The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 11, 1921, Image 5
NORTH PLATTB SEMI-WEEKLY TiUBUNE LIST OF I'JIEMIIMI WINJiKftS OK I'LATTU YAIJiKl' 1'OULTJtY JIltEKDKltS' ASSOCIATION j At the annual oxhlbitlou of thol 1'latto Valley Poultry Breeders' As-! ioalntlon Ina, hold al North Platto during tho weok of Jan. 12-15, 1921,! lho premium winners woro ns follows: I iuuior I. Tuckor, Entry 1, Barred Itooka, took first premium on Pullet Bred Pon. M. C. Rogers, Entry 2 Barred Rocks first oxhlbitlou pen, first pullot bred cook, first cockerel, first hen, second pullot. Mrs. E. W. Wright of Idlowlld Farm wins on Barred Rocks 1st pullot, 3rd hen, 3rd qockorcl. Mrs. Chas. Damloror of Sutherland on Barred Rocks: 2d hon, 2d cockerel 3d pullot. Whito Plymouth Rocks Edw. "Walk er took all tho winnings. Partridge Plymouth Rocks -Martin 0. Rogers, 1st cock, 1st hen, 1st cock rel, 1st pullot. Silver Penciled Plymouth Rocks -M. C. Rogers, 1st cock, 1st hen. White Wyaixdotta Mrs. W. C. Dolan of Maxwell, 1st cock", 1st, 2nd, 3rd cockoreK Thos. Monglc 1st cockerel, 1st, 2nd pullot. Silver laced Wynndotto Thomas Mengle, 1st pullet, Partridge Wynndotto 0. J. Ouynan 1st cock bird. Columbian Wyandotte -M. 0 Rogers 1st cock. Columbian Plymouth Rock M. C. Rogers, 1st cock bird, 1st, 2nd hen. 1st cockorol, 1st pullet. Singlo Comb Rhodo Island, Reds S. R. Patterson, Maxwell, 1st cock, 2d hen, 1st, 3d, 4th cockrol, 1st, 3d pullot nnd 1st pon. J. O. Guynan, 2d cock, 3d, 4th liens, 2d cockerel, 2d, 4th pullets. Frank Dlstol, 2nd pen. Light Brahmas M. C. Rogers, 1st hen, Mrs. Nellie Holllngsworth of Gothenburg, 1st, 2d cockerels, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th pullets. Whlto Langshans Arthur Artz, 1st cock bird and 1st hen. Blue Orphlngtons Leo F. Simon, 1st, 2nd cock bird, 4th hen, 2d cock erel, 1st, 3rd, 4th pullots. Keith Neville 3rd cock bird, 1st, 2d, 3d hen, 3d cockerel, irershey S. Welch 2nd pullet S. C. Whlto Leghorns Mrs. Chas. Damloror, 1st cock bird, 1st, 2d hon, 1st cockrol, 1st, 2d pullots, 1st pen. Frank Noel, 2d, 3d cock, 2d. 4th cock erel. 3d, 4th pullets. L. I. Tucker 3d cockerel, 2d pon. Single Comb Buff Minorca John Woods, 1st cockorol. Dark Cornish Robt. Jaudebeuer, State Farm, 1st cock bird, 1st hen, 1st pullet. M. C. Rogers 2nd cock bird. Singlo Comb Black Mlnorcas J. G. iGuynan. 1st cock, 1st, 2nd hen, 2nd oockerol, 1st pullet. L. I. Tucker, 1st cockerel, 4th pullot. Otto Mosmor 1st pen. F. Work. 3d cockerel, 2d, 3d pul lets. Single Comb Buff Minorica-John Jones, 1st cock, 1st, 2nd, 3rd hen. Blue "Antlalusiaus M. C. Rogers, 1st cock, 1st lieh.' Single Comb Ancomas R. L. God d6n, 1st cock. 2nd hon, M. C. Rogers 1st hen,. R0SQiC6mb"Anconas-"R. 'McFarlano" 1st cock, 1st, 2d, 3d pullets. M. C, Rogers 2nd cock. Whito Crested Black Polish M. ('. Rogers 1st hen, 1st cock. Silver Spangled llamburgs Frank Dlstol; 1st hen; Block Japanese Bantams Clins. Damiorer, Sutherland, 1st cock, 1st hon. Golden Seabright Bfmtnins J. G Guynan, 1st, 2nd cock, 1st 2nd lion, lf pullot. Buff Cochin Bantams M. C. Rogers 1st cock, 1st, 2nd hens. Black Cochin Bantams J. G. Guy nan 1st cock, 1st hen, 1st cockorol. 1st pullot. Loo F. Simon 3d, 4th hen, 2d cockerel, 2d pullet. Light Brahma Bantams, Arthur Artz 1st cock, 1st hen.- Mllle Fluro Bantams, M. C. Rogers 1st hon. - Itina: Neck Pheasants, M. C, Rogers 1st,-2nd cockerel, Isl, 2nd pullets. English Gray Call Ducks, M. C. Rogors, 1st cock, 1st, 2nd lions. 1st cockerels, 1st, 2nd pullets. A. Artz 1st pon. Rover Ducks. L. I. Tucker 1st cock 1st hen, 1st, 2d pullots. Muscovy Colored. Frank Dlstel. 1st cock, 1st hen. Pearl Guinea, Luther I. Tucker, 1st cock, 1st cockerel. Toulouse Goose, A. Artz. 1st cock, 1st hon. M C. Rogers, 2d cock. 2d. 3d hem CQjmda- GgoPj A. Artz, ,1st cock, 1st hon;- " :''. Bronz Turkeys, Otto Mesmor, 1st Tom, 1st, 2d. 3rd hon, 1st young Tom. Rabbits Belgian Hares, Wesley Welch, 1st buck, 1st doe. A. N. Sholty, 3rd ,doe. New Zqalnnd Rods, A. N. Sholty. 1st doe. Pigeons- Red Carneax, Wilson Rogers, 1st pair. White Homers. Wil son Rogors, 1st pair. Whlto Fantails, Wilson Rogors, 1st pair. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Following is a list of marriage li censes issued by Judge Woodhurst in County Court of Lincoln County since our last issue: Fobr. 10 Charles Rerglund, Lowel lon and . Miss Ethol M. Clark, Lew clIonMarrled by Judgo Woodhurst. Fob. 2 Geo.'D. Carroll, Brady and .Miss Alberta Carver, Brady. Married by Judgo Woodhurst Fobr. 4 Geo. O. Reynolds, Sarben, and Mrs. Lottie L. Snyder, Sarben Married by Judgo Woodhurst. Fobr. 4 Louis C. McNeel, Suther land and Miss Gladys F. Martin. Fobr. 5 Raymond L. Wnmslcy, Suthorland and Miss Lola M. Crouso, Sutherland. Married by Rov. Yost, Minister FJrt Motodlst Church at Suthorland. Febr. 7 Louts H. Harrison, Goth onburg and Miss Anna Bean, North Platto. Married by Judgo Woodhurst. ::o::- , RESIDENCE LOTS With tho announcoinont of tho Mas tor Bulldors that they would llguro prices on 1919 basis, considerable building this spring is assured. You had bettor buy that lot now. I have residonco lots In all parts of city. Cn bo bought on oasy terms. C. F. TEMPLE. TO I ilL KEEP ON BUYING PRICES ARE DOWN f. u Jri" v- r. You cannot sell your crop unless men are working. . Men cannot work unless you buy the things they produce. k. If you buy Clothing, Yard Goods, Underwear, Hats, Stockings, Shoes, Farm Implements and Household Articles, you give employ ment to factory workers who produce these things, railroad workers who transport them, clerks and stock keepers in wholesale and retail stores, miners who supply coal to run the plants and railroads. This all produces monfey, which goes into our banks and in return your banker is placed in a position to aid you in financing your affairs. It all works out for better prices for all farm and ranch products and countless others. All these workers are users of fhrm produce. They cannot eat bread made of your wheat, wear clothing made of your wool, cannot consume your corn, oats, ets., unless they are working. They cannot work unless you keep buying. If you stop buying business stops -your business and their business. You can't sell Crops to the "bread line" man ! This is the greatest country on earth and will continue to do business, can give it a bad bump unless you keep buying the things you need. Keep On Buying Carefully But you But Now. INCORPORATED DRY GOODS WOMEN'S READY TO WEAR CLOTHING SHOES ONE PRICE TO EVERYBODY J. E. NELSON, MANAGER