NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE Oral Prophylaxis Mouth Hygiene HOWAHI) YOST Dental Surgoon Phono 307 Twlnem llldg- NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Eatato No. 1791 o Henry WIghtman doccasod la tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska, Tho Stato of Nebraska, as: Credi tors of said cstato will take notice that tho timo limited for presentation and filing of claims against said Es tate is May 18, 1921 and for settle ment of said Estato Is January 17, 1922; and that I will slfat tho county court room In said county, on Febr. 18, 1921, at 9 o'clock a. m., and on May 18. 1921, at 9 o'clock a. m.,' to rccolvc, examine, hear, allow, or ad jUBt all claims and objections duly flled. Win, H. C. WOODIIURST, J18-4wkB County Judge EXTENSION ItOAI) NO. 65. To whom it may concorn: Tho special commissioner appointed to locate a road as follows: Commen cing at tho quarter section corner ou tho conter of Section thirty-four, township thirteen, north of rango thir ty, thenco west one half mllo on sec tion lino intersecting Road No. G5 at tho half section corner on tho west sido of section thirty-four, township thirteen, north of rango thirty, road to bo forty feet wido, has roported in favor thorof as follows: favoring a road 33 foot in width, for egress pur poses, using as authority Sections 54 to 58, paragraphs 2907 to 2911, Chap. 28, Art. 1 of tho Statutes of the Stato of Nebraska, any party or parties hav ing objections thoroto or claims for damages by reason of tho establishing of said road must ilia same in tho of fico of tho County Clerk of Lincoln County, Nebraska on or before 12 d'clock noon of tho 25th day of March 1921., Dated at North Platte, Ncbr., this 14th de.y of Jan. 1921. A, S. ALLEN, County Clerk. (SEAL) State of Nebraska, County of Lin coln, ss. At a regular meeting of tho Board of County Commissioners on January .10, 1921, tho Board of County Com missioners procedeed to make and did make tho following estimate of ex penses for the County of Lincoln, State of Nebraska, for tho year 1921, as follows: For County General Fund $75,000.00 For County Bridge Fund 40,000.00 For County Road Fund 50,000.00 For Agricultural Society 1,000.00 For Labor Bureau Exten sion 5,000.00 Special Bridge and Precinct Bonds and Interest. OsKOod Bridge Precinct, Principal and Interest $1,000.00 South Platto Bridge Precinct Principal and Interest . Birdwood Brldgo Precinct Principal and Interost . ... 1,500.00 1,500.00 Platto Brldgo Precinct Principal and Interest Enst Platte Bridge Precinct Principal and Interest Bostwick Brldgo Precinct Principal and Interest Horshey Bridge Precinct, Principal and Interest 1,500.00 2,000.00 500.00 700.00 Special School Boid Levies Principal and Interest School Dlst. No. 7 Principal and Interest School Dist. No. 23 Principal and Interest School DUt. No. 47 Principal nnd Interest Schoel Dist. No. 55 Principal and Interest Sjrtool Dist. No. 37 Principal and Interest School Dist. No. 07 ' Principal and 'Interest School Dist. No. 94 .$15,000.00 . 1,750.00 500.00, 100.00 4,000.00 2,500.00 450.00 350.00 300.00 Principal School Dlst, Principal School Dlst. Principal School Dist and Interest No. 9S nnd Interest No. 105 nnd Interest 300.00 rtOO.OO No. 111 Principal and Interest School Dlst No. 119 Principal and Interest School Dlst. No. 120 Principal nnd Interest School Dist. No. 122 Principal and Interest School Dist. No. 120 Principal nnd School Dlst. No. Principal and School Dlst. No. Principal and School Dlst. No. Principal and School Dist. No. Principal and School Dlst. No. Interest 131 Interest 132 Interest 133 Interest 21 Interest 113 Principal and Interest .. School Dist. No. 110 Principal and Interest -School Dist. No. 18 Principal and Interest . Special School Building School Dist. No. 33 Special Building Levy - School Dlst. No. 60 Special Building Levy 200.00 300.00 Levies ...$3,300.00 ... 900.00 ... 200.00 School Dlst. No. 130 Spoclal Building Levy -School Dlst. No. 131 Special Building Levy . School Dlst. No. 19 Special Building Levy -School Dist. No. 31 Special Building Levy . School Dlst. N.o. G5 Principal and Interest -School Dlst. No. 132 Principal and Interest . School Dlst. No. 133 , Principal nnd Interest . School Dist. No. 91 Special Building Lovy -School Dlst. No. 100 Special Building Lovy . School Dist. No. 112 Principal and Interest - Dated at North Platto, this 10th day of Jan. 1921 ... 200.00 ... 200.0ol 1,000.00 300.00 300.00 . 200.00 - 200.00 300.00 Nebraska; E. II. SPRINGER, T. M. COIIAGEN, H. COKER, Board of County Commissioners, Lincoln County, Nebraska. Attest: A. S. ALLEN. County Tier. (REAL) FOR SALE. 12 room modem home, suitable for private dwelling or will pay big rov enuo as apartment. This is a flno homo hardwood floors, Are places and all modern equipment. Only 2 blocks from Post Office. Will Sell Cheap. 0. II. THOELECKE. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE I am in a position to savo you mon ey as I havo a real list of proporty for salo or trade; rcsldenco and vacant lots ic early nil carts of city good valley farms for easy payments and good teuJ3; atthlstlmo I havo forsalo and bc. j trades that will appoal to anyon wants to own their own homo ! 1130. E. A. OLSON. NOTICE OF PETITION. Estato No. 1800 of James II. Ross, deceased in tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nobraska, To all per sons interested In said Estato tako notice that a petition has been filed for tho nppolntmont of J. W. Abbott as Administrator of said Estato which has been sot for hearing herein ou February 17th, 1921 at 10 o'clock a. m. 1 Dated January 27th, 1921. Wm. H. C. WOODIIURST, J28-3wks County Judge. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF UNITED STATES FOR THE DIS TRICT OF NEBRASKA, NORTH PLATTE DIVISION. In tho matter of "William P. Masters, Bankrupt. Caso No. 70, In Bankruptcy, Voluntary Petition. Notico of Application For Discharge In Bankruptcy. At North Platto In said District on this 1st day of February, A. D. 1921, before Walter V. Iloagland, Ro.feree In Bankruptcy. Notico Is hereby given that William P. Masters, having on tho 11th day of September. A. D. 1919, been duly ad judged ft' bankrupt In tho abovo en titled cause, Jrns filed his petition for a discharge as a bankrupt, nnd the same will bo heard by said Court on tho 10th day of March, A. D. 1921, at 10 o'clock in tho forenoon, at the office of the Referee in Bankruptcy, at North Platto, Nobr., at which tlmo ami placo all creditors and other persons In In terest, shall, If they desire to opposo tho same, file in my office their ap pearanco In writing In opposition to the granting of said discharge, and also within ten days' thereafter file In my said office specifications of the. grounds of said opposition, nnd show cause. If any they '-"vo. why tho pray er of said petition should, not bo grant ed. WALTER V. HOAGLAND, Reforeo in Bankruptcy. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notico is hereby given that sealed bids will bo received at tho office of tho County Clerk of Lincoln County, Nebraska, In tho city of North Platto, Nebraska, up to tho hour of Twelve O'clock noon of tho 7th day of March 1921, for tho construction nnd erec tion of tho Superstructure, tho sub structure and approaches of all bridges, and for furnishing tho mater ials in connection with snme, to ho built in Lincoln County for tho period of one year, at a specified sum per lineal foot for tho superstructure of all such bridges; and at a specified sum per lineal foot for tho super structure of all such approaches; and at a specified sum per lineal foot for all piling used In the substructure of all bridges and approaches; and at a specified sum per foot (board meas ure) for all caps, sway braces and other wood materials used In the sub structure of such bridges and ap proaches. In the event tho substructure of such bridges or approaches is built wholly or in part of stone, brick, cement or concrete, tho contract for the portion of said substructure to bo ijallt of said material shall bo let at I :v specified sum per cubic font in plnce 200.00 In ovent tho substructure of such bridges or approaches Is wholly or In 200.00 Part of Iron, steel or othor metal, tho contract fori the portion of said sub 200.00 .structure to bo built of Iron, steel or other mctnl shall bo let at a specified 300.00 sum per lineal foot for tubing, nnd at n specified sum per pound for all 350.00 other metal In place. All Bids must bo accompanied by a 500.00 certified check In tho amount of $500 mndo payable to the County Clerk of 500.00 Lincoln County, to bo forfeited' to tho county In caso tho bidder rofuses to 300.00 enter into contract with tho County If samo is awarded to him. 200.00 In general character tho work con sists of any kind covered by tho Ne braska standard Brldgo Plans, Copies of which aro on filo In the offico of tho County Clerk. .The number and kind of bridges required to bo built In tho county and their proposed location as near ns can be estimated and determined is ns follows: 22 ft. span between Sees. 28 and 29, T. 12, R. 27 and any othor bridges at any other location In tho county that M:e county board may see flit to order lMiilt during tho life of the contract. All bidders aro required to bid on l i ho plans and specifications and bld 500.00 ding blanks prepared by tho Secretary of tho State Board of Irrigation and nil bids shall bo mndo strictly In ac cordance with all brldgo laws of tho State of Nebraska, pertaining to such matters. Bids v ill be publicly opened nnd read nt tho hour of Two O'clock P. M. on the 7th day of March, 1921, at tho regular meeting placo of tho County Board of Lincoln Co. In tho Court Houso nt North Platto, Nobraska. Any Bidder beforo entering on tho work, pursuant to contract awarded him, shall glvo bond to tho county In the sum of $2,000.00 conditioned for thn faithful execution of tho contract. The County Board of Lincoln Coun tv, Nbr.. rogorvo unto thomsolvcs tho right to rojoct any or all bids. A. S ALLEN, Fl 4vk County Clerk SAY IT WITH FLOWERS North Platto FIotbI Co. Flowers. W. Twolfth Street Phono 1023 Wo dollver and ship anywhoro ,H,M.WMMfw.t,WMW..f,'.M.M,M ii IJ. S.TWINEM. MD. ! j.; it j.: if Homepathic Physician & Surgeon General Practice and Construction Surgery. 8 Hospital Accomodations p Platte Valley Hospital. i Former Name 'Twineni Hospital". NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Office 340 House 1.257 DR. W. I. SHAFFER Osteopath Physician Over the Oasis. North Platte. 1)K. J. It. McKIItAIIAN Practice Limited to Diseases ot Women and Surgery OVER REXALL DRUG STORE Phones Office 113 Rcsldenco 265 DR. ItEDFIELD Physician, Obstetrician Surgeon, X-Bay Calls Promptly Answered Night or Day Phone Offico Ci2 Residence 070 MRS. 3T. HENRY GILFOYL Teacher ot VOICE CULTURE and tho ART OF SENG ENG. Residence Studio: 108 West 3rd, City JOIIN S. SIMMS, M. D. Special Attention Given to Surtrcry McDonald Rank Building Office Phono 83 Eealdcace 88 GEO. B. DENT, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention GItob to Surgery and Obstetrics. Offico: Building & Loan Building Phones: Office 130. Residence 115 Office phone 241. Res. phone 217' L. C . DROS T, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - Nebraska. Knlehts ot Columbus Building. I)RS. STATES & STATES Chiropractors ", 0, 7 Building & Loan Building. Office Phone 70. Res. Phone 1242 DR. S. E. 1IUPFER Chiropodist and Foot Specialist FOOT COMFORT. ARCH BUILDING. Corns, Callouses, and Ingrowing Too Nulls Removed nnd Ulcers cured. Bunions treated and nil other Ail ments of tho Foot. ' OVER CASH MEAT MARKET. I) It. HAROLD FENNEIt Osteopath Over II irschf eld's Offico Phono 333 Res. Phone 1020 Ed Kierig, Auctioneer. General Form Sales A Specialty, also Real Estate. References and Dates First National Rnnk. Res. 100 East 3rd St. Phono 91! "W. T. ritlTCHABD, Graduate Veterinarian Ex-Govornment Votcrlnarian and ex. assistant deputy State Veterinarian Hospital 315 South Vine Street Hospital Phone Black 633 House Phone Black C33 Licensed Embalmers t Undertakers and Funeral Dlrectoi h Bar phone 41 :: U Night phono Black 588 $ Fur Market A LITTLE BETTER L. LIPSHITZ Wo aro prepared to repair scored .and cracked cylinder blocks, wlui high grado metal Alloy, electrically applied without heating, warping or enlarging tho bore. Wo solicit your work. North Platto Bulck Co. ft CONDEMN 8 it . High Priced Stock Foods g "That ho Is all through paying 8 if fancy prices for stock foods nnd u hog remedies nnd that ho is rnis- ft ft lng somo ot tho best hogs over ft placed on tho market," was tho ft statcmont mado recently by E. . ft II. Beckstead, woll-known hog ft i rniser ana nutnority ou nvo if j;i stock. g 8 Mr. Bcckstead'a hogs aro tho ft ft envy of his neighbors, and havo ft "topped tho market" for soveral ft :: years in Iowa. Ho Btates that . ... . t. . -- , . 31 ior yearB no uougui uigii-priccti j-j hog foods and hog remedies, but ft ho Is nil through paying oxtra- H vagant prices for what ho can ft make hlmsolf. Ho states that ft what tho hogs need aro minerals sf ft and tolls tho secret ot his won- ft ; dorful success by explaining 11 ?S that ho takes about flvo pounds w it nf nrillnnrv nilharnllnn fwlilc.h it is puro concentrated minerals 8 ft and cost only n couplo of dol- ft 8 lars) and mixes samo with ft j enough bran or filler to make a ft hundred pounds. All hogs, and ft U especially brood sows roqulro M ft minerals as they keep them frco ft ft from worms, and in tho pink of 8 condition, and aro essential to ft ft tho hogs growth and a well bal- ft M anced ration. This inexpensive M 3't mlxturo placed in a sheltered ft box whoro tho hogs can get at ft It as they need It, will produce !! ft far better results than any ft 8 high priced so-called stock ft l foods. U 8 Send two dollars to Tho Mln- if orallno Chemical Co., 1C38 No. j ft Wells St., Chicago, 111., and ft ! they will forward you by pro- ?! ft pnld parcel post, enough minor- ft alino to mako a full hundred ft pounds. ft : ft t.t it :.t it if ft :.: it it u it it if !:i if if if if if it Buy a Barrel OF "Cow Brand" FLOUR Every farmer and everyone $ interested in fanning should $ join this campaign. This ft will create a demand for ! it it n wheat and stimulate all hus ness. Nehraska families U ueed 150,000 harrcls to get them through the win ter. Buy Yours Now. Insist on if it it if tf it it it if it it "COW BRAND" The North Plalte Flour S NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Hall Block North ot Postoftice. Phone 58 A modern institution for th cionti(ic treatmpnt of medical, surgical and confinement casei. . Completely equipped X-IUy and diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo. D. Dent. M. D. V. Lncaj, H. D. J. B. Redfield.M.D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D. ORDER FIXING CLAIM DAYS. In tho Matter of tho Estato of Nottlo A. Yoho, Deceased. Now on this 4th day of February, 1921, ft Is ordered by tho Court that tho oxccutorB bo allowed ono year from this dato In which to settlo said Estate, and creditors will bo allowed until tho 8th day of Juno, 1921, to filo their claims, after said dato, claims will bo forovor barrod. That on tho 8th day of March, 1921, and tho 8th day of June, 1921, at 10 o'clock a. m. of each of said days, tho court and tho Executors will attend at tho coun ty court room In said county, to rc colvc, cxamlno, hear, allow, and ad Just claims. That notico of this order bo given creditors and all persons In terested In said Estato by publication of a notico for four successive weeks Immediately preceding tho 8th day of March, 1921, in tho North Platto Soml Weekly Tribune,' a logal soml-wcokly nowspapor printed and published in Lincoln County, Nebraska. (SEAL) WM. II. C. WOODIIURST, F8M4 County Judge LOCAL AND PERSONAL i dins. Walters lolt the latter part ot tho weok for Donvor. ; Miss Mario McClaln, of llershoy, vis ited In tho city Friday. W. H. Nolan, of Grand Island, is a guest at tho Joo Nolan homo. Dr. Mario Amos went to Juloshurb Saturday on professional business. H. J. Hondley, of Iuxtngton, enmo Saturday to visit friends In tho city. R. A. Scott, ot Sutherland, was a visitor to North Plntto tho last of the week. John J. Holland, of Grand Island, was In tho city Friday attending to business mattors. Senator W. V. Honglnnd enmo Sat urday from Lincoln to transact busi ness In tho city. Mrs. A. 1). Ijowry, of Hershcy, ro turncd homo Saturday after spending a fow days In tho city. Edward Wallaco returned to his homo lu Eddyvillo after spending a fow days nt tho P. E. Mclntroo home. Mrs. G. M. Pnlmor nnd granddaugh ter Marjory Jano llloomborg, enmo Saturday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Bloom berg. Mrs. Mlunlu Paul resumed duties at tho O'Connor store after being called to Grand Island by tho death of her mother. Mr. Burke, who has been employed ut the Illrschfcld clothing store, loft tho Inst of tho weok for his homo In Chicago. - jots You know how It Is many times you have found nn oxtra plcco or so that j'ou wanted to put Into that particular wnHh. With most electric washers, however, to mill that extra ploco it would bo nocossary to stop tho motor nnd the mnohino then lift Uio heavy top put In tho oxtra piece and fasten tho ton down again start tho motor all boforo you could continue with tho wnsh ing. Not so with THE Laundry Queen LET THE DOLLY DO THE RINSING North Platte Light & Power Co. BROOD SOW AUCTION of '10 bred Poland China sows and gilts and a few young males to be held at Johansen's Sale Hani in North Platte, Nebniska, Monday, February 21st, at one p. m. These lierds furnished foundation stoek for Pig Type Po land Herds over tho U. S., shown nt the leading fairs of tho U. S. for over one-half century. Ured for size, big lit ters and good feeding qualities. llogs are a necessity on Amrican farm, pork products are necessary to city dwel ler, creating a constant market for tho finished product. Not one-half the usual number of brood sows on Ameri can farms at present. No farm animal multiplies so fast or turns grain and farm wastes to pork or pays principal on investment so quickly as brood sows. All Immuned and no risk taken. In ordinary flesh. A great opportunity for hog raisers or beginners in puro breeds to seed the farm with the best at your own prices . See the hogs, they will convince you sale day. Crates for shipment. Pedigrees furnished. Terms cash or bankable notes. Dr. C. II. flourley, C. S. McCurdy, Ed Kierig, Aucts. Ray C. Langford, Clerk. PHIL DAWSON, Owner. Endicott, Nebraska. Jnok Shields of Oshkosh, transacted bttslnoss In tho city over tho weok end. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. TIttihnur left Sat urday for Now Orlonns whore they will visit. Earl Stohblns , of Cothanburg, was In tho city Friday transacting busi ness. Miss Anna HJorklund canu from Cbthonburg Saturday to visit rela tives. Miss Audrlo Ward returned to Suth erland Saturday nftor visiting Miss Wlnnlo Heaucamp. irs. Fred Mehlmnnn and Lillian Peterson, of Gothenburg spout tho weok end at tho Rodlno home. Miss Francis Coghtll, of Billings, Montana, camo Saturday to visit nt tho homo of her brother Chas. Coghlll. Mr. and Mrs. W. King left tho last of tho weok for tho oastorn part of tho stato whoro they expect to reside In tho future When tn North Platte stop at the Now Hotel Pnlaco and Cafo. You will bo treated woll. 53 tf Mrs. C. R. Curtis loft Saturday for her homo In Fmnklin after visiting nt tho homes of her sons William and Howard Curtis. Mlso Mabol Crabb resigned her po sition at tho Tramp storo and went to Paxton Saturday whoro sho will ro Bldo In tho future wns In tho city Saturday onrouto woro In tho city Saturday onrouta homo from Sutherland whoro It wbro defoatcd by n scoro of 47 to 5. Don't Stop It Just Lift the Top 41