NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE 0 i CWt:3Uf?l 3? Si lFITU rcemem oer -cue; Sfl EE January SPECIAL PRICES: 55c and 35c, Children 25c. This in eludes Th e War Tax. 31 WILSON TOUT, Editor and Publisher. Kntorcd at the North Platto, Nebraska PostoMlco aa Second CIobs Matter. SUBSCBITTION THICK ! One Year, In adrancc 42J0O TUESDAY, 'JANUAKY 85th 103,1. Xi:W SCKAl'PLK. A Column of Nonsense EDITORIAL. In some way our notice or tho birth oi n bny to Mr. and Mrs. Androw T. YBt on Januu.y 12th, f;ot by without getting Into print. Wo can only Hay that It waB not lntontlonal and wo hayo only nccldontally discovered our overnight. Andy In not any :proudof than Mrs. Yost but he probably innltca iri7re fuss about It. ::o:; Wllluds Hansen has gone. Ho was one ot that typo xil foreigner which 'came to this country to oscapo per secution and tho opportunity they found hero developed tho host In them. I In was so stem with himself that ho often was stom with others: This cuuRud some of thoso with whom ho camo In contact to think him "cross," Ho wns Intensely patriotic. Ho was so honest thut ho worrlod about It. Ho belonged to that school of workers who loved his job, thought no one could do It aa well us no onu Know no limit ot hours. Many hundreds ot . vounc men and women who know "Hand" will nniiBo in thought to ro call hbi honest face and romombor Bom act of kindness Which ho per formed. Ho waH ngalnst Hquov in any form. UKalnst tobacco In any form, bitter against gambling and betting, outspoKon ngninst mvoiuy ami exirn vacance and yet ho was not a church- uobr. nor did ho claim to bo a modol for anyone. His rollglon was si in pi o yqt forvont. Ho was worth knowing and tho loiiEor ono know mm mo not tcr ono liked him. Ho Is among tho last of his kind. :o::- Hlcli School i-eitort cards will be out this week. They will glvo tho toochor'o opinion of tho 'results a clilovod Ii' ouch brunch. Many of tho niniils will show cood ronorts. Tlioy are to bo congratulated. Thoy have douc woll. Sonio of the pupils will take homo poor grndos. In Bomo costs thoro Is a good oxcuso. In all cases thoro: Is a reason. Wo parents shohld try to find out tho reason rattier than tho oxcuso. "It Is eiiHlor to make uxciihob than to make good." Th,o child naturally takes to tho castor way. Tho duty of tho paront 1b plain. Ho cannot dodgo by making excuses. It is his child iml ho must face the responsibility. Scolding does llttlo or no .good. What we can do is get at (ho bottom ot tho mattor. Sep tho tearlwr. Ho or she knows. If wo had had that toucher in our homo as our guoftl hoforo this we would now bo able to go to her as to a friend. Hut she will glvo us a sympathetic hear ing. Hotter roslit from mvory club, lodge sodlotv or organization wo at tend than to let another term go by with our children falling In school lio auso we would not stay at home with fhem In the ovonlng. WHEN 'TUB DOSS IS AWAY. Wo wandered Into ono of tho down town stores tho other day and ro mnrkod to the young man In charge that things looked vory orderly and clean. Ills reply Interested us, "Woll you sco tho boss Is away and wo want ed, to Biirprlso and ploaso him. Wo havo gono through ovory box In tho hiniBo, sorted ovor tho goods, wiped HVory bit ot dust from ovory box and nut thlinrs In tho best Bhnno nosslblo. Of co'urso, Wo have had to work night) to do this but we wanted to do tt tor him." Ju tho first place, thoBO boys must have a 'boss who troata thorn right. They work overtime without thought of pay, Thoy want to ploaso him. Then In tho socond plaao, tho bOBB haB some good follows In his employ KlndnosB Is lost on -some pooplo Thoy were not brought ui right. TIiobq mon approclato bolng troatod right and respond moro than halt way Tlioro will bo no nuostloa of tho opon or olnged shon or strlfo botweon onpltal and labor when tha men and th& bosa got togothor. Unfaithful em ployees oan wrook almost any oust nofls In town and faithful onos can hold up tho establishment ovon when tho head la a llttlo weak. Lucky Ib tho man who has gathorod a group of craployoos about him, who nro faithful to tho trust ami rortunaio Indeed in tho omoloyoo who has as Boclatod hlmsolf with a Ikibs who Mr. IS. S. Davis, Hoiisb of Representative, Lincoln, Nebr. Ikur Ed: Tho othor duy when wo wore going over lo Simon Bros, to buy some copper tubing for our coffoo porcola- tor, a man stopped us and asked us why thoy didn't dredge out tho Platto HIver a llttlo and havo boats on tho Platto. Ed, It's a great Idea, lct'a havo hor dredged. Wo aro not In favor ot dredging her enough to bring battleships up to North Platto becauso wo do not havo any need for battle ships hero only as Homo people will never sco ono unless it is brought bore. Thoil again, Ed, the Platte Is too wide. If wo would dredgo hor out, tho water would all run Into tho drtodgod part and loavo vast expanses of clean sand for tho uso of man which Is now covored up with n thin layor of water. Then again, EiJ, wo could load up our coal In Colorado and bring It down to North Platto on boats and load the samo boats up with com and hay and ship to Omaha. Tho boats Would probably havo to be shipped back by Union Pacific as tho river Is too swift for most boats to run ngalnst Its current from Omaha back up to Colorado and tho trains do. Then again, Ed, It would not bo necessary for some of tho fat and ugly shaped men of this town to oxposo thcmBclvos in a bathing suit on tho banks of oUr now bathing beacll which Wo ana go ing to liuvo noxt year. These mon could Just go oft by "themselves along tho ilrodged placos In tho river and find enough doop places to swim. Of course thoy would'havo to look out for tho boats coming up and down tho drodgod places but If tltoy did got In Utolv way It wouldn't bo as much loss as If some of tho rost of us woro In their placQs. Then again, Ed, soino of tho big catfish that wo aro told ana caught down around Grand Island and Fre mont could got up this far and so not bo sacrificed lo tho horrible groodt- noss or uio cltlzons ot tho lower Platto It would mako bettor fishing up hero and porhaps draw Bomo moro pooplo to nvo m North Platto hoforo the noxt coiibub Ib taken so wo won't show a falling off. So Ed, slnco I did not hear from you about making pooplo sow the buttons on bottor whon thoy mako clothes to soil wo hopo you will pass u law getting tho dredging dono this spring bo wo can got Homo boats nnd ships for summer and you romcmber about tho bafhing. Yours truly, A CONSTITUENT. ::u:: PUCOC nnMCO CACY Tfl HIM it uuuu umuo .w :? D A DP A TM it it Youthful Prodigy Declares There Is :.: .113 West CJ Street. :.: l Five room bungaow, modern j except ueui; goon uarn, cuickcu ... ... ?.t . it in. & 5. Agency BARGAINS Nothlna Wonderful About His Mastership of Game. Chess Is the easiest game In the ' ?Ha J'VrasVR world to me. During the long dull gjJJ' n? days of the war my father used to j; lQ2n w t m street ft A play an Hie time wun ms ineuus. ai story aml ft half sovon room first 1 did not understand what tho , house, modem except heat, dar- chessmen were for, and wondered i ago, chicken houso and coal - why father would sit for houvs and it Iioubo Largo trees and nice it ,1.., I . .1 ...l.l. Itc r......T..l it lnwn .nt,lnr Inf rnd1. $1000 S ll.U III. UIU UUillli Willi UD iUUllJ-iUUft" .vv. yvuv, i-i Ing' pieces. One day when I did not $t balanco $45 per month. Price want to go out and play 1 watched j0,0-00-, . . . S him pluv his game. I became Inter- j 71R West 5th Street, It ' ; ' . , "'" , j Two story frame, eight room, J? ested. I bothered my father so with St ,, .,,.- ' (1b nni,' li questions that ho chased me out ot the it homQ ,n a reaJ locatlon. Terms it game as soon as hq was through ,-t cau i,0 arranged. Prlco $5500. H with his friend. I waited eagerly for noR South Elm Street. S him to get through. Ho ployed a .six room, framo ono and ono- l tifiu.tlnn .mm.. wlHi mo nnd T linelor- it linlf Rtorv dwolUne. Pnrnpr lot. it n - " v : -. ? . stood cverj novo after that. Tho ig nno simile treos, run basement, M siriciiy moucrn. a Dargain, on ii terms. $420000 2 uuy wesi oin ireei. i,t Close in flva room homo, mod- Jjt U orn except heat, Finished In ft whlto enamel; largo trees and J.i lawn, good barn; A bargain for l some business man. Cash $2000. - it balance at $45 per month. Prlco it S $5000.00. S ii Office Phono G12J or W or call if J. C. HOLLMAN or it J. E. SEBASTIAN. . M .. M ...., M M , ' ATl'RK NOTES. next game we played, I beat my father, who is a very good chess player. There Is nothing wonderful about my way of playing tho game. My secre tary, Mr. Azcnbcrg, says that It comes from reincarnation. A baby Is born with good brains, and they ex plain it that way. They say thnt Ills ancestors or somo spirits havo given this power to him becauso so much ability 111 one person must have taken n long time to develop. When I play chess I can plan my moved six or sov- . en moves abend, and most players can only go three moves ahead of the j game. I can't help It at all. I was . born that way. I like to play with poor players. At West Point, where j Our list of birds for 1921 has been I beat 10 games and drew one, there enlarged by the addition of (5) two were only nine good players; the oth- i Magpies which we nw near the rail- ,,, ,...ii. ,i road bridge just east of town. Thoso era had no business trying to play b,plB com0 down ,nto the r,TOr me at all. , country with the. cold weather and I have played lots of line players In aro ono of tho most striking birds of chess. During the war I beat the the winter. Also wo saw (C) a crow German governor ot Warsaw, and he and heard several cawing in tho trees wns pn old man und u lino player, over back of tho now stock yards. Then I drew a game with Itubensteln, ' At times these birds aro qulto com thc Russian champion, and nlso drew mon In this community but much of with Grlllln In a blindfolded game In " 0 l,'ey aro on,y "" '"CiU England. I have not played Laskcr 7,ho "xor 110W re"M(1 was iol'2l ... ... , T , t , , the Tree Sparrow. AVe saw a flock yet. but one ot tho 21 I beat n Paris i of them U)0 wJUoW8 ncar the says he drew n game with Lasker, and . ,.ivor Thoso 8parroWB can bo reCog- another said he beat Capablanca. In ,,zu,i by the reddish brown crown and America, my hardest game so far has ' tho dark spot In the middle of the been with Colonel Flebegcr, sixty-two breast . They are here only In the years old, at West Point. Samuel winter .nesting within tho Arctic llzeszewskl In Leslie's. Circle. "' " Ono of tho rarest trees to bo found In North Platto is tho Kentucky Cof- fce-beuu troo to bo found in tho yard at 121 West Fourth St. No other specimen Is known here. It is a var iety that comes from the east and just entors tho stato at the eastern and northeastern boundary. Tha tree Is best known by tho large beans that are borne in a pod. Tho pods aro still on tho treo mentioned above and oc casionally ono la found on the ground. Our friends In the eastern part of tho state still refuse to believe that tho oppossum or "possum" as the southern negroes call it, is found In this part of tho state. Wo would be glad to have word from anyona who has seen ono this winter. Wo pub lished an account some weeks ago of an oppossum which was brought to our office. Aro thoro any othor rec ords that we can uso? It Is claimed that no ono ever saw a wild bear In Lincoln County. Up to a stort time ago there was no report of a live wild bear being ever seen in Nebraska but now they have one rec ord from tho northwestern part of the stato. Did anyone who reads this cvor seo a live wild bear In Nebraska or Lincoln County? ::o:: When in North Platte stop at the Ww Hotel Pnlac' and Cafn Yon will p treated well 58tf Dr, L. J. KRAUSE, Dentist. Mc Donald Bank Bnfldlng. Rooms 2 & 8, Phone 07. 42tf AT THE SUN THEATRE TUES. and WED. "THE WONDEll MAN" STARRING Georgo Catpentur ALSO News ReelrGumps & Mutt & Jeff THURSDAY HOUSE OF TOLLING BELLS STARRING May McAvoy and Robert Gorden Want Ads FRIDAY THE COAST OF OPPORTUNITY STARRING' J. Warren Kerrigan ALSO 2-recl Aubry Comedy. it j.: .5 It I J. S. TWINEM. M D. lit at t: Wanted Washings, will pnjl for j and deliver. Pox 2S5. ' , Vov Sale Full blood Barred Ply-!: mouth Rock Roosters. Phono 795F120.'; Wanted A woman to do washing at'; house. Small family. Electric washer.1 Phono 1247W. j Wauled Anyone wishing quilts made, either tied or quilted, call at 012 E. Tenth. For Rent Six-room house 'on east. Fourth St. R. McFarland at Rogers Shoo Shop. Wanted A girl for general house- jwork. Mrs. W. H. McDonald, 407 W. 5th St. I Lost; On Sunday morning, a foun tain pen without cap. Finder please return to this office and receive re ward. Lost A Rev-O-Noc bicycle. Front Non Shid tire, back Vacuum Cup with steel rim. New Doparturo Coaster (Brake, Mud guards and Motorcycle , handlebars without grips. Return to Harrison Tout and receive roward. Homepathic Physician & Surgeon General Practice and Construction Surgery. Hospital Accomodations Platte Valley Hospital, r; Former Name "Twinem Hospital". NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. :.t :.: it it it Office 340 House 1257 DR. W. I. SHAFFER Osteopath Physician Over the Oasis. North Platte. Lost On Wed., Ja"n. 19, a black Im itation leather traveling bag between North Platto and Gothenburg. Bag contained personal effects and private papers. Finder peaso notify McCabe Hotel, or Tribuno office and receive roward. E. T. Ashly Powell Sup ply Co., Omaha. PRICE SLASHING RECORD BREAKING GLOSE'OUT lALE OF Bca PB8B3 WgW U. ARMY GOODS at public deposnl. We must quit is report from eastern headquarters, and mnst dispose of stock at any price. WE MUST SACRIFICE, Therefore we are offering best quality of U. S. government merchandise at prices cut so low that it will attract every citizen of the surrounding country to this Price Slashing, Record Breaking, Close Out Sale of U. S. govern ment merchandise. Remember the stock is limited and only a few more days left, so take advantage right now. We must get out BE CONVINCED TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1921 SEE FOR YOURSELF lio Open Evenings Corner 5th and Dewey, Next to Crystal Theatre North Platte, Nebraska i trusts him.