The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 21, 1921, Image 2
I NORTH PLATTE SEM I-WJ3EICLY TRIBUNE MA It It I A (iV, LICENSES 110, Following Hconsos woro luauod dur- , hit? tlio past week by County Judgo 'i Woddlnirst: Jan. 14 Tho. Paul ItoWley and Mlm Kitcllu Voncll. Jnn. 1C.IofToron Dunbar, farmor of i'nxtim and Ml MM Grace Hevorldge or 1'uxton. Mnrrled by Judno Woed liurnt. Jan. 17 Owen li. Curpcntor, farm or ot Ovorton and MIhh Pcarlo M. Vavlanx. LoxliiKtnii. Married by Judgo Woodhurst. Jan 17 OiiHt II. Schulz fanner of Brady and Miss Ellen Rusniussen of Ilrady. Married by Judgo Woodhurst. Jan. 18 Howard K. Hnnd'bollcr inaker of Cnrlln, Nevada, and MIhb Clara M. Oostrolch of Horshoy. Jan. 18 Win. P. Rcdlfor, swltch man of North Plutto to Mrs. Viola Creono, North Platte. Jan. 19 Floyd I. Roncau, laboror ot Tryon and MIbh Alice Frederic! of North Platte. LOCAL ANIPEIlSONAL t'O.M.MISSIOM;hi5, I'HOCEEIHMIS I'ltlJI FOR HEST LETTISH AWAKI). Kl HY KLKCTItKMMlMI'ANV. Hoard oi CommlMioners metJtin 17, 1011 In its office In tha oourt I Tlio whsIiIii machine which who of hftM. PrMMit Springer, Cohngon rred by (lie North Platte Light and CuMr andCounty Clerk Alien. j Power Co. to the wrltor of the best Following bills wore allowed: I letter on the subject "Why I Want an h. S. Hnlsted. road work Hist, 80. uioctrlc WhhIiIiik Machine" wm $18, ' awarded TuoadHy Hftornoou to Mr. Pmil O- Meyer, surveying, $21.26. . Elliott. 109 west Second St- A Ttoy Muhlinnnn, supplies county JrII , )0iil Movonty lettera wore submitted In $40. I the competition The Judges woro local J, II. VanCioave, dlat- 27, $24 60. , huslncw moM. I). W. Morrow, road (list, tj, John Speck, dragging, $7.00. Sundry peraona Murray caae, $12.57 P. It. Petoraon. dragging, 10.00. Anas II. Coker. drugging. $7.B0. W. II. Merrick & Co.. innao $04.32. A. F. Heeler, indse. county poor. $&4.86. MaMlohnel' Hroa., labor and inator Jsh $41. Cody Land and Cattle Co., dirt, $80. Oliaa. llralton, road dlat. :ifi, $20.40. T. M. Collagen, boh-, $28.00. A. C. Pickle, road work dlat. 20. $10. OB. N. P. Plumbing Heating Co. plumbing, $11.30. J. II. Marovlah, road dint. B0, $0. Clnh- Hoy, road dint. 37, $12. Ralph Graham, livery, $20.00. W. T. Elliott, bridge work, $100. Sundry porsons, bridge work $00.25. John It. IUlner, rip nipping. $100: Fny Andrew, damagea road 110, $C0. D. A. Mathers, dainagoa road $50. Ilrady Garage, gas, etc., $14156, Loy Adams, services, $12. Standard Oil Co-, gas, $12:30. Tom Morris, road (list. 24, $1(5. - Guy Yoho. roud dlst, 24, $30. W. II. IJroBtol, road dlst. $61. ID. Albert Johnson, road dlst, 50, $0.75. Qlarcnaa Carver, road dlst. 50, $15.75. H. It. McMastors, road dlst. 50, $30.7fi- M. Ilrostol, road dlst.. 50, $32.75. Hubon Johnson, road dlst. 50, $3.75. Molvln Johnson, road dlst . 50, $30-75. Ollvor Johnson, road dlst 50, $3.75. Albert Stroln, road dlst. 5G, $0. Talma Fosborg, road dint. 34, $12.00. .loo J'MriLor" road dlst 34, $0-30. Tom Karr, road dlst. 34, $25.50. Elmor Sundqulst, road dlst. 34, $17.55. Edwin Hansen, road (list. 34, $17.15- Iloyd Elaudor, road dlst. 34, $20.05. Earl Loaf, road dlst. 34, $13.30. 1 Xath Hradolm, road dlst. 34, $53.40.1 Seth Horgstrom, dragging, $8 00. i SetliIolborg, dragging,. $34.00. . Wm. Sundqulst, dragging, $7. I Win. Esholman, hauling lumbor, $24.30. Lovl Swansnn, dragging, $8. . Carl Horgstrom, dragging, $10. Alf Horgstrom, dragging, $0.80. Allan Leaf, dragging, $19.80. Elmor Doobke, road work dlst. $34.40. John Kilmer, road work dlst. $122.80. vWH1Ib Kilmer, roud work dlst. Vi.00. Follow In-, claims wore disallowed: Olllo E. Salisbury for refund for reason that she had possession of car and claimed It us hers- Iloard adjourned to Jan. 24. A. S. Allen, Co. Clerk. :o: AUDITOR'S OFFICE SHOWS CARNIVAL OF RONIUIR I) BUT I.V NEBRASKA. 50, The following la taken from latin No. 30 Issued by the Nebraska Committee on Public Utility Infor mation: ' ? The orgle of Individual spending has ', u boon equalled, if not surpassed, 'tlur- 8 Ing the two yoar porlod by tho dls-1 1 position of tho public to plungo into ' h dobt, according to tho records of tho stato uuflllor's office. Ponds of muu-1 j; loIpalltioH bavo boon registered in a- J t'.t mount or $22,124,080, which Is nearly throe tlmos as much as for the pro-1 it ceding bionulum which was counted (ft monumental In comparison with pro codliiK years. Thoeo mortgngos on fu ture Nebraska generations carry a higher nvorago Intorcst rate than over before nnd a groat many of tho bonds havo sufforcd substantial discounts in tholr fronzy to convert themselves Into checking accounts. Country pre cincts alone show a decrpaso while cities and' towns have apparently stayed awake nights devising novel ways of getting Into dobt. "A Mrs. Jmnea Hathaway, of Grand Is- I land, who has boon visiting at the , homo of roatlvos, Icit wocmeauay lor her homo. Hul- ' ... . . Somo very good Hawaiian selections for any mako of machlno nro among tho comploto lino of records at Dixon's Music Shop. MOTHER'S ATTENTION! f ::o: : E. It. Plummer Is reported to bo on tho sick list. Fathor Link of Sidney camo Tues day to spend a few days as tho guest of Father Maron. Dr. h. J. KEAUSE, De"tlst. Mc Donald Bank Building. Rooms 2 & 8. Pi.ono 97. 42tf Mario Stack was off duty at the Block store; tho first of tho week on .account of Illness. If you want a good Plpo or PIpoless Furnaco call up Wm. Waldorf, Phono 517, North Platte. Mrs, Elizabeth Wllbon and daugh ters will.Ic.ivo In tho near future for Los Angeles' here they will visit. GEO. B. DENT, Physician nnd Surgeon. Special Attention GItob to Surgerj nnd Obstetrics. Office: Building & Loan Building Phones: Office 130, Residence 115 1)11. J. lt..MoKniAlAX Practice Limited lo Diseases of Women nnd Surgery OVEIl ItEXALL DRUG STORE Phones Office 113 Residence 205 28, 30,! i 30,' DIt. KEDFIELl) l'ltyslcinn. Ohstotrictnu Suriroon. X-Ilay Colls Promptly Answered Night or Daj Flume urrice ((42 Residence 07(1 II. R. Jandebauor, Poultrymun at tho Stnto Furm, loft Sunday for Has tings to attend tho Nebraska Stato Poultry Show. Ila took somo of the birds shown at the Exhibition here last week, with him. Wm. Waldorf, who purchased tho interest of Georgo Holtslandcr In the Platto Valloy Plumbing, Heating & Construction Co., has decided to con tinue the businoss hero and will re tain his present location at 510 North Locust Street. Dr. Wurtele, office phone 27, night phono 25. J. S. Kroh, Editor of tho Keith Coun ty Nowa nt Ogalalla was a caller at Tho Trlbuno office yesterday. Mr. Kroh reports things as quiet nt Ogal alla with good prospects for tho com- Ing yoar. DIt. S. K. II UPPER Chiropodist anil Foot Specialist FOOT COaiFOItT. ARCH BUILDING. Corns, Callouses, nnd Ingrowing Too Nails Item or ed anil Ulcers cured. Bunions treated and nil other All mcnls of the Fool. OVER CASH 3IKAT -MAltKET. On Sale One Day Only Saturday, Jan. 22nd. tOCAL AND PERSONAL H. I. Block will leave this ovoulng for Now York City whoro ho will do his spring buying. T. D. Bailey, ot Chappoll, transacted business In this city tho ilrst ot tho week. Bort Nuporstnek of this city left Wednesday for a visit In Evanston, Wyo. . Dr. C. E. McRoynoldB spout Tues day in MoCook on professional busi ness. Howard Mac Muhlll an employe ot tho local Electrlo Co., was injured Tuesday whllo on duty. Th6 noxt Lincoln County Teachers' Examination will bo hold In tho usual plnctw Saturday, Jan. 22nd Allcen G. Cochran, County Superintendent. 3 Mr. nnd Mrs. II. L. Kelso will leave this evening for Grand Island .whoro they will visit and transact mislncss, Mrs, A. G. Wossburg loft Wednes day morning for Salt Lake whoro sho wan ''a 11 oil by the surlou Illness of hor daughter .Mrs McCoy. If you havo "Down the Trail o Homo Swoet Homo" you will Hko, If' you havon't you will want It. Get It ' at Dixon's MubIo Shop. i J. P. Armstrong who has been em NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate No. 1701 of Henry Wlghtnutn decehsed In tho C ounty Court of Lin coin County, Nobraska. The Stato ot Nebraska, hs: Credi tors of said ostato will tako notlco that tho tlmo limited for presentation and filing of claims against said Es tato Is May 18. 1021 and for settlo mont of said Estate Is January 17, 1022; and that I will sit at tho county court room In said county, on Fobr. 18, 1021. at 0 o'clock a. m., and On May 18, 1021, nt 0 o'clock a. m., to recolvo, oxamlne, hear, allow, or ad just all claims and obiectlons duly H1ol. Wm. II. C. WOODHURST, J18-4wks County Judge EXTENSION BOAD NO. 05. To whom It may concern: Tho special commissioner appointed to locate a road as follows: Commen cing at tho quarter soctlon corner on tho center ot Section thirty-four, township thirteen, north of range thir ty, thence west one half mllo on soc tlou lino intersecting Bond No. 05 nt tho half soctlon corner on tho west uldo of section thirty-four, township thlrtoon, north of rango thirty, road to bo forty foot wide, hns roported In favor thorof as follows: favoring a road 33 foot in width for egress pilr- posos, using as authority Sections 54 to 58, paragraphs 2007 to 2011, Chap. 28, Art. 1 ot tho Statutos of tho Stnto Buy a Barrel OF "Cow Brand" FLOUR ft i.: i.: :.: i.t :.: :.: :.t :.: it it it :.t it it it it :.t :t it it it J.t it Boys' and Girls' IRON - CLAD STOCKINGS it it :.t it :.t it it it it it it a it it it it it it it ft it it it ft it it :.t it it it J.t it :.t ft ft i.t it it it it i.t it it :.t it :.t j.t it it ft1 ft' it it it :.t ft it it :.t it it ft i.t ft it it ft i.t For Boys' v Heavy Weight. Triple Knees The Best Wearing Stocking JMade, sizes 6 to 11 Values From 50c to 85c' 2 PAIR 75c. For Girls' Medium Weight 39s PAIR XFAY MEAT MAltKET Crow & Crow, Phone 70S. N. Locust. Stoak 20c Pork Chops 2ftc Lard - ---- 20o Boiling Moat lCc SAY IT WITH FLOWERS North Platte Floral Co.Flowors. W. Twelfth Street Phono 1023 Wo deliver and ship anywhere Not more than 4 pairs to one customer. On Sale Saturday Only. THE i iinnm mm co. nirconr jlljj North Platte's Foremost Clothiers. We Teach Your Dollars to Have More Cents. Every farmer and everyone ft. interested in farming should join this campaign. This will create a demand for wheat and stimulate all bus- ness. Nebraska need 150,000 barrels to them through the win Buy Yours Now. Insist on get ter. families ft it I "COW BRAND" I ft ft ; The North Plalte Flour .t of Nehrnska, any party or parties hav ployed for over a year In tlio.U. P. do- 'K objections thoroto or claims for, not onicoH loft wodnosdav for vow .""'"" v l hi"ui""b OrloaiiB whoro ho wll rosldo in tho of said road must nio saino In tho ot fitturo. i ,lco ot tno County Clork ot Lincoln ::o:: : County, Nehrnska on or hoforo 12 ATTENTION 1 o'clock noon ot tho 25th day of March VV.itch LI is paper on Jan. 25 and 1021. HKRin on Jnu 28 for special sale of, Dated at North Platte. Neur , this 10 rotldonco lots to ho put on tho mar- 11th day of Jan. 1021. koi .lan 2B. A. S. ALLEN. County Clerk THE II & S. AGENCY. (SEAL) MR. FEEDER! te'iiimi'iiiiiiiJiM 1 &&fib rs, u . v. li ii Mik guaranteed, Zoiik 7 -r Now is the time you should start leediug a little Cotton Seed Cake, Cotton Seed Meal and Alfalfa and Molasses. North Platte Feed Store Phone No. 206. Why suffer from nerv ousness insomnia, hy steria, nervous dyspep sia, nervous prostration or any ailment due to a disordered condition of the nerves? DR.MILES NERVINE will give you prompt and lasting relief. It produces refreshing sleep, builds up the shat tered nerves and pro motes a normal distri bution of nerve force. Vour Druggist Sells It, Ask Him. Mutual Building & Loan Association of North Platte. INCORPORATED IN 1887. Resources $1,370,427.14. SAFETY EIBST. Investors iu this association get tho benefits of the following requirements of tho laws of Nebraska under which it is operating: First. The association is required to invest only in first mortgages on real estate or tho stock of this associa tion. Second. Such investments are non-negotiable and non-assignable, and can only bo discharged by payment direct to the association. This is a very important pro tection not available to any financial institution Except Building & Loan Associations. Third. The association is subject to the supervision of the Stato Banking Board. How well Uie interests of the investors in this as sociation have been safeguarded is evidenced by the fact that in tho more than thirty three years of its operation not one dollar has been lost. T. C PATTERSON, President. BESSIE F. SALISBURY, Secretary. NOTICE OF TAKING 01' USTJtAY. Taken up by tho undersigned on lila ni-ntnlinii tilnn mllna snilHiWnah nf North Platte, Lincoln Co., Nebraska, on tho first day of July 1020. ono Iron gray maro weighing 1000 lbs. and ono yearling weighing about 700 lbs. Dated this 18th day of Nov. 1020. Signed: A. E. MOORE. NOTICE TO CItEDITOltS Estato No. 1700 of James Babbitt, do ceased, In tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nobraska. Tho State of Nobraska, ss: Credit ors of said ostato will tako notice that tho tlmo limited for presentation and filing of claims against said estato is April 28, 1021, and for sottlomont ot sold estato Is Decomhor 24, 1021; that I will sit nt tho County Court room in said county, on January 28, 1021, at 0 oclock A. M and on April 28, 1021, at 9 o'clock A. M., to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. (SEAL) WM. H. C. WOODHURST, 101-4'v County Judge. NOTICE OF FINAL KEPOKT. Estato No. 17C3 of Hazel Irene Flobbc, deceased In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska. Tho Stato of Nobraska, to all per sons Interested in said Estato tako notlco that tho Administrator has filed a final account and report of his ad ministration and a petition for final settlement and discharge as such, which havo boen set for hearing bo foro said court on January 20th, 1921, at 9 o'clock A. M., vhon -von may ap pear and contest tho same. Dated December 30, 1920. Wm. H. C. WOODHURST, D31-J3wks County Judee. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estato No. 178G of Richard L. Graves, deceased in tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. The Stato of Nebraska, ss: Credi tors of said estato will tako notice that tho time lmlted for presentation and filing of claims against said Es tate is August 1st, 1021, and for sot-' tlomont of said Estite is December 13th, 1021; that I will sit at the coun ty court room in said county on Febr uary 1st, 1921 at 9 o'clock A4 M., and on May 1st, 1921, at 9 o'clock A. M.. to rocelve, examine, hear, allow or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. All claims not filed on or before Agust 1st 1921 will be forovor barred. Wm. IT. C. WOODHURST, D14-4 wks County Judge I.ICGAIi XOTICK To Ella Maud Cantlln. George W. Cantlin, Mary Cantlln, hlH wife. Charles 13. Cantlln, Ina Cantlln. his wife. Rob ert li. Cantlin, Mnyme Cantlin, his wife. Georpe McWilllaniH, and the heirs, devisees legatees and porsonal repre sentatives and all other persons in terested In tho estato of the - said George McWIlllams, Joseph Cley hourne, and tho heirs, devisees, lega tees and personal representatives and all other persons Interested In tho es tate, of the said Joseph Cleybourne, Joseph Cleburne', and the heirs, de visees, legatees and personal repre sentatives and all pther persons In terested in the estato of tho said Jos eph Cleburne, all of Lot Four (4) of niock Ono Hundred Thirteen (113) of tho original city of North Platte. Lin coln County, Nebraska, nnd all porsons claiming any Interest of any kind In said real estate, or any part thereof You nnd each of you aro hereby noti fied that Edward It. Goodman com menced an action In tlio District Court of Lincoln County, on January 7. 1921. against you (Impleaded with others), the object and prayer of which is to quiet and confirm title In tho plaintiff as agnlnst you nnd the other ilofend ants, to all of Lot Four (4) of Block One Hundred Thlrtoon (113) of the original City of North Platte, County or Lincoln, stato or Nebraska, to for ever bar nnd enjoin oach of the de fendants from over clnimlnpr or assert ing any right, claim, title, Hen, or In terest In and to said land, or any part thereof, and havo cancelled and set aside the following Instruments as clouds upon tho titto of said plaintiff to said real estate, to-wlt: a purported assignment of a contract for the pur ehaso of said real estate, executed on March 10. 1871. by ono Mnrv Elizabeth Layton to John It. Cantlln. and record ed in Book A at pago 297 of the records of Lincoln Countv. Nebraska, a cer tain mortgage of said real estato. made, executed and delivered on June 1. 1S82. bv Charles E. Smith and wife. Ivato Smith to Joseph Cleybourne. nnd recorded In Mortgage Itecord H, at page r19 of the records of said Coun ty, a certain mortgago of said real es tate, made, executed nnd delivered on March 20. 1S80 bv ono Charles E. Smith to the defondnnt Ocorgo MoWllliams. which is recorded In Mortgago Ttocord n nt page I4fi of tho records of said County, and for general equitable re-liof. You are roonlreil to answer snlrl tie- tllon on or before the 21st ilnv nf February. 1921. EDWARD It. GOODMAN. Plnlntlff Bv WM. E. SIIUMAN. His Attornoy. .I11F4 Threaten American Industry. Spain is one of the greatest Iron ore centers .of the world, shipping ore heavily to other European countries, nB well as to the United States, nnd while It has some largo Iron and steel works, Its output or tho finished prod uct has never been commensurate with its ore developments. Now, however, thero Is a well-defined project of tho Krupps to set up u great branch at Bllbon, Spain, to manufacture agricul tural machinery for tho purpose of driving out of tho market American companies who now hnve a large share of this business. The 157 Varieties. Of the 1.17 varieties of passenger cars made In the United States, thirty-five come from MIehlcnn. Inillnnn Is next with twenty-three, Ohio has twenty-two, New York fifteen and Pennsylvania and Illinois are tied at ten each. Thero are 122 nntnmnbiiA manufacturing concerns outside ot uicnigan. r