The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 11, 1921, Image 4
NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE LOCAL AXJ) PERSONAL Clmi. fyferth rolurnod this morn ing from Omaha, whora lie wag colled Tuesday by the Illness of his mother. Tho latter was considerably improv ed when he left Omaha last night. Make your young folks happy at homo by moans of one of Mr. Edison's rontost Inventions. Lonrn nbout It at Dixon's Muslo Shop. A.' D. MoDonnl, of Tulsa, Okl., visited friends in town yesterday, Hs was formorly proprietor of tho Hoxall Drug Storo, but later wont to Okla homa and ongagod In tho oil business and has mado a enrt load of money. When in North Platte stop nt tha New Hotol Palace npd Cafo. You win lie treated well. 58U W. H. McDonald returned thin morning from Lincoln, where he trans notMl business for several days. The Ktwnuli Club will Iirvb their rpciilnr luncheon Mnnilnv. Preildeut- elect Harding is the latest addition to this club nt his homo in Marlon. O. CLINTON, THE JEWELER Clinton and Son, The Eye Glass Men The Sign of the Big Ring. Satisfaction---Sure Try Us Graduate Opticians DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Olllcc oyer th McDonald State Hunk LOCAL AJH) IVEItSONAL LOCAL A-NIML'E KSONA L W. J. Kolly of DunnliiK, Nobr. left for lifts liome yostorduy. 15iirl DrowiWlold, of Heralivy, wrm a city vlillor Wodnosdny. Coollla Horrod 18 off dufy tills wook nt tlio W. J. O'Connor storo. Mr. C. n. Smlthcy loft for Keai1 noy yontordny to visit relntlvoH. Dr. LuciiB trnnunctod professional biiHlnoaa In Horalioy "Wednesday. Mr. C. A. Moore wont to Koystono Weunomlny to visit her daugntor. Minn Hnzel Grady nd Mrs. Lydln WullBinfi spont yostordny in Sidney. Mrs. Geo. Rouorts ami daughter of Maxwell spent AVodnosday In the city, Earl Conquost Is roported to bo sarloimly 111 nt his homo west of the city. Miss Coral Marcollus left yosterday for Chicago to attend school for two weeks. Guy Uruko loft last night for Okla homa to visit his parents for throe weeks. Mrs. J. Vernon Lunsford loft today for Grand Island to spend the wcok end with frlonds. Mr. Walters of Hastings Is in the city making arrangements for tlio Scottish Klto meeting. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Elliott left the llrst of tho week for Chndron where they will spond two weeks. Tho Parent-Teacher Associations of tho Jefferson, Washington and Lincoln Schools will not moot next wcok until Friday ovonlng. Mrs. 11. l- Thomas and son left yes terday for Columbus to visit rolatlvcs. Mrs. V. Hanlon loft yesterday for Omaha to visit her daughter. Mrs. John Gulso ontortaincd twenty-two gnosts nt her homo Wednes day evening ' tit a dancing party, Dainty refreshments woro served. You won't wish for somo outsido entertainment every ovonlng when you Jiavo a now Edison Dlnmond Disc 1'honograph In your homo. It Is econ omy in tho long run. Discuss It nt Dixon's Muslo Shop. ' n Tho Sioux Cnmpllro hold Its regular mooting Wodnosduy at the home of tho Guardian, Mrs. Howard Yost At tho next meeting tho girls hopo to havo thoir costumes and at that time tho girls who havo earned honors will rocoivo their beads. Westminster Guild met Tuesday ev ening with Mrs. Julius Forstcdt and Mrs. Win. Sloboldt nt tho homo of tho former. A good program hnd been prepared by tho Misses Shrivor and Kane, tlio lattor's paper being es pecially enjoyed. After tho program and business mooting a social time was onoycd and . doHclpua two course lunch wan sorvod.-" t ! 0 ! Sl'MJAYHIinVKIKS. Lutheran: " 11:00 "HeslHtlng Satan." 8:00 "Caiaphas, Prophot Priest." ,Prosby torlan : ' ' - 11:00 Preaching. 7::i0 Preaching. Methodist: 11:00 "Tho Apostle's Creed,"., . 7:!10 "Christ Within.." . Episcopal: 11:00 Prayor and Sermon 7:30 Prayor and Sormon Christian: 11:00 "Co-Oidlnallug the Church r Forces." 7:n0 "Whoro to Find God" Baptist: 11:00 "Tho Youth of Josoph." 7:30 "Queen Chlnora" Illustrated with pictures. and Hydro Stone Products, Sioux City Iowa. HYDRO STONE A Permanent Building Product ; As This Cut Shows It Is Adaptable For The Small Residence As Well As The Larger Residence and Buildings. . The durability of this material is unquestienablc as the United States Government is using this product in many instances in the construction of its buildings. It would be of interest to you Mr. Prospective builder to consider this producs for your proposed ' building. VICTOR F. BECK, Architect PHONE 293. FOLEY BUILDING. NORTH PLATTE, NEBR, Mrs. Wllford Stuart returned to her homo In Lexington Friday. I Tho Judges for tho Koamoy-North Platto Dobato havo boon selected nnd ! invited to act. Thoy nro Supt. If. V. i Clark ot tho Stato Industrial School I for Hoys at Kenrnoy Supt. C. K. Morso of tho CurtlB Agricultural Collogo and Ilov. Mooro, Hector of tho Episcopal Church of tins city. II I'M I MTV. llavo you ovor noon tho brnnchos of a well Indou fruit tree bending under Its burden of fruit? Or a full head of grain bowing under tlio weight of its precious treasuro? It is only the empty branches and stallcR that stand upright. So It, la with nau., Jly ,who is richest fl Sorvlco nhif gVhco and uso " fill Intoioat In tho Kingdom Is fre quently the most humble. Tho man whoso llfo la ono ot fruitful sorvlco al lows others to praise him and not his own Hps. Tho vnln, proud, boastful man too often has nothing ot which to lioast Tlio fool H.ays In his hoart 'There Is no God.'" Tho wise man bows in humblo recognition of his Croator Tho proud mnu scorns tho Church. Tho humble seeks her ministrations. To which class do you belong? If you do not nttond nny church COMW TO TUN CHURCH OF THE Ol'WN DOOR noxt Sunday at olthor olovon or eight. Tho robed choir will sing. Thoro la room for all. t A hearty welcome nwnits you, t SPECI At the SUN THEATRE Tuesday Sc Wednesday Matinee Each Day at 2:15 and 4 p. m. ?A Acdtl- ItAaaeda! II First Evangelical Lutheran Church . Tho Gliurch ot tho Open Door" Forty yours of faithful service in North Platte. Located on Fifth Street at Sycumore. s Kev. C, Franklin Koch, Pastor. To one of these men on the desolate island the rescue -boat was brinoln$ life and success nncl to the other it -was bringing death and dishonor. THE LOVE FLOWER" , mm y newest picture ft m th Colliers WocKlv Story 'BLACK BEACH by Ralph Stock is the height o( love PHONOGRAPH The Beautiful Sheraton Period Model Illustrated is only $125 I YOU will have to see it to appreciate what wonderful value it is. You will have to hear it play, your favorite records. Like every Cheney, it prac tically eliminates needle scratch, and it imparts beauty of tone and richness to reproduc tions which has made it admired by music lovers everywhere. The Cheney plays all makes of records the music libraries of the world are at your beck and call. Grand opera, lyrics, the famous orchestras of the world, jaw The Cheney is a versatile musician in your home. Greatest advantage of all, The Cheney is like a rare old violin "The Longer. You Play It, The Sweeter It Grows," con' stantly increasing in worth. Each. Cheney is designed in one of the famous period designs of Old England a masterpiece of furniture making and a musical instrument unsurpassed. Other Cheney Period Models priced from $150 to $385 We Invite You to Come in For a Demonstration ntmiiiiiiiiiiiii - - J. O. PATTERSON, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. mnmmiiii 111 r mi unit 1 mini 1 im 11 111 Cosmopoli Froductions H U MOKE A PHOTOPLAY jfeaturinq t Alma Rubens J$&amnwunlrfrtcraft giclurg Made a Record Run at Rialto. Omaha. AT THE Keith Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday FEBRUARY 14th. 15th AND 16th PRICES: 55c, 35c and 15c. This Includes War Tax. romance and adventure