduy for n short visit In Maxwell in the homo of tho lattor's paronts. Schollz orchestra, of Denver, fur nlshed tho muslo for tho dance given In the K. C. hall Saturday ovenlng. Mr. Robinson, Chief Englneor of the Union Pacific railroad, was in the cit Saturday enrouto tip tho branch. A baby girl was born to Mr. un l Airs. S. V. Work Friday afternoon nr their homo at 711 South Chestnut. Mrs. C. E. Emery camo homo fron Missouri Sunday. She was accom panied by her mothor, Mrs. Mar-. Emery. Wo Woro at tho post office tho othe day when the weekly shipment of Sat unlay Evening Posts arrived. Tho on weok's lssuo mndo a pllo cloven fo high. All woro addressed to parties gotting tholr mall on city or rum I mules out of tho North Platto office. Georgo W. Anderson and family re turned Monday ovenlng from a pro tracted visit In tho oast. Thoy stopped at various placos in Indiana and Ohio whoro. relatives lived. Mr. Anderson roports factories Idle or Just starting up with small forcos of mon at work Improvement Is expected In tho near futuro, every day showing gains ov tho previous day. Brands S Harvester Company tory False DURING the past month, reports have come to us that at farmers' meetings charges have been made, sometimes directly and sometimes indirectly, that this Company has adopted a policy of refusing to supply repair parts for old machines in order to compel the purchase of new ones. This statement is absolutely false. . Such a policy has never been considered by this Company nor suggested to it. Ordinarily we ignore such reports, because we have learned that any large company, no matter how fair and high principled, is subject at all times to unjust criticism. The facts are this Company has always recognized the importance of repair service and has used every effort to make IHC service the best. We believe we can truthfully say that the repair service furnished wherever this Company's goods are sold is equal if not superior to that furnished on any manufactured line. We call attention to the fact that machinery "Fix-up Weeks," instead of being something new and originated by the farmers in 1921, as some seem to think, were really an outgrowth' of the movement started by manufacturers and dealers' associations in connection with the Council of National Defense as a war con servation measure. Perhaps no other agency has done so much to promote "National Repair Weeks" as this Company. The farmer needs machines which will be efficient and economical, If his old machines can be repaired so as to render efficient and economical service, he would be foolish to purchase new ones. Whether the farmer utilizes and repairs his old machines or buys new one9 is a question for him to determine. But in making his decision, we give to every farmer who owns any IHC machines the assurance that a full stock of repair parts will always be provided by this Company. Today, our repair stocks on the territory available for the farmers arc il per cent greater than ever before at this time of the year. An average of a quarter million pounds of repairs arc shipped from IHC factories for every working day in the year. Thirty million dollars' worth of repair parts are now ready, as insurance for the farmer when he needs this service. In every International Harvester Works manufacturing orders call for repair , parts first and even when furnishing them has meant cutting down production of new machines for which we had orders, repairs have always had preference. At every one of our 91 branch houses trained men are on duty to see that all orders are filled and shipped promptly. Thousands of dealers scattered every where with an assortment of repairs in stock are always ready and willing to render every assistance. This service which this Company has rendered through the years to those who have "purchased its machines has been a matter of great pride to the Company, and is the foundation of the cordial good-will existing between it and its customers. We feel it is due the Company and those who have purchased its machines that we give the widest publicity to the fact that this service of repairs will be maintained and improved, and that any charges to the contrary are untrue, International Harvester Company CHICAGO OF AMERICA QHCQKTOftATIO) USA