NORTH PLATTE WILSON TOUT, Editor and Publisher. Bntcrod at tho North Platto, Nebraska Poatofllce as Second Class Matter. SUIISCJUFTION FMCE: Ono Year, In ndranco $2.00 TUESDAY, FKIMUAKY Ifilli, J92I. IIDITOIIUL. A question which has been agitating the school pooplo of North Platto for Homo tlmo Is "Shall dancing bo added, to tho activities of the public schools In North PJatte7" Tho various activi ties are acknowledged and permitted by tho Hoard of Education from time to time, Uobntlug, Declamation .Ath letics, Military Drill, Rod Cross, Hoy Scout, Campflre Olrls, Class Partlos and similar Institutions not included In the curriculum of the school. When approved by tho HoaiM thoy como under Uiq general head of activities and may or may not bo car ried on, depending on decision of tho faculty. Tho Hoard holds those dif ferent acllvlllos under its control nnd forbids any of them when in Its judg ment It booms bost. Hecauso of abuso the High School Annual was abolished about flfteon yoars ago. Previous to that tlmo dancing at school functions was forbidden. Restrictions have boon placed on other activities when the welfare of the school was at slako. It has always boon goncrally ack nowledged that tho wisdom of tho Board of Education should govern nnd control school activities. About a year ago tho Board rever sed Its attltudo on schooj dances nnd not only pormltted dancos hold In tho namo of tho school but allowed tho upe of ono of tho school buildings for dancing purposos. Wo do not ques tion tho right of tho Board t0 do this. Tho decision rondored by Judgo Grimes was (o that effect. It was not illogal nor contrary to precedent and school dances ,thus became ono of the activities of tho school. LIko othor activities It Is not compulsory nor Is credit given. It is merely pormltted. t 'Q'i NOTICE OF SALE Notice in licit-jy glvon that on Sat urday, February 2, 1021, at 2 o'clock P. M, at tho County Jail at tho corner of Third nnd Locust streets In tho City of North Platto, County of Lincoln and State oC Nebraska, I, A. J. Salisbury, Sheriff of said county, will soli at pub lic auction, to tho highest bidder for cash, tho following described person al proporty, to-wtt. ono Buttor-KIst pcorn machine, with-salted peanut attachment, or so much thereof as shall bo nocossary to satisfy a certain judgmont obtained by Holcomb & jftiko Mfg. Co., a corporation, plaintiff, against II. a. Siidnmn. defendant, in the. County Court of Lincoln Cotintv, Nebraska, on Dcccmbor 7, 1020, for Die sum of Nino Hundred Soventy-ono and 05-100 Dollars ($971.05) with in terest nt seven per cont per annum from tho dnlo or sultl Judgment, and The costs of said action and of this sale, said" property having boon lovled upon by mo.'Upon execution to satisfy .v'd Judgment. . Dated February 11. 1921. A. .T. SALISUUUY. Flfi-M ShorllT of Lincoln Coittty. i Nebraska. This Monster Was Battler. The curators of tho Launceston and Tascanlan museums have presented to uio Hoynl Society of Tasmania tho pre liminnry account of a nearly complcto skeleton of a gigantic extinct monster, recently dlspoverod In the pleistocene beds of Tasmania. The animal was us large as tho largest existing rhinoceros. The new discovery shows clearly that It wus a rhlnoccros-llkc nnlmnl, with a skull built for nggrosslvo warfare, and at least one powerful horn on tho snout. Evldenco of the gigantic battles In lvEc,)iy,Ii;ngIluS, lastt be found 15 thocompIotc.smasHl!fg and partial mending of tho collnr-bone, nnd In tho crushing and subsequent repair of tho bones of tho nose and snout. SCJ1AITLK. A Column o! Nonsense Hon. B. 8. Davis, House of Representatives, Lincoln, Nebr. Dnar Ed: The other day when we were jsolng over to see Elmer Coates about hulld Inr a new homo a man slopped us and said thore should be a 'law that all kids should loam to chow gum whon thoy are small. Ha said their folks should be compelled to mane mom learn tho rleht way to chew gum whon they are young. It was a fine Idea, Ed and hero Is the reason wiiy it woum make tholr lives happier and sweetor, They would have something to think about besides sucking their thumb and the sum would bo sweet. Then again Ed, whon you and we wern growing up chewing gum was not lookod unon as exactly proper ami It was only whon wo wanted to do something a llttlo daring that wo bought some Black Jack. Now It Is eonMdored quite the thing to chow Rtnn all of tho time, we buy It by tho box. So times have changed Ed, and we most change and he for It ,or wo mlrht be considered a llttlo fogy. Than again Ed, It would mako tho habit universal and sllmulalo business we only buy sixty million dollars worth of chowlng gum a yonr and think how business would bo atlmu Mod if .we could doublo that. "Wo say ich them young ana often, uoou tor business. Then again Ed, It would mako this world n much plonsanter place If every iKdy were a dainty and trained gum chowor. Practlco makes perfect and training the rod In the way It should tro are maxims thnt furnish nroof. Beauty Is more than skin deep Ed. It extends to tho mouth nnd whole face of artistic. Kum-chowors. Tholi again Ed, It covors a multi tude of slnB. A wad of gum will toko nwnv a man's appetite, especially If has boon stuck on tho under side of a chair for a few days. Also In your vost pocket, Also a wad of gum will cause a man to havo dreams about. somo great thing, especially If ho Hwallows It In tho night. You know Ed, from experience how hard It Is to talk and chow gum artistically. If tho kids wove trained to chew gum nr tlsllcally they would not bo ablo to talk so much and we oldor pooplo could get a word In onco In a while. Then again Ed, It is said to sweet en tho broath and you know how Bomo of thoso fellows around North Platto need that dono to them with tho stuff thoy nro drinking nnd bo on. Then ngaln Ed, It Is Bald to clean tho teoth nnd you know how somo of tho boya need that whon thoy don't havo plates or other kinds of false teeth. Thou again Ed, It Is said to stop hoartburn and somo of tho young boys about this town whoso hearts aro u flro might burn up- If It were not for chewing gum. Wo think probably Kls. Mo would bo hard on hoartburn but somo kinds llko thoso big whlto sticks would kill or cin;o. And bo Ed, since wo did not hoar from you about tho law about making pooplo mind tholr own business, wo hopo you will pass a law making ovory paront of little children teach thorn how to chow gum artistically and constantly bo when they grow up thoy will have tho habit and so got tho wonderful benefits and also stim ulate business which needs stimulat ing. And also look well. Very truly, A CONSTITUENT. SEMI-WEEKLY TillBUNE Want Ads Book as Granaries. Hooks are the great clvllizers of tho race, tho storehouses of knowl edge, tho granaries of Intellectual food, Therefore to designate In all can dor which books of those that are infTde nro, Indeed, public pabulum, and which nro straw; carefully and con scientiously to examine and explain, ono man for the million, the publica tions which are conducive or detri mental, In whole or In part, to learn ing and progress. Is one of the most Important and noblest works In which man can bo engaged, while to prosti tute tho powers requisite for such a position Is one of tho basest. -Hubert Howe Bancroft. On Sale One Day Only Wednesday, Febr. 16th. 3 Mens Extra Heavy FLANNEL ONE PIECE PAJAMAS The Famous "Dalpark" Mako The Regular $2.50 Grade ' WHILE THEY LAST 7Rc m SUIT h HIRSCHFELD North Platte's Ftrcmost Clothiers. WE TEACH YOUR DOLLARS TO HAVE MOKE CENTS For Sale- Household goods. Phono M6W. For Sale -Full blood Burred Ply month Rock Roosters. Phono 705F120. For Rent Desirable rooms. Meals furnished If desired Phono 1018. "anicd Washings, will call for and deliver. Box 2S5. For Jlonl A sleoplng room for ono or two ladles. 920 AV. Fourth. Wanted To rent small houso on or bofore March 1st. Phono 1105W. lor Sale My farm. Also flight . . ... , . . . . . nn ruuin iiuuse lor sum. i none izuoj. For Sale Incubator, Detroit Vapor1 Rango and oxtra good milk cow, Phone 1081J. lor Rent Steam boated apartment of four -rooms and bath, gas range. urate, uoociman & uuckloy. Jtor awe Ono froflh Holstoln cow and two holfors, A. O. Hultman, miles west of North Platto. J-or bale Home-grown dry laud al- laiia scou. jau soon. a. u. juurton, ioa k: Eigntn. for Sale 4 Old Trusty Incubators, z brooders, ono colony Heating Plant used ono season. Chonp. YORK FEED STORE. The air cooled spark plugs aro In a class by thcmBolvcs. Sco adv. In this Issue. I-or Sale Now Edison nhonoEranh. mrgost size, and records. Also other furniture. Call after G p m. Apt. C. Twlnom Apartments. For Sale Holton slldo trombone in porfect condition. Leather case. $50.00 Also now Bouscher "C" Soprano saxo phono In caso, $75. R. H. Jandobour, Stato Farm. 1 ::o:: DO MOST WORK ON THURSDAY Statistics Show That British Factory Employees Are at Their Best About Midweek. What is the best workday In Anier-: lea? In England It Is Thursday. That is the finding of industrial re search board investigators of that country. Tho London Chronicle reports thnt over a period of twenty weeks tho output was registered and "graphs" were made. Tho workers gave their best on Wednesdays aud Thursdays, but the output on Saturdiiy was Invariably low. When doubled (to equalize time) j It Is often less than 75 per cent of that on other duys. Another Important conclusion was that tho skilled workman Is much more regular in his output than the worker not so well qualified. He does not get the "tlrod Saturday feeling" so soon. In some factories the output arises until Frldny, but among the less skilled workmen It was found that Thurs day was the bost working day. An Important consideration which the Investigators kept In mind was that of the'atmospberlc condition In which work Is done. Records of tho air conditions haw been taken with the output records. In vnrlons plants tho Suturday out put was so. low thnt employers found It unprofitable to operate, so they closed down. From this It wtuild ap pear that on a half day the worker docs not give the average of a half day of production. Richard Splllano In the Philadelphia Public Lodger. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Miss Luclllo Wilcox ontofli!hrthfc University Club last ovonlng at hor homo on west Fifth street, Tho P. E. O. will, entertain tholr husbands Wodnosday evening nt tho homo of Mrs. M. E. drosby, GIG Wost 6th St Miss Floronce MoKay was hostess at- a luncheon following the concert Friday ovonlng In honor of August Molzer and Carl Be'utol of Lincoln. Covors woro laid for seven. CLOSINO'OUT SALE Wo nro oloshiK out our ladles' hand bags, silk, velvet and genulno loathor, see our south window. Clinton, the Jowoior. ' hyuiwiWii"' vt ' Third class mall at the local post office has fallen oft ItO per cent In volume according to Postmaster Sturgls. A'yoar-tigo thore was a big volumo of this class of mall matter which lnoludoe circulars, catalpguos and adrortlslng matter of different kinds. Th"bfbis some loss inqther clnssos of mall but not so much ,hs In tho third class. ' A PHOTOPLAY jfeaturinq Alma Rubens Made a Record Run at Rialto, OmahailSiJf- -AT THE- B0MBAY A CITY OF BEGGARS Government Is Planning Severe Meas ures to Repress Nuisance That Is Becoming Intolerable. , Some time ago the government of Bombay appointed a committee to con sider and formulate proposals for tho purpose of suggesting pr.ictlcal meas ures whereby tho ever-growing nuis ance of professional beggary might be abolished. Tho committee has now completed Its Investigation nnd has Issued n report. The report shows that there are In Bombay city nlono 5,000 professional beggars', and tho beggars In other parts bring tho total for tho presi dency to over 00,000. Tho general conclusions of the committee nro that there must bo Introduced nt tho earli est opportunity an act for the preven tion of professional beggary, which will bo applicable to tho whole of the presidency. Sadhus and fakirs, it is suggested, should be exempt from the operations of tho net, which It Is proposed should make hogging a cognizable ofTcnse. Those who have visited Indln will doubtless recall with feelings of horror tho terrible sights they have witnessed of beggars, many of them physical wrecks nnd suffering from loathsome diseases, scaled about tho roads so liciting alms from pasersby. From the Times of Indln. Embroidery Ancient Art. The art of embroidery has been practiced from time Immemorial It is said to bo as old as tho art of dress ing. The mummy clothes of ancient Egypt show the earliest extant em broidery nnd the "pomc-granates of blue and purple and scarlet" of the book of Exodus were of embroidery. The art reached Its height In the early middle ages. In Greeco and Rome laws wero made to moderate its use, but without success. The most distinguished artists did not count it condescension to make tho designs from which tho highest ladles In tho land executed their embroideries. No werktrs were more iUIIM in the ait than the Kngtlih, Keith TONIGHT and TOMORROW FEBRUARY ISth AND 16th PRICES: 55c, 35c and 15c. This Includes War Tax. The NEW EDISON "The Phonograph With a Soul" Mood Change Chart Uf Q Atom, tltMf D0 CM B lb Q Wma O i. ITkml iimJ tf mmm 44 jm rl tit lnrmtf tv. - T.iUt, JViuomD "Q MMli4 i njdt.t nut (iUm4 Cwil 6. At 4 mil lit ml, r( m f" ' mMumtk mm4 tktmsn r MOOD CIINGL .-C.ui.C.i e tit M. iJ i I tpooi l.,oATtjn Ouxl. N J mi iun "" --- -I IIIIM i Help Edison Take some Mood Change Charts home and make this experiment! LET'S imagine you have just come home from shopping. You are tired and nervous. You step to the New Edison nnd put on an Edison Rk-Criation. Gradually the music soothes you. You forget fatigue and your "nerves" disap pear. You feel refreshed and light hearted. Mr. Edison in his present great research is studying into the effects of music on the minds and moods sl men" "Will you fill out a Mood Change Chart', and do your bit for Mr.1 Edison's research ? Mn': the experiment in your own home. Come in. Let us give you a supply of Mood Change Charts. Have your family and your friends fill thein out. They will find it more fun lhan Ouija. If you don't own a New Edison, fill out a Chart in our store! Better yet, we will lend you a New Edison and a program of Rb-Cbxattons so that you can give a Mood Change Party in your own home. DIXON, MUSIC SHOP.