ti ! 1 WILSON TOUT, Editor and Publisher. Entered at the North I'latto, Nebraska Postofflce as Second Class Matter, SUllSCKU'TION MUCK J Ono Year, In ndrnnco.. $2.00 JTKSHAY, t'KlJUUAltY.lHt, 11)21. The boy problem turns out to be a man nroblom when It has been run down to tho limit. Hoys Imitate men and they go wrong In most cases bo rauBo soma man loads them wrong. If, Wis lc nccoptod then wo know whoro to place tho blnmo. Ono generation! it good men would revolutionize tho world. How onn a man ln when ho knows somo boy Is watching him and ii do as he doos7 ; The Oltonsteln grove in the south (irt ot town Is being sold. This an-' nouncemont by (ho II. & S. Agency Is full of moaning (o somo pooplo and of only passing Intorost to othors. Tho, "ditor anu ins ianuiy campou inoro for a week ono summor whon the rhautauqua was hold in tho road Just south of tho grovo. Eight or ton othor families woro camped tliero at tho tlmo and tho oxporlonco is still a bright spot in our life. Man v "boys will toll of using this grovo as a play ground for gamos and "or climbing. Olrls havo hold picnics thoro. At ono tiuio It was qulto a grovo but lack ot caro is responsible for tho troos dy ing. It will booh bo only a inomory to tho oldor settlers. CITY AM) COUNTY NEWS. Mr. Calhoun of Paxtoti Is trans acting businoss In tho olty today. Dr. Wurtelo, offlco phono 27, night phono 25. W. Walkor loft this morning for Kearney to transact businoss. $25.00 coat, suit and dross snlo at The Stylo Shop today and "Wednesday. r. F. Tracy loft this morning for Omaha whoro ho will act ns Juror at tho U. S. Court. T)r. arn"n TTarnor of Omaha Is spending tho duy In tho city on pro fessional business. Tho Basketball team loft this morning for Curtis whoro thoy will play that team this evening. Whon In North Flatto stop at the Now Hotel Palaco and Cafe. You will bo treated well. 58tf Dr. Layton left last ovenlng for .Ohicago whoro ho wtos called by tho sorlouu illness of his 'sister. Dr. L. J. KBAU8K, Dentist. He Donald Bank Ilnlldlng. Itooms 2 A; 8. rhoHe 97. 42tf Scholtz Orchestra arrived this morning and will furnish tho music for tho danco tonight to bo given by tho American Legion nt tho K. C, hall. Wo aro prepared to repolr scored land cracked cylinder blocks, with high grado metal alloy, electrically applied without heating, warping or enlarging tho boro. Wo Bollcit your work. North Platto Dulclc Co. Tho group meetings ot tho Womonty Auxllllnry of tho Dnptlst church moot Thursday, February 3rd. Tho niblo Group Willi Mrs. Tense, 323 West U St.; tho Queen Esther and Ann Hazol tino Croups will meet togcthor nt the pburch. BILLY'S PLACE Wo nro serving 3Cc, 40c. and COo din-nerfl. The Blue Pencil has surely worked wonders Black Kid Welt Sole, $6.45 A FEW OF Buy Buck's Shoes . ...Jkt t A Column of Nonscifsc. Hon: B. 8. Davit, House of RopretonUtth'M,' Lincoln, Nobr. Dear Ed: Tho other day when we wore going orer to The Loador to buy something for our wire at his Dutch Sale, a man stopped us and Invited us to have dlnnor with him and his wife the next day. So along about noon we wander ed over to his house and knocked at the front door. The hostess came to tho door and she was all dressed up In lior working clothes, you know, Mil, how women aro when thoy don't ex poct anyone. Wo said "How-de-do" and sIm said "What do you want?" nnd wo said we enmo to dlnnor. She sold that we would hnvo qulto a whllo to wait nnd probably we could do soidolhlng or othor at tho shop. Wo said wo wore protty hungry and slvj said sho would try and have dinner right on tlmo at six o'clock. And It was then almost noon. Ed, wo would like to havo you pass n law putting the right names on the dlfforont moals", Most pooplo call tho first meal of tho day broakfast but somti pooplo don't cat anything until noon nnd then want to call that breakfast. , Thon again, Ed, thoy call what wo (it nt noon lunch whon it ought to ,a called dlnnor. Somo pooplo aro not particular what thoy call It Just so thoy got enough to oat when thoy want It, but thoy havo never suffered from bolng Invited out as wo woro. Thon again, Ed, thoy somotlmos call supper dinner. Tho full forco of tho law should bo brought to boar on such pooplo tho moro especially whon thoy nro Inviting pooplo out I toll you, Ed, it Is terrible Tllbn again, Ed, tho law ought to toll what a luncheon Is. Suppose you wero Invited out to a luncheon, would you know whon to go? Somo people wouldn't nnd thoy might get thoro too Into which would bo worse than getting thoro too oarly as wo did. Then ngaln, Ed, suppor should bo suppor. A midnight lunch Is not sup por or olso suppor docs not como at stx o'clock. Can a mnu havo suppor at six o'clock nt homo nnd thon havo supper with u frlond nftor tho show? Wo say It Is nn Impossibility nnd wo should have a law to koop people from doing Impossible things. Of courso wo don't want you to mako It unlawful to cat as many times ns thero is a chanco but ovory time It should havo n namo so wo would novor miss ono of those chances by not bolng on hand. So, Ed, since wo dldiv't hear any thing from you about dredging the Platto, wo hopo yoil will pass a law about meals and help us poor editors out whon wo got Invited Into society. Yours truly. A CONSTITUENT. " '-liBH " A good sized audienco witnessed tho production of Hobart'a "Exporl onco" at tho Keith Saturday night. Tho play was moro than ono oxpocted and hold the luullencfl In close attention from beginning' to end. Tho aug mented orchestra, under tho special director with the company, rendered I music appropriate to the sotting of 1 tho play. Tho parts woro woll taken 1 nnd the themo was ono which appeal ed to all grown pooplo. I Your last chanco nnd tho greatest bargain giving sulo over nt Tho Stylo Shop today and Wednesday. Your chclco ot coats, suits and drosses, $25'. Hnrrj UiibIi will leave Thursday for his homo In Now York after visit ing nt fho homo of Chan. Cornell. here Military with priced at OUR NEW LOW SHOES This ver new onc-stiap mimn Willi llinli I rune l.l priced at $7.00 Something in military heel, comes in Brown Kid, priced nt SS.OO i NORTH PJJATTI3 SBMI - XOXICK TO t'OXTJtACTOJIH. Nottco Is horoby glvon that scaled bids will bo received at the offlco of the Cdunty Clork of Lincoln County, Nebraska, in the city of North Platto, Nobrnska, up to the hour ot Twelvo O'clock noon of tho 7th day of March JOEl, for the construction and erec tion Of tho Superstructure, tho sub structure and approaches of all brldgos, and for furnishing tho mater ials In connection with same, to bo built In Lincoln County for tho period of one year, at a spoctried sum per lineal foot for the superstructure of all euch bridges; and at a specified sum "per lineal foot for the super structure of all such approaches; nnd At it specified sum per lineal foot for nil piling used In tho. substructure of all bridges nnd npproflches; nnd nt a spoclflod sum per foot (board moas uro) for all caps, swny braces and othor wood matorlnls used In tho sub structure ot such brldgo-s nnd ap proaches. In tho ovont tho" substructure of such brldgos or approaches Is built wholly or In part of stone, brick, coment or concroto, tho contract for tho portion of said substructure to bo built of said material shall be let at n specified sum per cublo foot In place In ovont tho substructure of Btich bridges or approaches Is wholly or In part of Iron, stool or other metal, tho contract for tho portion of said sub structure to bo built of Iron, Bteel or othor metal shall bo lot at a specified Bum per lineal foot for tubing, and at a specified sum per pound for all other metal In placo. All Bids must bo accompanied by a certified check In tho amount of $500 mado payable to tho County Clerk of Lincoln County, to bo forfeited to tho county In caso tho blddor rofusos to ontor Into contrnct with the County If enmo Is awarded to him. In genornl chnractor the work con sists of any kind covered by tho Ne braska standard Bridgo Plans, Copies of which nro on fllo In the office of tho County Clerk. The numbor nnd kind of bridges rooulred to bo built In tho county and their proposed location as near ns can bo estimated and determined is ns follows: 22 ft. span betweon Sees. 28 nnd 29. T. 12, It. 27 and any othor bridges at any other location In tho county that tho county board may sco flit to order, built during tho life of the contract. All bidders nro required to bid on tho plans and specifications nnd bid dlntr blanks prepared by the Secretary of the State noard of Irrigation nnd nil bids shall bo mado strictly In nc ccrdnr.co with all bridge laws of the State of Nebraska, pertaining to such matters. Bids will bo publicly opened and read ot tho hour of Two O'clock P. M. on the 7th day of Mnrcjt, 1921, at tho regular mooting place of tho County Board of Lincoln Co. In thq Court House at North Platto, Nebraska. Any Blddor before ontorlng on (he work, pursuant to contract awarded Jilm, shall give bond to tho county In the sum ot $2,000.00 conditioned Xtr tho faithful execution of the contract. The County Board of Lincoln Coun ty, Nour., resorve unto themselves tho right to reject any or nil bids. A. S. ALLEN, Fl-4wks County Clerk. ::o:: Your last chanco nnd tho greatest bargnln giving uillo ever at Tho Style Shop today and Wednesday. Your choico of coats, suits and dresses, $25. Howard E. Hand, bollormaker at Carland, Nevada, left Sunday morning with his brldo for that placo Avhoro they will make their futuro home, Mrs. Hand was formerly Mlssl Ocs trlch of this city. 16 Formerly Shoe Market WipiCLY TRIBUNE 'Help! ifi THAT FIGHT'S A THRILL THAT WASN'T EQUALLED EVEN IN "BACK TO jj GOD'S COUNTRY" AND A SCORE OF OTHER SCENES ARE JUST AS BIG. A mA'. I. J J V I I YD. . JLSJ-G. ifllll. II-" Roaring Rivers and Fire-Girt Forests real men and splendid women beasts of prey! They startle and delight you as only one other backwoods drama ever did. Lon Chaney, Lewis Stone, Betty Blythe and Big Cast in a w m m m m m m rm -i ! At The SUN, Tuesday and Wednesday. Hi Hi Jn Matinee 2:15 and 4:05 P. jjjj 10c and 25c. 1 FOIt SAI.K. 12 room modern homo, suitable for private dwelling or will pay big rov enuo as apartment. This Is a lino homo hardwood doors, fire places and all modern equipment. Only 2 blocks from Post Offlco. Will Soil Cheap. O. II. THOBLECKE. For Jtcnti: Two unfurnished rooms 215 Wost Third. For Salt 125-ogg X-ray Incubator aiul brooder. Phono 920W. For Sale: Man's overcoat. Slzo Price $15. Phono 810J. For Itent Nlco furnished sleep ing room for lady or couple. 212 S. Dewey. Wanted Anyono wishing ciullts mado. olthor tied or quilted, call at C12 B. Tenth. Lest Gold rimmed glasses Thurs day between South Ash and Franklin School. Finder roturn to Junior High. For Sale Now 'i room houso and lot. Largo shado trees, garago and chicken house. Placo Is vacant uow, 215 So. Walnut Call at 221 South Walnut nftor R p. in. W anted To exchange good farm near Syracuso, Now York, for horsos. For particulars wrlto and give slzo, nROS, breed, number to P. II. Hopkins Syracuse N. Y. Lost A Ilov-O-Noc bicycle. Front Non Shld tiro, back Vacuum Cup with stoel rim. Now Doparturo Coastor Brako, Mud guards und Motorcyclo handlebars wljjiout grips. Rtiturn to Harrison Tout and rocolvo reward. For Sale or Trade Qunrtor Bectlon 12' mllos northwost of North Platto, valley land; 40 acres paid up water right. No Improvements except fonco. For fMrtlior Information see J. T. Lister. North Platto, Phono 79GF13. For Salo Baled alfalfa $14.00: looso alfalfa $12.00 dollvorcd; prairie hay, baled, $8.00; looso $6.00 deliver ed: oat straw, baled JC.00: looso $4: loose hay In the stack from $3 to $5 ton. J. T, Lf;tor, Phono 797F3 or i iRKia Want Ads INnneite saw the violator creeping lowaras ner, leering, crafty, powerful. At her call a door crashed in and the cabin thundered with the roar of fight as Necwa the bear, and Brimstone the dog, plunged to the aid of the girl and the man went down beneath the ripping, rending, twisting, crunching fury of their jaws! 9 FIRST NATIONAL ATTRACTION ui ine from the, novel by James Oliver Curwood COME EARLY IF YOU WANT TO GET A SEAT. N, For Snle Full blood Barred Ply mouth nock Roosters. Phono 795F120.1aud deliver. Box 2S5. Quinsy Sufferers, Glad to be Well Again. from six to eight days tho abcess breaks and tho dlseaso subsides. The chiropractor finds doflnlto proof that tho dlseaso Is caused by pressuro on nerves at" tho spinal exit by a norvo tracing. Tho nerves from tho spine to tho region in front of and bolow tho anglo of tho Jaw aro invari ably sore and tondor to tho touch. Whon chiropractic spinal adjusting Is started at . tho first Inception of tho dlseaso tho troublo frequently never roachos tho abcess stu . Tho" chiro practor In quinsy case usually ad justs to stimulate tho kidneys too. Tho kidney placo adjustments holp to bring up to par tho bodily powor for throwing off tho poisons. NO CHARGE Consultation Is without charge or obligation. Drs. States & States, Tho P. S. G. Chiropractors. Building asd Loaa Building North Platte Nebraska. noun Evenings 7:15 and 9:00 P. M. 15c and 30c. 3i Wauled Washings, will call for Quinsy Is a kind of glorified sore throat. In quinsy the entire tonsil Is transformed Into an abooss. The presence of tho. disease Is preceded by a general "bodily uneasiness, head ache, backache and aching of the arms and logs. Tho prossuro of tho swollen and abcesscd tonsil (usually but ono is affected) may cause deaf ness and earache. Appetite Is gone. Even liquids causo Intenso swallow ing pain. Tha victim goes on a forceu fast. Tho volco is affected. In CHIROPRACTIC CORRECTS DISEASES THE FOLLOWING HEAD EYES EARS NOSE THROAT ARMS f0 HEART LIVER STOMACH PANCREAS SPLEEN KIDNEYS BOWELS APPENDIX (bladder ' LOWER Spinal tJitXyinn LIMBS LOWER PINCHED NERVE5, IMPOSSIBLE TO FURNISH PROPER IMPULSES (LIFE AND health) TO THEIR ORGANS AND TI5SUE5 e