The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 14, 1921, Image 8

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WILSON TOUT, Editor mid Pnbllalier.
Entered at tlio North Platte, Nebraska
f'ostofflco as Second Class Mattor.
Una Ycnr, In advance $2.00
KJMU.W, .lANUAJtV 1 1 f It, 1021.
With this issue wo begin a rour
jangomont of tho pagos ot TIib Trib
une. Look on tho second nnd third
pages for local nnws. Wo oxpoct to
cany tho continued story nnd tho
istfest nows of tho nation nnd stato on
Mm rnndv nrlnt imcos Just ns was
done formorly but wo want to give
tho first pngos of Tho Trlbuuo to the
affairs ot North Platte find Lincoln
County. Wo trust our patrons will
like the now arrangement.
Thoro is ono person in oach news
paper offico who Is called tho editor.
It is his duty to edit tho matter that
goos into tho paper. Tho Trlbuno has
such a person nnd. ho Is doing lils best
to Hvo up to this Idea. Ho docs not
claim to bo moro capablo than anyone
else but ho has tho duty and- with it
goes tho responsibility. When a
nowa Item or a contribution comos to
hie dosk it must bo edited. Ho cuts
it down or oxpands it. lie incroasos
tho importance of ouo part and di
minishes Uiat or unothor Ho elimi
nates flowery innguago nnd changos
Hlangy or stulo expressions. His
stylo must bo consistent. Many ar
ticles ropoatlmportantpartB whon ltls
not by repetition but by omphnsis that
the lmportanco of any part of tho nr
tlolo is shown. It Ib Just as Im
portant that ono editor should edit
tho writings of another editor, as that
ho should edit thoso ot anyone olso.
This Is to socuro uniformity of stylo.
Wo bollovo our contributors will ap
preciate this position and not tako
personal offonso when wo edit their
Last week wo gave out testimony, to
tht good rnrv which is. bolng dono
and which has boon dono by some of
the men and women of this commun
ity In helping tho boys and girls to
bocomo hotter nnd to enjoy life moro
Intensely. Wo did not mention tho
men and women who uro sotting n
bad oxamplo by living riotous lives
We did not miss them thoughtlessly.
Nor did wo mention thoso who for
gain arc trafficking In virtuo, booze,
narcotics and other means of destruc
tion. They Wore omitted purposoly.
Wo did not name any of tho law
breakers, Sabbath dosecrators or
'inonoy-mad profiteers who. Hvo In
ovory community and ofton on tho
community. Thoy wore not oven
thought of. Tho coming generation
will not remember them for their
good works for thoy will bo forgotten
a soon as the funoral is over. Tho
boys and girls urq our grcatoat public
Interest and ho or sho who can do
anything to help boys and girls Is
serving humanity with tho right pur
pose WATCHES 1
Wo havo boon tho watch inspector
for the last 25 yoars in North Platto.
In this tlmo wo havo boon taking care
ol tho watches for tho Company. Wo
keep tho finest of ropulr men, nnd
when a watch Is sold from our stock,
wo aro nblo to mako good our guaran
tee Wo carry a vory largo stock of
inon's and ladles' watches. Dixon,
tho Jeweler.
4 . I
r,- f . '.Vf .
:iW4r . ' . -V " I J J .
trihum: office and shop talk
Tho Tribune Offico Is printing n
llttlo montbly pnpor for llov. C. P.
Koch. It Is cnllod "Tho Lutheran
I riolpor." Rev. Koch' distributes tho
copies through tho mulls to thomom
I burs nnd ndhernnts of bin church. It
'in now In Its ninth volume and tho
I subscription prico Is GOc u yonr. Wo
like to print this papor because it Is
so full of good things.. Whllo of
pooullar intbroflt to Lutherans, it Is
full of Inspiration to nnyoifo who will
take tho tlmo to read nnd think.
In lino with what we said once be
fore wo print tho following which Is
copied from tho Itolotto (N. D.) Rec
ord: A noat Woll worded letterhead Is tho
first kind of advertising for tho up-10-dato
progrosslvo farmer. Tho name
of tho farm Is the mniu feature of the
woll planned lottor head, tho product
Is the second important and the far
mer's naino is tho third. . A short,
snappy, easily romomborod slogan
dfton adds to tho forco of this letter
advertising. Keep tho lottorhead
simple nnd dignified and do not crowd
loo much on. An illustration, ir woll
dono, ndds to the attractlvonoss of tho
lottorhead nnd especially is this
truo If a good half tono photograph
oMho farm buildings Is used. Wo aro
printing a number of thoso letter
heads for tho farmers of -this vicinity.
Don't miss our Special window
salos tho next four days. Look olso
whero In this Issuo for particulars.
Austin, tho Jeweler, Keith Theatre
Bldg. ;
H. & S. Agency
313 West C Street
Flvo room, bungalow, modorn ft
oxcopt boat; good barn, chicken it
house, wash house. Flno trees ii
and lawn. Terms $1200.00 cash :-r
balanco $50.00 por month, it
I t
102.", West Gth Street It
Story and a half seven room t
' houso, modern oxcopt heat. it
l Oarage, chicken houso nnd coal
it houso. Largo trees and nlco it
lawn cornor lot. Cash $100.00,
balanco $45 por month. PrlCG li
$4500. J:
712 South Vino Street $
iilow; full basement; absolutely ft
now. A real bargain at $G000. g
Terms $1000 00 cash, balanco at ft
$G0 por month Including inter- :':
est. it
" J.:
807 West Gth Street ' it
Newly romodellod 5 room cot-. j
tage, modern oxcopt heat. Gas it
range goos with houso. Can as- i
sumo prosent loan amounting to :':
about $2100, balanco cash. Price it
$3500. l
Closo In flvo room homo, mod-
cm oxcopt neat Finished :ln
whlto enamel. Largo trees and Jj'team will play In Ogallalrt tomorrow
lawn, good barn. A bargain for
Homo luiRlnoas num. Hnnh $2000. it
ix balanco nt $45 por month. Prico 11
i.i CUUUU.UU. it
i it
Offico Phono 012J or IV, or cull if
.T, f, HOLLMAN or it
2 cents goes for telcphone
is Your Dollar Spent ?
Tlio average family dollaT is spent about like
this, so statistics say:
Pood 35 centa
Rent 20 "
Clothing ,16 "
Insurance, Savings, Etc 7 " ' .
Fuel and Llaht 6 " w . "
, House Furnlshlnas 4
Education and Amusemsnts 4 "
Slcknes .....3 " , .
Incidentals 3
AluvoBt the smallest iUm in tho fir Hy budget
is tie monthly talophone bill. But cc;..t you do
without tho telephone?
Northwestern beli.telephone
Sale o
You know what "Buck's Booterie'' Sales arc We don't have to go into
details, merely state that this sale is on our regular stock of Mens Shoes.
This unexpected sale affords you the most unusual opportunities to save
money on shoes that has presented itself for many years. This large dis
count is to be taken from the regular prices, which are in a great mnny
cases already greatly reduced, They include the best styles and leathers
in popular colors and late styles. Come in early and make your selections.
No. A283 Black Kangaroo, $15.00 grade, sale prico - $11.95
No. A249 Black, Kid, Combination last, reg. $15 grade - $11.93
No. A245 Black Kid, Straight last, regular $15 grade . $11.95
No. A495 Brown Call. Eng., regular $15 grade, now - $9.95
If you tuko one look at our $2.00
window display it will bo sufficient.
Get busy In tho next four days. Austin
tho Jowcler, Keith Theatro Bldg.
Mr. and Mrs. Nowtdn B. Buckley
were the paronts of a daughter which
died at birth at Omaha last Sunday.
Mrs. Buckloy is doing nicely. r
Dixon Optical Co. sight specialists.
If you tako ouo look ut our $2.00
window display it will bo sufficient
Get busy in tho next four days. Austin
tho Jeweler, Keitb Theatro Bldg.
Tho N. P II. S. girls baskotball
evening. A largo number of the stu
(Jont body is planning to attend.
On ono sldo of a record Marlon Har
ris says I'm a Jazz Vamplro; on the
other side sho advises you to Ndvcr
Let No Ono Man "Worry Your Mind.
Get it nt Dixon's' Music Shop.
Just received a largo shipment of
Evcrsharp pencils. Prices $1.00 up.
Clinton, tho Jowolor.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Croon, for
jnerly of this city and who havo boon
living in Julesburg for somo tlmo,
have arrived in North Platto and will
make their home here In the future.
On Saturday, January 15th, wo will
give uway Free with each Royal Ro
chester Percolator sold, 2 pounds of
I'Jlush's B'resh Roasted Coffee. See
OHr percolator window display. Der
rybcrry & Forbes, Inc.
Albert Haspel, a former resident of
this city, is hero this week on a visit.
Ho arrived Tuesday evening from
Los Angeles where he has been for
some tlmo. Mr. Haspel . says ho pick
ed tomatoes, peas anU violets out
doors on Christmas Day.
'Don't miss our Speclul window
sales tho next four days Xiook- else
where in this issuo for particulars.
Austin, the Jeweler, Keith Theatre
ThO II. & S. Acencv rnnnrtu thn
'Allowing sales: 613 Shqridnn Ave.,
orth Platto Home Builders to H. R.
Ayors; 1814 West 3rd, St Northl
jt-iaiie liomo mnwers to u. liriseno;
,712 S. Vino St. North Platte Home
Builders to W, S. Cheney; 308 S. Vine
St. Guy Granger to Walter A. Gil
christ; 907 Bust 5th St. Henry Sud
mnn to W. H. Blount; 708 West 1st
St. Coolldgo Estate to K Moulton.
The meeting of. the officers and di
rectors of tho Sales Pavilion Co,
which was announced in theso col
umns last Tuesday avIH bo hold at
tho Court House tomorrow, Saturday
nftornnon, nt two O'clock. I. D Wood
Agricultural Engineer at tho Stato
Farm nt Lincoln will bo present and
spenlt on tho requirements of a good
sales pavilion. All sjtockmen and
farmers Interested should bo there
ov'nn If thoy aro not officers or direc
tors. AT THE
Herbert Rawlinson
. with All-Star Cast
Larry Lemon
"The Gauntlet
Harry Mosey
2 reolfcomedy
"Setting on the World
With Star Caste
inter Shoes
Enow as
Shoe Market
Just recolved a largo shipment of
Evorsharp poncils. Prices $1.00 up.
Clinton, tho Jowolor.
North Platto Floral Co. Flowers.
W. Twelfth Street Phone 1023
Wo deliver and ship anywhere
..General Hospital..
One Hall Block North 01 Postoflice.
Phone 58
A modern institution for the
cientiHc trentmnt of medical,
wgical Bnd confinement casea.
Compltly equipped X-Ray
nnd diagnuutic laboratories
Geo. B. Dent. M. D. V. Lucas, M. D.
I. B. Redfield. H. D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D,
Report having been made to tho
Hoard of County Commissioners of
Lincoln County. Nebraska, liv the
Clerk of tho District Court of said
County, which report shows that there
is now and has boon for tho last six
months remaining in tho hands of
said District Clork certain witness
fees which have be'en uncnlled for, to
wit: John AlcConnell S9.G
J. L. Lewis 4,00
Harry. Worland 2.10
i". Josaun ism
Earl Hamilton 2.10
M. E. Conway 4,00
Mrs. J. T. Richards n 2.10
V. Polsky , z . r 2.10
Jlllton Haney . 2.10
Charlvs Tatum 2.10
D. Ranoy . , 2.10
Ray Logan 2.10
O. J. KHno 2.10
Mrs. H. P. Larson 2.10
Dean Dowkor , . . 2.10
V. V. Clark c.10
C. Q. Williams , . 1.10
11. liurton 1.10
Guy Swopo ,. 1.00
George Wilson ... 3.10
R. T. Covordalo I 2.10
E. E. Dohnor ', 2.10
O. C. Par noil . 240
Fred Dlohl . 3.G0
Prank Donolly . c.CO
Dorsoy Loypoldt u.i
John Nelson -..5.60
G. Stogoman 3.10
Dorsoy Harden 3.20
Frank McDonald 3.20
Richard Stogoman ... 1.00
W. L. Lozlor - 1.00
A. E. Wood 4.30
G. D. Brown 5.10
Louis Jocdokor 4.00
Now if such fees shall not bo called
for within bIx months from the 31st
day ot Docomber, 1920, tho samo shall
bo considered as forfeited and will bo
paid into tho County School Fund of
said County.
Datod this Gth day of January, 1921.
A. S. ALLEN, County Clerk.
A Paramount Picture
Extra! Kxtnv iVmazing rovolatlonsl
All tho scandalous doings of her Roy
al Highness Mario Louise. Grand
Duchess ot Umpty-Umtla!
For whon that llttlo lady turned sour
on roynl folde-rol, kicked over a nost
of nohlos landed in lovo and a Yankeo
hash houso woll, you'll say Its a
accompanied by
Monday and Tuesday.
Julius Pizer
I make loans on first
real estate mortgages.
Office B. & L. Building
with Roberts Bros. Land Co.
Water rent is now due ami hommpa
delinquent January 20. All consumers
...111 i 11..
wm Kinuiy pay Dy mat aate. Hershey
Welsh, Water Commissioner.
Taken up by the undersigned on
his premises nino miles southwest of
North Platte, Lincoln Co., Nebraska,
on tho first day of July 1920. one iron
gray maro weighing 1000 lbs. and ono
yearling weighing about 700 lbs.
Dated tills 18th lnv nf Nnr inn
Signed: A. E. MOORE.
Estate No. 1763 of. Hazel Ireno
Flobbe, deceased in tho County Court
of Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nobraska, to all per
sons interested in said Estate take
notico that tho Administrator has filed
a final account and report of his ad
ministration and a petition for final
settlement and discharge as such,
which havo been 'set for hearing bo
foro said court on January 29th, 1921,
at 9 o'clock A. M., when you may ap
pear and contest tho same.
Dated Decomber 30, 1920.
D31-J3vks County Judge.
Estato No. 178G of .Richard L.
Gravcsj deceased in tho County Court
of Lincoln County, Nobraska.
Tho Stato of Nobraska, bs: Credi
tors of said estato will tako notico
that tho tlmo United for presentation
and filing of claims against said Es
tato is August 1st, 1921, and for set
tlement of said Estato is December
13th, 1921; that I will sit at tho coun
ty court room in said countv nn VnUr.
I uary 1st, 1921 at 9 o'clock A. M.. and
on May 1st, 1921, at 9 o'clock A. M.,
iu luvuive, examine, near, allow or
ill d ciaims ami objections duly
All claims not filed on or before
Agust 1st 1921 will bo forovor barred
D14-4 wks County Judge
Estato No. 1790 of James Babbitt, de
ceased, in tho County Court of Lin
coln County, Nobraska.
Tlio Stato of Nebraska, ss: Credit
ors of said estato will tako notico that
tho tlmo limited for presentation and
filing of claims against said estato Is
APril 23 1921 and for settlement if
said I pstato Is Decomber 24, 1921: that
I will sit at tho County Court roim l
said county, on January 28, 1921 at 0
oclock A. Mi, and on April 28 1921
at 9 o'clock A. M., to reclre, examine'
hear, allow or adjust all c alms nnd
objections duly filed.
101"4w County Judge.
"Little Miss