.".sat, . leint-xiEeelili) THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEb, FKBRUAHY , 1921. No. 9 1 'fv ;4 NO LAND FOR THE JAPANESE iJVVIS SFONSEHS BILL WHICH FORBIDS THEIR OWNING LAND IN STATE. SOUTH PLATTE MERCHANT HUX TlTVmrf A1PI? ORER AT OMAHA LAST WEEK. Willi Luliuli AND. SOCIETY Representative E. S. Davis hue in troduced a bill in tho House ot Rep resentatives which forbids a citizen t; Japan or China from owning real estato in Nebraska. It is argued that these peoplo by tho laws of tho United States government cannot becomo clt nens, that they bring oriental cus toms with thorn whon they come to this Country, that they tend to settle n colonies, that thoy do not take to our ways of living, that thoy kill till competition becauso their standard of Hving is so low, that thoy can never intermarry with tho white citizens and yj will always' presont a raco prob- iom, and that Japan bolng tho most ) likely nation with which wo will over go to war, it is unwlso to havo any urge number of her citizens in our r-ildst. On the other hand it is hold thut tho Japanoso aro thrifty, that they aro not nereaslng in numbers in this state, !hat they aro good farmers and make and produce good crops, that they are Jaw abiding, not one having been in the courts during the past year, that they would becomo cltizons if they could, that they arc more aesirablo in any community than Moxicans who havo the chanco to becomo citizens nnd do not, and that thoy do not constitute a problem hero in Nebraska. Tho bill is the same as the one jiassed by tho California legislature and it is argued that now is tho time to take up tho matter before things get any worse. To this it is replied that California has her Japanese prob lem, Georgia has her negro problem, Arizona her Mexican , problem and other states have their particular raco problems but none of them,is Nebras ka proDiem. The bill was killed in j committee it week but Mr. Davis gave notice .at he would fight tho matter. out on .'ie floor of the house on Monday. S. It. Darryborry of Dorryberry & Porboi, Inc., was oloctod First Vice Prosldont of tho Nebraska Retail Hardware Association at tho closo of its annual convention at Omaha last Friday. "When wo road that thcro aro C50 activo mombors and that the at tendance was about 1,000 wo realize tho honor to Mr. Dorryborry nnd tho city. One of tha resolutions accord ing to the Omaha 13oo roads as fol lows: "BoHcving that renewed buslnoss activity and a further measure of prosperity will coma only ns a re sult of constructive readjustment of all prices to lower lovols, wo earnest ly ndvocato tho consistent reducing of prices by manufacturers to Job bers, Jobbers to retailors, and by retailors to consumers, each agency In turn passing on tho reductions as rapidly as they occur, In tho exact proportion ns tho reductions como to us, ro'gard loss of manufacturers' instructions to tho contrary." ?!0!! BASKETBALL 'TEAMS VICTOMOUS VAIUOl'S ORGANIZATIONS TO HOLD IMPORTANT MEETINGS. -r AT HOME GAMES SATURDAY. Luter Last night a telegram .was ivcelved from Representative Davis bv Mayor Strcitz which would indi cate that' tho. report of -tho Judiciary "onunlttee of the' House In favor;; of Indefinite1 postponement of the bill, which means killing It. had bien re fused and the Committee minority re port in favor ot placing it on general Je, had passed bv a vote of O.f to it. Saturday evening tho North Platte High School Girls Basketball Team won from the Gothenburg team by n score of 8 to 1. Many fouls were call ed on Gothenburg for their over guard lug and Evelyn Wilcox succeeded In free throwing almost every time. Mar garet Edwards made sovoral field throws while Gothenburg made but ono free throw which gave them their one point. The North Platte High School Hand played between hnlves and candy was sold. Tho boys team played tho Shclton quintet the same evening nnd won by a score of IS to 15. This Is reported to havo been tho closest game yet this season. Afterwards tho High School Orches tra furunlshcd music for n dancing party in the auditorium until eleven OClOCk. SO! I ' HIGH SCHOOL BOl' ADDRESSES ROTARY CLUB Oft TDITELY SUBJECT. AVhou W. R- Maloney selected t high Bchool boy to present the anni vorsary of Lincoln's birthday to tho Rotary Club ho (planned well. Junior Hinmiui was tho student selected and ho spoke ns one who knew what ho was talking about. It is the custom ot Rotary to call attention of Its mom. berato"attMversal'ydateminsitsni6t often that a boy is selected who noes as well ns Junior Htnmnii did yester day. , ::o:: AMERICAN LEGION PLANNING TO BUY A RESIDENCE HERE FOR WASHINGTON SCHOOL IS OVER- CHOWDER AND NEW ROOM TO BE ORGANIZER, ' f Because o' the crowded, condition i Hie Washington building about for y pupils will he transferred to a va cant iii.un in the central school build in;. M har. not been definitely de cided l ist whnt. grades' or boundaries At the meeting ot the Logli lust evening it was decided to pirry out plans looking to tho purewso 01 0110 of the largo houses hero wIch aro of fered for sale and tho cpvorslon of tho samo into a homo to tno legion, 'n (Infinite announcenvnts will be made until tho deal isjomploted but. thr men aro dotermWU to secure will b- chaup.ed i-rvl Superintendent nonuquartors as soow naiiuooiuiu ""u IJtlel rf" teachers arc working the plan proposeu seemw w mmi mu Unci fi " " teaeiiers arc wurmns mi' ijiuu iiiujiuowu m ten 1 1 chirm a- rapidly as possible. I need for tho present A HOME. uHome REBECCA KENSINGTON Will ho hold in I..O. O. F. Hnll, tho afternoon of Friday, Febr. 11th, SCOUT OFFICERS' SCHOOL Will bo hold at tho Franklin Sahool, Thursday, Febr. 10 nt 8 p. m. All men Interested nro Invited. ROTARY CLUB Will hold its next noonday luncheon at tho Methodist Church on Monday, Febr. 14th. tiIri:i:iold aims of thi: wel f'ark' association for phus- ENT YEAR. PUBLIC CHARITY Working to- j ward procuring a County Hospital and uotomiou home tnrougn tno bhiq oi tho old poor farm and ninety acros of land located noar Wnllaco, both of which belong to Lincoln County. PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS Procuring of oquipment for the swimming iwol such as bath houses pier and spring board. Also tho beautifying of tht grounds around tho swimming pool by planting trees, shrubbery and laytnn put walks. PUBLIC SOCIAL SERVICE 15m ROAD BUILDING, TO BE STOPPED N0TIID ARTISTS TO APPEAR IN CONTEUT FRIDAY, FEBRUARY ELEVENTH. TO DIM'ONTINTE WORK ON LIN COLN HIGHWAY FROM NORTH PLATTE TO BRADY. Word was recolvod hero today that tli Sncrnturv of Acrlcultlirn lms ruled ploying ot a Superintendent ot Public I that tlu fodoral government cannot Wal fa re for tho city who will act tin-1 pond funds on any road that is not YOEMEN ATTENTION . Tho regular business meeting of the Yoemen, followed by tho usual social, til i. . i . r m. 1 . ' wm oo noiu at iv. rj. unn, iiiursuay evening, Febr. 10th. dot' the suporvlson of tho Board of Public Welfare. These aro the throo Important alms Of the' Welfare Association which Is milking a canvnss of tho city for mom borshins through tho endorsement and btupport ot tho different organizations of I tho city. 0AjM v v i heTiTuncil pi, a n s g r an d - COFNCIL FOR MARCH FIFTH. At the mooting of tho Local Council ot the Cnmpflro Girls held at tho home of;Mrn. Adda Turplo last week, tho council which Includes all guardians, assistant guardians and representa tives from tho various womon's or ganlwitions of tho city, made plans for a Grand Council Firo. This enter- ,..........., ...Ill 1. - !.. T7H.1.1.. All Vilnlil.ni.a ,.,rn. I lUIIIIIIUIlt Will UU llUill 111. IUU 1' 1 till IVI I II All Neighbors aro urged to! ...., o..i..i,. moi. ! nth. There nro now nbout fifteen cnmpflro groups In North Platto and nearly 250 girls arc onrollcd. All of those will tnko part In tho Grnnd Council Fire. CO! ROYAL NEIGHBORS Sllvor Leaf Camp, No. 301, Royal Neighbors of America, will meet Wed nesday, Fubr. 9th (tomorrow) at throe o clock he present. METHODIST AID SOCIETY Will meet Thursday Febr. 10 In tho church parlors. Tho hostesses are Mesdames Scott, Ivolso, Redmond, public proporty. A part of tho Lin coin Highway oast of North Platto to to County lino is on tho outer ono hundred fcot ot tho Union Pacific right-or-way and while tho railroad officials have given every assuranco of their willingness for tho highway to uso this laud, tho Socrctary does hot seem to bo satisfied. An offort will ho mado to sccuro tltlo to this strip ot land but in enso of falluro to do this It would sooin that tlirv only thing to do will bo to ncqulro titlo to adjoining land or dosigunto another road. It Is prohablo that all furthor work on this section ot tho highway will bo suspended until a sotllomont of the matter hns boon made. One ot tho boat musical trronts of this loasou will bo tho recital nt Uio Preabyterluu Church noxt EIday. Tho soloists aro August Molzrtr, Carl Buotel and Paul Harrington. Mr. Molior is at prosout tllrootor of tho Molzer Violin School of Lincoln. Ho as boon associated with tho host forms ot instrumental music in Ne braska for a number of years and has a largo following in North Platto. Mr. Uoutol is an American pianist and composer. Ho is not so well known locally as Mr. Molzcr but ho comes highly recommended.'" Mr. Har rington has delighted North Plntto nmlloncos many times and his many frlontls will be. pleased to hear him on this occasion. The admission has been placed at fifty and sovonty-flvo cents, whlcir prices aro considered within tho rcneh of all. Tickets will bo on sale at DIxoh'b Music Shop each dny. -::o:; C0MMANBERY HAS BIG BANQUET AND SUCCESSFUL INSPEC TION FRIDAY ,:o:: LOCAL BUILDERS AND CONTRACT. ORS DECIDE ON PRICKS FOR THIS YEAR Sitnms and Bangs. A full attendance i ''J' mi1,' Is desired. WESTMINSTER GUILD Tho Westminster Guild ot tho Pres. byerlnn Church will meet this evening with Mosdames Forstedt and Sleboldt at 14 South Elm Street. A good pro gram ,has been prepared nnd a good attendance is desired. FI10M EASTERN MARKETS. I Harry I. Block returned Sunday ev ening from a two Avcoks' business trip to the east. Ho spent most ot tho timo in. New York City, Inspecting tho of ferings of tho Jobbors and wholesalers. Mr. Block says tho business In the Sofith has been hardest hit of any. sec tion of tho country and that it is not recovering so rapidly, Thoro aro largo stocks of merchandise in tho hands oi At a mooting of tho Master Builders of North Plntto hold tho latter part of tho week, It was docided to adopt tho standard of nrioos that nrovailed dur- RETURNS lug 1919 ns tho basis for 1921. These wesLeyanAjlee club T(he celebrated Wesloyan Glco Club tho wholesalers nnd they aro offering is coming to our city, March 23d. This thorn nt fair i-eductions over last year. Gleo Club is under tho direction ot Prof. Douglns Powell and will glvp a varied programme. This Glco Club comes here under tho nuspicos of the High School. (L.MP,"'-iiwci'i: Tho next meeting of the Local Council of the Cnmpflne Girls will be hold at the homo of Mrs. C. F. Koch, Tuesday, Febr. 15, at 7:30 o'clock. All members should come. In most cases wages aro still high and money scarce. Ho bought a frcsii stock of ladles' raidy-to-woar at the lowest prices and those garments ,wlll bej coming In to his storo in a tow days. When seen yestorday Mr. Block -Lanl, JJxfpxptct to mpro thnn Tlonse my customers with tho merchandise I purchased becauso it' IS tho very lat est stylos and I can sell it nt the low est prices." :o: PUn No. t& MAkeYoiir Dream Xi;uv i Come ruc! You and youijamily never will be satisfy untji you have a home Ayour own. A rented houstVannol be like a real homi TLn normal oera, Una o deep seated deaii, for a home of his or h owrit you 1 Tl. . . . .i i :n.,u.im(.ni vnn can maKC. A nome is me.uuiji mvti.w.v pay in a few years time win pay tor u. Free Home Building Plans M. m. " .... .i oKr cr.ll lumber to you. We offer y We do more man - - ; - rt5j fee P.aS (.his one among . i n ficonomical Homes aim u,r u..-.o- , , , we win b ' ? CHA.MBER OF COMMERCE An adjourned meeting of tho Chnmber of Conimerco Directors will bo held Thursday evening at the offl co of tho Secretary. Plans for tho membership campaign will bo formu lated. r t TWENTIETH CENTURY CLUB Tho General Department of the Twentieth CenturyCIub will mootthia afternoon nt threo o'clock In the Fireman's Hall Mrs. R. M. Cathors is hostess and Mrs. Zook Is loader. Tho subject of tho afternoon will bo "Jlio Forelgnor in our Midst." ::n:i Tho regular meeting ot tho Board or Hducitlon wes hold in tho Board onicc8 in tho Franklin building last evening. Matter? 0f routlno woro dis posed of and eonio plans for tho future wore (UsciuHod. Tho Machinists Union hold their an. nual ball last ovenlne In thn Tv- n J lmll. Tho music was furnished by Van uoran s Novelty Orchestra and tho i3.li was crowded to its capacity. prices aro considerably lowor than thoso of 1920 and It means n reduction in building costs. Titken with tho lower prices of building matorlals It should stimulate building activity among those who need homes especial ly. ::o;: SCOUT OFFICERS TRAINING SCHOOL HOLDS SECOND SESSION, What Is said to bo ono ot tho biggest nnd best mcetingH of Pnlostino Com mnndory No. 13, Knights Tomplnr, wns hold at Masonic Hnll Friday ovon ing. Tho bnnauot nt G:30 was in hon or of Edward C. Jackson, Grand Com mander and Lyninn L. Clnpp, Inspect or Gonoral ot tho order. After tho din nor tho Knights assembled In tho lodgo hall and passed roviow nnd In spection heforo tho grnnd officers. ' " ' . 'o:: LINCOLN COUNTY BEE KEEPERS' ASSOCIATION HOLDS ANNUAL. .MEETING Tho annual mooting of tho Lincoln County Roo Keepers' Association was hold in Firemon's Hall Saturday, Fob. C. Gcorgo Shorman was elected pres ident and Sanford Hnrtmnu wns mado secretary-treasurer. Matters portaln Ing to tho welfare of tc Industry wore taken up nnd some bills now bo foro tho legislature concerning Iiqq koophjg woro discussed and sultnblo aclion taken. 1 ::o:: l sumcc ifyou decide lo build. We will ue g. ?W Z tee ilns, wi.h cos. cs.ima.es, when you call. GLEASON-WEINRERGER. A very qutct wedding took plnco yesterday morning in tho St'. Patrick's chnpel when Rev. Robert Moron uni ted In marriage Miss Lyola Gleason and Kenneth Weinberger both of this city. Tho young coupfo wero attended by Mr. and Mrs. E. A. McGraw, sister and brothor-ln-law of tho bride. Fol lowing the wedding a wedding break fast was served at tho homo of tho groom's parents Mr. nnd Mrs. Gcorgo Weinberger. Mrs. Weinberger is a well known young lady of tho city having boon employed as telephone oporntdr for sovoral years. Mr. Welnbergor Is a graduate or tho North Platto High School and and is a painter In tho city. The young couplo will make North Platto their homo In tho future. :!o:; Mrs. L. J. Prentiss of Parma, In., who has been visiting at tho homo of her unclo Frank HIbnor left this morning for Bolvndero, 111. N. 13. Workmn left this morning for lib homo In Shorldan nftor nttondlng tin funeral of his brother Sam Work-mri'i Tho principal topic at tho second session ot tho Scout Officers' Train ing School wnB Organization. This wnB followed by Instruction in First Aid, physicju exorcises and tho his tory of tho American flag. Tho moot ing was hold In tho Franklin school last evening. At tha closo of tho In struction tho wholo bunclf entered heartily into boiuo now scout games .vhlch woro much enjoyfcd. Tho courso Is given by Wm. Barribnll of Denver who Is hero for a fow weeks work W'th tho scouts. Whon seen this morning Mr. Rii-- rlball said "This school Is not only a plnco for learning principles -of Or ganization Supervision, Practical Scouting nnd Leadership, but It Is also an 'onthuslnsm power plant' giving out inspiration, encouragement and enthusiasm to tho students to bo carried back to their respective Troo ps. "Tho men taking tho courso nro red blooded, practical mon and thoir in terest nrovos tho vnluo of tho training. "As each lesson Is complcto within li Itsolf, students may enroll nt nny , ft tlmo Tho noxt lesson will bo glvon it Thursday ovonlng at tho Junior Hlgh.H rt 1 1 M 1 1 ...HI. I f.T hcnooi, ivcn wno nnvo women wuu boys aro urged to onroll nnd lonrn late, efficient methods." KEARNEY DEFEATED RY LOCAL BASKETBALL TEAM FRIDAY ? NIGHT. Tho North Platto Basketball team dofcatod Kearney High by a scoro ot 27 lo 7 Friday evening nt tho Frank lin Auditorium. ITaner nnd Locko mado field Ihrow aftor throw nndln tho flocond half of the gamo tho sec ond team was allowed to"" play, : ;:o:: SENIOR HIGH PARENT TEACHER ASSOCIATION MEET TO-MORROW. The Sonior High School, Parent Teacher Association will moot tomor row afternoon nt three thirty in tho i Kunbly room of tho Contral High Building, A good program has boon arrangod nnd tho commlttco rcnuosts ovoryono to bo presont. l,M,MHWHU.U,WM,tmUWM.WHIfMUWMW,M .. it DANCE The Dutch Auction Snlo which was put on by tho Leader seemed to bo a success. Quito a number of pooplo wore nttrnotcd to tho Storo at six 'clock whon tho Inst of tho -suits wero to bo given away free, but u id reported that tho last suit was sold ;!unt boforo tho tlmo was up. ...,, t . f .'. .'''.,'.-.''..'', V. v. ... , ft it t.i if i.t t,i .: ft :.: .: :.: ft :.: t.x t.t it a . t.t j :.t t.: j.: m It It 3,: i.t :.t :.t ft i.t it August Molzer, Violinist. Carl Beutcl, Pianist. Paul Harrington Baritone. Presbyterian Church, :t 5.: :.: :.t :.: :.t it :.t :t :.t ft i.t a t.t j.t ft :.: t.t 'ft !;t xt tt it t.t t.t ft ft at j.t J.t :.: J.t l i.: ft J.s t.t t.t it $ :.t t.t :.t :.: . n .......mm.....,........,. HERSHEY every FRIDAY NIGHT k'SUFnaizMr Housing 1 Fa'CIUTibs Are i?V- In MFace Of Tm , TkGMBNDQUS DmbND Cost of Bmt!N& cm ALLY L0WBR THAN IT Will Be Later ON ? lus, (hvc. adJWa4 (pte. Waltemath Lumber & Coal Co. Friday, February 11th, 1921 ft it a r