Morth cnti xfEcchin (tribune. THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR. NORTIJ PLATTE, NEB., JANUARY 23, 1921. No. 5 1 v MIHLIC WKLVAIIE ASSOCIATION NOT 10 K SUPPRESSION' HUT TO HKIjP. AN0THI5K OIil SKTTL1IH AKSlVtillS Till: LAST CALL SUNDAY. Tho following statement hua boon prepared by tho Publicity Committee! of tho Public Wolfaro Association as' wie of a number of statements which will tend to put tho Association in tho right light' bofore tho people. The statement follows: Somo of tho citizens seem to havo tho errouoous Impression that this Is an association of suppression, to eloso up tho dances and plcturo shows. This Is si mistaken Idea as tho Public Wolfaro Association Is for Ui,q help of tho community, and not to curtail and suppress . "When tho Public Wolfaro Associa tion tells .tho danco manager how ho must conduct his danco, It Is for tho protection of tho boys and girls who go. It Is thoalm of tho Public Welfare Association to help and promote and not to doprlvo tho public of tho a rausemonts thoy wish. Tho dcslro of tho Welfaro Association Is to protect 1ho public from tha things that havo u tendency to lesson tho standard ot theso amusements. Tho Public "Wolfaro Association has promoted tho swimming pool propo sition and wo aro now assured of a swimming pool second to none in the stato, with sanitary drainage and a pravel beach equal to tho seashore. Plans aro being mado for bathhouses, also a pavilion whore lunches can be eaten. Particular plans havo been mado in order to Becuro sanitation and drainage, and this, together with tho lack of finances has dolayed Its com pletion. But this coming summor will soo tho swimming pool ready for use. ::o:: SC0Ki:S MADE BY BUFFALO DILL GTTX CLUB AT RECENT SHOOT. Willads Hanson, for about thirty flvo ycar.s innltor and custodian at tho Central High School hore, died at a local hospital Sunday following a fow days of aorlous Illness. Mr. Han son was born In Donmark, April 15, 1SD5. Ho married thoro in 1878 and shortly afterward camo to this coun try, arriving at North Platte In 1882. Ho has lived hero continuously since that dato. Ho oporatod a ranch near horo for a short tlmo and then came to tho city whoro ho worked as a plumber and repairer until ho gave up all othor occupation to glvo his full timo to tho Board of Education. Ho bocamo ono of tho trusted employees ot the school and has tho acquain tance of every boy and girl who has attended tha Central building and tho building that was torn down to make room for tho present structure. Ho leaves a Bister who lives In Iowa a niece Miss Thoa Hansen and a nop how, Hxsnry Hanson, both of this city. Tho funeral will bo hold from his homo at 314 East Fifth Street at 2:30 this afternoon. Interment will bo In tho North Platto comotory bosldo his wlfo v.ho left htm only a few months ago. BOY SCOTT COUNCIL EMl'LOVS A PAID WOltKElt VOH SIXTY DAYS. Tho Local Council of the Hoy Scouts at Its mooting yostorday reconsidered its decision of a wcok ago and ongag od "William II. Hardball of Douvor to put on a sixty-day campaign horo instead of tho proposed School for ScoutmnstorH. Wo understand that tho oxpoiiBO will be nbout ?600. -Mr. Dar rlball comas highly recommended by the Denver Hoy Scout Commissioner. Ho will glvo tho necessary Instruc tion and Held training to tho Scout masters and Assistants Scoutmasters nnd members ot tho Local Council. -::o::- YA CANTY ON LHMtAltY BOABD IS FILLED BY APPOINTMENT BY MAYOR, ::o: LOCAL BOYS IN BAD AUTO ACCI DENT AT KIMBALL SATURDAY Following is a copy of tho record j mado by tho men of tho Buffalo Bill Gun Club of this city at tho weekly j shoot hold January 23 at tho club j grounds. Tho first figure Is tho num-' bor of targets shot, at and tha second is the number of hits. McCrackon 1 7C 73; Loomls 5035; Hostler 50 41; Crawford 75 53; Anderson 75 CI; Peterson 50 13; Mlltonberger 50 40; Lemon 2521; Fink 7552; K'yne 5025; Bacon 5034. Splllnor 21; Napersteck 5039; Calder .V 27; Smith 5041; Doggott 25 14; L.irimoro 2520; Broekcr 5038; Ellas 2518. Tho score made by McCracken is 93.3 which Is considered very good and puts him in tho class of the men wio win stato ohamptonBhlpH.-uuNHlB further records will bo' watched with Interest. Now spring dresses arriving which aro being included in this sale. Now is your opportunity. E. T. Tramp fe Sons. Whilo fivo of tho members of thu local high school basket ball team werio going from tho city out to tho school building at Kimball Saturday tho car in which thoy wero riding was struck broadsldo by another car and overturned. Donald Yost went thru; uio winusnioiu nnd Junior Hinman, who was on tho runnlngboard, was thrown alwut twenty feet. All suffer ed scratches and bruises but consider themsolvcs lucky In that no, ono was seriously hurt. ::o:: DIAMONDS Aro our specialty. "We have made a careful study of them for tho past' 30 years in North Platto. Our careful buying insures tho buyer that our j prices aro right and of tho quality of tho stone. Dixon, tho jeweler. ! ::o:: I The case of Smith vs Kobor, con cerning a, leaso to somo land In tho westoru part of tho county Is being .tried this week in tho County Court. Tho arguments wore being finished as wo go to press. Tho jury which was dismissed during tho last of tho week, was called again Monday morn- .'HS' . j, , . ,.'.jM. - - ,)..' -v. .,- The now truck for tho firo depart ment, which was ordered last fall, was shipped several days ago and can bo expected to reach here at any time. It is tho latest thing in tho lino of flro protection and will mean much to tho offlciency of tho department. Tho vacancy on tho Board of Dl- causod by tho death of Judgo J. S. I Hoagland, has boon filled by tho ap pointment of "W. T ."Wilcox to tho placo. Mr. Wilcox has served on tho board at one time and his work was so satisfactory that ho was nppolntod by Mayor Strcltz and his appointment j was confirmed by tho Council. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. F. Bubok of Sutherland trans acted business in town yostorday. W. J. O'Connor will lcavo soon for tho east whoro ho will buy his spring stock. Mrs. J. C. Newman, ot Wallace Is at tho General Hospital, recovering from a broken arm. Miss Adelo LcDloyt returned Sun day from Donvcr wherd sho visited relatives for a fow days. Blaino Runner of Hershey, under went an oporation for tonsllltls, Sun day, at tho Gonoral Hospital. Mrs . Charles Faust of Maxwell who i has beon visiting at tho Edward Clark homo loft Monday for her homo. Mrs. Marion Miller who has beon visiting relatives In Horshey returned to hor homo In this city yesterday. Mrs. Fred Bradley of Maxwell who has been visiting relatives for some tlmo In tl's city left yostorday for her home. A. T. Johnson is among tho mer chants whbHfyM leavo In tho near future for markets where ho will do his spring buying. Mrs. James Ilousor of Lexington who has been visiting her daughter Mrs. D. I.. Loudon for tho past fow days left yesterday for her homo. '-See our ?5.00 window display thin week. Any article, $5.00, look It over Austin, tho Jeweler. Mrs. Henry Waltemath will ontor taiu about twenty ladies at a Kensing ton, this afternoon. Out of town guests will bo Mrs. Koch of Seattlo and'Mlss Mary Kockon of Omaha. OUT OF TOWN Sl'EAKEK TO AO I DItESS METHODIST MEN THURSDAY. M. K. Gilbert, ot Keurnoy, District Superintendent of tho Koarnoy Dis trict ot tho MCthodlst Church, will ad droes tho organization In tho local church known as tho Methodist Men at R imnquot to bo hold In tho church parlors, Thursday ovoning . Tho men will gather at G:30'and partako of tho diUher served by tho wivfis ot tho motnbors. A program of music and founts has boon prepared. Officers for tho coming year will bo elected at this time. John W. Tucker Is In chargo of tho program. ; :o: t DOJMJE BROTHERS REORGANIZE THEIR AUTOMOBILE FAC j TORY HEADS Dodgo 1) rot hers Is a national Insti tution and when both of tho brothers died within tho vear a basic reor ganization was necessary. Fredorick t tr . i U. 4lil,llU WHO I1HIIII' 1UUBIUU1II UUU general munngor. Mr. Haynos' association with the twd Dodgo Brothers covers a porlod of over twenty-two years. During thl tlmo ho wns not only chief exec utive of their groat business, but was nlsA a close personal friend. Immedi ately "fter tho death of Mr. John Dodgo a year ago. Mr. Huvncs was clotted vice-president and general manager anu nus ueen mo acuvo ncau of tho business during tho long lllnoss of tho lato Horaco E. Dodge. It was Mr. Dodgo's request, just before his death, that Mr. Haynes bo olected to tho presidency of tha Institution. His election therefor comes us no sur ipritio to thoso familiar with tho Im plicit confldonco which tho two Dodgo Brathors placed In his ability as a manufacturer and chief executive. Arthur T. Wntorfall Is mado vlco presldent niid assistant general man ager, Harry V. Poponoy secretary of tho corporation, and Reginald J. Fry, assistant secretary. Charles ,W. Matheson has beon advanced to tho position of general salos munngor. Howard H. Bloomer Is made chalrmnn of tho now Board of Directors. Tho other directors aro Frederick J. Haynes, Arthur T. Waterfall niid, John Ballantyne. : :o : : Tho Aeroplanos belonging to the North Platto Aircraft Co. which wore carrying tho Nebraska women to Washington with tho voto of tho Ne braska members of tho electoral col lege, mado tho trip to Des Moines where thoy woro rocolvcd with every attention. Weathor conditions ho.w ti4ccanio .bad and it was decided not to subject tho ladies to tho rigors of tho trip in bad weather so they took tho train for Chicago. Tho mat ter was ono of national concern nnd tho North Platto Aircraft Co. waB in tho oyo of all who saw tho planes or ono of tho pictures of tho party. POPULAR YOUXU LADY OF NORTH WESTERN NEBRASKA .MAN I'LAU. IMiATPE MARRI ED IN ED IN CONTROL OF STATE KENTUCKY. ( ORGANIZATION. On Thursday afternoon, Jan. 20th, Miss Dorothy Hinman ot this city be camo thu brldo of Frank L. Dailoy at tho hoii.o of tho brlde slstor In Moorohoune, Ky. Mrs. Dailoy loft hero recently for Kentucky, giving out at tho tlmo Hint sho wus going to visit her slstor, Mrs. 'Ford. So Uio nnnounceniont of thu marrlngo camo as a surprise to ninny ot hor frlonds. Mrs. Dailoy 1b tho youngost dnugh' tor or Mr. and Mrs. York Hinman. Sho Is u graduate of tho North Platto High School and linn held aovornl res ponsible, positions slnco leaving school 'Recently sho Iuib boon In tho offico ot tho Chief Dispatcher of tho Union Pacific at tliis placo. Sho 1b a young lady with musical and drnmatlc talont and Is vory populnr with tho young folks horo. Mr. Dailoy Iuib beon hero for somo tlmo as tho roproaentntlvo of tho Bur roughs Adding Machine- Co., but a short tlmo ago left to acaopt a placo with a mining concern in which his pcoplo nro lntorostod. Ho mado a num bor ot acquaintances whllo in tho city, Tho Trlbuno Joins tho ninny frlonds of Mr. and Mrs. Dailoy in extending congratulations nnd wishing thorn many yenra of happy married llfo. GIFTS OF QUALITY It is our ploasuro to show a beauti ful lino of oxcluslvo beauty and of quality: such as Cordova loathor, Lib by cut glaBS, PIckard china, Elgin wrist watches and Gift Parchments Dixon, Una Jowolor. ::o:: Tho Royal NolghborB Soclul Club will bo ontortained Wodnosdny aftor noon at tho homo of Mrs. A. Artz, 407 South Walnut. The hostess will b0 assisted by Mrs. V. M. York, Mrs. J. II. Schntz nnd Miss Elslo Collagen. Tho Juulor High BoyB Baskotball team won from Mnywood Friday ov oning by a Bcoro of 13 to 4. Tho girls of tho samo school played be tween halves and tho Junior High girls team mado a showing ot 14 to 3. Tho Sonlor High girls played tho first team of Mnywood and dofcatcd thorn by a Bcoro ot 1G to 4. Tho samo ov oning tho Senior High boys team payed Brady and defoatod them by a scoro of 14 to 5. Thoso four victorlos for North Platto in ono ovoning placo her standing pretty high so far this year. At tho buslnosB mooting ot tho No braska Miller's Association hold in Omaha last weok, L. C. Cnrroll of uus city was olocted President. Thoro nro over 100 flour mills in Nebraska and tha industry is a vory important ono. Tho meetings of tho Association nro always hold In Lincoln or Omaha and It ia an honor which North Platto can well bo proud of, to furnish tho President ot such an association. Mr. Carroll is n product of Western No brnska and tho cast does woll to look townrd tho west on occasions. LOCAL SUIMJEOn" HONORED BY ELECTION TO NATIONwVL BODY Dr. Geo. B. Dent has boon elected to momborshlp in Uio American Col legia of Surgeons, which is an honor covotod by moBt of tho .profession. vo understand that thoro aro prac tically no othor membors in tho wost orn part of tho stato as it is a national body of limited momborshlp and only a Tow from each stato can bo taken in. Dr. Dont is oxpootcd to appear boforo tho body at its mooting noxt summor 1 1" iuuvivu inn mcmuorsmp honors, ! HUMAN NATURE STOHV. An irato subscrlbor wont into tho offico ot a country nowspapor and found no In but tho office boy. Sho mado hor complaint and ended by saying, "All of my friends say your paper hns boon gottlng pooror dur ing tho pnst fow months." Tho boy looked puzzled a momont and thon snld, "You should bo moro caroful in tho selection ot your friends.', EYE SIGHT SPECIALISTS. Call and inspoct our comploto o qulpmont. Wo use tho latest instru mjonts and glvo a most cnrotul exam ination of tho human oyo. All of our work guaranteed . Dixon Optical Co. Tho freight on a car ot coal from ono of tho Colorado mines to North .Platto is about $5 whilo from another it Is $6.85. Tho averago of tho flvo mines from which North Platto gots hor coal supply is ?G.14 a ton to North' Platto. Anyono wanting a sujt, cuut or dross, can save dollars by looking at Tramp's stock during UiIb salo. E. T. Tramp & Sons. The Door Opens January 26th 9 o'clock, a. m. EBRSHKfll 0 TgFCTi7T?Tr Bj Only 10 peaches on this tree which are without any question the greatest and finest fruit jjj ever offered for sale in this city. yfil Buy a jreal home location now and build later. Only 10 choice lets in this entire block, they ifi are large 51 feet6 inches by 126 feet, THEY HAVE CITY WATER, FIRE PROTECTION, SEWER. GAS ffi LIGHTS, SIDEWALKS AND LARGE BEAUTIFUL TREES. LC NORTH St. 5 Just think they are lo rated between Sycamore and Vine Streets, only' 1 block west and 2 blocks south of court house. Only C3 03 in this block. Get busy NOW CO 8 10 5 3 Terms C3 U3 2: $250 cash down $25 per month Interest payable quarterly Buy or Oicler your Dodge Brothers Car Now. Indications point to a shortage of Dodge Broth ers cais in the spring. It is not a minute too early now to get your car, or be sure of spring delivery by getting your order fdr tho model of your choice filed with me now. I will then protect you on delivery. On account of cut in production and elimination of many of the weaker manufacturers, such good cars as Dodgo Brothers havo always built will come into a vory heavy demand this spring. Do not bo forced to Wiiit for your car, when you want it, by delaying now. MOTOR VEHICLES .. V. ROMIGH, (Mli & Locust 10 Percent Dis count tor Cash W. 5. ST. This is the Hollman & Sebastian Replnt of Block 3, Miller Addition to North Platte No Favors Shown. Money and Signed Contracts Talk. Phone 612 .1 or W for an appointment or be at our office at 9 a. m. on Jamuu 26. The Hollman & Sebastian Agency, LG J. C. HOLLMAN, Res. Phone 384J BRODBECK BUILDING J. E. SEBASTIA", Res. Phone 1138 l Bi I Dodge Brothers IE !j Phone Si! DHALKIt IE All Dodge models' are now fitted gl with Alemite pressure lubrication. I j li S PHONE 20. r a