THE NORTH PLATTE sftlMMVKHRLY TH1MTNB. snnnmr.wr fmnaiiPf Wi TTT rSTl iiUHBy mm ASTORIA For Infants and Children. r GENT. It M U-VU-- .. - I ASc aWclYcparauoaurw :ii:nAihlnnd brRciJula.- 1 HmjlhcStonaandBcwtfarf. Mill ThwiivlVomoUnGD&csttofi n.vrfrtff.Mc nndRcstCofltiiasl neither Optom,HcJl Mineral. Na55L0H MiMSftm lOdtrsfrwlmr fccStoiteSttn0- irii n iTTu nin b imm Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of ii iir Exact Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Ybjifs CASTORIA Promoting Human Happiness. "Did you wish nil jour eqns'tltuents n huppy Now Yenri" "Yes," replied Senator Sorghum ; "nnd I felt It was u pretty serious oc casion. When n ninn In my position makes a wish of that kind It Is con sidered a promise and a lot of fellows expect you to get together your In fluence nnd mnhe good." TH'I CCNTAUH COMPART, NEW YORK CITY. The Fruits of Industry. "I hear .Mr. Wndlclgh. our local cap- fnlu of Industry, offered several thou sand dollars for a single volume of Shakespeare's plnys." "Well, he enn afford It," , said Mr. Cruuipson. "lie sots considerably more out of Wadlelgh's works than Shakespearu ever pit out of his." Birmingham Age-Ileruhl. Kill That Cold With FOR Colds, Coughs CASCARAKf QUININE AND La Grippe Neglected Colds are Dangerous Talc no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for th first cnaeia. Breaks up a cold in 24 houra Relieves Grippe in 3 days Excellent for Headache Quinine in this form does not affect the head Cascara is best Tonic Laxative No Opiate in Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT 01 EVERYTHING WAS ALL RIGHT I SEES HIMSELF IN SPOTLIGHT Judge Couldn't Be Spoiling the Water When He Didn't Use Any Soap in 'the Bath. A serious Inconvenience Is. cnused In Australia by the lack of spring water. The trouble is partly over come by the iso of huge tin tanks In which the rain is caught. Naturally, toward the breaking up of the dry season, water becomes very precious. A judge, on circuit, arriving at a bush ghnnty, nsked for a bath. Such a luxury was naturally refused, as there was only n little water left at the bottom of the tnnk reserved for drinking purposes, says the author of "Quaint Acquaintances." When dinner was ready, as the judge could not be found, the landlord went to call him; whereupon a muffled voice issued from the tank, where the Judge was bathing! The landlord, justly furious, roundly abused his guest. "Do not excite yourself," the Intter observed, casually. "I am not'spolllng the .water, for I am not using any Koap !" Another Way to Put It. "There are two sides to every ques tion," argued Mrs. Oabb. "Yes," sneered Mr. (Snbb. "The right side and your side." Cincinnati Knqnirer. Bachelor Is Naturally Wondering if That Is How the Ladies Really Regard Him. A Terro Haute bachelor stopped at a friend's house the other night to get him to accompany hlin to a com munity meeting. The friend was a "much married" man and his spouse did not wish him to go to the lecture. So she told her husband so. They were In the next room and her husband was afraid the bachelor might hear her and he did not desire for the other man to think that he was so henpecked. So he raised n warning hnnd at his wife. Hut she continued In a voice louder than ever. "I don't care if lie does hear. If there's anything that makes me tired it Is some old bachelor going around clut tering up the earth." The bachelor was startled. What he wants to know now Is whether or not all women regard him In the same light. Indianapolis News. All Set. liertram, age eight, was begging his mother to give him some coffee. He had asked for it about nine times, and llnully his mother said: "ISerlram, the next time you ask me for coffeo I'll slap you." The little chap waited for about five minutes and could stand It no longer, remarking: "Mother, get ready to nlup me." Indlnnnpolis News. 1 0t - .. -.roD " " r Sweetness of Wheat and Malted Barley is the sweetness of Grape Nuts The delicately rich flavor, natural to the grains, is developed through 20 hours baking. Grape-Nuts needs no added sugar, and is rich in nour ishment, of a form easy to digest. This ready-cooked food is economical "There's a Reason" WILSON REFUSES TO PROBE CLAIMS Tolls Labor Unions Ho Cannot Take Hand in Fight on Adjustments GOOD PROSPECT FOB TRUCE Platform for Negotiations Made Fol. lowing Secret Meeting of Dall Eireann Held in Dublin. Washington, D. C President Wilson lias declined the request of railroad labor union representatives that ho In vestigate railroad executives' claims before the railroad lnhor board that the carriers must adjust wages or face bankruptcy. He also declined to sub mit the matter to congress. Confidence was expressed by the president that all questions dealing with railroad labor and management might be left snfely to the railroad lubor board and tho Interstate com merce commission. He accordingly Informed the labor nnd railroad repre sentatives that ho was submitting cop ies of telegrams received from them to these bodies. Germany's Ability to Bear Burden. Paris. A comparative table of tax ation In Germany and three of tho al lied countries, (Jreat Britain, France and Italy, Is used to show Germany's ability to bear a greater burden, In a joint statement issued by the delega tion of experts who participated in the .urussols conference. The percaplta taxes, except local charges, for the current fiscal year In Germany are 50!) marks, In Krnnce :M) francs, In Italy 100 lire and In Great Hrltaln 2i. the statement snys. On tho basis of recent New York ex change rates the per capita In dollars in Germany Is ?7.:J0, In France .?i8.0S, In Italy )?7.:1 and In Great Hrltaln JfS-'l.ST. GOOD PROSPECT FOR TRUCE. Sinn Felners Negotiate Terms of Peace for Ireland. Dublin. With violence In Ireland once more on tho Increase and with military otllclals considering martial law for Dublin, a secret meeting of, Dull KIreann was held In the Irish capital and n platform containing four planks upon which tho Sinn Fein Is willing to negotiate toward peace was adopted. The four plunks are: 3. i Acceptance of the partition of Ulster.- '2. Full fiscal autonomy. II. Full amnesty for nil "rebels" rc gardless of the charges ngalnst them. 4. Withdrawal of British troops from Ireland. ' Certain modifications were suggested regarding the four points and during discussion It was stated that negotia tions along the lines laid down would have a good chance to result in a truce If not ti permanent peace with Great Britain. Seeking Homes in America. London. The distressing conditions In central Kurope reflected here in unemployment nre nmong the contrib utory causes of the flood of emigrants from England to America. The for eign elements predominate In the ap plications for vises, until, us the con sular olllclals describe the situation, nil of London's Fast End seems to be seeking to go to America. Throe thou sand persons hnve embarked from the port of London in six weeks and liuu dreils are waiting vises. Orchard Bank Wrecked by Bandits. O'Neill, Neb. The Citizens' Staio bank of Orchard was robbed Sunday, morning, the two doors to the bank vaults being blown and the safety ! posit boxes rifled. The magnesium lit eel safe In which the bank funds were kept was not touched. Bank of ficials estimate that between ,$2,(KM) and $10,000 worth of Liberty bonds were taken. Mexican Earthquake Causes Damage. Mexico f'lty. Many lives were lost nnd much property damage was 'done by an earthquake In tho districts cen tering about the Isthmus of Teliuan tepee, according to pews dispatches reaching here. Seek Owners of Liberty Bonds. Chicago, 111. Efforts are being made to locate in Chicago the holders f Liberty bonds valued at .$i:i.",000, di: clared by federal authorities to bo part of $l(i,000 worth of bonds stol. n from two bank mesengers In Brookl.wi, N. Y., last November. New York i" lice traced S'JIIfi.OOO worth of the bonds to Chicago brokers, when the firm sent $100,000 worth to their New York of. lice. The secretary at the brokerage company's olllce here, said that tho firm had distributed In Chicago the re maining .? i:t.",000 worth of bonds. Coal and Gold In Western Nebraska. Ilemlngford, Neb. A telephone inr sage from the postmaster at Curlry, Neb., near drilling operations In Sinn? county Just west of here, gives the Htntement that the owner of the qunr- ter section where drilling Is going for ward has received If; 180,000 for deed to the hind. Drilling, he slates, was stopped to make the purchase, and the owner Is said to havo stated that they Informed him after purchnse they had found both coal and gold. Drill ln4 I. a gone a ''h-lderable depth, up proMinyii l .1 IKK) fret. LEGISLATIVE NEVUS In a special mesfmce to the Nebras ka legislature, delivered In person at a Joint convention Thursday afternoon, Governor McKolvlo said he wanted ipproprlatlons sheared down to tho limits of revenue; that necessary pur poses shall be takon cure of without Imposing unbearable tax burdens, and that the creation of new activities should bo avoided. Whore new ones are necessary ho would have them ad ministered through existing depart- incuts. A new plan of organization for tho state board of agriculture is proposed In a bill Introduced by Representative Mellor of Lancaster. The bill provides Jhat the board bo called hereafter tho state fair board," that It consist of Jive members from each congressional district, with tho governor, land com missioner, dean of the agricultural college und tho president or n duly fleeted delegate of nil other state, livestock, horticultural or allied organizations. Tho soldiers' loan bill is believed by the veterans who sponsor it, to meet the principal objection heretofore 'urged that the state stood to lose a considerable part of the herltngo o( the school children If the lands be longing to them wero sold und tho money used as ti fund. Dally Inspection of scales In nil .stock yards by an empolyo of the stato department of agriculture Is provided for in n bill in tho houso by Itcpre- MMitatlves W. T. Gould of Elm Creek and Charles Miner of Itavennn. No scale slulll be used unless tested and certllled by tho Inspector. Th 6 lower house Thursday broke nil session records for introduction of bills. There was a total of IM meas ures, making n grand total of 410, with the house giving three. days for preparation of any other Ideas In statutory form to be Introduced tho "Oth day of the session. Governor McKelvle hos asked Stuto Auditor Marsh to Issue warrants on tho state treasury for half the amount of claims filed nnd approved ngalnst tho stato hall Insurance, fund. This was done last yenr when claimants. foogan to clamor loudly for payment. Every person who drives an nutomo Idle in Nebraska may huVo to lllo n bond of JSCOO as security for his com pllanco with the laws nnd with the principles of common safety If n bill Introduced by llepresontutlvo Axtcll becomes a law. A hill by Senator Illnn on behalf of tho district clerkB of the smnller coun tics of Nebrnsku places all district clerks of the state on a flnt salary IfllOlO 111.3 LI it Ui Vl'lllllh llUll llf Vl tain their salary out of tho fees of their olllces. A state industrial commission with. complete control of nil Industries is provided for in n bill by Epperson of Clay. The board would be composed of throe members appointed by tho governor and confirmed by tho senule. Two hundred and two bills were In troduced into the lower houso of the state legislature Monday. A night ses slon was held especially for that pur pose. The flood of hills Is the result of the adjourmnment since Thursdny The repeal of the state hall insur ance law is nsked In a bill presented to the lower houso by Itepresentatlves Murphy and Essam. No provision la made for another system to tnko Its place. An nntl-clgnret bill by Anderson of Hamilton provides for the repeal of tho present law and tacks n fine from !"T0 to $100 upon anyone manufactur-j Jug, selling, or giving away clgarets. The stato legislature hps been re quested by Governor McKelvle to jnake appropriations for running tho state government tho next two years of $:fl1Sin,'J07, The issuance of state bonds for loans to farmers Is provided for In the Ne braska rural credits bill, Introduced by llepresentutlve Lynn of Knox and others. E. It. Danlelson of Osceola was elected secretary of the Nebraska board of ngrlculturo for tho llfth tlmo at the meeting of the board nt Lincoln. Mystery of tho Pyramids. "Nobody knows just why tho pyra mids of Hgypt wore built," remarked tho nrcheologlst. "No," rejoined tho suspicious cltl- ren. "Maybe there wasn't any reason beyond tho fnct that soma of those I'haraoh boys felt under obligations to provide graft for Influential friends." A bill Introduced by Yelser of Doug las, asks for repeal of the workmen's compensation law. No provision is made for u substitute. Two congressional districts south of the Platte river, and throe north of It, are provided for by the plan of re apportionment tentatively worked out by members of tho house committee on privileges nnd elections. It Is tho South Platte territory which will lose one congressman. The new- federal census deprives Nebraska of ono of Its six representatives. Itcd Cross Ball Bine la the finest product of Its kind In tho world. Ev ery woman who has used It knows this statement to bo true. Giving Up. She A woman has to nlvo un n crcnt deal nftcr she gets married. He A man does nothing else but give up nftor ho gets married. Bos ton Transcript. Representatives Stephenson and Green hnvu Introduced a hill In thu lower houso, which, If It becomes n law, provides that stato olllccrs shall be elected every four yours Instead of every two years, beginning with tho general election of 1022. The bill Introduced by Senator Berka for Christian Scientists was consider ed by the senato committee on medical societies and by an alllrmatlw vote of three of the five committeemen tho bill will bo reported for tho general file without n.M-ommendatlon Bootlegging, Perhaps. Stranger I hear tho pollco havo been Investigating In this vicinity. Did they find anything? Urchin Yes, dey lined mo fader $10. Better Rcncral health is suie to follow the uko of the natural Herb laxative, Gar field Tea. It corrects constipation. Adv. Might Be the Reason. Johnson "Do Brown never speaks of his family tree." Branson "I ex pect It's much too shady." AVhen anyone hns offended mc, I try to raise my soul so high that tho of fense cannot reach It. Descartes. In n novel It Is generally the Inci dent taken from real life that seems the most Improbable. Find the Cause ! It Un't right to drag along feeling miserable half sick. Find out, what Is making you feel so badly and try to correct it. Perhaps yonr kidneys arc causing that throbbing backache or those sharp, stabbing pains. You may have morning lameness, too, headache, dluy spells and irregular kidney action, Uie Doan't Kidney PM. They havo helped thousands of ailing folks. Atk your neighbor! A Nebraska Case "TwirkhrtTfBiiSttfr Mrs. Anna Long- Btrum, Z23 h. Ar thur St., HoUlrcKo, Ncbr., Bays; "I won troubled with my kidneys. My Mick was lnmo ami I rthnd torrlblo dlwy flpoilft and spccKH c a ni o before "my oyes. almoin blind Iiik mo. 1 was run tlown nml felt mis erable nil the time, Donn's Kidney Pllln wero recommended to mo and a few boxes cured me." Cat Dotn'a at Any Store, GOc a Box D DAN'S "pTxTxf FOSTER. M1LBURN CO., BUFFALO. N. Y. Cuticura Soap AND OINTMENT Clear the Skin Saap 25c, Ointatat 25 tad 50c, Talcnm 25c. y mrnll TO 0ITIVILRtMOVtDITl'r.n.rTr' FRECKLES W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 7-1921 KNDOKSlil) 1)Y HOltSEMKN N I V Kit HA I.I.Y SPOIIN'S DISTEMPER COMPOUND) enjoys a reputation equalled liy no other votorlnnry romody. Fur twenty-ilx yenri It nna been um-iI and recommended by th leading homemen and toclimrn of America, l'or tw'enty-l years Its uie under trying- condition htta won (or It tlm lilghenl esteem of vc.toran tralnern and driver. Hl'OllN'8 uliould bn li every triable to provent conUiMon, whether INFLUENZA, IMNIi UYli, DlSTKMI'EIl, C'OUOH ur COLD. Buy of yonr drUKglat. KO cenu and IMS per bottle. Hl'OHN MltDIUAJ. CO., (loadion, Ind., V. a A. What to Do for Disordered Stomach Take a good dose of Carter's Little Liver Pills then take 2 or 3 for a few nights aftei You will relish your mcnls without fear of troublo tc follow. Millions of all ages take them for Biliousness,, Dizziness, Sick Headache, Upset Stomach and for Sallow Pimply, Blotchy Skin.' Thty end the miitry of Constipation wn-T S&&t Small Pill; Small Dote; Small Prici CARTERS IJTTLE PILLS :X"X::-:":xX":-x:-w 5: Keep Your Blood Pure Nature Will Do the Rest I ww:x:x--:":x::x Did you know that ninety per cent of nil human ailments depend upon tho condition of your blood 7 Nature cives her warnings in va rious unmistnknblo ways, so that when tho appetite fails, nnd you becomo weak nnd listlcca and a gen eral run-down condition seems to talco possession of tho whole body, it is an unfailing tign that impuri ties will steadily accumulate until your general health will be seri ously affected. You should rccog nizo tho importance, therefore, of very promptly cleansing out the system, ana keening tho blood sup ply pure und rooust. Get a bottlo of S. S. S. nt your drugstore to day, and noto now promptly it buildB up tho appetite and gives now strength nrid vi- tnlity. Write for free literature and medical advice to Chief Med cal Adviser, 1C3 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Go. , , Semi-Solid Buttermilk Ttde Mark Res, U. S. Patent Office We have eliminated brokers' and middlemen'! profits and ahalin future deal direct from factory to consumer. Look at The Price of SEMISOLID BUTTERMILK nowl 3J cents a pound, f. o. b, factory, in 500 lb. barrel, half barrels 4Jc quarter barrela 42c No charge for containers. Write for Free Sample and Booklet describing iHii won derful hos and poultry feed. It putt (he PEP in them, and kMheminroui ajjd healthy. De ture to set SEMI- Consolidated Products Co. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Peut.-ao SEMI-SOIi? ASM saitds-HappyHousarhres WESTER! mm .WiWy-..M siSS. are helping their husbands to prosper are clad" they encouraged them to go where they could make a home of their own save navina rent and reduen rnst nf livlncr u)ier that. could reach prosperity and independence by buying on aasy terms. Fertile Land at $15 to $30 an Acre land similar to that which through many years has yielded from 20 to 46 bushels of wheat to the acre, ilundreds of farmers in Western Canada have raised crops in a linRlc season worth more than the whole cott of their land. Willi such cropi come prosperity, independence, coocJ homes, and all the comforts and conveniences which make (or happy living. Farm Gardens Poultry Dairying are sources of income second only to grain growing and stock raising. Good climate, good neighbors, churches, Nrs, rffjvu .ns.,. Uhools. rural telephone, etc.. gfve vou tho JtWiS opportunities ot a new land witn ine con veniences of old settled districts. For llliMtratad literature, mar, dnerlptlon of xarm nuponurwira in MaruioDa, nataatcnewau, and Alberta, reduced railway riten, etc , writ Utparlaicol of Iramluratluu, Ottawa. Can., or W. V. OENNETT Boom 4, lce fildg., Omaha, Neb. i Canadian Government Agent irTtlla-mMWittlllfl 2BESK MCJK!aSJBmaSBlJ