!3s NORTH PlATTft SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE gemMteckly Scfbunc WfESbtf TOUT, Editor nnd Publisher. Untorod at tho North Platte, Nebraska Postofnco as aoconu uiana manor. sirnsf!iLii"no imci: : One, Vcar, In ndruiico $-.00 pifinAY, riniid'Aitv istii, 1021. KWITOUIAL. During tlm pMt wook the writer has liad ocdMlon to moot quite a numuor of tho men who nro nttandlug the lie union ot Scottish Illl bodies. Ho has boeu lniprefisod witli tho soriouBtioss ot liurjxjBe, the high moral standing and tho cordiality ot theso mon. Many o them aro loaders, in their rospoctivo communtlcB. Thoy took tho nocossary tlmo and Bnont tho money nccdod to onablo thorn to put on IJio worK ot tho different doKreca ot Masonry Do causo thoy bcliovo It will render a aorvico. In doing this they aro as tie serving as anyono who contributes to the welraro or Ills tollow mon ami as such wo rospect thorn. When tho Master Ilulldors get down to bod rock thoy discover that thoro is a common Interest between them selves and labor which runs through tho whole community nnd touches ov ory part ot tho financial affairs ot the city. Nclthor tho employees nor em ployers can get ovor tho hill without tho help of tho other. And It Is not becoming that either should demnnd tho host place or hold a looso tug. It ia team work which will count. And a team never drow tho load while the horses woro looking each other In the oyo. They must bo sldo hy side and watching tho road ahead, Even with perfect co-oporatlon tho struggle back to normal building will bo hard enough. Tho present disposition ot nil concerned Is friendly and North Platte should show an awakonlng of build ing nctlvlty In tho near future under the boat of conditions. i ::o:: - In our lasUlIssuo wo showed that dancing has been made a school ac tivity horojn North Platto by action of tho Hoard of Education. It Is not compulsory nor accredited but per mitted. This permission was given partly in rcsponso to a fooling on tho part of Homo members of tho Board that It' was tho thing to do nnd partly at tho roquest of a largo number of parents of school pupils. "Wo cannot undertake to glvo tho personal opln Jonp of tho mombdrs pi the Board fur ther ,than to say that each was favor able to, dancing as a iwintlino or Indlf- forent., Wo do not think tiny inoinber yaii opposed to dancing as a pastime Ad tho same tlmo tho Board heard only from' those whp woro fnvorablo. Dur- ing tho war many who had previous ly taken a stand ngalnst prize fight ing, cigarotto smoking, etc.', woro cowed by accusations ot bojng narrow-minded, conBorvatlvo and old fashioned. When patriots wdVo ex pected, to uso language which fdrmorly had not been allowed boforo tho ladles and when those othor previously con ddnincd institutions woro madopnrt of our war activities It Is not to bo sup 'jft)8od that dancing would escape. As a conepquohco thoro wns little oppos ition manifest against dancing. It Is true that a number of people signed n remonstrance' but tho effect of this wns annulled whon cortutn of those who had slged. nrlvntely asked tho mumbors of tho Hoard, to tnko tholr names off the remonstrance. Tho op position failed to make a showing and those favornble were on tho Job. Tho result wuh thin fnvorablo action of tho Board. Wo loiovt this action was taken In od faith and In tho bollof that tlm Hour'' was norvhiK tho com-innnl- w1k" li mndc dancing one of torn. vi t?i?mw t, MIhh Holon Reed returned from n two weeks visit In Oshkosh Wednes day and resumed duties ilt tho J. C. Ponnoy Storo today. It is roportcd today that Judge Crimes is still confined to his homo end although ho Is ,qulto 111 is It ox pfctod that ho will recover slowly from now on. In tho ojccthient case boforo tho County Court wherein Mrs. Post brought suit against tho Eaton family for ejectment, the Jiulgo found for tho owner of the house and so ordorod. Bruco Brown a former North Plntto Telephone Manager who Is now em ployed In Brady was elected president of tho Nobrnska Tolophono Company at a mooting In Lincoln Wednosday. Miss Anna Holland arrived from Kansas City yoatorday and Is employ ed In tho McVickor Millinery storo. Sho wns formerly omployod at tho Franckfo Franks Storo In KtuiBns City. Lostor B. Stelnor, Mayor ot Has tings, was a visitor in North Platto Wednosday and Thursday. Ho took an active part In tho Reunion of tho bcottlsh Rite bodies horo and ronowed tc'iun!ntancoH nbout tho city. R. V. Clark, Superintendent of tho Slate Industrial School for Boys at Kearnoy, was a North Platto visitor yesterday. Ho spoko to tho Hl-Y boys at noon-nnd wns a Judge ot tho Koar- uoy-North Platto debato In tho oven Ing. " .. Tho II. & S. Agoucy sold a residence lot In tho 800-block on East Second Street to Augyst E. Bratton of Brady, this week. .Mr. Bratton bus the pinna for a nice rosldenco to bo built on this lot soon and whon finished ho will move horc. Tho funeral of Bona Troxlor wns hold from tho Episcopal Church Tuos. day afternoon. Tho room wob well filled with sympathotlo relatives and friends who oxprossod tholr sorrow with many beautiful floworB. Rov. Mooro gavoa sermon which was a com fort to thoso in mourning nnd tho muBjo,was Jnoro than satisfactory to uipo present, uoy acouis tooK an no tice plnco In tho ceremony and attend ed tho body to tho cemetery. Tho nail b4rftra-woro Darroll Hoaly, Arthur Howard. Carrol stovona, Junior Hin man, noland Locke nnd Horbort Turpi. IWKKlt CITIXUX JIUJtlKIJ MOK ST. I'ATKFOK'S CHOKCH TL'BS. nAYJIOlUWO, The funeral flfr iJoaophMV.I'MMH was held at ten olooirTuomlftrmorlr Ing from the Catholic Church, Iter. Moron conducting the Mass. Tho moni tors of tho Chamber of Commerce Band and North Plntto Musicians' Union oucortod the body from tho house to tho church as did tho Mas tor Ilulldors. No music was plnyod but the muffled tap of tho drums marked tho measured troad of tho mon who 'had boon his comrados In tho band. Tho lfody was drossnd In tho bluo uniform of tho North Plntto Band nnd on tho coffin was placed tho cap. Monitors of tho band acted as pall bonrors. Tho Master Builders and Musicians oscortcd the cortogc to tho end ot Jho pavoment on North Locust Street, Father Moron gave a vory lm prosslvp sermon and tho crowded church showed tho cstoom In which cvoryono who knew him held Mr. Pil lion. COYOTi: HUNT ANH HOUND-UP TO Hi; HUM) NEXT (TUESDAY NEAH GRANT. Tho following .particulars havo been lecelved regarding ono ot tho blggost circle hunt over staged in tho stato ot Nebraska. Tho west lino will extend from -Grant to tho South Platte, tho east lino from Elsto to tho South. Platte, tho south lino Is tho B. & M. It. It. and tho north lino is the South Platto rlvor. Thcro will bo ono Captain to each mile, All dogs must tbo kept behind the lines, If allowed In tho ring It will bo at owners risk. All rifles and revol vers oro barred from tho hunt, nlso any shot larger than Nurabor 1. All rabbits will bo carried to tho Hound-Up nnd sold to pay tho expense of tho hunt. Othor gamo will belong to th cmnn who kills it Lines will start promptly at 10 a. m. and will ccntorl mile north of Wnltor Wheeler's farm, Lunch Wagon and BLUE ROCK SHOOT on tho ground Immediately nf- trr IlDiind-Up. Trap loads for salo on tlm grounds. LEXINGTON HIGH SCHOOL AND NORTH PLATTE HIGH BASKET SHOOTERS MEET TONIGHT. Lexington boys aiid girls high school basketball teams will meet tho local quintets thls 'ovenlng at 7:301 Thoro will bo a prollmlnlnary gamo between Junior High Boys nnd Goth onburg. Tho games will Intorlnn bo- ginlng at 7:30 sharp. On Sholton's trip west Lexington boat them by fivo points and North 'Platto boat SJioUon by only three points. This game prom lsos to give tho basketball fans a real treat. N. 13. Loudon who undorwent all operation In Omnha last wook is- re ported to bo getting along nlcoly. Mrs Homer Potorson will entertain a niimtor of frjonds this, evening at fi Plumber pnrty nt her home on West Sixth 'Street. At THE SUN Tuesday and Wednesday Also Universal News, Wutfand Jeff, and Gumps. . 1 i i 1 A X a C'.ASSIC W I: evnario by JUNK MATIIIS, from tho play by Gcorga Muhlleton ' and Guy Bolton Directed by and prodtnicd under tho personal direction of MAXWELL KARGER, Director General Want Ads For Snic Household goods. Photic 2S5W. ForSalo Oas stove in good condi tion. Phono 907 W. Sixth. For Snlc Full blood Barred Pljv mouth Hock Roosters. Phono 795F120. Wanted Washings, will call for and deliver. Box 285. For Snlo Cheap bod springs and mattross. Llko now. Phono C1CJ. For Rent A sleeping room for duo or two ladles. 920 W. Fourth. For Sale My form. Also eight room house for sale. Phono 1200J. For Snlc Incubator, l)otrolt Vapor Range and extra good milk cow. Phone 1081J. Wanted House cldanlng or laundry work by tho hour. Mrs. Besslo An derson, 702 hit N. Locust. For Sale Ono fre3h Holstoln cow and two helfors. A. G. Ilultman, 4 miles west of North Platto. For Sale Homo grown dry lnnd al falfa seed. Call soon. A. C. Burton, 103 E. Eighth. ' Wanted Will pay ?10.00 for Infor mation leading to the recovery of over coat taken from Mr. LIttel's office. Shoop-Hncd and gray squirrel collar. Dr. Dent. For Sale Holton slldo trombono, In porfect condition. Leather case. $50.00 Also now Bcuschcr "C" Soprano saxo phono in case, $75. H. H. Jandebbur, Stato Farm. Mi 6. J. A. Peters and family wont to Lodgopolo this morning to visit for a fow days. IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF NEBRASKA, NORTH PLATTE DIVISION. In tho Matter of Ray C. Norrls, Bank rupt. Case No. 83, In Bankruptcy, Voluntary Petition. - N NOTICE OF SALE. Notice Is hereby given that , pursu ant to an order of Court Issued out of tho office of tho roforeo In bank ruptcy for tho United States District Court, District of Nebraska, North Platto Division, ,the trustee will soil at public auction, to tho highest bid dor for cash, on the premises at Well lied, Nobrnska, at 1 P. M. on tho 5th day of March, A. D. 1921, tho stock ot goods of Ray O. Norrls, bankrupt, consisting of gonoral merchandise hardware and Implements. An Invoice and pppralsal of tho same may be inspected at 'tho office of tho Trusteo In Mnywood, Nebraska, or at tho Nor rls storo In Wollfloet, Nobraska. . Said Bale will bo for cash only and the right to roject any and all bids Is reserved. GLADSTONE PERKIN. Trusteo. FIRST word of POLLYS the LASTordin charm. I.'s Iter biggest Belasco stnge success translated to the screen. LOCAL 4JO) ymtSONAL The War Mothers' visit to Maxwoll Saturday, Fob. 19th, has been Indefin itely postponed. Mr. and Mrs. Joo Weeks loft this morning for their homo In Grand Is land Kfter attondlng the funeral of the late Joseph Pillion. j Just Listen iitniHuiumiiimimiiiiinnniimini Below we t'I!itritc the Georgian Period Model, the same price in Mahog any or 'Walnut. Cheney , Regular Models are mod' erately priced from $125 to $385. W Invite . V I 1 n '' ' . " V 1-1 'fMi I- ' 1 - -! 1 ir miiiimiii in . 1 Herbert Kildaro, ot Paxton, arrived this morning to visit relatives. As wo go to press It Is learned that Wm. Vanarsdall, a barber of. Suther land, died last night of tuberculosis. Ho was 33 years of ago, Tho funeral will bo held Saturday attornojsn nt 2:30 from the Christian Church, at Sutherland. to That Tone Quality Isn't it beautiful? Isn't it just as real as though you were sitting in the theater listening to the real thing ? N Oh! We wouldn't be without our Cheney. It plays all makes of records you can see how beautifully. j tie HENEY c PHONOGRAPH Another thing! Notice that you can scarcely detect any needle scratch. It is practically eliminated. What an improvement that is! . AndwelovethewayTheCheney brings out accompaniments to voices it's soreab'sticThe Cheney is like a rare old violin "The Longer You Play It, The Sweeter It GROws."After all.we think that's the greatest, finest thing that could be said about a phonograph. You to Our Music Kooms forQemonstratioa J. O. PATTERSON, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Why Jones Calls No. Instead of Bill Jones is a trav eling man He tslephones hia home almost every day. ! a In placing his long- (Iterance call he says: I want to talk to No. C43 at Brownsville." Do you know why he places the call this way instead of saying-, "I want to talk to Mrs. Bill Jones at Brownsville?" ' v Became by indicating that hn is wil-ing to talk to any mi at the tclophono called . receics a lower leur, dv.Uiice rate than if he 1..-.J asked for a pa:tlcu.ar person . A " Station to Station" call is used when the., poruon p.udn the call will talk to nuyone who may answer at lw cliptant tehphoue. The rr.tc for ''SUitlan to St.ition" call is lowar than for a 'Person to Person" call because it coats loss to provide "Station to Station" service. Northwestern BellTelephone Company . Mrs. Margare Crothoy loft this morn ing for a fow days visit In Omaha. At a called meeting ot thoso eligible to Join tho Mystic Shrluors, last Mon day ovenlng, a Shrlno Club was or ganlzcd which is Uio preliminary step toward a charter to establish a Shrlno hero. Tho Shrlno Club will hold social meetings until tho Lodgo Is organized. tiiiimiiim i X 648 His Wife i '. 1 1 i