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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1921)
NOltTlI PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. NEBRASKAIN BRIEF Timely News Culled From All Farts of the State, Reduced for the Busy. SCORES OF EVENTS COVERED Hustings guardsmen ure to have a new armory. Tho Fairfield community club bus one hundred members uud Is out for more. Howard county claims the largest chicken hatching Industry In Nc- oraska. Tlic Annual Kucninpmcnt of the Statu G. A. It. will be held ut Hastings May 23 to 25. I A near epidemic of inllnciizn and whooping cough Is sweeping tho vi cinity of Callaway. Fremont Jobbers have been restored ,to equal shipping udvnutngcs with Oinalni and Lincoln. Fire In the Johnson drug store nt 'Madison dumaged the building and stock to the nmount of $5,000. Mr. und Mrs. Justus E. Wheeler of Clay Center, celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary last week. The State bank Is a new addition to Petersburg business. It Is the third linancinl Institution for that place. Farmers In the vicinity of Itohrs have been reporting the loss of much young stock, presumably by coyotes. County Clerk F. N. Slasson of Lodgepole has paid out $810 In coyote bounties for tho death of 270 animals. At a special election held at Verango bonds for the erection of an $80,000 high school building carried by a vote of 05 to 7. T. V. Norvell has been appointed .United Stntes commissioner for the Norfolk district to succeed the late John It. Hays. Tho annual report of State Fire Wnrden Hartford shows that the loss from (Ires In Nebraska for 1020 amounted to $2,070,020. Mrs. S. A. Page, a 70 year old Page woman, has invented an attachment for a sewing machine which will simplify the twisting of yarn. Five hundred life insurance men of (Nebraska, Iowa and South Dakota ore expected in Omaha February 15 for un annual congress of agents. Hubbell is erecting a new communi ty hall, modern and up-to-date in every respect, with a full basement underneath the entire building. Charles H. Freadrlch of Lincoln was elected president of the federation of ;Nebrn,ska retailers at the Omaha ses sion of the nnnual convention. Totnl cash gifts from Nebraska for American relief of starving children in Europe are $82,110.04, ns announced by G. W. Wattles, state chairman. Children's $50,000 paving bonds have been sold at Chicago nt par. The county commissioners will call an elec tion on $150,000 road bonds soon. The high cost of paving and the dif ficulty of disposing of paving bonds have checked such improvements in most cities and towns of Nebraska. A recent government report credits Cheyenne county with having pro duced in 1020 more wheat than any other county in the "United States. It has been decided by the Pawnee elty council that paving which was to have been starlet! early In the spring will be postponed until n later date. Representatives of Oklahoma oil companies have been acquiring leases on tracts between Angora and IJnynrd and expect to begin operations soon. E. It. Danlelson of Osceola was elected secretary of the Nebraska board of agriculture for the fifth time at the meeting of the board at Lincoln. Following live stock losses, which fanners say will run Into the thou winds, a county-wide wolf nnd coyote bunt is being planned for Table Itock. Eighteen wolves have been killed In neighborhood hunts near Elwood. The animals have become so numerous that they are annoying and causing much damnge to stock. Nebraska lumber dealers will hold their annual convention In Omaha February 0-10. Lost year 850 dealers attended the convention. Moro are ex pected this year. Albert Fluent of Du Bols claims to have a coal vein 12 Inches thick In his pasture. For live winters be hauled this Nebraska coal Into market in .Humboldt and Pawnee. The first annual birthday party of the Aurora Rotary club was held last week with the wives of Hotarlans guests. Stunts of nil kinds were pulled off. Every Itotnrlnn with one exception was present. What Is said to be the henvlest baby ever born in Franklin county nr rlved nt the home of Mr. and Sirs. Harm II. Hnnns near Upland. It wns n boy and weighed seventeen pounds. It is the ninth child In the family. Fruit growers of Holt county have bVgun to express nlnrm over the pres ent springlike weather. Trees already are showing signs of budding and sap beginning to flow. Miss Dor6tby Dnvls, instructor In .mathematics and girl's physlcnl educa tion at the Columbln high school will teach next year In the Isle of Oahu, .one of the Hawaiian group. Tho eleventh nnnual session of the county treasurers of tho stnto was held at York last week. Wlllard Hansen, a pioneer resi dent of North Platte, who was cus todian at the high school for thirty six yenrs, died at a local hospital af ter an illness of one week. Hnvlng won its right to choose any bid for state building contracts, In nn opinion of the Nebraska supreme icourt, the state board of control has (announced that it will readvertlse for 'bids on the new hospital nt the Mil ford soldiers' home, for which the last Jeci3lature appropriated $100,000. The Amcrlcun Legion at Coxud has begun it drive for 100 per cent mem bersblp. An athletic carnival netted nearly $200. Several gallons of llipior taken by the sheriff and police force In Hlalr in raids during the past few days lmv6 been destroyed. ' An attempt to revive the ltnptlst church at Ord, which has been closed for nearly two years, Is being made by tho Itev. M. Edsnn. Dean Foncbt, employee at the stnto hospital for thu. Insane at Lincoln, was accidentally' electrocuted while cleaning a boiler In the power house. lturglars took 45,000 clgarets, 200 cigars and 210 pounds of tobacco from the Itaymond IJros.-t'larkc Grocery house at Lincoln one night last week. Fairmont Is making an effort to" se cure the headtiuarlers of a machine gun company. The project Is being pushed principally by ex-service men. Everett Holer of M unlock suffered the loss of his left eye when a piece of cartridge, which he bad exploded with a. hammer, penetrated the mem ber. Horses and cattle sold at the ICcinp sale near Wymote brought high prices, according to sale olllclnls. Cows brought from $70 to $.87.50; it team sold for ?U20. Arrangements are about completed for the annual state conference of the Daughters of the American Revolu tion, which will bo held In Columbus March 15, .1(5 and 17. Robert Arthur Grothc, n 0 year old Lincoln boy, wns Instantly killed when n heavy coal truck backed over Ids body after the lad had hooked ids sled on the auto for a ride. A heavy blanket of snow now lies over most of the winter wheat of Ne braska and tiie farmers ure rejoicing. The downfall was much lighter In tho eastern section than In the west. Grain Is moving now at the rate of over ten million bushels a month from Nebraska. Nearly three hundred cars a day are being handled by the Pur llngton's Nebraska district and the other roads report an Increased run of grain. D. Run- Jones, state director of the Near East Relief, has announced that com for shipment to Armenia nnd tho Holy land will be accepted by the or ganization, If thero are farmers In Ne braska who desire to contribute to tho relief. A half dozen Hastings merchants are holding checks given them by a stranger, but which the bank refuses to cash because the gentleman has no funds on deposit. Meanwhile ho has disappeared. Dan Redmond, a farmer residing near Oconto, suffered a double frac ture of tho left leg, between the ankle nnd the knee, when the horse he was riding fell and caught the member le- ncnth his body. Mrs. Mary A. Caldwell, who has been chosen president of the bonrd of trustees for the Odd Fellows' home at York, has been a member of the bonrd for fifteen years, and has devoted much time to the Interests of the lustl tullon and its charges. Ills mind unbalanced ns a result of a hallucination that he wns being haunted by spirits, Robert .1. Dnupbi ney, u painter, shot himself througl the right temple in n room at an Omaha hotel. Death . was Instnntii' neons. Milton Krelfcls. a resident of Paul a village south of here, was seriously Injured when a ladder which he was using to take chickens from a free slipped and be fell across a wagon wheel, breaking his left wrist and suv eral ribs. A committee of citizens at Warehnm have asked the railway commission to require the Burlington rond to main tain an agent and furnish u depot for that place. Freight is billed to and from Randolph, a station live miles awuv. Examination of the stomach of Gua Rathke, who died at Norfolk recently supposedly from drinking poisonous whisky, disclosed the fact that thero was considerable wood alcohol In tho organ, according to word from tho state university medical hospital. Half the $700,000 state hall Insur ance losses Incurred in 1020 will be paid on February 15, under arrange ments worked out by Governor Mc Kelvle und State Auditor Marsh. Tho remainder will be held until collection of all state taxes. Merchants of Wymore, through tho Community club, are asking for a re rating of insurance in the business dls trlct. They believe that $0,000 an uually can be saved because of tho Improvement in fire prevention meth ods.slnce the last rating was mado four years ago. There were but five fires here last year. Tho Nebraska agricultural experi ment station nt the college of agrlcul turo now clnlins one of the best dairy herds in the country, hi the twenty yenrs of Its existence It bns developed eight cows that produced un average of IKt.'l pounds of butter In one year. II. H. Sheldon of Columbus, who recently had a fine bunch of cattle at the South Omaha stock yards, said thero would be an Increased swino production in ids neighborhood next spring as nearly all of the farmers in that section are breeding more sows for spring farrowing than they liuvo for several years. Tho Rig Seven racing circuit has been organized with Find Laniers of Winner, president, nnd Charles Trim hie, Omaha, secretary. Omaha dates for the race are June !l to 10, Inclusive. Other towps are Hartlngton, Winner, Ronesteel, Rnssett, O'Neill and Nellgh The retiring of nil automobile license fees by tho county In which they are collected with tho exception of 5 per cent which would be turned over to the state for administrative purposes, was favored by tho eleventh annual convention of Nebraska county treasurers at Its recent session at York. MAKE RIGHT USE OF RABBIT SKIN Value Depends Greatly on Their Condition and Are Always in Good Demand. DIRECTIONS FOR PREPARING Department of Agriculture Bulletin Tells How to Skin, Stretch and Tan Preferable to Sell to Lo cal Fur Buyer. 'Prepare! by Ui! fnitrtl States tvpart ment or Asrliiiltmu.i Rabbit skins siiould always be saved, ns they-have a value, depending on their, condition and are regulnrly In demand Miy sob-Mists of the biologi cal survey, United Slates Department ot Agriculture. A skin piny be pre pared for market with less trouble than Is required to bury It. It bus only to be drawn llesh side out. over n piece of thin hoard or No. 0 gauge galvanized wire, shaped to give It a uniform tension, ami hung In a shady, well-ventllnted place, such as un open felted, until It heconu-s bone dry Ar tlllclal neat should not be -used lo dry skins If It is possible to dry them otherwise tefort there Is danger or their becoming sour or moldy. Usual ly nfter hanging a week or 10 tiny kins may nts removed from stretch ers. Skinning the Rabbit. An experienced hand can skin a rab bit In less than one minute. With a shurp-polntcd knife slit the rabbit from one heel past the tinder side of tho tall to the other heel. Then twist each bind foot until the knee sticks out through the silt In the skin. Pnss the fingers between the musclo nnd the skin to separate them and break the skin nt the base of the tnll so that the bone may be pulled through them, thus stripping off the skin. It Is then convenient lo hang the carcass by the hamstrings as high mx the op erntor'H head, from Iron pins driven eight inches npnrt Into a horizontal scant ling. By using the knife a lit tle around the llnnks, shoulders, eyes, nnd lips and by severing tho ears from tljo skull, the skin may be stripped from the body. Inside out, as a glove Is turned from n hand. If care Is taken the skin may be removed whole, thus preserving the pelt and at the same time leaving no hairs on the meat. Unless one Is "killing a great mans rnbhlts. It Is usually nrefornhte to sell the dried skhis to u local fur buyer, .who will bale and shin for several producer". When there are a large number f skins Ihey may be piled Upper Wire Stretcher for Stretch, ing Skin From Side to Side. Not Suitable for Skins Cut or Torn More or Less Along the Under Side. Lower. This Wire Form Stretches Skins From Back to Belly Instead of Side to Side. between upright scantlings as stove wood Is piled and kepi thus until enough have accumulated to mnke n bale. They should then he baled un der lever or screw 'pressure, secure ly bound, nnd covered with burlap for shipment. If rubbil skliix are Intended for home use and not for sale, they may he tunned. A good tanning liquor Is composed of one quail of salt and oiie-balf ounce of sulphuric neld to each gal lon of water. As the acid corrodes metal, this liquid should he kept In a glnss or wooden container. Rabbit skins will be tanned In this mixture In from three to four days, but they mny be kept In It for n longer time without Injury. Drying the Skins. When removed from the tanning liquor skins should be wnshed several limes In soapy water, wrung as dry as possible, thoroughly ruhhed on the flesh side with a cake of hunt soap folded In the middle lengthwise over n line, hair side out, and lefl to dry When both outer surfaces are barely dry and the Interior Is still moist, ibo skins should he laid over n smooth rounded hoard or plunk and scraped on the flesh side Willi the edge of n worn flat file or other blunt-edged tool. In this way an Inner layer of tissue Is removed and the skins he roine nearly white in color. They should then be stretched, rubbed, and twisted until quite dry. If parts of a skin are still hard or stiff, It should be returned to the tanning solution and the process repeated until the entire skin Is soft. Fresh butter or other animal fat worked Into skins while they are warm and then worked out again In dry linrdwood sawdust, or extracted by busty bath In gaso line. Increases their softness, Home dressed skini should be matched for color before being made up Into gar ments. Make Use of Fanning Mill. Get out your fanning mill and clean pour scud grains. Clean seed pays. WINTER GOOSE FEEDS I OF MUCH IMPORTANCE Oats Are Considered Superior to Corn for Grain. Like Cows the Fowls Need Plenty of Fodder and They Will Eat Silage and Gather Considerable Food From Corn Fodder. Oats are a better uraln feed than corn for cnrrylng the geese through tho w Inter. Corn should lie used sparing ly as geese fatten easily and If tj' birds are overfat the eggs will show a low percentage of fertility. Geese ure much like cows In needing plenty of fodder. Tho clover chaff gathered from around the mangers Is relished by geese. They will eat silage and gather considerable food from corn fodder. In fact, nny greet! food thnt Is suitable for dairy cows helps out In the winter ration of tho flock. A Hock of geese can stand much Farmers Are Realizing More and More That Nothing But Purebred Geese Should Be Considered. cold and they will often range on stormy days when It would bo unsafe to allow the hens out. But ut night a dry roosting place la needed that Is free from draughts. It pays to cull tho geese In the full and keep only tho best for breeding stock. Tho money from geese seems to come from raising a largo number while the grass is plentiful and then cashing In on the bulk of the flock before winter Increases the work of caring for them. A smnll flock of breeders will annually produce n large flock of market geeso If they arc so managed that the eggs nro strongly fertile and plenty of setting hens nro available for brooding tho first eggs, In tho winter the geese will bo healthier If they are held In moderate flesh ami not overfed. They cannot he neglected one day and then stuffed tho next day If the best results are expect ed. Kxamlno the birds every few weeks and note the condition of tho body. Because of the heavy plumage It Is sometimes dllilcult to tell tho condition without handling. SURGERY NEEDED FOR TREES Most Persons With Little Practice Can Undertake Ordinary Repair Work Necessary. The best, snfest and most economi cal plan to prevent future extensive Injury nnd decay, or to prevent the early disfigurement or denth of the tree, Is to attend to all Injuries as soon ns they occur, sny specialists of the United Stnfes Department of Ag riculture. This kind of work Is com paratively simple nnd Inexpensive, Tree surgery bns become an estnh' llshed Industry In all cities, and It Is often profitable to employ the services of those trained in this work, but most persons can, with a llttlo preliminary practice on the simpler types or work, undertake ordinary tree repair pro vldeel they are familiar with the use of the gouge and mallet, a saw, and n paintbrush. A steady head and ability to climb will be neccbsnry for work In the top of a tree. MANY SCIONS ON ONE TREE Novel Example of Tree Grafting Is Found In Orchards of Ohio Ex periment Station. A novel example of tree grafting Is found In the orchards of (he Ohio eX' nerlment stntlon where an original Hon Dnvls tree contnlns 400 scions Hacli scion Is a representative of seed' ling or variety of apple trees found In many parts of Ohio. Tho grafts nro innde to secure n short-cut way of testing many of the seedling apples found In Ohio. The fruit from each irrnft Is gathered and Is tested out for appearance, qunllty, marketing und culinary qualities. INVESTIGATE UNUSUAL NOISE Excellent Plan for Truck Drivers to Ascertain Cause of All Queer Knocks and Squeaks. Truck drivers should be tnugbt to Investigate any unusual noises Inline- dlately they are henrd. Neglect or delay may make later Investigation useless. For Instance, nn Imtnedlnte Investigation of a noisy differential, followed by a thorough cleaning and filling with fresh oil, may snvo the cost of new genrs and bearings. And this applies In a hundred other parts of the inechunlsm. Prominent Western Man Praises Tanlac G. W. Logan, "Tnnlnc has completely restored my health nnd I feel finer than in years,'' was tho straightforward statement mado recently by Mr. George W. Logan of Peabody, Kansas, ono of the most prominent stock-dealers In the Middle West. "It has not only mado n now man of me but I havo actually gained thirty-flvo pounds In weight and feel as well ns I ever did In my life. I am telling nil of my friends about Tanlac, but they can seo for themselves what It hns done In my case. "When I begnn taking Tanlac I was in nn awfully rnn-down condition. I wns away off In weight, felt wenk and nervous nil of tho tlmo nnd couldn't take any Interest In my work or any What to Do for SICK HEADACHE IITTLE IVER PILLS Many a Pretty s I Spoiled by Pimples f Not only are these pimplca and splotches disfiguring, but they lead to serious skin diseases that spread and causo tho most discomforting irritation and pain. Sometimes they foretell Eczema, boils, blisters, scaly eruptions and other annoyances that bum like flames of Arc, and mako you feci that your skin ia ablaze. If you nro afflicted with this form of skin disease do not expect Perseverance often accomplishes more than power. Important to Mothers Examine curefully every bottlo of OASTOItIA, that famous old remedy for iufuuts and children, and see that It Bears tho Signature of In Deo for Over UO Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Caetoria An anceslor-brngglug contest is tho most relentless. A cup of Garfield Tea before retiring wlU next day relieve your system gently and thoroughly of all impurities. Adv. Bomo eloquent sermons nro word less. Kill That CASCARA E FOR Colds, Coughs . IT Ch. Neglected Colds arc Dangerous TaVa no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the flrat nz. Breaks up a cold in 24 hours Relieves Grippe in 3 days Excellent for Headache Quinine in this form docs not nflt tbe head Caacara Is best Tonic Laxative No Opiate in Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT Pcabody, Kansas thing elso. My main trouble was In digestion. Nothing seemed to agree with inc. At times I would havo dizzy spells nnd at other times my back would ache so bad that I could hardly got up and down In my chnir. This Is Just tho condition I was . In when I started to tnko this medicine. It took Just six bottles to innko a well man of me. I now havo n flno appe tite, everything tnstca good nnd-iny digestion is perfect. "My wife wns also troubled with Indigestion nt tlmcB nnd It relieved her tho same way. You mny pub lish my statement wherever you like and if anyone doubts it, just tell them to seo me." Tanlac is Bold by leading druggists everywhere. Take a good dose of Carter's little Elver Pillsthen take 2 or 3 for a few nights after. A few doses restore your organs to their proper functions and the Headache and the causes of it pass away. In the same manner They regulate the Bowels and prevent Conslipallon. 'S&X&ZcC Smill Pill; Sm.ll Do.., Small Price Face to bo cured by lotions, ointments, salves and other local remedies, as they can not possibly reach tho source of tho trouble, which is in tho blood. Begin taking S.S.S. to day, and writo a complete history of your case to our ehicf medical adviser 'who will glvo you special instructions, without charge. Write at onco to Medical Director, 152 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. If ono undertakes to scold In pub lic, ho Is astonished to find how silent the public can bo. WOMEN! USE "DIAMOND DYES' Dye Old Skirts, Dresses, Waists, Coats, Stockinas, Draperies Everything. Knch pucka go of "Diamond Dyes" contains ensy directions for dyeing uny article of wool, silk, cotton, linen, or mixed goods. Uownre! Poor dyo streuks, spots, fades, und ruins mate rial by giving it a "dyed-look." Buy "Diamond Dyes" only. Druggist has Cqlor Curd. Adv. Money Invested In knowledge pny tho best Interest. Cold With QUININE AND La Grippe