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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1921)
NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE 1$ Commencing Saturday, Feb. 12th and Closing Tuesday Evening, Feb. 15th, at 6 o'clock, Sharp. Three Days Only e Kiffc A !e$ ' $2.50 Value '' E LR ffi 5dR Hi Hi Hi Hi FULL FASHIONED, 20-INCH SILK BOOT HOSE, LISLE TOP SPECIAL STA Hi A Pair W 10 AttSU. 622EHS3 CLO hhi i&sK WOMEN'S LACE BOOT HOSE, PURE SILK AND FIBRE SPECIAL a pair I HIMU hUUS THE STORE OF QUALITY, SATISFACTION AND SERVICE. Semt-BJecklu (tribune. MVILSON TOUT, KdUor and Publisher. Entered at tho North PlatU, Nobrak rostofflco as Socond Claia Matter. SUUSOHJTTION MtlCE: Ono Year, In adranco $2,00 KHIMY, i'JJDJtUAlty lllli, 1US1. umws a'ATi'jin story. EDITORIAL. Last ovonlng tho odltor went, to Lincoln whoro ho will uttond tho meeting of tho Nebraska Press As Boclatlon for a day and thon stop at York und spend a day with hla fathor and mother. Much of tho copy for this lauuo wus proparod boforo ho loft but tho offorlB of tho offlco forco woro put forth to Hn limit to got tho paper out and get ull tho nows possible. Any mistakes should bo overlooked by our readers. It 1b uncertain just what relation tho North Platto Volunteer Fire De partment bears to tho various organi zations of this city but It Is certain that somowhoro along tho lines, somo ono of them should undortako to outfit tho boys of tho department with uni forms. Wo havo not had a serious flro for somo yoars and It may bo that wo havo settled back Into a fooling of security that thcro will bo no moro fires. At such a time tho ono thing that will arouso us la a big Are. Thon wo will again npprcclato tho llro boys and tako somo Interest In Uiom. Wo cannot reasonably expect tho. firemen to go Into tholr own pockets for tho monoy with which to buy uniforms. A nifty department on public occasions Would glio the cltlzons conlldonco In tho work of tho firemen and load tho visitors to bollovo that wo appre ciate tholr efforts. Perhaps tho Chamber of Commorco or tho City Council or somo other organization will-got tho Idea and supply tho de partment with tho personal equip ment needed. -::o: It Is told that In 0no of tho counties of Nobrnska a man without relatives died and his proporty after all claims woro paid, was turned over to tho state. Howovcr thcr judge had forgot ton to lncludo an Item of $150 for a head stono for tho man's gravo. Tho amount turned-ovor to tho stale was $3,457.04. A bill was Introduced Into tho legislature appropriating $150 to pay for tho headstone but tho amount was promptly cut down to $100 on n plea of economy. NEW SIX IIOOM MODERN HOME FOR SALE. Do Your Children SL Valontlne'H Day Is Monday, gay It with Flowors. Every Sweetheart, WIfo and Mother should "havo somo llowors on thin day. North Platto Floral Co., Phono 102:1. Wost Twelfth St Flowors dellvcrod or shipped any whoro on oarth. Dr. I,. J. Kit A USE. Demist. Mc Donald llnnk niilldlnjr. Ilnonm fl & JJ. Phone 07. 42tf WTJW MEATMAUKKT flrow . Crow, Phono 708. N. Locust. Steak 20c Pork Chops - 20c Lard r ..S0c no! ling Moat . 1 Go like Castor Oil? then why make them take it? Why cling to the old idea that" a medi-w cine must bp unpleasant in order to be good? Dr. Miles' Laxative Tablets TASTE LIKE CANDY ACT LIKE MAGIC The best authorities say that their main ingre dient "accelerates the peristalsis in the same way as castor oil." Good for children and adult3. . Get a box at your .drug store. &&--4- I 1 CHICK rOX THI WM Saving A Trip Thoro may bo times whon It Is not convonlont for our out of town cus tomers to call at tho bank In order to mako doposlts and In such Instanc es, it is always posslblo to mall your ondorsod checks and monoy orders to tho bank whoro tholr safoty la pro tected under tho Guaranty Law of Nebraska. You wSU recolvV) prompt acknowl edgment and In ovory way Uio trniiB 1 notion will bo as carefully handled as It you had called at tho bank In person. The Platte Valley State Bank NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Want Ads AT THE SUN THEATRE Uoautlful now six room home, with sun parlor and breakfast room, lights, heat and gas. Located on West 5th St Will bo sold roasonablo on good torms. C. F. TEMPLE, Agont J.Oht Fountain pen on SouthVpew oy. Flndor return to this office.4, y Tor Sale Man's Overcoat. Size 4-1, price $15. Phono 810 J. Wnnted All kinds of hides and furs. Will Hcnrlchs, 720 N. Locust. Tor Sale Full blood Barred Ply mouth Hock Roosters. Phono 795F120. Wanted Washings, will call for and deliver. Box 285. For Ilcnt A sleeping room for One or two ladles. 920 W. Fourth. Wanted To rent small houso on or boforo March 1st. Phono 1105W. For Sale My farm. Also eight room houso for sale. Phone 1200J;' Wanted Anyono wishing quilts made, either tied or qulltod,- call at G12 E. Tenth. For Jlcnt Steam heated apartment of four rooms and bath, gas range. Bratt, Goodman & Buckloy. For Sale I Old Trustv Incubators. 2 brooders. Ono Colony Hoatlng Plant useu ono season, uncap, youk feed STORE. Lost A. black, two-year-old heifer on Fcbr. C; to bo fresh. Notify E. C. Ilardenbrook, phono 79CF3. , For Sale Two spotted ponies S'-'and' 5 years 'old. Also, two white faced toer calves, 1 wook old. Call 535W. Tho air cooled spark plugs are In tt clasB by themsolvos. Seo adv, in; this lssuo. For Sale New Edison phonograph. largest size, and records. Also other furniture. Call aftor 6 p m. Apt 5, 'wlnem Apartments. For Snlo Ilolton slide trombone. In porfect condition. Lcnthor caso. $50.00 Also now Bouschor "C" Soprano saxo phone In caso, $75. R, H. Jnndobeur, Stnto Farm. TODAY "Yes or No." starring NORMA TALMADGE Also "Stage Hand" starring LARRY SEMON FINANCIAL STATEMENT, XOltTH PLATTE EQUITY ASSOCIATION at tho closo of business December 31, 1920 ASSETS Furniture and Fixtures $ 5,207.74 Merchandise , C.375.02 Accounts Receivable , 2,703.17 Bank Balance . 204.71 Cash Account " 1,194.18 SATURDAY "Broadway Bubble" starring CORRINNE GRIFFITH also AL-St. JOHN COMEDY $15,081.82 LIABILITIES Capital Stock $11,151.00 Notes Payable , 4,050.00 Surplus 388.27 Advanco Interest Paid 95.55 FRED KOCKRON. Auditor. $15,681.82 r MONDAY "FAMIL YIIONOR" A First National Attraction also "THE LOST CITY." i 8 It it REAL ESTATE FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE. I am In a position to locate you on some of the best grain, stock and Dairy propositions in Colorado, located In tho rain best, forty mllos from Denver, havo flno cllmato, good water, good roads, closo to good mar ket. I will bo pleased to furnish comploto description on request A. A. CRAIG, Elizabeth, Colo. SPECIAL Saturday Only SATURDAY SPECIAL Choice Corn Fed Prime Ribs Beef per pound 20c Choice Corn Fed Plate Boil of Beef, per lb. 12c Choice Corn Fed Beef Pot Roast per pound nyc Choice Lamb Legs per pound 25c Home Rendered Lard, 3 to 50 lbs. per pound 17c Sugar Cured Bacon per pound 30c" Fresh Side Pork per pound 17 Dry Salt or Pickle Pork per pound 15c" Barrel Sauer Kraut per quart : Z 20c Bulk Peanut Butter, per pound 25c We always carry a full line of lunch meats. Home made sausage, bologna, liverworst and Weines are a spec ialty with us. Lenten season" is now upon us, finds us with a large assortment of smoked and pickled fish together with a large supply of fresh fish and oysters. Our supply of meats are of such quality that we feel sure that you will nof, be disappointed in any selection you may make. , Wholesale and retail. Mail orders filled promptly. Free delivery to any part of the city, commencing Saturday, February 12th. We buy all kinds of live stock .and poultry. Get our prices. Brodbeck & Sons, City Meat Market PHOHE 21. Delivery leaves shop at 8:30, 10:30 and 3 p. m. I Saturday, Feb. 12th at 1-2 PRICE Strictly High Grade Guaranteed Felt Mattresses No reservations on these beforo SATURDAY". SALE OPENS 8 o'clock Saturday morning. CLOSES 9:30 Saturday evening. You Wnt the Best, Get iji Saturday Remember tho DATE. ONE Day Only. W. R. MALONEY CO. Hardwaro, Furnlturo and Undertaking. Stoves and Ranges. NORTH PLATTE Needs A Flour Mill That Has Been Proven. We believe this mill will be most successful if the ownership is scattered to some extent among responsible fanners and businessmen. The unsold treasury stock is selling at par, $100 per share. Invest your money where good dividends are sure and where it will benefit North Platte and Lincoln County. Phone or write for further information. North Platte Flour Mills. Air Cooled Spark Plugs ARE IN A CLASS BY THEMSELVES Has a heavy ventilated copper electrode tipped with sllvor two of tho best conductors known to science Carries a heavy ribbon Bpnrlc Does not feather off as It does on a small steel olectrodo. Produces a Hot Spark and a Btrong explosion which keeps plugs and cyllndors free from soot and carbon, and moro miles to tho gal lon of gas. I want a llvo agent In ovory town In Western Nobraska, or would consider county agents. For particulars address W. EL CUTTS Alliance, Nebraska, Distributor for Western Nebraska.