The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 11, 1921, Image 3
NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE Oral Prophylaxis Mouth Hygiene HOWARD YOST Dental Surgeon Phone 307 Twincm Dllg- NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estato No. 1701 ot Henry. Wightman deceased In the County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tlio Stato of Nobraska, ss: Credi tors of said estate will tako notico that the timo limited for presentation and filing of claims against said Es tate Is May 18, 1021 and for settle ment ot said Estato is January 17, 1922; and that I will Bit at the county court room in said county, on Febr. 18, 1921, at 9 o'clock n, m., and on May 18, 1921, at 9 o'clock a. m., to receive, examine, hear, allow, or ad just all claims and objections duly filed. Win. II. C. WOODHURST, J18-4wks County Judgo EXTENSION ROAD NO. C5. To whom it may concern: Tho special commissioner appointed to locate a road as follows: Commen cing at tho quarter section corner .on tho center ot Section thirty-four, township thirteen, north of rango thir ty, thence west ono half mllo on sec tion lino Intersecting Road No. G5 at tho half section corner on tho west side of section thirty-four, township thirteen, north ot Tango thirty, road to bo forty feet wide, has reported In favor therot as follows: favoring a road 33 feet in width tor egress pur poses, using as authority Sections G4 to 58, paragraphs 2907 to 2911, Chap. 28, Art 1 of the Statutes of tho State ot Nebraska, any party or parties hav ing objections thereto or claims for damages by reason of the establishing of said road must file same In tho of fice of tho County Clerk of Lincoln County, Nebraska on or before 12 d'clock noon ot tho 25th day of March 1921. Dated at North Platte, Ncbr., this 14th day of Jan. 1921." A. S. ALLEN, County Clerk. (SEAL) State of Nebraska, County of Lin coln, ss. At n regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners on January 10, 1921, tho Board ot County Com missioners proccdeed to make and did mako the following estimato of ex penses for tho County of Lincoln, State of Nebraska, for tho year 1921, as follows: For County General Fund $75,000.00 For County Bridge Fund 40,000.00 For County Road Fund 50,000.00 For Agricultural Society 1,000.00 For Labor Bureau Exten sion . 5,000.00 Special Bridge and Precinct Bonds and Interest. Osgood Bridge Precinct, ' Principal and Interest $1,G00.00 South Platto Bridge Precinct Principal and Interest 1,500.00 Blrdwood Bridge Precinct Principal and Interest 1,500.00 Platte Bridge Precinct Principal and Interest 1,500.00 East Platte Bridge Precinct Principal and Interest 2,000.00 Bostwick Bridgo Preolnct Principal and Interest 500.00 Horshey Urldgo. Precinct Principal and Interest 700.00 Special School Bond Levies School DIst. No. 1 Principal and Interest ..$15,000.00 School Dist. No. 7 Principal and Interest 1,750.00 School DIst. No. 23 Principal and Interest 500.00 School DIst. No. 47 Principal and Interest - 100.00 School DIst. No. 55 Principal and Interest 4,000.00 School DIst? No. 37 Principal and Interest 2,500.00 School DIst. No. G7 Principal and Interest 450.00 School Dist. No. 94 Principal and Intorest 350.00 School DIst. No. 98 Principal and Interest 300.00 School Dist. No. 105 Principal and Interest 300.00 School DIst. No. Ill Prinolnal and Intorest 300.00 School DIst No. 119 Principal and Interest 200.00 School Dist. No. 120 Principal and Interest 200.00 School Dist. No. 122 Principal and Interest 200.00 School Dist. No. 12G Principal and Intorest 300.00 8chool DIst. No. 131 Principal and Interest .. 350.00 School DIst. No. 132 Principal and Interest 500.00 School DIst. No. 133 Principal and Interest 500.00 School DIst. No. 21 Prinolnal and Interest 300.00 School DIst. No. 113 Principal and Interest .. 200.00 School Dist. No. 116 Principal and Interest 200.00 School Dist. No. 18 Principal and Interest 300.00 Special School Building Levies School DIst. No. 33 Special Building Levy $3,300.00 School Dist. No. til) Special Building Lovy 900.00 School Dist. No. 130 Special Building Levy 200.00 School Dist. No. 131 Special Building -Lovy 200.00 School Dist. No. 19 Special Building Lovy 200.00 School DIst. No. 31 Special Building Lovy 500.00 School Dist. No. 05 Principal and Intorest 1,000.00 School Dist. No. 132 Principal and Interest 300.00 School DIst. No. 133 Principal and Intorest 300.00 School DIst. No. 91 Special Building Lovy 200.00 School DIst. No. 100 Special Building Levy 200.00 School DIst. No. 112 Principal and Intorost 300.00 Dated at North Platto, Nebraska, this 10th day of Jan. 1921. E. H. SPRINGER, T. M. COHAGEN, H. COKER, Board of County Commissioners, Lincoln County, Nobraska. Attest: A. S ALLEN, County Clerk. (SEAL) FOR SALE. 12 room modern homo, suitablo for private dwelling or will pay big rev enue as npartmont. This Is a flno homo hardwood floors, fire places and all modern equipment Only 2 blocks from Post Office. 1YJ11 Sell Clicnp. O. II. THOELEGKB. : :o : : EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE I am In a position to savo you mon ey as I havo a real list of property for salo or trade; residonco and vacant lots la nearly all parts of city; good valley terms for easy payments and good ttorjuj; at this timo I havo for salo and sov o trades that will nppoal to anyom iat wants to own tholr pwn homo il 1130. E. A. OLSON. NOTICE OF PETITION. Estato No. 1800 ot James H. Ross, deceased in tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho State ot Nebraska, To all per sons Interested In said Estato tako notico that a potltlon has been filed for tho appointment of J. "W. Abbott as Administrator of said Estato which has been set for hearing herein on February 17th, 1921 at 10 o'clock a. m. Dated January 27th, 1921. Wm. II. C. WOODHURST. J28-3wks County Judge. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF UNITED STATES FOR THE DIS TRICT OF NEBRASKA, NORTH PLATTE DIVISION. In tho matter of William P. Masters, Bankrupt. Caso No. 7G, In Bankruptcy, Voluntary Petition. Notico of Application For Discharge In Bankruptcy. At North Platto in said District on this 1st day of February, A. D. 1921, before Walter V. Hoagland, Referee In Bankruptcy. Notico is hereby given that William P. Masters, having on tho 11th day ot September, A. D. 1919, been duly ad judged a bankrupt in tho abovo en titled cause, has filed his petition for a discharge as a bankrupt, and tho samo will bo heard by said Court on tho 10th day of March, A. D. 1921, at 10 o'clock in tho forenoon, at the office of the Referee in Bankruptcy, at North Platte, Nebr., at which time and placo all creditors and other persons in in terest, shall, if thoy desire to opposo tho samo, file in my offlco their ap pearanco in writing in opposition to the granting of said discharge, and also within ten days thereafter file in my said offlco specifications of tho grounds of said opposition, and show cause, if any thav hav. whv tho pray er ot said petition should not be grant ed, . . WALTER V. HOAGLAND, Referee in Bankruptcy. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice is hereby given that scaled bids will bo received at tho office of tho County Clerk of Lincoln County, Nebraska, in the city of North Platto, Nebraska, up to tho hour of Twelvo O'clock noon of tho 7th day' of March 1921, for tho construction and erec tion of tho Superstructure, tho sub structure and approaches of all bridges, and for furnishing tho mater ials in connection with same, to bo built in Lincoln County for tho period ot one year, at a specified sum per lineal foot for tho superstructure of all such bridges; and at a specified sum per lineal foot for tho super structure of all such approachesr and at a specified sum per lineal foot for all piling used in tho substructure of all bridges and approaches; and at a specified sum per foot (board meas ure) for all caps, sway braces and other wood materials used in tho sub structure ot such bridges and ap proaches. In the event the substructure of such bridges or approaches Is built wholly or in part of stone, brick, cement or concrete, tho contract for tho portion of said substructure to bo built of said material shall bo let at a specified sum per cubic foot in placo In event the substructure of such bridges or approaches Is wholly or in part of iron, steel or other metal, tho contract for tho portion of said sub structure to bo built of iron, steel or other metal shall bo let at a specified bum per lineal foot for tubing, and at a specified sum per pound for all other metal in place. AH Bids must bo accompanied by a certified check In tho amount of $500 mado payablo to tho County Clerk of Lincoln County, to bo forfeited to tho county in caso tho bidder refuses to enter Into contract with the County if samo is awarded to him. In general character tho work con sists of any kind covered by tho No braska standard Bridgo Plans, CopioB ot which arc on file in tho offlco of tho County Clerk. The numbor and kind of bridges required to bo built in tho county and their proposed location as near as can bo estimated and determined is as follows: 22 ft. span between Sees. 28 and 29, T. 13, R. 27 and any othor bridges at tiny other location in tho county that "io county board may sco Hit to order built during tho life of tho contract. All bidders aro required to bid on tho plans and specifications and bid ding blanks prepared by tho Socrotary of the Stato Board of Irrigation and all bids shall bo made strictly In ac cordance with all bridgo lawB of tho State of Nebraska, pertaining to such matters. Bids will bo publicly opened and read at tho hour of Two O'clock P. M. on tho 7th day of March, 1921, at tho regular meeting placo of tho County Board of Lincoln Co. in tho Court House at North Platto, Nebraska. Any Bidder boforo entering on tho work, pursuant to contract awarded him. shall glvo bond to tho county in tho sum ot $2,000.00 conditioned for tho faithful oxecutlon of tho contract. Tho County Board of Lincoln Coun- tv, Nebr , reserve unto tliomsolvcs the right to rojoct any or all bids. A. S. ALLEN, El-4wks County Clerk. SAY IT WITH FLOWERS North Platto FloTal Co. Flowers. W. Twelfth Street Phono 1023 Wo dollver and Bhlp anywhere J. S.TWINEM.MD. Homepathic Physician & Surgeon it General Practice and l Construction Surgery. f Hospital Accomodations Platte Valley Hospital. Former Name 'Twinem Hospital". NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. . ,,,, M ..., Office 340 House 1257 DR. W. I. SHAFFER Osteopath Physician Over the Oasis. North Platte. DB. J. It. McKIRAHAN Practice Limited to Diseases ot Women and Surgery OVER REXALL DRUG STORE Phones Office 113 Residonco 2G5 DB. HEDFIELD Physician, Obstotrlctnu Surgeon, X-Bay Calls Promptly Answered Night or Dy Fuone Office 642 Rcsldciice 676 MRS. M. HENRY QILFOl'L Teacher of VOICE CULTURE and tho ART OF SINGING. Residence Studio: 108 West 3rd, City JOHN S. SIMMS, M. D. Special Attention Given to Sorcery McDonald Bank BuIldiHg Office Phono 83 Residence 88 GEO. B. DENT, Physician and Snrgcon. Special Attention GIrea to Surgery and Obstetrics. Office: Bulldlnr & Loan Building Phones: Office 130, Residence 116 Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C . DROS T, Osteopathic Physician.. North Platte, Nebraska. Knights ot Columbus Building. DBS. STATES & STATES Chiropractors 5, 6, 7 Building & Loan Building:. Office Phone 70. Res. Phone 1243 DR. S. E. 1IUPFER Chiropodist nnd Foot Specialist FOOT COMFORT. ARCH BUILDING. Corns, Callouses, nnd Ingrowing Too Nails Removed nnd Ulcers cured. Bunions treated nnd nil other Ail ments of tho Foot. OVER CASH MEAT MARKET. DB. HAROLD FENNEB Osteopath Oyer nirschfcld's Offlco Phone 333 Res. Phone 1020 Ed Kierig, Auctioneer. General Farm Sales A Specialty, also Real Estate References and Dates First National Bank. Res. 400 East 3rd St. Phono 012 YT. T. PBITCHABD, Graduate Veterinarian Ex-Government Veterinarian and ex assistant deputy State Veterinarian Hospital 815 Sonth Vino Street Hospital Phone Black 633 House Phone Black 633 ;t DSBBTBK&SY A FORBES, ij l Licensed Embalmors ft j$ Undertakers and Funeral Directors it Day phone 41 if H Night phone Black 88 H I am overstocked on hides and there Is no market. Keep your hldos for spring market. Cannot use scrap Iron either. Am still buying furs. L. LIPSHITZ SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS. If you havo a farm, ranch or ollv property to sell or exchange t can do this If price is RIGHT. List your deals with mo K. A. OLSON Call 32.1 Evening 1130 . CONDEMN High Priced Stock Foods "Tlint Iia to nil flirnlKrli nnvlm. it it fancy prices for stock foods and i 8 hog remedies and that he Is rals- it it ing some ot tho host hogs over - Placed on tho market," was the s't statomont mado recently by E. a H. Heckstcad, woll-known hog U raiser and authority on live if i stock. it envy of his neighbors, nnd havo if "topped tho market" for several if years in Iowa. Ho states that :$ for years ho bought high-priced "r hoe foods and hoc remedies, hut it ; ho is nil through' paying oxtra- H it vagant prices for what ho can jj ,t mako himself. Ho states that it if what tho hogs need aro minerals l nnd tells tho secret of his won- if j dorful success by explaining l ii that ho takes about flvo pounds if it nf nrrllnnrv mlnftrnllnn fwtitnli 1 ;i - ........... ... ...... ...a, v u ...w. Is puro concentrated minerals 8 it and cost only a couplo of dol- a 8 lars) and mixes samo with 8 it enough bran or filler to mako a h it hundred pounds. All hogs, and if especially brood sows roqulro 8 if minerals ns thoy koop them frco J 8 from worms, and In tho pink ot i.t condition, and aro essential to 8 if tho hogs growth and a well' bal- it 8 anccd ration. This Inexpensive 8 it mixture placed In a sheltered 8 it box whore tho hogs can got at if j it as thoy need It, will produco j if far bettor results than any ft 8 high priced so-called stock i.t It foods. 8 8 Send two dollars to Tho Mln- if II eralino Chemical Co., 1G38 No. 8 it Wells St., Chicago, 111., and if j they will forward you by pre- 8 it paid parcol post,cnough minor- f$ 8 aline to mako a full hundred it pounds. 8 ...... W. .... . .'. . . , 1 Buy a Barrel OF "Cow Brand" f FLOUR Every farmer and everyone interested in farming should join this campaign. This will create a demand for wheat and stimulate all bus ness. Nebraska families ueed 150,000 barrels to get them through the win ter. Buy Yours Now. Insist on "COW BRAND" The North Plalte Flour it i.t i.t it it it if if if it it it NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Hall Block Norlb ot Postoftice. Phone 58 A modern institution for the eitntific treatment of medical, iurgiel and confinement caaes. Complottly equipped X-Ray nd diagnuit'c laboratories SUIT: Geo. B. Dent. M. D. V. Laeas, H. D. J. B. Redfield, M. D. J. S. SIMMS, H.D. ORDER FIXING CLAIM DAYS. In tho Matter of tho Estato ot Nettlo A. Yohc, Deceased. Now on this 4th day ot February, 1921. it Is ordored by tho Court that tho executors bo allowed ono year from this dato in which to settlo said Estato, and creditors will bo allowed until tho 8th day ot Juno, 1921, to filo tholr claims, aftor said date, claims will bo forovor barred. That on tho 8th day of March, 1921, and tho 8th day of June, 1921, at 10 o'clock a. m. of each of said days, tho court and tho Executors will attend at tho coun ty court room In said county, to ro coive, oxamlno, hear, allow, and ad just claims. That notico of this order bo given creditors and all porsonn In tcrcstcd In said Estato by publication of a notico for four successive weeks immediately preceding tho 8th day of March, 1921, in tho North Platto Semi Weekly Trlbuno, a legal semi-weekly nowspapor printed and published In Lincoln County, Nobraska. (SEAL) WM, II. C, WOODHURST, F8M4 County Judgo AMKRH'AX LKGIOX TO UXBKR TAKK 1 CAMPAIGN FOR 3IORK MEMBERS At tho last meeting of tho local branch of tho American Legion, plans wero discussed for Increasing tho momborshtp ot that liody. It was do clded to ask Commander Evans to ap point two captains of opposing sides and havo each sldo attempt to secure tho most now members. Tho contest would, havo a timo limit and nt its closo a colebratlon of somo kind would bo hold for those who had join ed during tho campaign. Tho mem bership Is now about 1G0 and the of ficers think It should bo nt least twice that largo. LOCAL FIREMEN"'' TO BANQUET GOTHENBURG FIREMEN AND THEIR LADIES An Invitation has been scut to tho Firomou of Gothenburg to bo tho guests ot tho North Plntto FirenveJi at tho Palaco Hotel on tho evening ot Fobrunry 24. They aro asked to bring their ladles with them ns the; Nortli Platto men expect to entertain their wives nnd Bwcothorts on that ticca slon. Other local guests will bo In vited. -::o:: COMMISSIONERS CHANGE THE NAME OF LINCOLN COUNTY PRECINCT At Its mooting last Monday, a peti tion signed by Arnold Francis and nlncty-ono others was presented to tho JJoard ot County Commissioners asking that tho nama of Nichols pro clnct bo changed to HorBhoy precinct Tho request was granted nnd horcaf tor Horshey precinct will take! tho placo of Nichols precinct. PUPILS STUDYING AT HOME IS TOPIO FOR DISCUSSION. Tho Parent-Teacher Association ot tho Senior High School mot Wednes day ftfternorm nt thrAn oVlnrTr In llm Contral High School. Mrs. H. R. Mc Mlchacl presided during discussion of tho topic, "How to Get Punlls to Do Moro Homo Study." A number of parents and toachors took part and wnuo an ngrceu tnoro was a nood for moro intcnslvn work nt linmn nti flin part of tho pupils, no definite plan was proposed, ueioro mo general uls- CUSBlon started. Minn Pnrnv nnnlrn nf tho now commnrclnl cniirfinn nnil Mr Noycr gavo an outllno of her method i or mailing seconu year .i.atm moro Interesting. Sho showed a number Of drawlnirs. outline! nnd ilnvlnpa for accomplishing this result. ' Plans wero lnid for Increasing tho membership and nltondnnco at tho meetings. . z LOCAL VNNl'ERSONAL Dr. McRoynolds transacted nrofes- alonal business In Ogalnlla Wcndnos- my. ''-'4 O. M. Suponchlck left Wednesday for St. Paul to visit his fnthor for a wcok. Dr. Wurtele. office nhono 27. nlnht phono 25. Maurlco Fowler returned from a business trip to Grand Island Wed nesday. Mrs. Margaret Burson wont to Goth enburg Wednesday to visit friends for. a fow days. Mrs. J. II. Bjorklund left Wodnosday for Gothenburg to visit relatives for sovcral days. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clabaugh and daughter arrived Wednesday from Greeloy to visit nt tho J. F. Cla baugh homo. To whom aro your going to soil your Hay and Grain? Tho Harrington Mer cantile Co. will offer tho highest prices. C4tf j Music will nil that need you havo been feeling for something to muko ' your homo moro comploto. Don't bo satisfied with anything loss than tho j best. Hear tho Now Edison at Dixon's Music Shop. You know how It is many times you havo found an extra piece or so that you wanted to put into that particular wash. With most electric washors, however, U add that extra ploco it would bo necessary to atop tho motor and the machine then lift the heavy top put in tho oxtra pleco and fasten tho top down again) start tno motor all boforo you could contlnuo with Jho wash ing. Not so with THE Laundry Queen let the dolly do the rinsing" North Platte Light & Power Co. I COMMISSIONERS' PHOCEEDINGS Hoard of County Commissioners ot Lincoln County met pursuant to ad journment In tho County Court t House, Fobr. 7. Present Cokor and County Clerk. Thoro being no quo rum the session was continued until next day. On tho following day, February 8, tho Hoard mot with Springer, Cokor and County Clerk present. Tho following bills were approved and allowed: S. M. Souder, County Treasurer, $31.21. W. Hull Telephone Co., $G5.46. N. P. Light & Power Co,, $51.33. Hanks &. Oldfathcr, $98.44. Lincoln Co. Lumber Co., coal for poor, $13.55. Ed Hardonbrook, delivering, $4.00. Martin Wyman, ropalr, Com. 1, $5. Carl Fletcher, dragging, $17.10. J. M. Holt, culverts, $108. J. H. VnnCloavo, mdso., $0.50. Fred Tobas,. bridge work, $40.50.' Vornoy Atkinson, road dist 17, $8.50. B. A. Norswortliy, road dist. 17, $22.20. C. P. Carson, road dist. 17, $24. Porry Grady, road dist 17, $G. MotIo Jacox, road dist. 17, $13.50. N. P. Gen. Hospital, $17.50. J. F. Snyder, road dist 32, $110. J. II. Shell, road dist 54, $45. O. Falling, road dist 54, $13. John Cortes, road dist 54, $13. ' Henry Morso, roud dist. 54, . $23. Earl Sholl, road dint. 54, $33. Jas. Bcnchem, road dist 27, $57.30. C. McNcel, road dist 28, $18. Walter Donuchamp, road dist 28, $IG Iral Johnson, road dist. 17, $24. S. A. Coolldgo, dragging, $54. Art Houchin, road dist 17, $1S. Bron Anderson, dragging, $C. J. P. Burrows, road dist 17, $3. Margaret Hodson, road dist 17, $110.20, N. P.' Buick Co., Com. 1, $20.10. N. P. Buick Co., rent election, $40. W. W. Kern, road dist 17, $150. R. W. Kern, rod dist 17, $157.50. N. P. Llgt & Power Co., sorvicos, $33.55. Poard adjourned to Fob. 14, 1921, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Following is a list of deeds filed in tho oltico ot C. W. Yost, Register ot Deeds for Lincoln County, slnoo our last Issue: Jan. 31Guy L, Granger and wlfo to Walter A. Gilchrist, lot 3, block 11, in MIller'B Addition to North Platto, .$5000. Fobr. 2 W. L. Crlssman and wife to David W. McDonald and wlfo lot 3, block 14 in Taylor's Addition to North Platto, $275. Fob. 3 Bort M. Roynolds and wife to Jos. C Baker, lot 3 of Reynold's sub-division of lot 7 and 8 block 1 of Miller's Addition to North Platto, ?G000. . Febr. pChus, C. DunUm and wlfo .to Ida. Brown. SEW. Sec. 29, T. 10, 11. 31, $1000". Fobr. 7 Wm. J. Sundqulst and wife to P, M. Robison EV& NEU and W NV nnd S,6 Sec. 0, T. 13, R. 2(5, $4914.70. Fobr. 8 Charlotte Ellsworth and husbnnd to Ed (Joker ot nl, part of lot 20, Clatkson's subdivision of NE& Sec. 29, T. 14, R. 33, Sutherland, $400. Fobr. 1 Jonathan Illgglnn nnd wife to Henry Ilrotornltz lot 2, block 13 Ponlston's Addition to North Platto $4000. Febr. 3 Claude R. Johnson and wife to Albert Johnson WV6 SEV4 and SWyt NE Sec. 1(5, T. 14, R. 32, $18,000. Fobr. 4 Floyd Jacox to Moarl Ja cox, SVj SW Sec. 9, T. 11, R. 2G, $4000. Fobr. 8 Chas. F. Yandos, and wlfo to M. H. Woodman, lrrogulnr part ot SVj Sec. 29, T. 14, R. 33, $7000. WALL PAPER You may select your pnpor In your homo. Now Is tho timo to have your Insldo work dono. PHIL DEATS, Phono 1001J Don't Stop It Just Lift the Top